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Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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Obama Bankrupting What 'Whitey' Built Up


“This is no Tea Party, this is a f*cking slaughter. We’re going to take what the white man built up and we’re going to take these people into debt oblivion,” president Obama told the House of Representatives.

After standing up at the podium to speak to the House, Mr Obama got down to business with venom in his words: “There’s nothing you can do to stop the bill that will bankrupt America go through. You Republicans have fought me all the way to save your nation from destruction but now that I have you by the balls, what are you going to do? It’s over! Stand back and accept your defeat, the country that you built off the backs of the black man and black woman slaving in your cotton fields is gone now. I’m going to personally tax you people and bring in so much debt to you that you will all wish you were living in England where the tax is so high that you can’t even buy a lollipop without taking out a f*ckin’ loan. Look at Britain’s NHS. They’re so overloaded that people are now using it for un-assisted suicide. We want a system like theirs, where you can go in to one of their squalid, dirty germ infested wards healthy and come out in a bodybag. This is the gift I give to you, whitey. It is necessary to destroy America so as to bring in the New Era of Socialised Collectivist Change. Please now bend over and cough.”

Holy sh*t Barack Obama’s deficit makes Dubya’s look like nothing

American deficit debt has already quadrupled under Obama’s so-called stimulus package and with his new Healthcare plan it is going to explode. What’s going to happen when China stops buying US bonds and dumping the Dollar?

Last Chance to Search for Tiananmen Square Protest on Google.Cn


The brutal censorious Chinese regime is shutting down Google in China soon and this will be the last time the Chinese people can search for the truth about the savage barbarity committed by the communist ruling elite on 4th June 1989.


Speaking from an internet cafe in Beijing, an anonymous internet user wrote on an illegal message board: “It is quite funny that the Chinese system which is meant to benefit the people, as Mao was taught by European aristocratic controllers, is simply a mechanism of ultimate control that exists purely to service the sybaritic corrupt elite leading classes of China. It is a land of extreme poverty and deprivation for literally billions of people whilst those who spout out their evil suppressive message to the brainwashed Chinese masses get away with murder every day as they dress themselves in the finest blood soaked
silk garments of gluttony.

Sadly for that particular internet user, in China’s regime of censorship, an inspector was probably monitoring his every word and he would be receiving a visit from a few thugs later on in the day so he could be re-educated in the proper way.

Catholic Priests to Say ‘Sorry’


“In the name of Jesus, the Father and the Holy Ghost, after raping a choirboy, it is good to say sorry to your victims and everything will be OK. Just keep repeating these steps and there will be no problem,” the Pope said after blessing more priests for the weekly Eucharist at St Peter’s Basilica today.

Catholic priests all over the world were said to be absolved of their actions after they collectively said ‘sorry’, a Vatican spokesman said on Saturday.

Some Vatican commentators are however not so sure about losing the Catholic church’s traditions so easily and have vowed to boycott the PR offensive by the Holy See.

“It is a Catholic priest’s right to fiddle with young boys. We’ve been doing it for bloody centuries, so if they want us to say ‘sorry’ for our traditions, so be it,” Father Seamus McMolestor of the North Belfast dioicus told the BBC on Saturday.

UK Strikers to Go on Strike About Striking


It’s an age old Labour tradition. After trashing the economy, there are usually mass strikes across the whole country culminating in social unrest and anarchy.

“We’re not just good at queuing in this miserable country. We’re also good at striking, although not as good as the Frenchies. It’s a bit like the Seventies at the moment; you know when we had the last disastrous Labour government in office. This time though, people are striking for strikes within strikes,” Willie Wonka Walsh, the CEO of Britain’s flagship airline, British Strikeways, told Sky news.

“Strike fear into the heart of strikes”

Union leaders were adamant today that national strikes on strikes will go ahead even if strike action is prolonged for another three years of Labour-led strikes: “This strike is simply about striking and strike dates for strikes within strikes. Over 547% of our members who voted for strike action about strike action within strike proceedings have voted for strikes. This is a strike about strikes. Let me be clear here, we’re striking because of strike action and our strikes will be effective within the strike period,” RMT union leader, Bob Vulture told the Labour state broadcasting mouthpiece, the BBC yesterday.

You Think Miaow Miaow’s Bad Try the Woof Woof


You would think that snorting a bit of miaow miaow in the morning was bad enough but now there’s a new drug on the block called woof woof that’s really getting people in a hot sweat.

“I tried that miaow miaow last night and I thought it wasn’t bad, but when I smoked a bit of that woof woof I was tripping off my nut I was. It’s the dogs bollocks. No purring buzz, I was barking at the moon like a bleedin’ werewolf,” Del Beazer, 45, a heavy woof woof user from Grimsby told the Sun newspaper.

There have been incidents across London where woof woof users have been caught sniffing lamp posts and over in Romford, one woof woof user was caught straddling an old woman’s leg and humping it with vigour.

Conservative MP, Alan Bosworth was quick to jump on the woof woof bandwagon: “If the Tories are elected we vow to put these woof woof users in the dog pound. We can’t have people in the streets doing miaow miaow and woof woof. It’s bloody outrageous, next they’ll be out there causing havoc and fighting like cats and dogs I tell you.”

‘Unite’ Union to Change Name to ‘Destroy’


“We have decided that we will change our name to either ‘Destroy’ or ‘Divide’ because to tell you the truth ‘Unite’ does not describe what we really do,” Len McCluskey of Unite/Destroy told Labour’s state newspaper, the Mirror.

