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Royal Mail: No Junk Mail and Bills Delivered for Weeks


“It will be like a breath of fresh air. No more junk mail and no more bills for a whole week, maybe even a month,” a Lewisham resident, Sam Qwerty, 78, told the Independent.

The brief reprieve in mass junk mail deliveries will ensure a collective sigh of relief across the nation.

“No more credit card bills, council tax demands, gas and electricity, water rates, car tax, car insurance, TV licence tax as well as the useless junk mail trying to sell me things I will never ever need. I used to feel utter fear when I heard the tell-tale noise of letters dropping through my letterbox. Well, thanks to our boys and gals at the Royal Mail we shan’t be having any deliveries for weeks, maybe months..it’s bloody marvelous it is,” Deirdre Hollingsworth, a retired widower struggling on her measly pension said yesterday.

Britons Take Early Retirement off Somali Pirate Coast


They’re like moths being drawn inexplicably towards the flame; the irresistible urge for British retired holidaymakers to take their luxury yachts into the pirate infested waters off the coast of Somalia is positively captivating.

“As soon as I bought my luxury yacht I had to sail it to the pirate coast of Somalia and be captured by pirates. They shoot me, my wife, our dog and parakeet tomorrow, but boy has it been a trip of a lifetime,” Reginald Merrion, a retired businessman from Surrey, who relayed his final message to a French warship via morse code a few days ago.

Forget about Marbella, the Cote D’Azur or Monaco. Everyone knows the place to be is the Somali coast.

They have untouched beaches where you can be dragged by your hair before you are hidden in a shack for ransom. The cuisine on the Somali Pirate Coast is exquisite, you will be greeted with such delicacies as dog meat, fresh maggots and cold rice. One must not forget the hospitality as well, it will cost you literally an arm and a leg but your life savings will go a long way — until the middle of next week.

“We stayed in 4 star accommodation in the hull of a pirate ship before we had our life savings delivered to the pirates so we could be freed. I’d do it again tomorrow I tell you, the service was excellent and I think I even left them a tip after they shot my wife,” Joseph Hargreaves, 68, a retired airline pilot told the BBC after his release.

Peter Andre and Jordan to be Shot Up into Outer Space


In a bid to save the planet from the pollution of their being, EU leaders have decided it is the best thing for humanity to have these two soulless, banal bores who are clogging up the world’s media every minute of the day, shot into the far regions of the galaxy.

Speaking from the White House, President Obama, made the joyous announcement: “Our British friends have begged for our help in this matter and we have obliged. We do not know who these non-entities are in the US but we have been told that they are a bunch of utter wankers. For humanities sake and the sanity of the planet, I have ordered NASA to shoot these two awful attention-seeking moribund talentless t*rds into the far reaches of the universe. They shall be space junk, travelling egos of falsitude. Maybe, they shall encounter new life forms out there but I f*cking doubt it but if they do — let’s hope the aliens conduct horrendous experiments upon their D-list celebrity bodies. The aliens will however be disappointed if they try and delve into their pitiful minds because they will not find a morsel of intelligence between the two.”

After Obama’s announcement there were jubilant celebrations across the globe.

“Here in Essex we feel we have lost one of our own, but it’s for the best innit?” Dina Fellatio, a 25 year old hairdresser from Chesney told a local radio station.

The rockets that will propel the two celebrities into space will travel at over 3000 mph and the trajectories have been set so that the rockets will travel in opposite directions. The specially designed space-crafts (coffins) will then travel through space for the next thousand odd years.

“Katie’s rocket will have pink fluffy dice in it, a good selection of 12” dild*s as well as a bucketload of orange skin dye and her favourite trash mags with her scowling botoxed face plastered over them. Peter’s rocket will be decked out with his crappy autotuned banal r&b ‘music’ so he can travel into oblivion listening to the sound of his turgid greasy saccharin excreta until the oxygen in the craft finally runs out,” a Cape Canaveral NASA employee told the BBC after the important announcement was made yesterday.

New Study: Cellphone Use is Good For You



Long term mobile phone users live longer and have increased brain function, according to a two decade-long study.

The report, to be published later this year, has reportedly found that heavy mobile use is linked to increased life expectancy and higher intelligence.

Talk More Live Longer

Doctor Emile Munchausen of the Stockholm Institute of Science said: “We have found after the twenty year study that having large doses of microwave energy directed into the skull is entirely beneficial to the recipient. When the brain is technically microwaved like that every day, the users intelligence levels increase because of the altering of braincells. We therefore encourage populations to increase use of the mobile phones and to use them for longer periods as well.”

