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Riots in Greece as Greek Workforce Told to Work


“The government told us that we have to work instead of just receiving large amounts of money from the EU coffers. Who the f*ck do they think they are? Work? They must be out of their minds!” Alixios Workshyos told the Greek national paper Sleepios.

The Greeks are also angry that their retirement ages may have to be increased by one year to the age of 45. In stark contrast, German workers retire at the age of 67 and have to go to their jobs every day of the week.

“I’ve never seen riots like this in Greece. Some Greek dustmen just pulled a police man’s arms off and proceeded to beat him over the head with them over there, can you see? It’s really quite bad. You can’t walk to the shops without stepping over rioting bodies,” Stavros Slothfulios told the Greek national news station, Indolentos TV.

More rioting is due for next week when Greek ministers unveil further austerity measures, like increasing the working hours to end at maybe 2 pm. This would mean that the Greeks would have to have their 4 hour siesta after work thus not getting paid for the hours.

Gordon Brown: "Why the Destruction of the Pound is Necessary"


During the prime
ministerial address last night from within the great leader’s Downing
Street chamber, all X-Factor programs on permanent loop on all TV
channels were momentarily interrupted so that Comrade Brown could
delineate the next Ten Year Plan for the British Soviet State after the
single party election takes place in May 2010.

“Comrades, to tell
you the truth, I had no intention
of making a speech. But our respected wife Magda Brown dragged me to
this televisual broadcast by sheer force, so to speak. “Make a good
speech,” she said.
What shall I talk about, exactly what sort of speech? Everything that
had to be said before my upcoming election has already been said and
said again
in the speeches of our leading comrades, Mandy, Straw, Millipede, Two
Jags and many other responsible comrades. What can be added to
these speeches?

(Loud and sustained cheers. A
voice:”And we all follow Comrade Brown whatever he says

New World Era of Change

“Comrades, I remember now. Yes, the destruction of the old
systema created by the Royalist, conservatoid, capitalist Bullingdonite
greed-mongering factions! That obsolete system is soon to be completely
crushed under my great clunking fist of ultimate control-freakery and
command. I have vowed to erase the Pound Sterling from existence. To
completely integrate our small Soviet state within the greater Soviet EU
Marxist Fascistic conglomerate machine of absolute captivity.

“After our Labour party has
finished its task, there will be no such thing as ‘Britishness” or
“English” or even “Welsh”. There will be no United Kingdom, or the dregs
of a past Royal fiefdoms. No, Comrades, we will erase all that is
British, we will take away their sovereignty, and send it under the
great red EU flag which I hold in my hand. Be prepared Comrades for
another ten years, another fifty years, a millennia of Soviet rule that
shall be the new standard of ultimate rule.

“We are part of
Europe, yes Comrades, look upon our Marxist brothers and sisters and
embrace them. This is why it was imperative that the Pound Sterling had
to be destroyed. We will also make sure that the despicable Queen’s head
is wiped from the pound sterling and earth once and for all. Her and
her useless bloodsucking brood shall be consigned to the ditches of
Buckingham palace, which will be designated as the new Soviet People’s
Functional Building. All that has stood for Britain for hundreds of
years shall be wiped away by my fist in one single afternoon.

Equality in Mass Poverty

see you smiling through your rotten proletariat teeth as you eat your broth rations, I see how you understand
that I have brought you great prosperity. Look at our factories and
manufacturing; our great Soviet exports, how I have lifted our workers
state to the heights of utter destruction and economic disaster. Drink
your putrid ale and lift your glasses Comrades, for we shall embrace the
Euro together. Look at our friends Greece, look at how well they are
doing, and so shall we, and so shall we. (Loud sustained applause as
Brown’s fist hits the table making a loud clunking noise.

“Further, comrades, I would like to congratulate you on the
of the forthcoming national holiday, the day of the elections to the
Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Britain. (Loud applause.) The
forthcoming elections on May 6 are not merely elections, comrades, they
really a national holiday of our workers, our peasants and our
intelligentsia. (Loud applause.)

