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Footballer Sleeps With Own Girlfriend


Speaking to Sky news via a telephone link with his voice disguised, the footballer admitted that he had actually slept with his own girlfriend last week.

“There was no roasting, no doubledeckers, no drugs shame, no drunk driving, no prostitutes or barely legal slappers lined up. I can confess to my utter shame that I slept with one woman for the whole of last week,” the footballer said, sobbing into the telephone.

The news was met with dismay in football circles and there was even talk of rooting the player out and turfing him out of the game.

“He’s brought us all into disrepute. It’s just not right is it? If we find out who this chap is we should make an example of him,” Clemence McElroony, a midfielder for Cornchester United told the Sun.

Toyota Sat Navs Pray For Passengers


The new Toyota sat nav system is the only one in the world which says a final prayer for its passengers before they crash, the Top Gear TV show has revealed.

One of the presenters for the popular motoring program, Richard Hammond, recently tried out the Toyota sat nav system and gave it a resounding nod.

Speaking from his hospital bed he said: “This is my third near fatal crash filming the Top Gear program, and I have to say this new Toyota sat nav system really did ease the terror of hurtling towards a concrete bollard at 140 mph in my Yaris. It calmly gave me the last rites in a very calm voice just before the crash which paralysed me from the neck down. I definitely would buy this if I could ever drive a car again.”

The prayer said by the sat nav system installed in all Toyota cars is delivered by a practising vicar, although depending on religious proclivities, the prayer can be adjusted to Islamic, Hindu, Jewish and even Church of England faiths.

A spokesman for Toyota said: “Our customers like the peace of mind they have when they get into one of our cars. The moment you step on the accelerator pedal you know that you’re in God’s hands. This is when the sat nav prayer starts reciting the last words you will ever hear. Who needs Dignitas when you have a Toyota.”

Apple Stock Jumps After Sudden iFrisbee Release


“The iFrisbee has trounced anything that apple has ever released,” an excited tech reviewer gushed on the Wired Tech News site yesterday.

The new device is very similar to a conventional frisbee but with added Apple connectivity and controls.

Steve Jobs made the surprise iFrisbee release on Friday after the iPad went down like a lead balloon when released last month.

“The iFrisbee lets you surf the web, phone a friend, organise your life, play a silly flash game all while throwing it in the air. It’s aerodynamic, it comes in bright colours, it even makes a fun noise when it flies through the air. Say someone needs to surf the net pronto, well just throw ’em an iFrisbee and they can get on with it,” Mr Jobs said before throwing the device into the audience.

The device was met with whoops of joy from the assembled crowd of geeks in the auditorium and the man who caught the iFrisbee then threw it back to Mr Jobs who made a perfect catch.

The Apple iFrisbee can also be used for practical solutions, for example if someone is stranded on a cliff or a tree, an iFrisbee can be thrown up to the person and they can then alert the emergency services, or surf the internet whilst waiting for rescue.

The iFrisbee will retail at a very affordable $560 for the 30 GB version and $900 for the 120 GB. The iFrisbee will be available for release in the summer, just the right time for some surfing and throwing in the sun.

Apple stock jumped 36% on Friday after the iFrisbee announcement was made keeping shareholders smiling all the way to the park.

Brown Weeps for Votes


“You know it’s election time when Gordo comes onto ITV and starts to weep like a baby over his tragedies. It was perfect timing, the polls were already sizzling for Labour, so they wanted the extra boost. Gordon’s so confident that he’s even talking about bringing the election forward to next week. Therefore, using one’s own personal grief in such a way for political gain seems to have worked wonders for Gordon Brown,” Dan Henry, an independent campaign watcher told the Labour party’s’ propaganda station, the BBC.

The unelected PM who seeks his first ever election win, has even vowed to ensure that every Briton will get a personal cancer nurse when they get cancer.

“I have vowed to somehow stretch our already bankrupt NHS system, where you cannot even get an appointment to have your blood tested, to give every British person their own cancer nurse. So now, when every Briton is struck down with cancer, you can hope for a long and protracted death under the NHS, albeit with an imaginary nurse looking after you and my mumbling voice on the telly telling you how good things are for you,” Mr Brown said through his tears.

After the television interview, Piers Moron handed back the onion that had fallen on the floor after Mr Brown had got up to leave.

Man Who Wanted Wife Dead Bought Her Toyota


The man is said to have bought his 54-year-old wife the Toyota for her birthday and even encouraged her to get into the vehicle and drive it.

Luckily for his wife, after entering the deadly vehicle she realised it was a Toyota when she touched the accelerator pedal and it shot off like a rocket.

“That little shitbag tried to kill me. I hope they put him in Sing Sing for the rest of his crappy life,” Agnys Demartino, told the local radio station KRCS.

Her husband, Bruno Demartino, was arrested and arraigned until the court case in April.

Asked after his arrest why he tried to do away with his wife, Mr Demartino said: “That old bag has been trying to kill me with her cooking for thirty fuckin’ years!”

Last week, a Dallas woman was arrested after buying her husband’s mistress a brand new Toyota, and in New York, Mafia bosses for the Tagliatelle family even tried to despatch a rival mafia gang boss by presenting him with a brand spanking new Toyota.

