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Lady GaGa's New Look Includes Leg Amputation

The pop singer endured the operation so that she could look increasingly ‘different’, and it seems she has achieved her objective. Her record company even paid for the operation and her new video will showcase the new image when filming begins in three weeks.

“This is the latest fashion I’m starting and you can see that I’m a world leader when it comes to wacky and weird shit huh. Next month after I recover from the surgery I hope to have the other leg amputated or maybe my arm, hmm…which one should I amputate next?” Lady GaGa said on MTV yesterday whilst hopping around the studio.

“Cosmetic Amputation Surgery”

According to pop music experts, Lady GaGa has pioneered a new trend in pop acts who want to cash in on the amputations.

“Just think how cool it would be if other mediocre pop acts were to amputate parts of their bodies? You could have headless wonders singing along to their latest template RnB nonsense drum tracks or maybe legless f*cktard bimbos being ferried around in wheel chairs or makeshift carts. Personally, I think this new trend is a godsend, and I’d be first in line to chop off that untalented c*nt Robbie Williams’ head or how about that awful vulgar tart, Paris Hilton. I think this GaGa bird is onto something, innit,” Ronald Schweiner, a music journalist for Melody Maker remarked.

Veteran pop act, Madonna has already shown an interest in the new craze and has vowed to have both of her unsightly arms amputated, and in an extra twist, donated to science.

Ambulance Service Getting Ready For Brown Number10 Departure


“We are preparing the stretcher to take Gordon Brown away from Number10. He will have to be carried by five highly trained stretcher bearers who will load him into the ambulance and drive him away as discretely as possible. We understand that there may be some media interest at the time so we have decided to disguise the ambulance as an ice cream van,” Johnnie Willits, senior emergency coordinator for Westminster council told the Mirror.

After the unelected ex-prime minister is loaded into the ambulance, he will be taken to a secret location where he will be treated, if still alive.

Understandably, staff at Number10 have been keeping a low profile while the preparations are being made.

“We all know what’s being done for the grand Brown exit. When he comes into a room we just stay quiet and don’t say a word. There’s a feeling of death in Number10 at the moment, and it doesn’t matter how much spin his Magda Goebbels wife does for the media, even she can’t thwart the inevitable,” a Number10 staffer told the Squib.

Man Blows Brains Out at Britain’s Got Talent Show

“During auditions he said he was going to show the audience what he was thinking. So we thought that he was going to do a bit of mind reading for his act, something along that line,” one of the judges, Pierce Moron told the Sun.

After getting up on stage the talented 23-year-old man pulled out an old World War II revolver and blew his brains out all over the judges and audience, causing many to flee in panic.

Judges, Amanda Holden and Pierce Moron got the brunt of the brains, a sliver even finding Ms Holden’s pouting cleavage.

“I think out of all of the Britain’s Got Talent contestants, this guy was a true winner. It was a spectacular piece of performance art and magnificent in its audacity. This chap certainly got my vote,” Darren Corduroy, 45, an audience member on Monday night said.

Tory Plot to Kidnap Clegg Foiled by Police


“We have reason to believe that Liberal Democrat candidate, Nicholas Clegg was nearly kidnapped last night but the plot was foiled by our officers who had been tracking the Tories for some time,” Detective Inspector, Michael Knutter told the Independent.

The Conservative MPs tried to kidnap the popular Lib. Dem. leader from his home and ship him to France where he could be stranded, because of the volcanic ash travel chaos. The Tories were hoping that Mr Clegg would be stranded in France until after the election was over.

“We found intricate plans detailing the kidnap plot and we swooped on the properties of the Conservative MPs early in the morning. One particular MP even tried to hide in his duck house but was eventually discovered by one of our police dogs,” Inspector Knutter added.

Ever since the infamous election TV debates, the knives have been out for Clegg who has trumped both Labour and the Conservatives in popularity polls.

Apple to Release iPodPadPhone


“This thing just blew me away when I saw it. I definitely think Apple have come up with the goods this time,” said Joel Schoen, senior tech expert and columnist at Tech Juice magazine.

Speaking from the Apple Hall of Wonders in the Cupertino HQ, Steve Jobs unveiled the iPodPadPhone to loud applause and whooping from the crowd.

“It does what it says on the box. We just got our best products, and stuck them all together. Now you won’t have to carry around separate gadgets, with the iPadPodPhone, it’s all in one easy to carry package,” Mr Jobs announced.

One of the journalists assembled in the hall stood up and asked why there was duct tape holding the gadgets together. Steve Jobs, took the question in his stride and said: “this is special iTape which, in fact, we think adds to the grungy trendy tech savvy look that the gadget is going for”.

Police Warn About ‘Jenkem’ the New Legal High


Special Drugs Report — JENKEM

Police have been put on alert for another dangerous “party drug”, just hours after the ban on mephedrone came into force. Officers from around the country have flashed warnings about the rise of a legal high known as “Jenkem” in recent months, as a series of deaths connected to mephedrone brought the synthetic stimulant to national attention.

Users report that Jenkem, also dubbed “butt hash”, provokes effects including euphoria and increased brain activity similar to the Class A drug ecstasy. The UK’s biggest online “Jenk shop”, selling paraphernalia, containers and faeces cultivation equipment, reported it had sold out of Jenkem, which sells for £40 a bottle.

