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Urgent Climate Change Communique from Comrade Brown


Speaking from the Soviet Copenhagen Global Warming/Cooling Climate Change Environment Summit, the unelected commander in chief of British Soviet EU Sector 24 said: “Comrades, EU Commissars, Kommandants, Enviro-Stasi officers and of course the proletariat slave workers.

“As we are gathered here today in Copenhagen we mustn’t be distracted by the
behind-the-times, anti-soviet, flat-earth climate sceptics. We know the science. We know that the earth is warmed by the sun in the day and cooled at night when the sun goes down. We know that Climate Change is a natural occurance that has been happening for millions of years and will continue to do so regardless. We know what we must do. We
must now act and create another form of monetization for the human race and shut down personal human freedoms even further. We must use the Greening Issue as a way of bringing to the fore even more communistic methods of control that were nearly lost by the democratic processes of the vile capitalist scum. I suggest another Bolshevik revolution wherein we take those who reject the eco-communist way and put these people in eco-gulags in the deepest dark areas of Soviet Northern Britain. That will seal the deal.

New Age of Change Religion

“Comrades, we will keep repeating our eco messages again and again. We will indoctrinate the people at a younger age through mediums like Waybuloo and other soviet methods of mass mind control. The British Soviet Broadcasting Peoples Company has been churning out state eco-control programmes for some time now and the Greening of the Youth process is working wonders.

“Soon, we will outlaw the old ways completely and shut down all freedom. You will only be allocated a small of amount of Carbon Credits per annum. If you use more than your ration you will starve as we will then control all food supplies. Within the new eco-tyranny we shall outlaw cash and all personal property. Everyone will be tracked and filmed wherever they go. If you are not part of the soviet hierarchy, eco science department or elite controller, you are a liability to the environment and thus we have the power to curtail your carbon footprint by liquidating you.

“Remember comrades we are doing this for your very benefit and the planets environment. Of course it was us in the first place who polluted the earth with our vast Soviet industrialisation programs that have so devastated our immediate vicinity. However, now that the elite have reached a desirable technological and scientific level, there is no more need for the vapid consumers who were trained from birth to service the machine we created for them. And, of course comrades, it is absolutely useless for a small British soviet sector to do anything for the world’s climate when you have large sectors like China, India and America pumping out so much shit into the atmosphere on a daily basis. You know that and so do I that the whole eco-greening affair is a bogus scam but because we will keep repeating our message you will adhere to our new eco control systema.

“We always need a threat pushed onto the public. Terrorism was not enough to keep the populations in perpetual fear, neither was economic disaster, we all know that Global Warming is the new stick we shall utilise to bring in the new era of scientific technological tyranny.

“Our scientists have the hard data right here to prove that this is happening to our planet. It is right here in my hand now in altered ink I tell you. Do not listen to the anti-soviet deceivers and truth sayers. They are the dangerous ones here and they will all soon be rounded up and put into eco-re-education camps. If we, your commanders, tell you that snow is black, you will believe us unquestionably.

“Remember comrades, the anti-soviet greening sceptics may have logic and real scientific evidence behind them but they don’t have paid-off scientists doing their research. Their scientists do not get the funding to produce false data, ours do, and there’s the difference comrades. We are in power and we alone wield the mighty taxpayer funded cheque book of truth to gain an even more draconian hold over the human race.”

(Rapturous applause and shouts of ‘Long live comrade Brown’ and ‘He’s done it again, comrade Brown, saved the world for the fifth time this month’)

This message was approved by EU Directive ECO-4467738-143-b19

Conman Outrages Veterans at Military Parade


The unnamed man walked alongside 600 genuine war heroes wearing a selection of 9 military medals and badges, including a Canadian and New Zealand forces decoration.

Organisers became suspicious when they noticed that he had medals from the First World War, Second World War, Korea, Crimean War, the Falklands, Vietnam War, Gulf War, awards for both officers and privates and a few foreign — possibly Canadian — medals.

Military experts have confirmed that it would be impossible for one man to have been awarded all the decorations.

He was confronted by Jimmy Fetherington-Smythe, who helped organise the march in Bedworth, Warwickshire, on November 11. He admitted being a fake and promptly disappeared into a waiting limousine which was last seen heading towards Windsor, Buckinghamshire.