“Never in the history
of the
world have there been such really free and really democratic elections
— never! History knows no other example like it. (Applause.) The
point is not that our elections will be universal, equal, secret and
direct, although that fact in itself is of no great importance to you.
Let us count the votes and you shall have the leader that you deserve
–me, of course. (Loud cheers of “Hail, Comrade Brown !“) The point
is that our universal elections will be carried out as the freest
elections and the most democratic compared with elections in any other
country in the world — even Zimbabwe.”

Loud and sustained
applause and cheers.
All rise and turn towards the government box
, to which
Comrade Brown proceeds from the platform. Voices: “Hurrah for the great
Brown !” “Hurrah for Comrade
Brown!” “Long live Comrade Brown!”
live the first of the Leninists
, candidate for the Soviet of the
, Comrade Brown! Hurrah!” )

Decrease in British Babies Born Drunk Institute Reports


Leading experts who have been keeping records on Britain’s birth rate and practices since 1945 have revealed the slight decrease in the rate of babies born drunk in Britain in 2010. Social scientists have been debating the new findings with great zeal.

Binge Birthing

“We have seen a remarkable decrease in babies born drunk in England and Wales. In some areas of the country, there was an incredible drop of over two percent. So in real terms, we are talking a year on year decrease to only 128,000 births of alcoholic babies per annum. We have hypothesised that the change may be due to the price of alcohol increasing slightly this year that caused British mothers to shun the booze slightly. Either way, this is shocking news and we are very happy to release our findings to the general public.”

Professor Giles Hinkleman, who oversaw the study has stated that the institute is still collating data therefore it may be awhile until the full picture is known.

“Hospitals are used to seeing babies born drunk. So it has been with great interest that we have seen a slight increase in babies actually being born sober in the UK. Can you imagine the socio-economic ramifications of this statistic? This is insane, the fabric of British society is being threatened from the core by these findings,” Ronald Beasley, a researcher on the project told New Scientist magazine.

Tiger Woods Finally Cured of Sex Addiction


The doctor in charge of the treatment for Woods said that he had been cured after many weeks of trying different therapies: “We tried the kick in the groin treatment where Tiger would be kicked repeatedly in the balls by a woman wearing some serious stilletos. This treatment actually had a detrimental effect, instead of deterring Tiger it actually turned him on. We then tried the nude photographs of British ex-prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, Maggie had some effect on him but it was minimal. We even brought up a vomit inducing picture of Barbara Bush naked causing some of the attendants to curl up on the floor in foetal positions yelling for clemency, but still, no show. What kind of a person would still find Barbara Bush remotely sexy?”

The doctor’s team finally hit upon an idea that is used in some prisons to treat sex offenders.

“We gave him a chemical castration. At first we thought we could do the two bricks smashed together trick but that might get too goddamn messy. Tiger’s cured now folks, we show him pictures of Playboy bunnies, parade some lovely ladies in front of him — not even a twitch I tell you. He’s even growing tits now and has a high pitched voice. We’re sending him home to Elin looking and sounding like a Thai ladyboy with a golf swing that can smash any tournament for six.”

Mr Woods was said to be very happy about the procedure and celebrated by buying a pair of new fishnet stockings to wear at the next PGA Golf tour.

David Cameron Not Good at Making Coffee Either


“This guy could f*ck up a cup of coffee,” Edward Brompton Smythe, a non-dom billionaire who has funded the Conservative party for the past five years told the Daily Telegraph.

“He’s about as useful as a screen door on a f
*cking submarine,” another non-dom Conservative funder said.

“You could hand him the first prize on a silver platter and he’d still manage to come last,” a third billionaire non-dom Tory fundraiser told the Telegraph yesterday.

The Conservatives are currently trailing Labour in the polls and are set to lose the upcoming election when Britain’s voters elect Gordon Brown for another five years of office.

Victoria Beckham’s Bunion Sued by Californian Woman

“Mrs Beckham’s bunion caused the woman to trip up and fall thus breaking her hip, leg and cracking her cranium on the Italian marble floor. The cause of the fall was Mrs Beckham’s large bunions which obstructed the hallway where my client was walking,” Jan Geitner, the woman’s attorney told the LA Times.

State of the Bunion Address

Victoria Beckham’s bunions are the talk of Tinseltown with everyone from Steven Spielberg to James Cameron all falling over themselves to film those beautiful monstrosities.

