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Oil Futures to Surge as Obama's General Petraeus Plans Iran Invasion


Iran has defied the West’s orders for assimilation for long enough and will soon have to pay the ultimate price much like how Saddam Hussein’s Iraq paid.

U.S General David Petraeus, the head of Centcom, says the American military has had plans for an Iran attack for some time and are already sizing up the oil fields there.

“We did the exact same thing with Iraq that we are now doing with Iran. We already have a permanent foothold in Iraq and we will use that as a stepping stone to launch the attack into Iran. They will assimilate with the West eventually because we cannot have a true global society controlled by America and Israel without the complete destruction of rogue maverick states like Iran. Much like Iraq, Iran will be bombed to hell, then we will eventually send in the troops when everyone is dead,” General Petraeus said.

The Americans have already factored in the consequences of their Imperial stupidity by acknowledging the fact that when the Persians are attacked they will simply close off the Straits of Hormuz, where 40% of the world’s oil passes, and the world oil price would probably rise above $800 per barrel or even more. Strategically speaking, invading Iran is a suicide operation that could only be attempted by an insane religious zealot alcoholic moron with severe mental retardation and a fervent penchant for psychotic pleasure derived from hurting millions of people from his armchair — now that George W Bush is out of the way, it is up to Obama, the stooge, to prove himself to his handlers.

Preparations have been underway for the Iran attack for quite some time. The US military and naval build up within the Persian gulf has been going on for the past year as well as a massive troop buildup in American owned Iraq. The plan will most probably be a joint attack with Israel utilising high altitude bombing runs on strategic Iranian nuclear sites similar to the recent bombing by Israel of a Syrian suspected nuclear site in Syria’s eastern desert near the Euphrates River.

Further preparations of the imminent Iranian attack are also the reason why Obama has been filling the 703 million-barrel Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) in Bryan Mound, Texas and Louisiana with 66,000 barrels of oil per day.

Oil $800 per barrel

Investors are betting that oil prices will continue rocketing for years to come and the imminent Obama attack on Iran will ensure a good windfall for investors and a good fallout (the radioactive kind) for everyone else in the Middle East.

Long-term oil future prices have jumped at an unprecedented rate in a sign that investors are buying up stocks of oil en masse to preempt the invasion of Iran.

This follows a handful of rumours from major analysts that oil prices could soar towards $800 (£500) when Obama attacks Iran.

Traders worldwide and investors are already factoring the cost of another American war in the Middle East with Iran as the next victim of US posturing and attempts at hegemony.

“With the increase in oil prices we see an increase in cost to deliver vital goods and food to the consumer. This results in massive inflation and unaffordable costs for basic goods. We advise people to start growing vegetables in their gardens and stockpiling canned food and water because when Obama presses the button, you can say goodbye to the supermarket. The government will not help you and we will all have marshal law where you will be shot on sight by troops for trying to get food or water for your family,’ Yitzak Hymie wrote in the Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.

At a recent press conference, a journalist for the Washington Times asked Obama if it was feasible for America to attack Iran; the answer was given in true Obama flashy style: “Yes, we can!” he said with a toothy grin.

President Obama Sure Makes a Good Cup of Coffee Says Klan Deputy


As gestures go, this one is seemingly up there with the greats and is almost akin to the historic meeting during World War II of Stalin, Churchill and Eisenhower.

Ever since the historic moment of the Ku Klux Klan endorsing Mr Obama, there have been major changes in the United States with regards to their seriously fractured racial society.

President Obama seems to have single handedly pulled off something that no previous white American president has ever achieved or even attempted to achieve — racial unity.

The two men met in the White House’s Rose garden and after a brief photo call they moved on to the Oval office where the president himself made the Klan deputy leader a cup of coffee.

“40 Acres and a Mule?”

“I felt like I was back in the plantation. There’s something cozy about a houseni**er bringing you a cup of coffee. Of course, I checked to see if he spit in it. You always gots to check wit’ these negroes.

“This time, there were no cracks of the whip but maybe a head rub to show my appreciation. I drank a sip and found out the boy skimped on the sugar. Now this ain’t right. If he’d been working the sugar cane or cotton fields I can understan’ him skimping — but a houseni**er? Surely not folks! I told the boy, I said, c’mon now Barrack or whatever your Muslim name is. I said, c’mon now don’t be skimping on my sugar in my coffee. So I kicked him in the shin with my KKK boot and he ran off to make me another cup. He got it right that time so I let the boy shine my shoes and handed him a nickel,” the deputy Imperial Wizard told CNN’s Larry King.

New Retirement Age to be Increased to Five Years After Death


Labour’s deputy leader Harriet Harman says a major shake-up in
the law is vital to smash the idea that people are ‘past it’ once they are dead.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Miss Harman, who will
today announce a fast-track Government review of the retirement age,
said it should be scrapped.

Britons would be forced to work beyond death, and would have
the option to choose to sign a compulsory contractual clause dictating that they will only retire 5 years after their death.

