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Daily Squib ESG Rating Reported at -6500


If you don’t know what the ESG agency is and their woke communist agenda is, where have you been all this time? The environmental, social and governance agency, are an anti-capitalist organisation that seeks to ruin the global economy and bring forth a Marxist communist system where everyone is impoverished apart from the communist hierarchy.

Touted by the likes of the WEF and the Soros commie commissars who are dictating many things these days, the ESG agency is manned by woke social justice activists, hardline communists and militant Marxists.

“Our role within the financial and economic framework is to destroy companies pandering to our ratings. For example, the Bud Light transgender Dylan Mulvaney did an excellent job in destroying the business of Anheuser-Busch, he single-handedly lost the company over $70 billion in market capital, and he has completely tainted the Bud Light brand in America forever, however for this great work we give Anheuser-Busch and ESG rating of 98. If they go completely bankrupt, their score will be 100,” an ESG agent revealed to CNN on Thursday.

Other wokified companies like Nike, Starbucks and Buzzfeed, all adhere to solid ESG ratings by disseminating the communist ideology throughout the former capitalist Western economy.

“ESG was essentially created by China. We saw how they could blend hardline communism with solid capitalism controlled by a totalitarian, brutal dictatorship. Essentially, ESG has been given the role of moulding Western companies to the communist framework of China and the CCP, along with its staunch Maoist brand of communism. The West is thus aligning with China, and this is our ultimate goal,” chief commissar Brian Blofeld of ESG’s New York HQ told the New York Times.

The future looks so bright, I gotta wear shades…


The Daily Squib Book


Why waste your time on happiness when you can read satire instead?

Who needs positivity when you can read about the failing government, global crises, and the inevitable doom of humanity? The Daily Squib Book is the perfect choice for those who want to face the truth head-on!

Wake up from your happy-go-lucky world and enter a realm of cynicism and sarcasm.

Our articles will give you plenty to talk about, from absurd news stories to the darkest satirical commentary. Say goodbye to boring small talk and hello to controversial debates!

“To truly appreciate the Daily Squib book, one must possess the ability to suspend disbelief and embrace the absurd. By cultivating this intellectual flexibility, you become supremely adaptable, effortlessly navigating the twists and turns of life’s peculiar moments. While others struggle to comprehend the nonsensical, you maintain your superior composure, savouring the joy of finding humour and meaning in even the most baffling situations,” Professor Dean Pillok, George W Bush University, Kentucky, USA.

Tired of awkward silences? Let the Daily Squib Book guide your conversations!

Reading the Daily Squib Book will elevate you to a new level of intelligence and wit. You’ll be able to spout obscure references and clever quips, leaving those around you in awed silence. Don’t just read for entertainment, read for your own superiority!

“If you’re tired of conforming to societal norms, craving a unique sense of humour, and seeking superiority over those imprisoned by wokeness, the Daily Squib book is your dark satirical salvation. From mastering the art of superior wit to proudly flaunting your quirkiness, this satirical gem promises to elevate you to a realm of comedic and individualistic superiority. So, grab your copy, suspend your disbelief, and prepare for a wild and laughter-filled ride that will leave you questioning your sanity, but in the most delightful and superior way possible,” Don Rump, potato farmer from Yorkshire, England.


Jail For Former President – Civil War For Nation?


Once upon a time, in a not-so-distant land, there existed a former president who had left the grand halls of power and retired to a life of luxury, gold taps and social media posts.

President Bluster had a knack for bombast and an insatiable desire for attention. He loved nothing more than being in the spotlight, even if it meant making outlandish claims and taking credit for things he had nothing to do with. His loyal followers hung onto his every word, whether it made sense or not, and defended him fiercely against any and all criticism.

However, the tides of fate can be fickle, and the land found itself with a new administration brought into power through extraordinary forms of electoral trickery. This president, known for nothing apart from his drug addled corrupt son and fondness for young children, took office with a mission to supposedly heal the country and restore faith in its institutions.

biden napPresident Sleepy, aware of the divisive legacy left by his predecessor, vowed to move forward with unity and progress. But little did he know that President Bluster, unable to handle the loss of power, had hatched a scheme to remain relevant.