Speaking from his latest soon-to-be blockbuster featuring yellow lizard people with blue green spots, Director James Cameron said: “I saw Victoria’s bunions and I just swooned at the size of those motherfuckers. Shit, how does her thin frame take it when she walks with those things on her feet? Does she wear flip flops? I need to cast her for my next alien flick. We won’t need CGI on her feet that’s for fuckin’ sure!”

Meanwhile, Mrs Beckham’s lawyers are preparing a dossier proving that her bunions are harmless and can co-exist safely with the general population.

“We are here to reassure the public that Mrs Beckham’s bunions are perfectly safe to ordinary people. All that folks have to do when they see her walking towards them is move aside for the bunions. It’s really that simple, then no one will get hurt,” Harry Snatch, from Fitch and Fitch Attorneys said.

Bob Geldof to Organise Another Fund Raising Concert for Arms Dealers


“I feel like it’s time for me to stoke up my huge f*cking ego again plus the artists’ sales who play in the gig. We’re raising money so that corrupt officials in Africa can siphon off the millions and buy arms as well as villas on Lake Geneva. I’ve heard that since the last two concerts they’re getting a little parched.

“One minister was even on the line to me yesterday telling me that he can’t afford to run his private jet from Eritrea to Lake Lugano anymore, how crazy is that?” Sir Bob told the BBC.

This time, Bob wants to try and approach the concert from a different angle

“Before we were on the ‘Save the World, it’s Christmas Time’ tip. That played on people’s emotions with regards to the Christmas thing, you know how we have all these things and they don’t.

“They gave us sh*t loads of money for that and I became a saint, if only they knew that they were arming rebels with guns to do more killing and buying properties in Europe.

“Look at Africa now, still as poor as sh*te, nothing’s changed eh,” Mr Geldof added sipping his champagne.

Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front

Live Aid alone was enough to fund the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) with the majority of the $250 million raised by Geldof to overthrow the Ethiopian government.

To many of the rebels, Sir Bob Geldof is a hero who armed them and made it possible for them to live in absolute luxury for the rest of their lives while the people who really needed the money got nothing.

There are other reasons for coming up with another bogus ‘Save the World’ concert — Geldof’s daughter, Peaches.

“You should see the credit card bills mate. It’s like I could feed half of Africa with what she spends my money on in a month as it all goes up her nose. This is a good enough reason for the public to give, because she’s cleaning me out. Please give as much as you can, my wallet is in dire need after my talentless, thick as pig sh*t, runt of a daughter has cleaned me out of everything,” Geldof said sniffing into a dirty handkerchief.

The BBC is currently running a competition on behalf of Sir Bob. What should he call his new concert project to raise more money? Answers in an envelope with a fifty pound note to: Bob’s New Concert Project, PO Box 342, Live Aid Suite 21, London W1 6DA None of the received funds will go towards the concert.

Feral Campbell May be Released Back into the Wild


“We are currently scouting places in Africa for her release back into the wild. It will be kind of sad to see her go, but we feel it is the best for her and the best for us as well. Check out these scratches over my face, yeah, I fuckin’ had enough already,” Jane Rainers, Ms Campbell’s trainer told National Geographic magazine.

After a series of horrendous attacks on maids, limousine drivers, taxi drivers and even armed policemen, the team of handlers and carers have had to put Naomi back into her steel cage before she is released into the wild next week.

“It was all going so well, she would sometimes even smile at people, and then it all went horribly wrong. She would lash out with her claws, growl and say the most horrid things, I guess all that training to try and domesticate her was fruitless. Well, now she’s going back to Africa and we’ll stick her back in the Savanna where she can roam freely. There won’t be a catwalk in sight just a few big cats,” Mrs Rainers added.

Two days ago there was a massive scare in New York city when Campbell went on a rampage after escaping from her luxury Manhattan apartment. During her rampage she was witnessed “slapping and biting” anyone who came into her view. She was later captured and sedated with a dart gun after trying to climb a lamp post.

The African savanna where Ms Campbell is to be released

The research team involved in the care of Ms Campbell highlights the need for further projects similar to theirs so that animals are better prepared for living in their
natural environment.

