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Gordon Brown Heckles Own Speech

“I’m a liar. I hate people, especially the English. I lied. Don’t believe another word I say. You over there in the corner, don’t believe me, I lied to you all. I’m such a liar I don’t believe myself anymore,” the unelected PM shouted over the podium as the audience of twenty Labour supporters looked on in abject terror at the bonkers display.

During the speech, Mr Brown started shouting at himself and slapping his knees. Labour security personnel then moved in to remove him from the venue.

“We were instructed to remove hecklers from the venue, and Mr Brown was heckling his own speech. Everyone knows he’s a liar and has ruined this country, and it seems he’s finally stopped denying it too. At least he’s got a conscience though, not something that can be said about Blair,” chief of security, Harvey Bonzer, told the Sun.

After being ejected from his own speech, Mr Brown was given some heavy horse sedatives and moved to his bunker deep underneath Downing Street.

US Invades Oil Slick in Gulf of Mexico


“We have reason to believe that there be’s oil in them there area. I just looked in the United States Dubya Book of Invasions and it says on paragraph 23, page 634, that we got’s to create some kinda scare for the peoples. So, i’ma gonna say that the oil slick could invade the US in 45 minutes with WMD and that it’s a very slick dangers. Then we can fill our 5 mpg SUV’s and not worry for a few more years huh,” President Obama read from his autocue machine on Friday.

“Operation Enduring Oil Freedom”

Addressing the nation, there was a look of determination on president Obama’s face as he described the hardship ahead during the dangerous oil slick campaign.

Already, the USS Oil Conquest and USS Oil Freedom was in the area dispensing large amounts of ammunition and missiles into the ocean around the oil slick.

All across America, citizens were showing their patriotic fervour by walking the streets whooping, clapping and waving their American flags.

Lady GaGa to Present Amputated Leg to Lucky Fan

Lady GaGa, the American pop starlet, has astounded the world of music, art and all media by having her leg amputated below the knee purely for the sake of fashion.

In a further twist to the story, her amputated leg is now being offered to any GaGa fan that can win the new GaGa Leg Contest set up by the Official GaGa fan club.

The leg, which is encased in a formaldehyde preservative solution, will be presented in a stylish gold casket to the lucky fan where they can admire it every day for the rest of their sorry lives.

According to Lady GaGa’s management team, the first lucky competition winner who can string a coherent sentence together will win the leg.

“It’s quite simple, we know they are as thick as pig shit, so we want to give them a chance to prove themselves and then they can win the prized GaGa leg. If you can write a coherent sentence on a postcard and send it to us, you will win the leg. As I suspect many of the fans will not be able to do that. We’re not holding our breath on anyone winning this comp. I’m afraid putting an ‘x’ or other similar scribble will not count,” Shiloh Rosenbaum, Lady GaGa’s manager told MTV.

To win Lady GaGa’s amputated leg, try to write a handwritten sentence on a stamped postcard to : Lady GaGa Leg Comp, P.O. Box 6543, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, CA 90210

Brown Gets Counselling After Being Tormented by Rochdale Woman in Sleep


“Every night he sees the face of the pensioner bearing down on him. She smiles into his face and leers revealing her rotting teeth. Behind her, the PM says he sees men from Sky news goaded on by Rupert Murdoch. He is then pursued by this woman as she comes closer and closer finally so that all he sees is the huge bulbous mole on her face. The PM usually wakes up screaming and in a cold sweat, his wife Sarah has told me and Downing Street psychiatrists,” the Business secretary, Lord Mandelson told state broadcasting station, the BBC.

A team of psychiatrists and counsellors, who are already part of the medical team at Downing Street, are now working round the clock to try to reassure the sweat soaked PM that there is no ‘nasty bigoted’ witch after him.

“It is an uphill struggle. Every day and night we come against new challenges with Gordon. How high a dose of Bonkazapam should we give him? Should we use the straight jacket to control his fits of rage? We are at our wits end here, please, someone help us,” doctor Wilson Patrick, told Labour controlled newspaper, the Mirror, yesterday.

Let us all hope that Mr Brown gets a good nights sleep soon.

It’s Now Illegal to Have a Tan in Arizona


The queue to exit the state of Arizona is long, as many who have brown skin scramble to leave the state or be arrested.

“I fear for my safety. I regularly visit a tanning salon but I’ve been caught up in this mess. I’m not even a Mexican or other form of untermenschen, but may be lumped in with that lot simply because of my temporary skin colour,” Louise Hamberdinger, 27, from Phoenix told CBS news.

Another resident who was caught up in the new directive is Samuel Johnson, 45, who recently got back from Hawaii: “I gots me a dark tan and when I got to the airport they said I should go back because I looked like a wetback. Shit, I been called a lot of things in the past but that got my goat, so I pulled out my johnson and showed them it was white as the goddamn White House. They let me through customs then for sure.”