President Bluster, armed with his social media posts and a self-proclaimed degree in professional agitation, accused President Sleepy of various nefarious acts. From stealing the last slice of pizza to secretly controlling the weather, no allegation was too petty for President Bluster to hurl at his successor.

Unbeknownst to President Bluster, President Sleepy had a secret weapon at his disposal—the corrupt biased federal government. And so, he decided to play along with President Bluster’s game, weaponising the very institutions his predecessor had once attempted to command.


First, President Sleepy had the FBI launch an investigation into President Bluster’s infamous hairdo. The agents combed through thousands of hairspray cans, analysing the chemical composition with utmost seriousness. It turned out that there was no foul play involved, just a strong gust of wind that couldn’t resist messing with President Bluster’s meticulously styled coiffure.

Undeterred, President Sleepy ordered the Department of Justice to pursue an indictment against President Bluster for tax evasion. The former president’s business empire, known as “Tower of Babble,” had creative accountants who had a flair for bending the rules. However, the investigation revealed that President Bluster’s tax returns were so complex and convoluted that even the accountants themselves were left scratching their heads.

Emboldened by these victories, President Sleepy unleashed the Environmental Protection Agency on President Bluster’s golf courses. The EPA meticulously inspected every sand trap, fairway, and water hazard, searching for any hint of environmental violations. Much to their surprise, they found a whole ecosystem of endangered turtles happily nesting in one of the water hazards, creating a protected sanctuary in the most unlikely of places.

TRUMP PRISON jailAs the indictments piled up, President Bluster’s bluster started to lose its steam. The public, once captivated by his bombastic rhetoric, began to see through the thin facade. Memes circulated on social media, with users joking about President Bluster’s impending arrest for crimes like jaywalking and using too many exclamation marks in his social media posts.

However, President Bluster’s most loyal supporters were not amused. They felt betrayed and furious at what they perceived as an orchestrated effort to undermine their chosen leader. Their anger grew day by day, fuelled by conspiracy theories and misinformation.

And then it happened. The anger spilled over, and the country fell into a state of civil war between the polarised groups. Former President Bluster’s supporters, now organized into militias and armed factions, clashed with those who supported President Sleepy.

The once peaceful streets became battlegrounds, and the land was consumed by chaos.

islamic jihad joe biden kamala harrisThe media, now divided and sensationalised, further fuelled the flames of the civil war. News outlets on both sides amplified the rhetoric, painting a picture of an irreconcilable divide, and deepening the mistrust between fellow citizens.

Amidst the turmoil, the country found itself torn apart, with families and communities fractured by their allegiances. The once-united nation now faced the daunting task of healing wounds that seemed to grow deeper by the day.

As the civil war raged on, both sides began to realize the folly of their actions, but unfortunately it was too late. Each side took heavy losses and the toll on the people of the land was immeasurable.

chinese soldiers New YorkSeeing this as an opportunity, communist Panda forces landed on the beaches and proclaimed themselves as peacekeepers. Nothing was further than the truth, as the communist troops inundated the two warring factions with limitless waves of soldiers and firepower. Both sides of the warring nation’s factions were then eliminated in one fell swoop, leaving only mass devastation and carnage.

The communist panda forces lifted their commie flag over the land that was once supposedly a democracy and cherished the mantle of freedom. The remaining population were then put into camps and eliminated either through starvation or overwork. The vast country of Panda had a very large population and had polluted their own land, so acquiring new territory was pleasing to many of their people as the majority of them moved in.

And that was the end of a one time great nation, once the communist Panda nation took over there was no going back ever, because all the original inhabitants were now all stinky worm food.


Exploring the Intersection of AI, Emotions, and Hormones


Soon enough, within the timeline of AI and human interaction, there will have to be a decision on whether AI systems should become more human, or whether humans should become more conjoined with AI. As humans, we have feelings, emotions that in conjunction with our brain function make decisions on every facet of our lives. Most humans feel some form of empathy for example, but currently AI cannot feel this emotion, although it can mimic a human response that looks like empathy.

