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Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Comrade Brown Urges People Not to be Fooled by ‘Bourgeois Capitalist Tory Scum’


The unelected leader, Comrade Brown, who was in the middle of selling off more state assets to fund huge state losses caused by his policies, warned the people via televisual address of the impending danger of democracy looming over the horizon.

“Comrades, brave Bolshevik warriors, hero postmen, peoples union leaders, commissars and our beloved Stasi politburo. We are coming through a time of great Soviet change. The recession caused by my idiotic, wasteful, atrociously irresponsible decisions and the crisis of trust in our Soviet politics have tested our Soviet British State. The view from where I stand is not of a Britain that is broken, but of a Britain that is ready to bounce back even further into the sewer with my superior leadership skills.

“Nowhere is the resilient Soviet British spirit found more strongly than among our armed forces, fighting bravely in Eurasia to preserve oil pipeline networks so that the Soviet British energy needs are met.

“They are an inspiration to us all and we honour their courage as they are blown to bits daily for nothing.

“Comrades, At our conference last week, we set out an ambitious set of new policies.

“A new politics – reforming our institutions by selling off everything of value, taking away more peoples freedoms, ruining more peoples lives with increased taxation and less employment.

new broken society – with new guarantees for early death after a diagnosis of cancer on the NHS;
delivering earlier indoctrination ages for children and earlier liquidation of the elderly; and taking less action on anti-social behaviour by increasing police paperwork and decreasing sentences. And most importantly, an old Labourite economy of enriched failure, poverty, riots, social horror – to help British families and businesses rot away faster, not just get by rotting slowly.

“I have seen
how unemployment wrecks communities. And this is why I am making sure there is less and less employment for everyone and an increase in poverty, taxation, sheer uselessness of government policy and utter hopelessness.

“Ask most independent experts and they will tell you that the action we have taken is working in destroying Britain’s economy, culture, industry and families.

“The action Britain has taken has helped create 4.5 million unemployment placements.

action costs money. But the alternative – to do something – would cost the controlling socialist hierarchy even more.

we have secured the non recovery, we will cut back the deficit of £30 Trillion by introducing more work houses and gulags.

“Beware of the threat of democracy rising over the horizon my dearest comrades.

“At every turn, the Conservative economic plan has shown up their misjudgment and inexperience. They are nowhere as good at ruining the economy as us. They are nowhere near at corrupting hard fought freedoms for slavery and injustice. They are nowhere as good as us at increasing crime statistics so high that violent crime is now a part of daily life.

“It is easy to talk about
change and we talk about it constantly while bringing the British soviet people into further enslavement and brainwashing. That’s
how Labour brought about the creation of the NHS and the minimum wage.
That’s how I have overcome every challenge in my life.

“I know
the British people will not be fooled. Our Soviet nation’s instinct is to know
if something’s phoney when we hear it, to side with fairness and
responsibility, and to root for those who have the backbone to stand up
for their beliefs but not elections. That is why you will believe everything I tell you without question and vote for me again in the unelection which will probably never take place in any of your lifetimes.

“I leave you all with a great quote from my mentor: “The people who cast the votes don’t decide an election, the people who count the votes do.”

Leading Think Tank: "Gordon Brown Blinded by Power"


The Bristol based think tank commissioned by the Society for Research Statistics and Policy has stated that Gordon Brown has not only been “blinded by extreme power crazed politics” but is also “blind to the peoples wishes” and his “clunking fist of totalitarian control” has in effect “totally blinded him”.

Roger Magoo, a senior researcher for the Brown Stain think tank said this yesterday: “Some may say that we’ve had a blind bastard leading the country ever since the unelected coward shoehorned himself into the post, but we have to look into the fine detail of his iron fisted rule to see how utterly blind he really is. I’ve seen bats with more sight than Gordon. He may be blind to what is really going on in the country and he may be blinded by ultimate power of the people but can he see the writing on the wall this coming election? Is he blind to that as well?”

The unelected prime minister is so cowardly and reprehensible that he is now looking at strategies to get him off losing the only election he will ever participate in.

“Gordo’s looking to pull a sickie. He’s like the little kid who wants to get out of playing the Rugby game so he goes to matron and gets a sick note to show his PE teacher. He’s already done so much damage to the country and is not paying a blind bit of notice to what anyone thinks about his actions. In fact he’s so blind to the peoples feelings that if he was smacked in the face with a brick he’d thank the person who threw it and keep on gurning,” Mr Magoo added.

Man Wins Nobel Prize for Doing Absolutely Nothing


“This is an amazing honour. I am truly humbled for winning this prize for doing f*ck all. What do I get when I actually do something?” the bemused man said before stepping onto Air Force One.

Could this be something to do with ‘Change’? In this case there has been none.

War is Peace

One of the judges who voted on the prize panel said: “This guy just turned up out of nowhere. Hell, he doesn’t even have a valid birth certificate so we just thought we would give him a Nobel Peace Prize instead.”
The prize winner is over the moon and retired to the Oval room to twiddle his thumbs and put his feet up on the desk.

