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Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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Obama Nearing Decision to Send More Troops to US Cities


“We need more troops on the ground here, it’s like a hellhole, a wasteland,” Arnie Fink, 27, staff Sergeant for 102nd Light Infantry division told Fox news who were reporting from the war torn country.

America, is a war zone with thousands of shootings everyday and they desperately need more troops to quell the unrest in America’s ghettos and streets.

“We’ve been at war for many years now and there is no sign of an exit strategy, when is Obama going to come out with a decision to send more troops to our own goddamn cities?” Jeremy Poindexter, a military analyst from Fort Hood, Texas, told a group of reporters on the front line.

Another 70,000 troops would man and support a new division headquarters
for the national force’s Regional Command (RC) South in El Paso. Some 4,000
additional U.S. trainers are likely to be sent as well, the officials

The first additional combat brigade probably would arrive in Washington D.C. next March, the officials said, with the other three
following at roughly three-month intervals, meaning that all the
additional U.S. troops probably wouldn’t be deployed until the end of
next year. Army brigades number 3,500 to 5,000 soldiers; a Marine
brigade has about 8,000 troops.

Residents of a small town in Arkansas are fed up with the delay for more troops from Obama including Ronald McPherson, 64, a factory worker who told CBS news of his wishes for more troops in American cities: “Instead of murdering people in cold blood in foreign lands we need to do more of that over here because we need to stop the shooters who are going on their rampages. I’m up for shooting Muslims to death in those countries but we got to shoot them on our home turf too. It’s like a skeet shoot or something sometimes. Yesterday I went to the store to buy me a loaf of bread, had to step over about six bodies on the way. C’mon Obama send more troops will you!”

Obama, it seems is under increased pressure to send more troops to deal with the U.S’ domestic crisis rather than creating more war elsewhere.

Kabul Grand Prix Gets Off to Explosive Start


Jenson Helmand made it two wins out of twenty one for Brown GP in Kabul on
Sunday afternoon, with a finely judged performance dodging suicide bombers and grenades that stretched his
world championship score to 12 points.

Before the race, the
Englishman had suggested that Brown’s domination was under threat after the team’s chief mechanic was abducted by the Taliban. But
when Louis Ascari was finally found and the ransom money paid to the tribal chiefs, there was relief all around — especially for Ascari who was prepared to endure a painful Taliban beheading on his person with a blunt butter knife, which, thankfully was averted in the nick of time.

It was just
a matter of waiting for the Toyota team to make their stops (leader Abdullah on
lap 11, polesitter Mahmoud bin Abdul on lap 12), and thereafter he nearly lost his head after his own first stop on lap 15 when Giancarlo Hamid tried to shoot him with an AK-47 (regaining it on lap 22 when
Mohammed and Ferrari’s Sheik Omar stopped and detonated their explosives), and after his second stop
on lap 37, when Ali Babba again moved ahead for three laps, this time on a camel.

from challenging, the young Afghan had his hands full looking after his
opium in traffic, so he stopped for awhile and smoked the lot missing the end of the race by three weeks.

A day that
started well for Toyota ultimately yielded an opium finish, but after
both cars started from the front row that had to count as a bribe payment. Abdul Azizi blamed a long middle stint on the prime
Kalashnikov tyre which let Osama pass in the final stops by shooting out his tyres and wishing he had caught his 72 virgins.

Helmand now has 10 points
from Mahmoud bin Abdul on 2, Sheik Omar on -92, Ali Babba on -74.5 and Giancarlo Hamid on -87.

More Good News Again Today


“I just had another awful f*cking day. I woke up and turned on the telly only to see Gordon Brown’s ugly brute face winking at me like a demented Cheshire cat mumbling about his handwriting or something or rather. Then we received more economic forecasts, X-Factor news bulletins and a dollop of Katie Price shenanigans. I might as well top myself now I tell you,” a resident of Grimtown, Manchester told the UK’s state controlled news service, the BBC, this morning.

If you’re not freezing in your mortgage hell cell block in some urine infested tower block in Lewisham waiting for a winter fuel allowance that will never come, then you’re doing alright. The rest of us just have to put it all on a credit card. Don’t think about tomorrow when you have to pay it all back at 39.5% APR or whatever astronomical amount it is. You can buy your loaf of bread and eat your watery pork fat soup for another f*cking day of misery in Gordon Brown’s grey horrible Britain. Cheer up folks it’s good to be alive, aye there’s another bonus for the bankers as they sit in their ivory towers frittering away our cash on high class prostitutes and cocaine and laughing at the taxpayers.

How about another strike in Gordon Brown’s Britain? Maybe a postal strike or an Underground strike, consider the dustmen as well, they need to strike too and the buses.

Good News

Is Simon Cowell dead yet? Unfortunately not yet mes amis, he continues to pollute the airwaves with the exploitation of young stupid karaoke singers judged by thick talentless c*nts with no remit whatsoever. He may be exploiting these idiots and raking in huge profits, but there is a good thought at the end of it all, he will pass away one day and have to leave all the millions of pounds he has acquired through evil means behind. His material possessions will hurt him more than anyone who detests his very being and soulless plasticity ever could.