The content of the highly hallucinogenic drug is controversial because it is made from human fecal matter and urine, which is left to ferment in a container with a balloon over the opening to collect the hydrogen sulfide gas that is released. Thousands of teens across Britain are said to be huffing the highly addictive gas to get high – and even some police and government experts admit they have come close to addiction after trying it.

“You ain’t lived until you huffed some Jenkem. That shit is the shit, and when I sniff it, I go places that no other drug can go. It’s like some kind of spaceship lands in front of me and takes me up to the stars where we party in a huge ballroom with multi-coloured aliens on acid, then I might ask the space creatures if they can fly me around the galaxy for a few years. When I wake up after my hit, I realise that only 3 minutes passed but it felt like twenty years, innit?” Billy Batts, 18, a serial Jenkem abuser from Manchester told us.

People high on Jenkem can be left with permanent damage to their eyes as well as severe brain damage.

The Daily Squib has established that legal experts regard Jenkem as a killer drug but are powerless to ban this new drug because it is a natural product from peoples anuses.

“We can’t stop people shitting. What are we going to do, plug their arses? I guess Jenkem is here to stay, and we will just have to watch the youth go under with the putrid brown haze of Jenkem,” a drug counsellor in Bradford said about the problem.

“Filthy nose haze”

An adviser from the Frank drugs helpline last night admitted they had no official information on Jenkem. “We are not fully aware of the full risks because there has been no research into it. There is, however, a large risk of sudden death from the shit haze that comes from the fermented poop and urine,” she said.

Some sources say that the Jenkem drug was first introduced into Britain from Africa in the mid 90’s but soon went underground. The drug has only recently surfaced after many years in gestation and much like the fecal matter soup, has fermented into a problem that is now gripping the UK with a terrible drug hell stench.

Unite Union Suspected Behind Iceland Volcano Eruption


“This volcanic ash disruption of the airlines had something fishy about it and that’s why we decided to investigate,” Bernard Morgan, a British Airways senior manager told an emergency meeting last night in London.

British government officials were also shipped over to Iceland to see the damning evidence that has grounded the whole airline industry as well as British Airways.

There are serious questions to be asked. Why did a team of thirty Unite union members transport 450 tonnes of high grade explosive to the crater of the volcano last week under cover of darkness? Why did they then flee the country soon after the massive eruption? Why have investigators found Unite union manuals at the bottom of Eyjafjallajoekull volcano?

Geological scientists and volcanic experts were said to corroborate the allegations that the eruption could have been caused by sabotage. According to leading experts, the Stratovolcano could easily be ruptured by a large explosion freeing up the immense pressure build up from below.

“Looks like the Unite union will do anything to ground British Airways, and if that means taking out all the other airlines too, well, there you have it. The evidence is damning to say the least, they somehow engineered the volcano to erupt. Let’s say that they gave it a helping hand. We will make sure that they are brought to justice and punished to the full extent of the law for their crimes,” Mr Morgan vowed on Friday.

Unite union officials at their head office in Grimstye, North-East England, refused to comment on the serious allegations yesterday.

We Should Have Volcanic Eruptions More Often


“Yesterday and today were bliss, I didn’t hear one single aeroplane in the sky. There were no trails, no noise, just sweet silence. It’s utter joy and I pray there are more volcanic eruptions in the future,” a resident of Hounslow, West London told the BBC.

All across the country there have been quiet celebrations at the grounding of all aircraft.

Hush the blighted skies

“Every day we have over 700 flights over our house, starting from 4am till the next morning. I’ve just been out in the garden relaxing and all I heard was this lovely deafening silence. It’s absolutely wonderful, I can’t describe the feeling of peace that has come across me without the incessant noise of low flying commercial aircraft constantly there,” Sarah Heron, from Putney told ITV.

Many people across the UK are praying that the silent skies last for many days. Here’s to more volcanic eruptions bringing us peaceful quiet blue skies to look up and enjoy.

UK Election Debate: "Beam Me Up Scotty"


Speaking from the Starship Bollocks, Captain Berk said: “We have beamed up the three serial bullshitters from the planet Quango and put them on a one way trip to the outer reaches of the Alpha Centauri star system. They did try to evade capture but we set phasers to stun and got them to the transporter room pronto.”

According to Starfleet records, the three bullshit merchants tried to talk their way out of the situation with the same old load of tosh that has been spouted since time immemorial.

“These serial bullshit artists, especially the Klingon, Gordon Brown, skirted around the real issues and questions with lots of repetition, empty rhetoric and lies, lies, lies,” Lieutenant commander Smock told the bridge.

Scotty then beamed up the miscreants who were then despatched to an off world colony somewhere in sector 54T.

Whitney Houston’s Voice Used to Scare Away Birds at Airports


“We tested her voice out on the speakers, and her voice not only scares away birds but some of them actually died as well. Yeah, no kidding, they fell out of the sky stone dead. Maybe the military should think about using Whitney’s voice in Iraq too,” Jerry Trimble, an air traffic controller at Birmingham airport’s terminal 4 told the BBC.

For a long time, airports have been using sirens piped through speakers to scare away birds in case they fly into planes engines and cause a crash.

“At least her voice is now being used for something useful instead of battering peoples eardrums in concerts, we can scare away birds and avoid fatal plane crashes,” Mr Trimble said.

In addition to UK airports using the pop diva’s voice to scare away birds from runways, there is widespread interest from airport authorities around the world.

Whitney’s record company, Crackpipe Records, is currently negotiating a royalty rate so that Whitney can buy more crack with the proceeds.