Cameron Using Thatcher Egg Diet


“We can confirm that Mr Cameron is eating up to 40 eggs per week as part of a high-protein diet. The fact that anyone who walks into a room with him in it has to wear a bloody gas mask is neither here nor there. Old Cammo’s going to win this election if it’s the last thing he does,” one of Mr Cameron’s campaign officers told the Telegraph.

Just last week the Conservative HQ had to be evacuated after Mr Cameron let one off.

“There were people running around like headless chickens, excuse the pun. One chap, maybe it was Osborne, tried to open a first floor window but was inundated with the green gas almost immediately. They stretchered him away after the fire brigade came,” Robert Fetherington Smythe, a Tory backbencher told the Daily Mail.

Recently released documents about Lady Thatcher prompted David Cameron to try the egg diet himself. The Iron Lady may have been able to cope with the humongous egg diet but poor old Cameron is made of less stuff and has not fared well. He has even taken to wearing adult nappies to cope with the embarrassing eruptions.

The Tories are keen to exhibit their Green credentials but trailing noxious green gasses from their arses may not be the right way of doing things.

Footballer Sleeps With Other Footballer’s Girlfriend


“I don’t believe anything like this could ever happen. He what? Are you trying to tell me that a footballer slept with another footballer’s girl? You must be joking mate, that never happens. Next you’ll be telling me that footballers go around shagging every piece of slapper that is thrown at them, c’mon!” a football commentator for Sky Sports said on Talk Sport TV.

The footballer in question has had to hang his head in shame after the revelations were published all over the press.

In other news, the Pope has a penchant for Catholicism and bears like to leave big smouldering shits in the woods.

Tony Blair Nominated for Oscar


Moses Rosenblatz, Harvey Goldenbaum and Jimmy Smith, are the top Hollywood producers all jostling to sign up Tony Blair for roles in upcoming Hollywood productions.

“I saw him at the Chilcot Inquiry, he was absolutely astounding. You can forget all the Shakespearean actors, forget American greats like Bobby De Niro, forget Olivier or Oldman, even Daniel Day-Lewis. Tony Blair made them look like pupils in a motherfucking school play. The sheer theatrical force of Tony Blair brought a shiver down my spine. He was a tour de force of animated wonder performing to his audience like a seasoned pro, at one stage I even thought there was a piece of ham up there in the Chilcot Inquiry. What an actor, he exuded purpose with such dexterity that I sincerely thought he actually believed what he was saying,” Mr Goldenbaum told the Hollywood Times.

Jimmy Smith broke off filming the latest 3D blockbuster extravaganza featuring red aliens to say this: “Mr Blair was the consummate showman. During the breathtaking performance he would at times stare into space or some kind of far horizon emoting tension and intensity to the audience, then he would seize up and engage the audience with a cool steady gaze, whilst seemingly reading from an imaginary script and calmly relaying his lines. He held the audience in the palm of his hand, slowly winding up the tension, then releasing to a fine denouement that frankly had me in tears. He’s a master illusionist, it was like watching a macabre opera, a terrible deceit was committed by this man and he got away with it grinning like Lucifer. I want this guy in front of a fuckin’ blue-screen pronto.”

Mr Blair was seen to exit the Chilcot performance and was grinning triumphantly as he was driven away in his chauffeur driven Bentley to one of his many mansions. He has been nominated for two Oscars, one for best supporting act and the other for best actor in a theatrical performance.

Chinese Man Eaten by Dog


The man was participating in the food festival in the Yangpu district of Shanghai when the dog jumped on him and mauled him to death before dragging him into an alleyway.

“He loved dog stew and he especially loved French poodles, they’re such a delicacy. He was demonstrating how to prepare the dishes when one of the ingredients for the dish started growling at him and jumped on him. No one could do anything it all happened so quickly. I guess it was Chop Suey time,” Jintau Jin Han, the man’s brother, told the Xinhuanet news service.

After the dog ate the man, it was captured and cooked, then later consumed by the man’s relatives and some revellers attending the Chinese food festival.

In China, cats and dogs are regularly eaten as a staple food, and are considered a crucial part of Chinese cuisine.

Hitler’s Moustache Was Preserved Before His Death


In a remarkable turn of events, archaeologists have come across what is believed to be Hitler’s moustache in a disused warehouse in East Berlin.

“We found his moustache in an old brown envelope with a little note next to it. The note explained that before Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide on 30 April 1945, the Fuhrer asked his attache to snip it off and preserve it. The note did not explain why, but was signed by Wolfgang Reitmeister, who has been documented as being one of the officers who poured petrol over the Fuhrer’s body after his death,” one of the archaeologists told New Scientist magazine.

Preliminary carbon dating and DNA tests were completed last week with some very positive results. The data has been matched with Hitler’s remaining relatives of which there are many still alive.

Professor Arnold Horovitz, who came across the moustache, says that the Fuhrer’s top lip adornment should be displayed in Israel as a warning to the world of how one moustache could cause so much damage.

“His moustache is dangerous. Maybe it possessed Hitler, and took over his soul and he committed all those evil deeds. I myself have seen the power of that moustache, when a few days ago I swear I saw it twitching in the envelope in front of me,” the professor said, voicing his concerns about the historic relic.

The moustache is currently being held in a vault in Switzerland and is guarded by a dedicated team of security professionals.

Even former American president, George W Bush, has spoken of his interest for the item: “If only I could put it on my top lip. My precious-s-s! Holy Jesus..the sheer power of it all!”