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Hollywood: Remakes of Remakes the New Movie Remake Trend

Making remakes of remakes is the new in-thing according to Hollywood studio execs.

Ephraim Goldberger, a producer of 28 remakes of remakes this year alone says: “People are dumb, like we remake one movie after six months and they don’t realise we just showed them a remake of a remake and cleaned up again. It’s a license to print money, and as you already know, we like the easy money folks.”

Now Hollywood execs want to remake as many remakes of remakes in 3D, but still make a full remake of a remake within a remake.

“Remaking movies in 3D and casting younger actors, then adding a shitload of CGI to it is a guaranteed cash source for us now. This way we dump paying script writers and any real directors. There is none of that BS creativity that is needed in new expensive projects, no location scouting, no fights about funding something that will probably tank anyway. Since our studio has been making remakes of remakes, we’ve trebled our gross yearly income. We can now remake more remakes in our remake production line which we setup in Studio City,” Yerachmiel Davids, the head of Misanthrope Studios, a subdivision of Fox, told Hollywood Today.

Sarah Brown’s Toe Astounds Hindus at Neasden Temple


“By the gods and goddesses, when Mrs Brown took off her shoes and walked into our temple, what we saw was astounding. Her toe mutation looks like the goddess Dhumavati, the ugly eternal widow. Is this an omen of what is to come in the world and in Britain, maybe a terrible pestilence, a virus of some sorts? She was immediately surrounded by some priests and Sadhus who took her into another room to examine her toe even further,” Anil Kapoor, one of the elders of the temple told Neasden’s local paper.

News of the incredible toe find has travelled far and wide and is now headline news in India and the sub-continent.

There are calls for Sarah to bring her toe to Mumbai where a religious sect who worships Dhumavati – otherwise known as Alakshmi – want to examine the astounding mutation.

Sarah Brown’s toe has astounded Hindus all over the world

“We want to go on a pilgrimage to Downing Street to see her foot, or maybe she can come over here for a while. Nevertheless, many thousands of Hindus worldwide are ready to come to England to see the inbred freak show. It is very similar to the Christian Lourdes or the Turin Shroud,” Adnan Prindeep, a journalist from New Delhi told the BBC World Service.

Number 10 was today silent on the matter and did not want to draw attention to Sarah Brown’s wonderful mutation, which has captured the imagination of half of South-East Asia and Neasden.

Germany Considering Invading Poland For One Last Time


The invasion of Poland by Germany could free up much needed Lebensraum, and increase the productivity of the recession laden German economy.

“Now is the time to strike. They are weak and in disarray, if we invade now we will walk into Poland once again as heroes expanding the Großdeutschland. I have already ordered the Luftwaffe to be on standby,” the defence minister said on Monday.

All across Germany there were rallies in support of the Polish Invasion.

One senior retiree, Walther von Reichenau, 97, remembered the first time Germany invaded Poland and started World War II: “It was a lovely September day, our tanks rolled in without much trouble. We had 60 divisions, they had 30, let’s say it was too easy for us. I’m so happy that we’re going back there to kick some more arse and reclaim our land.”

German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, told the German people today that the country would go to war in less than a week.

“Poland actually belongs to the German nation, we are merely reclaiming what is ours since 1939,” Merkel said during the broadcast.

Tories to Inherit Britain’s Chav Generation


Even if the Tories ever come into power, they will inherit a chav generation of young people who are now a majority within the UK’s population.

“Statistically speaking, over 94% of Britain’s youth are now chav under class miscreants. This subsection of the population has also been extended to the now impoverished middle classes. Under Labour, everyone is now a chav. One only has to watch British TV and walk the streets to see the depths to which the UK has plummeted in intelligence levels. Labour has succeeded in dumbing down over two generations of youth to the level of amoeba,” Johnson Merrick, chief statistician for TORI polls told the Daily Mail.

It is already extremely hard for employers to employ anyone of any value because of the amount of people who can only write using chav text language.