Doctor Munchausen’s study utilised 12,800 people in 13 countries funded partly by the World Population Control Organisation and all mobile phone companies. The WPCO has also funded other research like: “How cigarette use is good for you” and are also supporters of the world famous “Eat More Junk Food Day”.

results of the inquiry, which were looking at whether mobile phone
exposure is linked to better health, have been sent to a scientific journal.


The study also found increased health of populations who live near mobile phone masts. In the UK alone there are millions of these masts which pump out large doses of health giving microwave energy.

“We encourage the world’s increasing populations to talk for longer periods on these cell phones. You can spend hours on the phones and you will be increasing your health. Don’t forget parents, the younger your child is, the better it is for them to talk on their portable phone,” a NOKIA spokesman said about the study findings.

findings are expected to put pressure on the Government to encourage even more use than they have already been doing– which has
always insisted that mobile phones are safe and good for you.

Brown Saves Economy


“Mr Brown’s twelve year plan for the British economy has worked wonders I tell you,” a jubilant city worker at London’s Canary Wharf told the Economist magazine before jumping headfirst out of a closed sixtieth floor window.

Britain has never had it so good. Everywhere in the streets people praise Gordon Brown for his economic miracle.

“I’ve been through two world wars sonny, and I have to say Gordon is an economic genius. I mean, who would have thought of selling the UK’s gold reserves at the bottom of the market, or saddling the British taxpayer with debts lasting for the next 40-50 years? I’m glad I won’t be around then eh, because it’s going to get a lot bloomin’ worse,” Archie Knebworth, 95, told the Sun newspaper.

Thanks to Brown’s economic miracle and diligence, the gross domestic product has contracted for six consecutive quarters.

Gordon Brown’s Twelve Year Economic plan has also resulted in the economy shrinking 5.9% since his unelected prime ministership began – just 0.1% less than during the downturn of 1979-81.

The pound fell by one cent against the dollar immediately following the release of the data from the Office for National Statistics and is now at it’s lowest point in 15 years.

A member of Gordon Brown’s inner circle reiterated the good news: “This is great news. Britain is going to be in recession for the next forty years thanks to Gordon Brown. We’re printing more money as we speak and everything’s doodle dandy if you ask me. Help!”

Banks Now Require Applicants to Beg for Mortgages


The Financial Services Authority (FSA), the City watchdog, has called for more “begging and snivelling” from the public if they wish to obtain any home loans. The criteria to be applied by banks and building societies, with borrowers subjected to rigorous begging on the carpets of banks will eventually increase lending say bankers.

“The more you beg the more we listen. We’re even considering having a beggo-meter installed in all of our branches,” Ashmole Beane, branch manager for the local Natwest branch in East Grimsdale told the BBC.

If applicants do not grovel enough in front of the lending officer they will be ushered out of the door and told to come back in a few weeks when they have got their begging skills up to par.

“You will be required to kneel in front of the bank worker and emote with gusto. How much do you want to own a house? We want to see tears, despair and utter desperation. Then if you pass the first level we want to know every minute detail about your shitty life. Which pub you drink in? How much you spend on booze and what the cost of your wife’s yearly undergarment expenditure is. Presented with photographs and bar charts, of course,” Mr Beane added.

Taliban Party Wins Afghan Election


The Afghan people have voted and embraced the democracy brought over from the West once and for all.

Speaking from an opium manufacturing plant deep in the Southern part of the country, a Taliban commander was ecstatic at the polls results: “The Americans and British have been great for votes. They just turn up in places, we shoot them up or blow them to smithereens, then the people vote for us. It’s bloomin’ marvellous it is.”

One Western official said: “We are so glad the Afghan people have demonstrated they can vote for the leaders they want to rule them. Granted there was not much choice, it was either having your hands chopped off or voting for the Taliban but this is democracy and we respect that fully.”

Thousands of Taliban party supporters in southern Afghanistan, where they have the greatest
tribal support, have already blocked the streets with massive celebratory parties (without any music) after the astounding election result.

The White House said it was “an incredible moment in Afghan history” for Afghanistan to get a
legitimate government. “This Taliban party win has proved that democracy can work in a backwards tribal country,” said Robert Cribs, Mr Obama’s press

Bank Executives Get Away With Second Taxpayer Funded Heist


The Labour government has ensured that the bloated greed infused banking animals who chop their cocaine on boardroom tables and guzzle champagne at £25,000 a glass will have an extra pay day courtesy of more taxpayers cash coming their way even though the rest of the country is still trying to recover from the disaster the bankers created in the first place.