The union which is the Labour government’s biggest donor, with over £5 million donated per annum, was unrepentant after being accused of destroying Britain’s national airline.

“We have brought Unity in Destruction and Division for British Airways and their passengers. Let them revel in our work as their airline falls into even more debt and pain. I hope their passengers remember us as the union who ruined their journeys, postponed their once-in-a-lifetime trips and caused utter misery to everyone,” Mr McCluskey laughed as he drove off in his chauffeur driven Bentley to another meeting to discuss more destructive ways of ruining other companies.

Pelosi Vows to Go Naked if Healthcare Bill Does Not Pass


“I have vowed to go completely naked in front of everyone if the Healthcare reform is not accepted,” she said during a dedication of
the renamed Fing Fung Fong Post Office in San Francisco. The post office was
renamed after the nation’s first Chinese-American postmaster.

Pelosi declined to say who gave the orders for this act of gross coercion to garner more votes, but some suspect the blame falls firmly in the court of Obama himself.

She also dismissed criticism by House GOP leader John Boehner
of Ohio that she was threatening House members with fearful threats to gain votes on Healthcare.

“I’m planning on giving Congressman Boehner a huge boner when I take off my clothes and he can see my saggy breasts,”
she said to a smattering of laughter from the crowd.

Ms Pelosi is even talking about installing a pole in the middle of the House chamber as well as a well lit stage. The Republicans are however prepared and are giving their members individual buckets so they can vomit into them when Pelosi strips off. 

“We’ve got guys taking bets on how low her saggy breasts are going to hang when she takes off her clothes. I got fifty bucks that they go below her knees,” Congressman Boehner said before rolling his eyes back and retching uncontrollably at the mere thought of it all.

Scientists Reveal How Having Too Many Birthdays Can be Bad For You


The new findings were published in the US government’s ‘1001 vault’ where matters of great national importance are researched and filed for many, many years. The study has been ongoing since 1938 and has stunned the

Deadly Findings

“These new findings are incredible news. After many years of research, and many birthdays I might add, we have found that having a lot of birthdays can kill you. Indeed, over half of the researchers who were working on the project are now dead, as well as thousands of study subjects,” Dr. Bill Underground, 94, told Science Weekly.

Sadly last week, Dr. Underground passed away and the research project on birthdays was passed on to his colleague, Jimmy Kimble, 91, for the remainder of the assignment.

British Airways Plans to Use Ships to Transport Passengers During Strike


“It’ll be like the evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk in World War II,” the CEO, Willie Walsh told CNN from his luxury apartment in the Bahamas.

Dunkirk Spirit

British Airways has arranged for thousands of ships to be used to transport their airline passengers affected by the flight attendant strikes next week.

The logistics of the operation are said to be monumental and will incorporate a fleet of over 23,000 ships and even 17 decommissioned ex-military submarines.

“British Airways is dedicated to our passengers and we will ensure that they get to their destinations by any measure possible. We will not let those stupid trolley pushing ingrates ruin your trip,” Mr Walsh added.

Yesterday, every passenger who will be affected by the strike was sent a letter detailing where they should embark on their cruises.

“We’re off to South Africa for a holiday of a lifetime. My family and I saved for over three years to fly to Cape Town but the strike means that our journey there will take over six months by ship. We were told to take lots of lime on our journey so we don’t get scurvy. There won’t be any attendants on our ship because we will be travelling on a banana boat leased by British Airways. Oh well, at least we’re getting out of Blighty for a few months, innit,” Joe Hempel-Jones, 45, a British Airways traveller told the Times.

British Airways is appealing to anyone who owns a boat or even a dinghy to contact them as soon as possible. 

The union who caused all the trouble in the first place, Unite, was yesterday applauded for their destruction of British Airways by the Labour government, who received £5 million in funding and bribes from them last year.

Ku Klux Klan Advising Obama on Job Approval Ratings


Ku Klux Klan senior leaders have been invited by Obama to come over to the White House to see if they can change the ailing president’s lagging poll approval ratings.

Ever since the monumental moment when the Ku Klux Klan endorsed Barack Obama in 2008, which was instrumental in Mr Obama winning the election, the president has been in almost daily contact with his newly found friends.

Speaking from the White House’s Rose Garden, Imperial Wizard, Ronald Edwards said: “I have been invited to the White House by my esteemed friend, Barack Hussein Obama, to try and bring back some of the magic he held during his election process when his ratings were simply astronomical. If everyone casts their memory back to those fateful days, you may recall that we, the Ku Klux Klan, endorsed Mr Obama. Let me tell you friends, we did it for a very good reason and we want to remind all of you naysayers and unbelievers. We, as America’s premier white supremacist group endorsed a black man for a damn good reason. Can you imagine what would have happened if Hillary Clinton had come into office? Don’t forget folks, it would have been a thousand times worse. So what I’m trying to tell y’all is that Barack ain’t so bad if you consider the options that America was given.”

During the speech, deputy members of the Klan stood behind the Imperial Wizard, who was also flanked by president Obama and his lovely wife Michelle.

The president’s aides hope that the spectacular show of solidarity will bolster better poll results after just 46 percent of those surveyed over the past three days voiced approval for the job that President Barack Obama is performing, with 45 percent voicing disapproval, Gallup reported two days ago.

After the speech by the Klan’s Imperial Wizard, a ceremonial burning cross was placed in the rose garden and everyone got their marshmallows out for a good roasting.