“They have no ability to incorporate language, basic mathematics, logic or historical and scientific analysis. These chavs, as they are called, have infected all strata of society and all media. Their celebrities have also infected every media source and part of our lives to the point of exhaustion. I can’t see any way the Tories can reverse this attack on humanity,” a Westminster political commentator told the Times on Sunday.

Labour controllers at the Fabian Society have also admitted why they engineered the ‘chav’ in the first place.

“We knew that we needed a long lasting legacy for Britain, that is, apart from total economic ruin. We engineered the chav to infiltrate and corrupt everything about human decency, education and society. This way we could break down all class to be that of the chav class. By destroying the upper classes that have blighted Britain for many centuries by their education, success and leadership, we could bring them all down to the chav class. There is now a semblance of equality in Britain, where chavs now rule. You can see for yourself. Why not stand at a bus stop in some shit hole provincial town on a Friday or Saturday night and see how long you last before a group of chavs come along, beat the living shit out of you and stab you through the ankles with six inch kitchen knives?” Ed Balls, senior controller for the Fabian Society told the Observer.

Gordon Brown Wants to Buy Gold


Alistair Darling has been ordered by PM Gordon Brown to buy some gold for Britain’s depleted reserves.

“I have been ordered to buy back the gold that Brown sold off a few years ago. He sold Britain’s gold reserves at the bottom of the market, and since then it has appreciated by over 1000%. Well, in keeping with his exemplary economic record, he wants to buy the gold back at it’s current price. Now, I was just mulling this around my head, but, er, does that mean he has made a huge loss of billions of pounds of Britain’s wealth? Jings, maybe I should phone him tomorrow and tell him.”

The Bank of England, which was bypassed by Brown during the massive loss making gold sell off, was yesterday silent on the matter of this most recent folly by the reverse-Midas-touch PM.

New Gordon Brown Bully Video Game is Banned


After an initial release on the PS3 and Xbox consoles this week, the game featuring Gordon Brown bullying members of his staff and anyone he comes into contact with, was recalled after complaints from many parents who bought the game for their children.

Roger McHeaton, is a parent who bought the game for his son, Johnnie:

“I’m utterly shocked at this game, it involves the brutish oaf, Brown, ambling around the screen beating up people with Kung Fu chops for no good reason. At one point he gets a fax machine and shoves it clean where the sun don’t shine. You know what I mean? After seeing a few minutes of the game we had to take it away from little Johnnie, well he is only six, and we took it back to the shop and got a full refund.”

An example of the gameplay for ‘Bully’ featuring Gordon Brown

The controversial game was released by Political Star game studios from Cheshire, who refused to answer any questions about the game’s recall.

Gordon Brown, who is at the moment conducting a campaign for his first ever election was unrepentant, and vowed to have it redistributed in shops when he is finally elected in May.

Kyrgyzstan Car Scrappage Scheme Gets Off to Excellent Start


“We’re adopting the new scrappage scheme from Gordon Brown and that Mandelson chap. If it worked for the Brits, why not us? I say we roll the whole program out over all the other former Soviet countries. F*ck, there goes my Lada,” Jekshemesh Shitskin, a roadsweeper from the capital city told the state news service on Thursday.

Already, in the capital city alone, over 3,000 vehicles have been burnt and torched on the streets.

“This is a car scrappage scheme that rivals anything seen in Western countries. We mean business here – because we scrap the cars with the owners still inside. Also, when we scrap your car, it’s not like other countries where you get a new shining model, in our country we give you f*ck all for it. It’s great for the economy too, although, come to think of it, er, we don’t actually have an economy..oops!” Volotov Molotovo, a senior government official told the Kabar news agency.

Obama Free Healthcare Begins


“I want my free health care now, where it at?” an Austin woman yells at the nurse as she is handed a bill for $56,000 after a minor hernia operation.

This is the reality of Obama’s so-called free health care, which officials say will only come into force after 2015. By that time, either Sarah Palin will be waving her gun around the White House or General Petraeus will have nuked half the Middle East. Besides, Obamacare practitioners are now saying that health care will not be free, it will have many, many strings attached to it.