“He’s lazy. He sleeps all day and most of the night. He wakes up and orders six buckets of chicken, walks on water for a bit then goes back to f*cking sleep. The boy’s done shit all for the country let alone for the world. Shucks, who they gonna give the prize to next? Dubya? He deserves it more than this guy, but he actually did something like murder millions of people in cold blood and bring America’s economy to its knees,” a Pentagon official told CBS news today.

£1 million Earner Paxman to Join Marxist Commune


Jeremy Paxman was set to prove his ant-capitalist leanings today after revealing that he would discard the champagne lifestyle of fast cars and fast women for the more austere environs of a Marxist commune of socialist eco-crusties deep in the English countryside.

“After his severe beating down by the conservative mayor of London, Boris Johnson, where Mr Paxman was forced to reveal his huge earnings of a million pounds per annum, he has decided to take a sabbatical at a Marxist commune and get back to his commie roots,” a spokesman for the BBC’s Newsnight programme announced.

The staunch Labourite Paxman who is deeply ashamed of his huge earnings and his champagne socialist lifestyle will be replaced by another donkey faced bully of which there are many skulking around in the BBC stables.

Jeremy Paxman’s privileged education at Malvern and Cambridge are testament to his ‘working class’ background thus his embarking on intensive elocution lessons to learn cockney rhyming slang for five hours a day.

BBC 2 will be making a documentary on Jeremy Paxman’s time at the commune which will be broadcast next year. Mr Paxman’s fee for the three month stint at the commune will be a tidy £750,000.

McDonald's Restaurants to Open at the Louvre

We’re not making this up. It’s really true, the Louvre is going to have a Mcdonalds restaurant inside the building.

“The Daily Squib writers thought up this unbelievable story many weeks ago and the idea had been canned by the Editor in Chief. We thought it was just too crazy for anyone to even believe but now it seems that real life is even crazier than fiction. F*ck me sideways, a McDonalds in the Louvre? You must be insane!” Phil Myass, one of our staff writers said yesterday.

Have the Frenchies gone barmy? What’s next, a Starbucks in the palace of Versailles?

“This is the pinnacle of exhausting globalised consumerism, sh*tty gastronomy and very unpleasant odours in the context of a museum. How about viewing some of the world’s greatest art whilst being accosted by the offensive smell of a greasy t*rd burger malevolently drifting under your nose?” an art historian working at the museum told the Daily Squib.

Bill Clinton Coached David Letterman Says Ex-Producer

“If you want to learn about how to conduct illicit affairs with interns why not learn from the master? That’s what Dave did, he got Clinton in to the show and he asked him how he did it so goddamn well. Bill is an expert in interns and during his tenure at the White House, he went though hundreds of them. Some say thousands. It was only when he got caught out with Monica Lewinsky on the end of his porker that he was brought out to pasture as they say,” Mr Pozlowski told the New York Times.

The Late Show’s host, David Letterman, was always in awe of Mr Clinton’s prowess in porking interns and not getting caught but instead of having his end away without any comeback he got a serious case of the extortions.


“First thing I want to know is what kind of an idiot extortioner tries to cash in a cheque for $2 million? The guy must be a total moron of the highest order,” Letterman said on his talkshow last night while an intern serviced him from underneath his desk.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton was nowhere to be seen after it had been revealed that her husband was the inspiration for Letterman’s downfall.

“Bill even suggested that Letterman should make sure the pretty interns wear white dresses instead of blue ones, that way you can get away with a lot more. He also told Dave how to keep a secret bedroom like the one he has in his presidential library and the one in the White House that he got the secret service boys to fix for him during his presidency,” Mr Pozlowski added.

One thing is for sure, they both have some very understanding wives, either that or some selfless doorsteps willing to put up with their philandering hubbies so that they can enjoy the money and status they would otherwise not have.

G7 G4 G20 and G54 to Meet in One Room


“It’s like this, we’ve got some majorly rich G7 countries who are going to mingle with some slightly rich G20 countries and they in turn are going to mingle with the G54 lot. It’s going to be the party of the century and we’re making sure we have the right type and amount of canapés at the meeting,” Ashley Risburger, a representative of the G20 nations told the Financial Times.

With power shifting from the G7 and onto the G4, the G20 nations have sometimes felt underappreciated with the proceedings and are now pushing for the G54 contingent to muscle in as well.

“This is the first time all the G7, G20, G4 and G54 countries are meeting in one hall. We’re so excited but it’s going to be one heck of a meeting,” Sam Finklestein, a US eco lobbyist told Reuters.

There are plans to amalgamate all the G nations into one group of G240 countries but some diplomats say that this would mean that the meetings would be less frequent annually thus depriving delegates of gourmet meals and other goodies.

