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Climate Scientists Excited After New Data Reveals Humans Doomed

“I’ve just got the data through, this is so exciting. We’re all going to die horribly from eco-apocalypse when the whole climate changes for the worst. We feel vindicated after that fiasco with the faked data dreamed up by the global warming naysayers,” a relieved professor Arnold Weasel, for the University of Dagenham, told New Scientist magazine.

US politician and eco-mongerer, Al Gore, was on the line yesterday to congratulate the team on their findings: “I always knew I was right and I congratulated the team for their hard work. There are going to be huge tsunamis, drought, global warming and death for everyone who doesn’t own a spaceship. All those people who laughed at me, well, they ain’t laughing now that’s for sure.”

The climate scientists could not specify an accurate timetable for our demise because they were too busy partying yesterday, they say they will come up with more data after their sizeable hangovers finally subside.

UK Government Wants Everyone to Live in 3D World

The government is seeking to capitalise on the current excitement of 3D in all entertainment, and wants to issue every person in Britain with 3D glasses.

“It is our election pledge that every person in England and Wales can exist in a 3D environment. We plan on issuing the population with the special glasses so that they can live inside a 3D world,” Lewis Piper, the operations director for the government funded project told the BBC.

The new government directive is set to ‘change the way we view things’ and ‘revolutionise our lives’, Whitehall denizens claimed yesterday afternoon.

“Once you put the glasses on, you will see everything in 3D. It’s bloomin’ marvelous. I couldn’t believe it myself I tell you,” Mr Piper added.

Scientists Discover ‘Missing Link Between Man and Apes’

The Rooneyid,
the evolutionary branch of primates that led to humans, will be revealed
when a two million-year-old skeleton of a man is unveiled this week.

The skeleton was discovered in the Liverpool region of England – an area known as ‘the Cradle of Inhumanity’ – by Professor Lee Phuckah of the University of the Croxteth.

Professor Phuckah and
his colleagues have remained silent about the significance of their
find, but anticipation is high among the scientific community ahead of
an official announcement on Friday.

“This ape like creature was probably as thick as shit but was still able to kick a rock around its cave. It communicated by grunting and walked around dragging its knuckles on the ground wherever it went,” the professor said.

MPs Ordered to Wear ‘For Hire’ Signs on Shoulders During All Hours

In a bid to halt the confusion in parliament and indeed out of hours, a new disciplinary board set up by Gordon Brown, has engineered a clever way of showing if MPs are free for hiring and bribery or too busy.

“Much like taxis, MPs are for hire and bribing. That’s why if you need to hire one, from now on, just look at the mechanism on their right shoulder. If the sign is up and the bulb is flashing, that means the MP is ready to take a bribe so that he can adjust legislation on your behalf. If the sign is pointing downwards and is partially obscured, this will indicate that the said MP is currently overwhelmed with bribes and you should try and hail him or her at a later date. One must be assured, of course, that there are plenty of MPs who will come along and pick up your fare, guv’nor, so wait awhile why don’t you?” Jane Marchioness, the MPs Disciplinary Committee’s director told the Times.

The new system, which will hopefully be implemented after the general election, is set to revolutionise parliament and its workings.

“Too often, your company or industry might need government legislation changed to benefit you monetarily. Well, this new system will ensure that more time is allocated to corruption and valuable lobbying time is not wasted conducting useless public service. I think it’s going to work very well actually,” Arthur Crook, MP for Romford South told the Telegraph on Wednesday.

Catholic Church to Replace Choir Boys With Replicas

The new measures brought in by the church will ensure the priests will not be able to do their usual fiddling anymore, because the choirs will be manned by dummies.

“They will look like choir boys, but that’s about it. To take away any temptation, the mannequins will not have any genitals or holes either. There will be a little speaker from their mouths to simulate singing, which will come from recordings of actual choirs from the past,” Reverend Guisseppe Battybuoy told the Holy See’s own TV channel.

The new directive has come straight from the Pope and will be implemented by all Catholic dioceses around the world.

After hearing of the news, there were protests in many Catholic churches with many priests very angry at the new directives. Some commentators say that the priests will now look elsewhere to fulfill their evil deeds with children.

“This new directive has left a gaping hole in our lives. It is our God given right to administer ‘special treatments’ to young boys in the choirs of our churches. By the grace of God, Jesus and the Holy Virgin, it is our privilege as Catholic priests to carry on with our practices which I might add, have been going on for centuries,” Father John McBuggerer, the head of the Irish Catholic church told the BBC.