More Good News

Gordon Brown will soon be gone. He will be discarded into the anal cavity of historic failure; to rest in abject anonymity and shame. No one will want to remember his unelected tenure because they will be reminded of pain and hurt and utter utter gormless stupidity.

Entrenched within the walls of prison Britain, where the surveillance comes thick and the police sit in their well lit offices writing out endless reports about nothing in particular, you may venture out one day and not worry about losing your spleen to an intoxicated feral 12 year old girl sloshed out of her f*cking brains on alcopops and skunk.

You may one day take a walk and sniff the air of future optimism, but then again, you may wake up and realise that you are still living in Gordon Brown’s Britain and it was all a dream.

Terror as Murdoch Empire Threatens to Pull News Sites from Internet


What’s the internet going to be like without Fox News, the Sun and the Times? How will people be able to live without the daily rants of the Murdoch empire’s newspapers?

The terrible news that Rupert Murdoch is planning to charge people to view his newspapers online came as an utter shock to many.

Can you imagine anyone paying to view a single page of Fox news or the Sun?

The biggest disappointment of all was finding out that there would not be any Sun slideshows available anymore for free. One of the Daily Squib staffers was inconsolable: “I first read the news that the old lizard wanted to get everyone to pay for his newspapers on the net. I immediately shouted out the words ‘No more slide show!’ and crumpled down onto the floor in a heap of utter despair.”

Internet readers all over the world were mourning the proposed loss of all Murdoch news online yesterday.

“This is a sad loss for the internet to lose the news from all of Rupert Murdoch’s media outlets being pumped out day after day, second after second. Now we have to work out a way of getting him to take away his hard copy newspapers as well from public circulation. I think if that ever happened there would be celebrations all over the f*cking world,” another avid internet newshound told our reporter.

Virginia Tech Graduate Doesn't Go on Shooting Spree


“George Herring graduated from Virginia Tech last year and has settled into his job as a junior chemist in a provincial town somewhere in the Midwest. It’s quite amazing because he hasn’t yet snapped and gone on a shooting orgy of violence like all the other students,” professor Arnold Geitner, told a university panel.

All of this week there have been media reports all over the American press about this astounding feat.

“Any channel you turn to, you will see pics of this guy. He didn’t do the American thing and go haywire, get some guns and start shooting. This guy actually graduated from his course then got a job. It’s like some kind of wacky dream or something. The media have been putting out this story on permanent f
*cking loop all week,” Ray Bundoni, a Virginia Tech student who is incarcerated in a maximum security prison in Montana for a shooting spree four years ago, told CNN.

“I always knew Herring was an oddball because he was never down in the shooting range perfecting his aim. He never carried spare magazines or gun cleaning oil. I also once saw him with a friend. How sick is that?” another ex Virginia Tech student told CNN from behind locked doors in a Nebraska State Penitentiary.

Virginia Tech prides itself in its record for turning out well seasoned shooters and released a brief statement today: “We abhor the news that one of our graduates actually got a job and is living a well adjusted life in a small provincial town out in the middle of nowhere. We reckon the clock is ticking and he won’t last for long. Our training has ensured that he will snap one of these days, you know like our most famous students, Seung-Hui Cho and the Fort Hood dude, Major Nidal Malik Hasan.”

Unelected Comrade Brown Thanks 'British' People for Sleepwalking into EU Marxist State


Speaking from what was previously called Trafalgar Square, now called the Peoples Red Square, Comrade Brown hailed the red hammer falling on the final nail in the coffin of British sovereignty.

“Your Ancestors Fought for Nothing”

“Comrades, today is a historic day in finally taking away every part of Britain that used to be British. Thanks to my signing away all of your rights, I have ensured that you will have no more cause for sovereign power or sovereign law. Your laws will now be solely dictated by unelected technocrats in Brussels as opposed to unelected bureaucrats in Whitehall.

“Comrades, under the new EU Soviet State, you will be told you are free every day and you will believe it as well. Remember, you are free to do as we tell you.

“Thanks to our Irish comrades in Sector 09, and the Czech comrades in Sector 13, the Lisbon Treaty of EU Marxist State Control was allowed to occur without any setbacks or delays.

“It was I, comrades, who also ensured the safe transition of Soviet collectivism within the old British capitalist state. I ensured the whole economy was ultimately bankrupted with crippling debts thanks to my useless spending splurges and idiotic wasteful schemes. It was I who ensured that Britain lost its sovereignty by agreeing to a referendum then reneging on the agreement thus betraying the British people forever.

“Thanks to the British people who offered no resistance whatsoever to my plans of throwing away the little freedoms you had. Please keep watching X Factor and Strictly Dancing. Do not wake up, and keep sleeping you useless f*cking sheep with no spines or guts. I shall reward you by increasing stealth taxes, fuel taxes and EU taxes as ordered by my bosses in Brussels. Have a nice f*cking winter of discontent in your cold, grey hovels of despair.

(applause from the assembled crowds and shouts of “Hail, comrade Brown! Hail, the supreme unelected leader!”)