“Last night I snorted a kilo of charlie off a wh*res naked haunches, she charged £10,000 an hour for the privilege. That was all paid for by the taxpayer and it actually made me enjoy it more,” a trader for RBS told BBC News’ Rajesh Marchandrani.

Robber Barons

Top banks who have caused the financial meltdown in the first place with their greed and recklessness are now being patted on the back for their gluttony and given more bonuses at the expense of taxpayers.

“The taxpayers deserve everything they get. They deserve nothing more than to be punished for their crimes because this is the system we created for them and there is nothing the plebs can do about it apart from moan while we steal everything from under them again and again. We feel nothing but indignation and sheer disgust at their pathetic state. F*ck them and thank you Labour for making it possible for us to f*ck the people over. Socialism is so great,” Pierce Lambert-Butler, Chief analyst at Goldman Sachs told the BBC before speeding off in his Bugatti.

The financial black hole which has been plugged by the British taxpayers so that banking executives can carry on with their debauchery is another indication of how downtrodden the British public is.

“It is the role of the British taxpayer to be buggered royally by us every few years. What’s funny is that they’re actually surprised when it happens to them over and over again. Anyway, I’ve ordered up five top notch wh*res for tonight, we shall dine at London’s finest restaurants with a bill estimated at around £56,000. Then we shall retire to a Park Lane suite where I will snort lines off their naked bodies and be fellated by each of them in turn and sometimes three or four of them at the same time. My climax, will of course be tremendous as I unload my unholy cargo onto the outstretched tongues of these expensive commodities laid naked before me, and I shall revel purely in the thought that British taxpayers are footing the bill for all of this. Phoaargh!” Tarquin-Dickinson-Smythe, a spread trader at RBS told Reuters.

New Royal Mail Movie: ‘The Postman Never Rings Once’


The film set in modern day Britain will showcase the famous Royal Mail service that is responsible for the countries postal deliveries.

In the new film, which was filmed in a deserted postal depot in Walthamstow, East London, there are no stars or even cast.

“We’re going to be filming the sacks of post lying in the depot. Panoramic shots of unopened Christmas presents never delivered, and sack loads Christmas cards which were never delivered as well. The stars of the show will be the rats and mice who will be nibbling at the packages amongst the built up dust and cobwebs,” the film’s director, Mason Perdubero told the Mirror newspaper.

The film which will be released in late December will be in 3D and is said to be so engrossing that it may rival anything released by Titanic director James Cameron which will be released at the same time say movie pundits.

George W Bush Lost on Runaway Homemade Balloon


A massive search was launched after George W Bush’s friend Rummy said
he saw the
sixty three-year-old ex-president climbing into a box beneath the flying saucer-shaped craft.

“Dubya had invited us and some friends over for a cookout and we got ourselves a hot air balloon and planned on putting Al Gore in the helium powered craft and sending it up to 7,000 ft for some fun when things went horribly wrong. George was checking the tether and readying the craft when it suddenly lifted off and the look of sheer horror and terror on his dumb face made us all drop our charred meat and laugh our goddamn asses off. You should have seen the look on his face. I put ten bucks down that the alcoholic shit his diaper right there and then,” Donald Rumsfeld told CNN.

Dick Cheney, who was attending the barbecue, even rushed off to his car to fetch his shotgun but by the time he returned the balloon was at 5,000 feet and travelling at 60 mph.

Balloon Boy

The airforce scrambled some jets and some helicopters but all the world could do is watch the spectacle.

Millions of viewers around the world then watched the drama unfold as the
spinning craft sailed through the sky followed by camera crews in

The helium powered balloon finally came down in Colarado nearly 1000
miles away from Texas after it had been up in the air for almost six hours.

But there was no sign of Dubya. Then, as the world held its breath, police
made a dramatic announcement.

“Ladies and gentleman, we do not know where George W Bush has disappeared to. We have eyewitnesses who say he went into the balloon’s compartment but there was no sign of the little chimp when the craft landed. We can only assume the worst and extend our condolences to his family,” Denver state police trooper, Roger McAuliff told Fox News.

Mr Bush’s distraught wife, Laura, had this to say about the whole sorry incident: “George always wanted to go up into space. I just spoke to some people at NASA and they say they detected something in the stratosphere a few hours ago. Maybe Gump must have jumped from that height or something. I can’t believe this is happening!”