This could include reducing contact with humans,
creating opportunities for hunting and encouraging the formation of
natural social groups, while the animals are still in captivity.

researchers also raised the need for long-term monitoring of released
animals, so that success could be measured over several years. In
addition, Campbell’s handlers call for engagement with local
communities before any reintroduction, especially as most carnivore
extinctions were originally caused through conflict between animals and

Brown Vows to Change Electoral System Forever After Election Win


Britain’s polls are gleaming with the jism of Labour’s pre-election ejaculate, with over half the country desperate for another five years of Gordon Brown.

Speaking from his Number10 bunker deep within the bowels of Downing Street, our unelected leader relayed this message to the people of Britain:

“I thank the masses for their vote of confidence in my leadership. I would also like to reassure the population that I am dedicated to working for you indefinitely. This is why, it is my election promise that once you vote for me for the very first time, it will be a lifetime vote. I will change the electoral system so that not you or anyone else will ever be rid of me, I will re-engineer the first-past-the-post system to only cater for a vote for me. The proletariat have for far too long been under the misapprehension that their vote counted, well I bid to take away the dishonesty of that illusion and simply create a system of one vote one candidate. Every five or six years, I will call an election where the masses can all vote for me in the polling booths. There will only be one choice, and that will be me. You see, comrades, this will make your lives so much easier, you will never have to think about other candidates, Tories, Lib Dems or Loonies. Instead you will just have my clunking fist of authority to protect you all from yourselves, you will just have my rules and control freakery, my parades and the ghastly Magda Goebbels necromancer, Mrs Sarah Brown, feeding you all the great PR that you love to lap up without question.

“The new system that I have designed will ensure that the British population will be cast into perpetual darkness and economic turmoil for the next hundred years, yes comrades, there will be some riots, it is to be expected, but of course these will be ruthlessly crushed by the brave Bolshevik warriors and storm troopers. I shall also unleash my wrath onto those that opposed me before my rise to power, those that dared to question my ultimate authority. These vermin shall be rooted out one by one by my loyal Stasi officers and dispatched to the gulags up North.

“Comrades, after the votes are counted by my henchmen, they will relay the results from North to South, from East to West. I will have won the election and there will be celebrations in the streets as the people realise that they have made the only correct choice in voting for me. I have the results right here in my hand. I will make it my mission to introduce more laws that will restrict your everyday freedoms, to increase the surveillance on you, to take away your property, your wealth will be no more. Under the New Soviet Order, there will be no need for the dregs of capitalism, the material consumerist worthless junk which you are so accustomed to. Instead I shall show you greater things, like how to work harder when you are digging in the salt mines, or how to survive for six months on two pieces of bread and a bowl of gruel. You see, comrades, I am here to help you, and I thank you all for standing there and not doing anything whilst I, my commissars and officers have trampled over everything your ancestors fought for. Here, I spit in your soup and there, you eat it up you pathetic wretches.”

After the speech was televised on all channels including BBC1, BBC2, BBC3, BBC4, BBC5, BBC6, BBC7 – BBC45, there were reports of cheers in the streets and flag waving calling “Hail, Comrade Brown. Hail, the great supreme unelected leader of the Soviet British people!”

Huge Increase in Ticket Sales to See Killer Whales at Seaworld


“We have noticed a massive spike in ticket sales for the Killer Whale attraction, so we decided to investigate further,” Jim Alimenteris, Seaworld’s Director of Sales told Florida Weekly.

According to Mr Alimenteris, what he found was quite shocking.

“We discovered that the tickets were being bought by men for their mother-in-laws to attend Killer Whale shows. Some even paid large sums of money to get their mother-in-laws on the front row, right next to the Killer Whale pool,” Mr Alimenteris said.

Looks like it is a win win situation for both parties, Seaworld welcomes the increase in sales, and the men could possibly be rid of their mother-in-laws forever.

Mr Alimenteris even disclosed information on a celebrity ticket sale: “We had a British footballer buy his mother-in-law exclusive tickets to pet the Killer Whales, his name is Ashley Cole? Never heard of him, but he was very adamant on the phone that his mother-in-law should attend the after show Killer Whale petting session.”