After the unelected comrade’s triumphant speech, a cartload of Conservative MPs were wheeled out and hanged on the makeshift gallows. The highlight of the afternoon was the hanging of pretender to the throne, David Cameron, a capitalist agitator and enemy of the EU state. With the new EU directive and Lisbon treaty coming in to law, there will never be any need for any more ‘democratic’ elections or sovereign states separated from the EU Marx-State.

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British Troops Training Afghans to Shoot British Troops More Accurately


“We’re training the Afghans in our military techniques and giving away all our secrets so they can shoot us better,” said 1st Lieutenant Jim Jones of the 3rd Infantry Brigadiers regiment.

The Afghans, who are normally taught how to shoot an AK-47 by the age of two, are not in the least phased by the newcomers thinking they can be trained to shoot their own countrymen.

“Here in Afghanistan, if we’re not shooting foreign invaders then we shoot at each other. I don’t think the idiots who come here realise what the rules of the game are,” Abdul Omar, a Mujahadeen fighter, who has been recruited by the local British garrison to shoot some Brits dead, then run off into the night and never be seen again said about the exemplary training facilities.

A British commander was adamant that training the Afghans is a good idea: “We invaded their country, and now we’re training them to shoot us with more accuracy. We also train them up on better bomb making techniques and let them come into our heavily fortified compounds so they can tell their friends about our living habits. It’s all jolly good stuff I tell you. Ah, my tea just arrived.”

Random Horrific Daily Mail Headline Every 30 Seconds in UK


Someone is attacked by a Daily Mail headline every 30 seconds in Britain, figures revealed last night.

“Is it safe to come out from under the bed yet?”

After reading the latest stabbing headlines from the Daily Mail, many are so traumatised that they dare not go outside into the seething mass of tortuous hell that is Daily Mail Britain today.

It’s bad enough trying to survive in Gordon Brown’s Britain without having the horrific gruesome fear inducing headlines from the Daily Mail rammed into your brain every 30 seconds.

“I live in perpetual fear. I never put the lights on in my house at night and cower under the kitchen table reading the Daily Mail on my laptop. If it’s not how my house value has dropped by 3,500%, it’s about some nasty vermin feral scum who is waiting outside my door to stab me repeatedly with a six inch kitchen knife. Ooh look! I just refreshed the headline now and it says that I could die soon from cancer if I don’t eat more grapes everyday. Aaargh!” Johnson B. Smythe, 45, from Middle Britain told the Daily Mail.

The true picture of violent Daily Mail stories could be even worse. Some experts
believe that they are getting even more fearful by the day.

“We believe that the stories are getting so incredibly ridiculous that one day the Daily Mail offices might just explode with anguish. It would be quite a sight to behold, all those overpaid Daily Mail bullies all with their already huge heads exploded all over the streets. Quite a sight I tell you,” one of the media experts working on the project divulged.

American Files Lawsuit Against Self


The man from the Eastern suburb of Chichmaka, Boston, has filed a lawsuit against himself for “hurting my feelings” and “doubting my own judgement”.

Americans are well known for suing everything that moves or offends them in any way, so this latest episode of suing has not come as a surprise to many.

“We sue people for looking at us funny. We sue companies for picking up a hot cup of coffee and feeling the heat. I’ve seen sons and daughters sue their parents for denying them the latest fad toys from China. It’s a part of American life, that and prescription drugs for every ailment under the sun and shootings. Suing and getting whacked out of your head on Ritalin and Codeine whilst waving a sub machine gun around in your highschool canteen is a normal part of American life,” Arthur Emerson, a doctor at Boston’s general hospital told CBS news before being sued by a patient for saving their life.

Lawyers who are working to sue the man say that he should be justifiably angry at himself and they took on the case with eagerness.

“We positively encouraged this young man to sue himself for the hurt he has caused himself. It is an awful situation he is in. He instructed us to sue him for as much as we can get out of the sucker. That’s why we know the courts are going to throw the book at him, and of course it’s going to be ‘Cha Ching’ time for us,” Mr Weasel Slimer of Slimer and Cleaners Law Firm told CBS.

Gordon Brown Endorses Tony Blair


Tony Blair”s hopes of becoming the new EU President were dashed today as the unelected premier, Gordon Brown, publicly backed him.

“As soon as Gordon started publicly campaigning for Tony it was all over. The reverse-Midas touch of Gordo was unleashed and Tony was dropped like a hot potato by the EU technocrats who control everything in the undemocratic EU state,” a campaigner for Mr Blair told the Daily Telegraph.

Tony Blair was not available for comment but was said to be privately fuming that Gordon Brown had once again worked his dog turd magic on his presidential hopes.

“I think Tony must have thrown his TV through one of his many mansion windows after he heard that Brown was involved. What’s that sound I hear? It’s the sound of Cherie Blair sharpening a knife or two to thank Gordon Brown for his support. The expense account alone for this presidential job was enormous to say the least. The Blairs will be mourning the loss of this taxpayer funded goldmine and even though they own a dozen or so high end properties and are swimming in lucrative banking deals, they still want more, more, more,” Ari Fleischinger, press secretary for Tony Blair told Sky News.