UK Economy Hung Drawn and Quartered

“We’re waiting for either Gordon winning the election or a hung parliament. When that happens, say goodbye to the Sterling, it will scrape the floor. Shorters across the world will make billions off the collapse. When you go to buy your gobstopper at the sweet shop, be sure to take a suitcase of money because the worthless pound will make Zimbabwe’s economic problems look like child’s play,” the economics director for Deutsche Swiss Bank, Louis Amaro told Reuters.

High Treason

The markets have already shown some jitters in recent times, whenever either Alistair Darling or Gordon Brown opens their mouth, the pound sinks like a rock.

“Every time the prospect of another five years of Labour government, especially under Gordon Brown comes up, the market plummets. People around the world and in Britain who know what the real economic situation actually is like are pissing themselves because they have assets in the UK and stand to lose everything if Labour get in again,” Mr Amaro said.

The only other people, apart from short traders, who actually would like another Labour government are Britain’s enemies.

“We’re picking up a lot of chatter about Gordon Brown. The enemies of Britain would love for him to be elected for the first time to cause havoc for another five years. And looking at the recent polls, it seems these enemies of Britain may be in luck because the majority of Britons are rooting for another bruising. Maybe the UK is a country of masochists, it’s probably in their culture, because of the Middle Age dungeons and Feudal Lords and all that,” Mr Amaro told Reuters.

Tom Cruise’s Lawyers Congratulate Ricky Martin’s Lawyers

“We had to honour their dedication. I mean even though everyone on the planet knew that Ricky was gay, his lawyers still kept up the ruse. We’re going to sue anyone who even comes close to mentioning our client in the same breadth as Ricky but we have to say, is the Pope Catholic? Do bears shit in the woods?” Sammy Graviano, one of the team of lawyers for Mr Cruise told Entertainment Weekly.

He Bangs

“The truth of the matter is that Ricky or Tom’s sexuality is not the issue, they just produce crap. Cruise produces pap and Ricky has produced some of the worst muzak this side of Holiday Inn,” a disgruntled media analyst for CNBNCDN news said.

Mr Cruise, who is a prominent member of the Scatology cult, was away filming his new movie ‘Mission Impossible 23’ and was not available for comment on the recent Ricky Martin revelations.

Tony Puts the Boot in One Last Time

“Let’s face it, we all know David Cameron’s modelled himself on me. Look at Gordo, I’m here to tell you to vote for him and to tell you the truth I’d have a good chuckle if you do,” Mr Blair said at the planned appearance today.

Senior Labour party officials revealed that Blair asked for a six figure sum to make the ten minute appearance today which was delivered to him in a brown envelope after the photo call.

“Tony’s been in London for awhile, remember he had to attend the war crimes tribunal from which he was spectacularly cleared after his excellent performance. This is why he’s had the time to put the boot in one last time to his old ‘friend’ Gordon, who he ‘adores’ so much,” Robert Forsythe, senior Labour election campaigner told the Times.

World's Largest Toaster Sets Record for High-Energy Toasting

The £6.6 billion Large Toaster toasted a whole loaf of bread today as part of its ambitious bid to reveal details about the fine art of toasting.

“This is the most expensive piece of f*cking toast in the world. Look at the shine on this thing. You can smell it too. I just put some butter on the toast and I saw the steam rise as the bread ate up the delicious butteriness,” Lee Oswald Munchen, chief scientist in charge of the project said.

Dubbed the world’s largest toasting experiment, the Large Toaster holds the promise of revealing details about bread particles and microforces in the wheat in a single slice of bread, scientists say.

Out of 500 scientists who helped engineer the project, all but one were fed with the wonderful toast from the machine.

“It’s a very complicated machine but we finally got there folks,” said Jens Sliberdekker of Harvard Cambridge National Laboratory. “When that toast popped up, there were cheers from everyone and a lot of tears of joy I might add. I have to say, this toaster is the best thing since sliced bread.”

Willy Walsh Introduces Sharia Law onto British Airways

“Each flight will have a cleric (BA accountant) making sure that all British Airways rules are adhered to at all times by the staff. There will not be anymore long-haul orgies in 5 star hotels, wild parties and large payouts for pushing trollies along an aisle. We mean business now. We will have whippings and stonings, and we don’t mean the kinky kind either” Mr Walsh said.

The Unite union were furious at the news that BA want to introduce Sharia Law into their flight rosters.

“It’s bad enough that flight attendants only get £75,000 per annum to push a trolley down an aisle and shout ‘tea or coffee’, now the useless Walsh has decided that our union members should be under Sharia Law. All BA management are doing is cutting off their nose to spite their face.union boss, Derek Simpson spluttered, whilst attending a Labour party fund raising conference in Brighton.

Flights were said to resume yesterday after the new directives were implemented at the weekend. The bad news is that British Airways has banned all alcohol on flights, the good news is that flight attendants and passengers can still get stoned.