Larry Jenkem, who deals with International Monetary Policy, was today calling for a change of letter within the G nations.

“We want a different letter. Maybe we should move onto F countries. You know like F20 and F7. I think that actually sounds better than G,” Mr Jenkem exclaimed.

Some commentators on the G20, G7, G4 and G54 have however chosen to ignore all the suggestions because of the yawn inducing nature of the whole matter.

Tony Humbug, 49, an agitated British voter said: “F*cking hell, it’s enough to make you want to shave your eyeballs with a rusty razor. These G whatever meetings they’re always having. They just talk and talk and talk. Pamper themselves on booze, gourmet food and high class pr*stitutes then go back home to repeat the same thing next year. All the while, outside every meeting there are people causing bloody havoc with riots while these ponced up arseholes are blabbing away as if nothing’s going on. I’m sick of the whole bloody lot. Forget about G, I say it should be Zzzzz.”

Blair Licking Lips for Irish EU Referendum ‘Yes’ Vote


“I can already smell the scent of extreme power touching the outer edges of my flared nostrils. Ooh the stench is intoxicating. The utter power of it all! Europe and the world will be mine. This makes murdering all those Arabs in Iraq like a tiny snack to me. Now when we get the stupid paddies to vote and ratify the treaty it’s all going to be mine,” Mr Blair told a meeting of senior bankers yesterday.

Tony Blair is in line to be proclaimed Europe’s first president within weeks when the Irish vote ‘yes’ in today’s referendum.

According to European technocrats the Irish vote is in the bag.

“The bribes will work and we have been inundating them with propaganda for weeks. Even if the Irish idiots say ‘No’ we still have Special European Soviet Union powers to make that into a final ‘Yes’ vote,” an EU official told Le Monde newspaper.

BBC’s Andrew Marr to Receive ASBO


“This will teach that bastard swine Marr not to mess with Gordo. We can announce today that Andrew Marr has been awarded an ASBO for daring to ask Gordo if he popped pills. Well, it’s safe to say that this ASBO will ensure that Marr thinks twice about ever asking truthful questions to the PM. He should only ask scripted spin questions and we are going to see that his career falters for his indiscretion,” Lord Mandy said to a group of sycophantic dalek-like Labour robots.

The ‘Anti Social Behaviour Order’ that has been served up to the BBC interviewer will serve as a warning to any other broadcasters thinking of messing with Labour’s totally detestable acts of denial in the public forum.

Feeling blue

“Everything is rosy with our party. Labour is going to win the next election and anyone who doesn’t vote for us will receive an ASBO as well. We are prepared to incriminate everyone and anyone who badmouths us in any way and if it’s not ASBOs we could also introduce you to GULAGS. How would you all like that?” Lord Mandy added mincingly.

The Prime Minister was today even considering slapping ASBOs on the entire staff of the Sun newspaper after former Comrade in arms, Rupert Murdoch betrayed his former master and plumped for a new team à la Cameron.

“It seems our state broadcasting network which has been controlled by the Labour party since the suspicious death of a certain Dr Kelly before the illegal invasion of Iraq, has been compromised by Mr Andrew Marr. Well, we have ways of dealing with enemies of the socialist state, and an ASBO will ensure he tows the party line next time. But we all know, of course, there will never be a ‘next time’ for Marr, will there?” Lord Mandelson said with an evil grin and a look of utter glee on his face.

Andrew Marr may have been given an ASBO by the Labour party but the rest of the nation thinks he should have received a gold medal and numerous Knighthoods for his efforts.

Unelected PM Brown Coked Up to the Eyeball


“Gordo gets about two and a half hours sleep a night. He’s a paranoid wreck and breaks out in cold sweats every few minutes grinding his teeth manically. It’s quite distressing for the staff because one minute he’s throwing a fax machine through a window and the next he’s rushing off to the toilets. We don’t know if he’s coming or going, in fact we don’t think he knows either,” a senior Number10 aide told Britain’s state broadcasting station, the BBC yesterday.

Although the PM has flatly denied that he is ‘coked up to the eyeball’ he has been seen numerous times with a white powder-like substance on his nose.

There has also been cause for concern about the ailing PM’s erratic behaviour.

“He’s got a nervous twitch, something he does with his mouth, like an ‘o’ shape. His aides tell me they are very concerned about his eyeball as well because of his one eye, if he overdoses he might lose the sight in the other eye as well. He’s already bumping into things anyway and has to read documents about 5cm away from his face. It can take hours for him to read one page. Surely this guy can’t run a country effectively like that? I knew that of course before i jumped ship. No wonder he’s f*cked everything up. Gordo could f*ck up a cup of coffee anyway, but run a country? No way!” Tony Blair, the ex British PM told a group of delegates who paid $14,000 each to see him speak for two hours in Arizona.

Maybe it is time that Gordon Brown has an Intervention to curtail his drug taking and reckless coke binges which are threatening to derail his disastrous premiership.