By increasing the retirement age to the after-life for all state workers, this will mean that the government will receive more taxes and money even after the worker has been buried underground, Miss Harman said.

The change in the law would cover staff who have already signed contracts that say they will retire at the normal age and will force them to abide by the new laws.

In addition, Miss Harman wants to reduce the state pension by 54% to increase the empty treasury coffers.

Latest figures show a record 1.4million workers have reached the
state pension age of 60 for women and 65 for men and they will be told tomorrow of the new government plans.

“I was going to retire tomorrow after working 45 years of my life as a road sweeper for Lambeth council, they told me yesterday that I will have to work until my death. That’s why I’m off to the bridge right now to take a swan dive into the Thames. It’s a hard life innit?” Reg Braithwaite, 65, told the Evening Standard.

The new directive is the exact opposite, however, to the retirement age for those working in high government office; they usually retire at the age of 45 with a large taxpayer funded pension and numerous other financial benefits.

Gordon Brown Refuses to Leave 10-Year-Old Girl’s Birthday Party


“Gordo sat in the corner throughout the birthday party and was seen grumbling as he stuffed a whole slice of cake into his mouth. In true Brown style he then refused to leave the party after everyone had left and the 10 year-old girl was very upset. It seems Gordon just does not know when to leave eh,” a reporter for the Times reported yesterday.

Despite the children in the party throwing food at Gordon and taunting him with calls for him to leave, he was said to stand his ground and dig deep into the corner of the room, much like a rat that had been cornered. The rest of the kids eventually left after much boredom and Gordon continued to stalk the room whilst the 10-year-old girl wept over her presents and her parents sat on the sofa glaring at Gordon lurched in the corner staring into space.

The impromptu hostage situation carried on for another 18 hours until one of Brown’s most trusted aides decided that enough was enough and went into the house to extract the PM.

“They had to pull him out of the house whilst literally scraping the floor and walls with his fingernails. Oh my lord, the screams and moans were utterly awful. It was a terrible sight to behold. And then we realised we forgot his medication pills under the table so one of us had to go and retrieve them. It took all four of us and six policemen three hours to remove Mr Brown from the little girl’s house into the waiting special bus,” Arthur Jenkins, the Number 10 press secretary told a group of reporters camped outside the house.

What was meant to be a PR stunt set up to increase the PM’s election prospects, instead revealed his greatest weakness — his inability to leave and admit defeat after massive losses and public disgrace.

“This was nothing but a storm in a teacup. Just some childish silliness,” Mr Brown said after the incident.

Last week, Mr Brown refused to leave a factory in Burnley and the week before that Mr Brown refused to leave the downstairs bathroom in Number10 Downing Street, eventually Mrs Brown persuaded him to leave only after telling him he could have some more of those special pills that make everything go away.

Heather Mills to Star in ‘Dancing on Thin Ice’

“Heather will go out into the middle of a frozen lake and attempt to dance on the thinnest ice there is. The goal of the show is to see her fall into the freezing water and get a good dunking. After awhile, someone might go and try to rescue her but we’ll have to see about that,” Anders Johannsen, series producer for the Endemol production told Media Weekly.

Ever since winning the lottery, the ex-wife of Paul McCartney has been living in a specially built bunker 450 metres under the earth’s surface.

Heather is so hated by the public and media that the only place she can live in is an underground bunker somewhere up North. Some people think the facility is in Scotland but there has been no definite news on its whereabouts. Thankfully the public airways have not been polluted with her wild-eyed psychotic rants for some time now since her isolation — that is until now.

“No one’s seen her for awhile so people will want to watch the show just to see this scraggy witch get a good dunking. We’re sure that the McCartney clan will definitely be watching as well to see peggy thrashing around in sub zero waters. This show is going to be bigger than Celebrity Big Brother we can guarantee. We even thought about introducing a few hungry polar bears into the mix to increase the ‘wow’ factor, we’re still in negotiations with London Zoo,” Mr Johannsen added rubbing his hands together in anticipation.

‘Dancing on Thin Ice’ starring Heather Mills starts tomorrow on ITV4 at 6.43pm

Immigrants Caught Trying to Flee Britain


“We have detained a group of sixty immigrants who were trying to escape Britain,” Deputy Secretary of Immigration, Dean Ross, told the Daily Mail.

The immigrants, who were all receiving state benefits, said that conditions in Britain were so awful that they were trying to flee to the war-torn West African country of Angola.

One of the immigrants pleaded with the Home Office to let them go: “We are begging the Home Secretary to let us go. I would rather live in a war-torn poverty stricken country than in Britain. We just want to go back to our homeland away from this awful miserable place.”

The immigrant detainees rioted after they were told that they would have to stay in the U.K but order was restored after promises by the Border Control that their case would be reviewed in 6 years time.

Until then they will be detained in Dagenham, North East London.

Microsoft Shows Off ‘Slate’ PC


Microsoft unveiled the Windows 7 powered slate PC, also known as
a piece of stone, at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.