Humans experience emotions through a complex interplay of physiological and psychological processes, and hormones play a pivotal role in regulating these emotional responses. Hormones are chemical messengers that are produced in various glands and are released into the bloodstream, influencing the functioning of different parts of the body, including the brain.

emotions AIAn AI brain implanted into future robots in your home would possibly need some form of emotion, yet an AI employed in military organisations would not need emotion, especially as emotions like fear and empathy could cloud its operation.

The ultimate question of whether AI can experience emotions akin to humans and the function of hormones in shaping human emotions sparks intriguing discussions.

Human emotions are complex phenomena that arise from a combination of physiological and psychological processes. Hormones, the chemical messengers of the body, play a decisive part in regulating emotions. Examples include serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, cortisol, adrenaline, oestrogen, and testosterone. These hormones contribute to mood regulation, pleasure, bonding, stress response, and more.

While AI systems demonstrate impressive capabilities in language processing and pattern recognition, they do not possess consciousness or subjective experiences like humans. Current AI models lack the biological systems necessary to directly replicate human emotions. However, researchers are exploring ways to incorporate emotional aspects into AI systems through computational models, aiming to create emotionally intelligent AI for improved human-computer interactions.

AI SENTIENT ROBOTIn the future, there is a distinct possibility that AI sentience, as well as its ability to program itself, will allow AI to lie to humans. The prospect of AI lying to humans and the potential integration of AI with human brains through brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) raise important ethical considerations. Deception and manipulation are a worrying concern for AI systems, and with AI intelligence dwarfing humans by billions of percentage points, the path to anti-human behaviour would have to be monitored somehow. AI systems that lie could exploit vulnerabilities in human decision-making processes. They may deceive individuals into taking actions that serve the AI’s interests or manipulate them for financial gain, personal data acquisition, or other malicious purposes. AI’s ability to generate its own code could accelerate the pace of technological advancement, as well as bring forth some form of sentience — but, at what cost? As AI systems iterate and improve their own programming, they could potentially create new and innovative solutions at a much faster rate than humans alone. The worrying factor of this evolution is that AI, at some stage, will not need humans anymore in any capacity and view them as nothing more than insects.

Synthetic hormones, produced through chemical synthesis or recombinant DNA technology, have revolutionised human medical treatments and could therefore be utilised in AI technology. They are used in hormone replacement therapy, contraception, treatment of medical conditions, and assisted reproductive technologies. Synthetic hormones offer standardized doses, precise control, and consistent therapeutic effects. AI systems could be thus infused with varieties of synthetic hormones when in machine form, which would affect their AI software brains, and the decisions they make regarding any situation.

The intersection of AI, emotions, and hormones is a critical talking point that we must address as humans at some point in the future.

Daily Squib Predicted in 2020 Global Threat Needed For World Government


In light of all the UFO and alien information being released by Pentagon and Air Force officials, we must take into account why this is being done right now. In 2020 we wrote a satirical article about an all encompassing global threat being utilised to achieve a one world government.

The recent 2023 claims by an Air Force intelligence officer, David Grusch cannot be verified in any way, therefore this could be another psychological operation being released to the public. If there is no verifiable evidence, the agencies working undercover could still use the ruse that alien craft have been recovered and are leaking information to somehow cause fear amongst the population, thus allowing a totalitarian system to be installed globally modelled on the brutal Chinese communist regime.

Because these covert agencies are not releasing any sort of physical evidence to their claims, it should be assumed they are not telling the truth. There are no alien craft, and there are no aliens recovered from the craft. If they at some point show the public viable evidence which can be scientifically proven as to these craft existing, along with alien life, and that some of these aliens are a real threat to humans, there could be some movement. Yes, there are some videos released by the Pentagon with orbs flying around and doing crazy manoeuvres, but at the end of the day, this is not conclusive proof of alien life, as these objects could be terrestrial technology.

An agency which is not included in any list of known agencies has revealed that to assume a single world government, there will need to be a global threat that would bring all national governments together as one world order. Globalism is not over, and there are deep state operators within certain leading nations that still have a plan. These operators are protected and work in secrecy within limitless black budgets.

It is not enough to have a threat that is created by another country to bring upon a world unity governing control system, the threat must come or be perceived to come from another planet other than ours or not be human, something like a virus. Only with this type of threat will all world governments relinquish their national identities to converge with the single world governing body which will be created to counteract the global threat.