Members of the Bedworth Armistice Day Parade committee and angry servicemen have launched an appeal to identify the man.

Mr Fetherington-Smythe, 87, the committee secretary, who served as a private in the Parachute Regiment between 1961 and 1967, condemned him as “shameful”.

He said: “We have had idiots like this try to join in a few times and we tell them to get lost.

“It takes the mick and we get very annoyed that he will turn up wearing medals that genuine servicemen have earned. I bet this chap has never done a days service in a regiment let alone set foot on a real battlefield.

“One of my ex-SAS pals challenged him about his decorations, and he admitted he was a Walter Mitty fake.”

Nobel Peace Prize Winner Sends More Troops In


“Barack Obama sure deserves his Nobel Peace Prize, huh? He’s sending more troops to Afghanistan,” Tatum Halstead, a political commentator on Capitol Hill told CNN.

It seems that George W Bush’s War of Terror is continuing unabated under the new regime of Change.

“Mr Obama doesn’t even have a valid birth certificate so how did you expect any word that he uttered to be true in any way? Just deal with it you idiot sheeple who voted for another liar,” a senior Pentagon official said at a recent press conference.

A Nobel Peace Prize spokesman speaking from Oslo, Norway said: “President Obama was chosen for the Nobel Peace Prize for this very reason. He’s going to continue the invasions, ransacking, indiscriminate bombings of innocent Muslims and mutilation of poor brainwashed American cannon fodder. What better way of peace can that be? It’s like shooting fish in a f*cking barrel. Someone once said to me that a war is when two sides actually fight with relative equal armaments, well this ain’t a war, these people that America invaded are sitting ducks ready for the slaughter. I love this sh*t man. Next year we’re going to give the Nobel Peace Prize to some other killer, or maybe Barack Obama again, he can have the prize two years in a row if he keeps up the bloodshed.”

President Obama’s press secretary, Ari Goldberg issued a quick statement: “We’re offering the Afghan people our new Healthcare system. This is when we shoot them dead in their homes thus saving them from life threatening illnesses. If that’s not worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize I don’t know what is?”

Ex-Bush Admin Praises Afghan Obama Troops Stance


Bush administration denizens like Rummy, Rove and Cheney are all but smiles at Obama’s ‘Change’.

“During his electioneering, Barack was using the war against us, now he’s doing more war and sending more troops to their deaths for nothing. I got a big smile on my face right now because nothing ‘Changed’. Hell, I’d say it’s all the same, maybe worse. The only thing that ‘Changed’ is that we told you straight what we were doing, this guy doesn’t and he does the bad anyway. We’re still torturing those Muslim bastards too, heh, heh, heh,” Donald Rumsfeld, told Reuters yesterday.


Obama is now a symbol of the Republican war machine that was so prevalent during the dark years of the Bush administration.

“He’s sending more young American boys into the Afghan mountains to be mutilated by IED’s and VBIED’s. These poor bastards get about two months basic training then they step onto a mountain pass and have their goddamn legs blown off so that Barack Obama can lose an unwinnable war in a tribal land where even 160,000 Russkies could not win. What a liar Obama was during the election. We were duped people. He should be pulling troops out of that hellhole not putting more in,” a dismayed Obama voter from Washington DC told CBS news.

Sarah Palin Still Not Read Her Own Book


“I haven’t had the time to read the book yet but I plan on reading it when hunting season is over,” Mrs Palin said from her cabin, deep in the tundra of Alaska.

Commentators are baffled as to how she wrote the book in the first place without actually reading it.

“Please correct me if I’m wrong but is she trying to write books the Katie Price, Jordan way? Obviously, there is something very wrong here, and Sarah Palin needs to address it,” Dan Cayman, a writer for the Chuffington Post said.

Sarah Palin is most notable for her vast worldly geographical knowledge and non-insular stance on the world forum.

“She knows where Russia is, so she can write a damn book for gods sake. Hell, I heard her talking about going to the country of Europe next week to promote Going Rogue. Sarah is not just a pretty face and a hot body, she’s got a brain to go with that too,” Willis T. Mandibal, her publicist told the New York Times on Tuesday.

Jacko DNA Perfume Turns People into Perverts Fears


“I was never prepared for what would happen when I sprayed myself with Jacko’s DNA. I used to be a family man with four kids and married for twenty five years,” Billy Batts, 54, sobbed from his prison cell.