The aim of the device is to get ahead of Apple somehow.

are also reported to be gearing up to launch a slate device in late
January to go on sale in March, but that one will actually work and be good.

You can imagine how overwhelming it is for the ordinary masses to have their very own piece of slate
Margaret Shill

Industry experts say that the Microsoft slate will be heavier than the Apple product because it’s ‘made out of stone you idiots’.

“The stone has a really nice finish and is a beautiful little product,” said Microsoft boss Steve Ballmer before dropping it on his foot and screaming in agony.

his keynote address at CES, Mr Ballmer demonstrated the machine in
front of an audience of over 3,500 press, bloggers, analysts and
industry peers by getting out a hammer and chisel.

He also showed off the slate’s other capabilities like stacking them up and making a wall as well as paving for the garden.

Muted reaction

Reaction to the as yet unnamed stone slate was somewhat subdued.

we saw confirmed my worst suspicions, that this is a piece of slate stone. Nothing different from previous
Microscratch products,” Julius Malthus, senior associate
editor of technology website TechMunch, told the Daily Squib.

“It’s an
interesting product in itself but Microsoft could have gone further. Maybe they should expand into boulders or chunks of marble.”

However, technology blogger Kunt Roach of Rabbi’s Hardware did not agree.

looked really good given the short amount of time we saw it for but I still would have preferred the standard Microscratch brick. Everyone loves a good sized brick to throw through a window or drop from the twentieth floor. I miss the Microscratch bricks.”

The Internal Organ Removal Diet that Can Help You Stay Slim Forever


If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, and you’re dreading starting another well-intentioned New Year weight loss programme that you know is doomed to failure almost before it’s started – don’t despair.

The good news is that medical research now appears to confirm that your weight gain may not be your fault at all, but a problem with you having internal organs. Even better, there is a new way – finally – to do something about those unwanted organs that once removed will lower your overall weight.

Respected U.S. nutritionist Hannah McTavish, spoke of the new program on the Oprah Winfrey show: “It’s real simple. You eat a lot of junk, you get fat. You’re lazy and sit in front of the computer all day surfing and eating. Well, with this diet you can carry on doing the same old things and still look like a million dollars. No exercise, no dieting, just straight weight loss.”

The simple operation that guarantees weight loss was first pioneered in China, where internal organs are taken out of recently executed mentally ill patients and sold to rich Americans. One of the doctors on the program noticed the dramatic weight loss on his subjects after removing their internal organs and sold the idea to the West.

“The doctors determine how much weight you need to lose, then they take out half of your internal organs so that you can still walk around and live. There’s no point in taking both of your lungs out because then you wouldn’t be able to breathe, so instead they take out one of your kidneys, maybe your spleen and a few yards of your intestinal tract. Weight loss is then dramatic and instantaneous,” Ms McTavish added.

The beauty of this slimming program is that many shortages in transplants can be solved purely because of the volume of people rushing to get slim again.

“I had the procedure done last week. They took out my left lung, a kidney, half of my liver and part of my rectum. I slimmed down quick enough to look fabulous just before my entrance into the Celebrity Big Brother house,” a barely alive minor celebrity told the Sun newspaper.

Brown Holds Emergency Summit Meeting from Within Summit Meeting


“We need to hold another of my world saving summit meetings this time from within another summit meeting,” Mr Brown told Britain’s state broadcasting station, the BBC.

The summit meeting within a summit meeting will be held at the Little Chef motel on the outskirts of Swindon tomorrow where a number of world leaders will descend.

Mr Brown had a pre-summit meeting yesterday to discuss how the summit meeting would go and which world leaders should be invited to the summit meeting within the summit meeting.

“This time Gordon Brown is really going to save the world. It’s going to be the summit meeting of summit meetings. This is the thirtieth time old Gordo’s saved the world this week, he’s a fuckin’ barnstormer he is,” Geoff Randall, a senior Whitehall executive in charge of summit meetings told the Mirror.

Cross Dressing Cage Fighter Ruck With Gay Rugby Players Ruins Tesco Store Opening


“We were in the fruit and veg section when it kicked off. First Dirty Danny, the big old gay rugger player centre forward jumped into the scrum, then the cross dressing cagefighter jumped in, they were fuckin’ shredding the lettuce. It was wicked mate!” Dan Gowers, another minor celebrity told the Mirror.

The opening ceremony event was meant to be the main feature for the new Tesco superstore, the seventeenth Tesco store in the Basildon town centre.

“One of the Welsh Rugby players went up to the mic, he then got his hankie out and started sobbing about his lost childhood, he described the emotional poignant moments that affected him so, it was really touching seeing this big hulking chap with a hundred England caps admitting his shame, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house,” Mary Branjelina, told the Sun newspaper.

Store security guards were then called in to try and breakup the fracas but were unsuccessful much to the chagrin of the store’s managers.

“It was like watching a camp version of Punch and Judy. All in all a highly enjoyable experience, much more entertaining than watching the Rugby league four nations tournament,” Harry Seaford, 58, a local resident told the Basildon Post.