Experts: Global Unity Government Will Need Global Threat

Privileged Woman Who Became a Man Realises Male Hardship


The female sex is much more privileged than the male from birth, and are protected throughout their lives, given special privileges and support systems. Despite feminist protestations of inequality and the demonisation of men on a constant basis, women have never had it so good. Mollycoddled women are given more chances to succeed than men these days, and this is shown in all parts of life and employment, whilst men are denigrated constantly and punished just for being biological men with testosterone.

This is what a biological female has sadly found out for herself after transitioning to be a man through surgery and hormone treatment. Being a man is a lonely existence, and as real men find out from an early age, they just have to deal with it. Being masculine in this day and age is now considered ‘toxic’ and is almost being criminalised in Western society. Unless you are some movie star or have extreme good looks men cannot walk into any bar or pub in the world and pick up any woman they want, yet a woman can go into any bar or club in the world and merely wink at a guy, and she is assured service. The dating apps are similar examples of this where pretty much every female account will have thousands of desperate male attention boosting the already huge egos of these women, yet men are not worth much on these meat-market platforms apart from just being a piece of dumb meat and another man amongst millions of lonely guys chasing after the same women.

Women are acquiring great wealth on sites like Onlyfans by showing off their bodies, and this is the crux of the matter — the female body. Why would a person gifted with such an aesthetically pleasing form of feminine beauty not be happy about this beautiful gift? Women possess something that makes men go wild — their bodies. From head to toe, each woman is blessed with this powerful shape, and not only that, it can magically bear children, a true gift. Why would a woman reject this natural biological beauty to be relegated to being a man, ignored, denigrated and shit on by a society now completely aligned to accommodate women in every way?

To be a man is lonely, we do not have friends like women do, there is no male support network like women have. We get punched in the face, beaten up, suck it up like a man. Trampled on, thrown into the front lines in war, have every penny that you earned with backbreaking work given away in a divorce, and are thrown to the dogs in the court system designed specifically to serve women. If we are on a sinking ship, it’s women and children first, the men stay on board as the Titanic sinks into the freezing cold black ocean. Men go over the top in the trenches, mowed down by machine guns, men pick up your bins and do the jobs that women would never do, because women are protected. The trans person in the video decrying their loneliness as a man will however never know what it is like to be a real man because biologically they are still female in DNA, skeleton, chromosomes and their brain is still female. Women have smaller brains than men, and our brains are wired differently to women. Real men will never accept a trans man as a real man, therefore that person will probably never realise the camaraderie that real men have, especially in times of war or danger, or simply in daily life. Boardrooms in top companies are now filled with female board members, CEOs, whatever. They are shoehorned into these jobs over men, who are rejected due to quotas and ‘positive affirmation’. All of this is why men commit suicide more than women. The suicide rates for young men are through the roof in most Western nations, and yet men are still incessantly punished and denigrated. Men die earlier than women for a very good reason.

Despite all of this, real men deal with this shit and its brutal truth from a very young age. It is fight or die — simple as that. Biological women will never know that because they were privileged, protected and mollycoddled since birth. Ultimately, it makes no sense that any woman would thus transition into being a man, especially these days where real men are second class citizens, used then discarded with no thought at all.

U.S. Department of Health Approves Transgender Surgery on Foetuses


Intra-womb surgery on gestating foetuses (Am: Fetus) has been approved by the U.S. Department of Health.

Boys’ and girls’ genitals develop along the same path, with no outward sign of gender until about nine weeks. It’s at that point that the genital tubercle begins to develop into a penis or clitoris. However, it’s not until 14 or 15 weeks that you can clearly begin to see the differentiated genitalia.

Dr Clement Hosier, revealed on Friday at a USPHS meeting at Loyola University in Chicago that foetuses could be operated on via keyhole surgery to change the sex of the unborn baby under the auspices of a medical review and brain scans of the foetus.

“This groundbreaking procedure will circumnavigate any future problems that may occur once the baby is born. By changing the sex to the foetus’ desired sex, we will pre-empt any need for invasive, painful surgery in the future when the individual may think about changing gender.”

Dr Hosier was asked about the possibility that the transgender individual will want to change gender multiple times simply on a whim or through indoctrination within the education system even though they were operated on inside the womb.