The transformation was astounding say his lawyers. All it took were a few deadly squirts of the dastardly DNA concoction and Mr Batts was in a plastic surgery parlour getting a nose surgery for the fifteenth time in a week; his face peeled and a frightwig surgically fitted onto his head. He claims that he was also uncontrollably drawn to hang around school gates wearing a dirty mac.

“I was going around with an empty can of soda filled with red wine called Jesus Juice. I built a circus in my back yard replete with half starving animals and a big fuckin’ Peter Pan statue in the middle. My wife left me and I lost everything, I don’t blame my wife for leaving with my four kids because I was by then trying to dangle the poor blighters out of the window from the third floor,” Mr Batts sobbed into his prison issue handkerchief.

No one yet knows how many people have been affected by this outbreak but there are fears that the numbers of people infected could be in the thousands.

Payday: Thousands of Women Claim Affair With Tiger Woods


Tiger Woods was braced for new trouble tonight amid reports that at least two thousand
women are set to go public with claims that they had affairs with the
world’s highest-earning sportsman.

Piece of the action

“He’s all mine,” shouts Janine Malfolio, 34, as she pulls another woman’s hair and an ensuing cat fight starts.

It’s the queue for the local Florida lawyers office Crump and Co. and the action is coming fast and quick as the multiple TV studios vie for the best shots of the competing women.

“Who gets the prize? We’ve got thousands of women here all claiming to have had an affair with Tiger Woods. It’s some serious shit I tell you,” one of the lawyers at the firm told CNN.

The famous golfer remained deep in the bunker in his Florida home today. He has denied an affair
with the thousands of women, condemned “the many false, unfounded and malicious rumours”
surrounding last week’s crash, and described the episode as a private
matter with the world’s media.

Geriatric Vampire Movie US Box Office Takings Record


Twilight Years
has smashed the record for box office takings in the US after it made
£85m in its first 24 hours of opening.

The film revolves around a group of geriatric vampires who have trouble with their teeth falling out when they try and bite their victims.

Twilight Years beat the previous record of Batman: The Dark Knight which made
£40m in its first 24 hours.

“Some of the vampires have to wear adult nappies and one even wears a colostomy bag, this can be quite cumbersome when approaching their prey and the whole film revolves around the challenges the aged vampires encounter,” the film’s director, Lugosi Bello told Hollywood Weekly.

The film, which cost just £30m to make, details a love affair between 98-year-old widower Nora Batty, played by Rachel Hannah, and 102-year-old war veteran vampire Winslow Sullen, played by Thomas Alberts.

Its success has been largely attributed to the charms of Alberts, who was
largely unknown a year ago but is now mobbed by old ladies wherever he

Unlike the vast amount of teen vampire films being released, this movie is a world apart and even includes a sex scene that has astounded cinema audiences with it’s ingenuity.

“People were bored of the same old Hollywood crap, we gave them something different for a change and you know what? They loved it,” the director added.

Taliban Use Hamsters as Bombs


The latest terrorist ploy was uncovered when a sentry shot one galloping towards a military camp in Helmand province.

There was a huge blast when a detonator connected to it’s rear was lit with a flare.

Major Jeremy Huntingsford of the Rifles regiment said: “The insurgents have really outdone themselves”.

The Taliban train their hamsters in special training camps on the outskirts of Lashkar Gah and are so feared by the Brits that they have been dubbed the ‘Talihamsters’.

“These Talihamsters sometimes rush at our base ten to a dozen at a time. We’re living in abject terror every day. They can sneak under the door you know, or the Taliban toss them over the walls with catapults,” Major Huntingsford added.

Credit Crunch II Coming to a Cinema Near You


Directed by little known director, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, and starring a plethora of Western sports stars, the latest offering in the Credit Crunch series is set to be a real banking heist.

“This movie is going to be bigger and a lot deeper than the first one. You’re going to see the QE2 ship going down, demolitions of very high buildings and some incredible sand storm footage. If you watched 2012 recently, that was nothing, Credit Crunch II is going to make that pale into insignificance,” the director of the film told the Dubai Times yesterday.

The film will be released in the UK after Christmas, but all the cinemas will probably be out of business by then so who f*cking cares anyway.