Call centres across America have been inundated with people begging for ‘free health care’ after the landmark health care ruling a few weeks ago.

“Every few seconds we get thousands of calls through our switchboard asking for free health care. Some of the calls are from as far as Guatemala and Mexico, they keep saying they want to come over for that free health care,” Anna Ross, a Medicare worker told CBS.

Who wants that free health care?


The already bankrupted US economy is under great strain and now that half of South America has the idea in their heads that the US has got free health care, there is no stopping the deluge.

“We have enough poverty in the United States, where over half the population is below the poverty line and need urgent assistance, now we have the additional problem of 90% of Mexico wanting to cross our borders for free health care when there is none for our citizens. I just tell them to wait until 2015. That’s when you hear the shouting and cussing down the line,” Mrs Ross added.

Ten Year Old Makes Functioning Mini Hadron Collider in Bedroom

He may only be 10-years-old but Jim Payton, from a small town in Massachusetts, has built a fully functioning Hadron Collider in his bedroom. Now dubbed as the ‘Collider Boy’ by the media, he is finding new found fame and worldwide scientific accolades.

“I had the idea after watching eighties movie, Weird Science, as well as the current CERN Hadron Collider live web stream footage. I incorporated the synchotron from bicycle parts found in my dad’s shed. The high energy particle accelerator already collides protons at over 12 teraelectronvolts, which is a phenomenal amount of energy and supersedes anything that CERN has achieved so far. What the adults at CERN neglected to understand is that, small is big when it comes to supersymmetry, and as you can see, I have replicated their particle collider on a miniature scale that is much more efficient and powerful.”

It has taken Jim Payton over three years to make the Collider in his room and his parents have been very supportive of his work.

Jim’s father Peter would provide his son with the parts he needed by ordering them from specialised outlets whilst his mother would provide plenty of cookies and milk.

Jim wants to patent his Mini Hadron Collider so that anyone can buy one.

“The possibilities are endless, especially regarding other dimensions and dark matter. During our initial firing up process there was an incredible bright light and a bunch of quark-gluon plasma swallowed up my cat Tubbs. We don’t know where he is now, but hope he’s OK.”

US Honours More Deaths of Innocent Iraqis Murdered from Miles Away by Helicopters


“It’s like a turkey shoot out there. Anyone walking on the streets that looks like a towel head, we mow down with our 50 cal. guns. It’s a bit like video games. Hell, we shoot women, children, dogs, anything that moves. Anyway, I’m happy to receive my medal of honor, for killing thousands of Iraqi untermenschen in cold blood from miles away while I was sitting in my helicopter safe and sound,” Lieutenant Ronald Waskowick, told the applauding crowds after his homecoming ceremony.

The fortified American bases are full to the brim with soldiers whose job it is to oversee that Iraqi trainee ground troops get shot daily by the few Iraqis who choose to fight back.


“Ever since we got our fortified bases built, we don’t dare go out into the streets of Iraq unless we’re in a chopper or plane. Getting shot and having limbs blown off is now the job of the ill equipped Iraqi conscripts, and hell, we don’t care about them, let the towel heads shoot each other. The lesser of the Muj’s the better it is for us. Some day we’re gonna make this place like America, you know, fast food joints, strip joints, bars and casinos on every corner. We want Iraq to be the Reno or Vegas of the Middle East,” the Lieutenant added.

Indeed, many Americans are thoroughly bored in Iraq now because it’s just too easy to murder Iraqi civilians and get medals. Some military superiors are even talking about shooting civilians with guns on the street instead of from twenty miles away through an Apache’s video system.

“Yesterday I shot up thirty kids playing soccer in a street, I got me a medal for that too goddamnit. They must have been insurgents because one of them was holding a stick. It’s some good killing out there. After I shot those children, I was laughing so hard we nearly crashed,” another US pilot told the applauding crowds before receiving the Purple Heart medal. Donate to