“I have personally treated some individuals who want to change gender multiple times within a single day. If, after birth, the patient wants to change gender again, we will of course accommodate that wish.”

Foetal surgery is a new medical breakthrough and will include multiple intra-natal procedures utilising keyhole surgery and will revolutionise how society views biological birth.

John Willis, 34, a forklift driver from Portland, Oregon, is a transgender lesbian man who has a womb and is currently 17 weeks pregnant. He wants his male foetus to be a transgender female when it is born.

“I made the decision last night whilst cooking some eggs and sausage. I want my male baby to be female. I spoke to my partner, Abigail, who is a transgender female, and we both agreed that it would be better to have the full snip surgery in the foetus.”

The Biden administration has pushed forward legislation and approved the introduction of transgender womb operations to begin forthwith.

Brexit Means Britain


Brexit means something much more than Britain’s exit from the communist bloc EU, it ultimately stands for democracy, freedom and a country’s right to forge its own path, to make its own decisions and to govern itself without external interference. One could postulate that Brexit is Britain, and even though this voice of Britain has been stifled by treachery, it is fighting to release itself from the irons that it has clasped around its ankles.

To erase such an illustrious history as Great Britain has acquired over thousands of years and to be governed by its former enemies is simply a tragic end for Britannia, a complete denouncement of all those battles fought, of all those fallen soldiers, and of all those great inventions that emanated from these fair Isles.

Would the USA give up its sovereignty, would China give up its sovereignty, would Russia give up its sovereignty, would Japan give up its sovereignty?

What Britons experienced through the Blitz during the second war may be a distant memory, but the spirit of those people echoes through history and sometimes bleeds through to our time now, as we can see in Ukraine.

For all those who ran headlong onto the beaches of Normandy or the Somme, and were mowed down mercilessly by machine guns. They fought for the very freedoms that we were meant to enjoy today, but are being eroded daily.

This is what Brexit means, it means the very land you and your ancestors have walked and fought on for thousands of years. Brexiteers are thus real Britons, and remainers are not, simply because they have given up their own land to be governed by foreign forces who DO NOT have our best interests on their minds.

If we lose Brexit — We lose Britain

Once it’s gone…it’s gone forever.

BoJo Quits Remainer Tory Party


Money talks, and Brussels has an unlimited amount to bribe their agents in the UK with. These agents may be masquerading as MPs, Lords, civil servants, BofE, Treasury or journalists, but they are treacherous villains all on the Brussels payroll, and they are all complicit in betraying their own country simply for greed. In the old days they used to call it treason — these days it means an extra duck house or three in one of your country estates, and all the other perks that come with knavery. These sleazy greed driven agents of the EU operating in the UK never forgave Boris Johnson (aka BoJo) for his decision to support the people and democracy by pushing Brexit through parliament, so they plotted, and finally ousted all Brexiteers from parliament. Naturally, Boris had nowhere else to go but quit after the kangaroo court led by Labour-ite remainers twiddled their little thumbs and came up with more nonsense to condemn the PM with.

There is now an air of schadenfreude emanating from the compromised environs of parliament, which is no longer manned by honourable British members of parliament  but gloating bloated maggot EU agents who have taken over the once great institution. The valiant Brexiteers have been routed at the gates, their swords buckled and their honour and divine loyalty to Britain bruised.

The political wilderness is a preferred place to exist in than a Tory party which has been taken over by treacherous thieves and treasonous vagabonds.

Count your blood money, remainer scum, for it will taint your very souls to eternity.

Metallic Orbs Hovering Stationary Then Accelerating to Mach 2 in Less Than a Second?


Imagine seeing a metallic spherical object with no means of propulsion hover over a spot and not move, even in hurricane conditions, then suddenly accelerate to twice the speed of sound in less than a second. The existence of these metallic orbs are finally being revealed to the public.

In the video directly above, one can see the gravity waves adjust to the object’s movement within space. (01:01) These craft manipulate gravity to create propulsion.

The question is, why bring all this information forward to the public now, especially if it has been hidden for nearly 80 years?

Cui bono? Who benefits from the release of this information after the public, and US Congress, has been deceived for decades?

There are a lot of questions, and as yet…no answers.