One of the law’s sponsors, Republican Rep. John Kavanagh, was unrepentant about the effect the new law has had on the state’s residents: “They’re leaving in great numbers. This is a very effective strategy, hell, the Germans used the same kind of law in 1939, why not now too?”

Gordon Brown Releases Labour Backstabbing Election Video


According to Labour spin doctors, the latest weapon in the fight for the election win was definitely a hit today after Gordon Brown unveiled the strategy to get more Labour votes – to insult your voters behind their backs.

“It’s the latest strategy. It may be dirty and unseemly, somewhat unpleasant – even leaving a rather bad taste in the mouth – but it works. We don’t call him Velcro Brown for nothing, because bad news sticks to this chap like dog shit sticks to a pair of white tennis shoes,” the spin doctor said.

Carol Vorderman Wants Greece to Consolidate Loans


“Just like how I sell high interest loans secured on peoples homes on daytime TV slots, the company who are paying me huge amounts of money to rip people off are now urging me to offer the Greeks the same deal. All they have to do is sign away their assets to us and we will then increase the interest rate of their loan by huge increments. We’ve been doing it for years,” Ms Vorderman told Greek state television.

One low monthly repayment”

The offer by Vorderman on behalf of First Plus was snapped up by the Greeks as soon as it was advertised.
Greek Minister of Finance, Panos Mounopano replied to the British TV star’s offer: “I know Carol Vorderman has no f*cking soul and is a money grabbing greedy leech profiting off vulnerable people’s misery and desperation, but we just have to accept her offer because we are bloody desperate, innit. I am personally going to fly to Norwich to sign the papers for the loan at 19254% APR tomorrow.”

BREAKING: Stephen Hawking Abducted by Aliens


Eyewitnesses report seeing a bright white light and a saucer-like craft hovering over the East London property. Mr Hawking’s neighbours say they saw Mr Hawking being pulled up by a retractor beam into the belly of the craft which then started spinning before shooting off into space at supersonic speed.

The alien space
ship was witnessed by many residents and all descriptions have been
submitted to the Ministry of Defence for further investigation.

“By heck, I was just having me evening supper of crab cakes and chips when this god almighty flash happened outside our kitchen window. I told my wife Maureen to hop it and get out the camera because those bloody aliens were about again,” Reggie Carbunkle, 67, told the Times.

John Charles de Menacing, Chief coordinator of the department responsible for investigating unidentified flying objects, told the Telegraph: “From the witness statements we have acquired, we have reason to believe that Mr Hawking was taken up by an alien craft from another world. We think that the computer Mr Hawking uses to communicate with people somehow malfunctioned and contacted the aliens, thus leading to his abduction.”

The world of science was mourning the great loss of the acclaimed astrophysicist today and urged the aliens to bring Mr Hawking back to earth so that he could continue with his astounding scientific theorems.

Obama Spotted Hiding in Woods From Goldman Sachs Creditors


“We funded that boy and he took our goddamn money, now we wants it back after he screwed us with the Senate committee investigations and he’s running like a rat. We want what’s owed to us, that’s all,” Eli Cohen, one of the Goldman Sachs employees who is trying to recover the money from Barack Obama told ABC news.

According to financial experts, because Obama reneged on looking the other way with ‘special treatment’ for the Goldman fat cats to commit massive mortgage fraud that nearly caused the destruction of the world’s financial markets, the Goldman hierarchy are now demanding their money back.

Goldman investment bank head, Goldberg Gold Goldman Sachs, has called for the scalp of the fugitive Obama, who is running scared somewhere in the wilds of North Carolina.

“We know he’s out there and we’re going to send the sniffer dogs and deputies out there to catch that lying shagetz chazer. He was supposed to let us do what we wanted when we paid out the hush money during his election but he took us for a ride and then tipped off the Senate committee. Nobody fucks with the Goldman boys. If you do, we don’t care if you’re the president of the United States or the Queen of England, we’ll find you and get you for every gelt you owe us including the vig and the fuckin’ interest. Let this be a warning to all the other bitches,” Mr Goldman Sachs told the New York Tribune.

Astronomers: Newly Discovered Black Hole to be Named After Greece


“The new black hole is like our corrupt, wasteful, lazy country of Greece, it sucks up cash and money and you never see it ever again. The EU and IMF are going to throw away more billions of euros into the Greek black hole and they will keep doing the same thing year after year until they’re all bankrupted even further,” Ologologolo Pixasos, a leading Athenian astronomer told CNN Europe channel.

The newly discovered black hole is located somewhere near Uranus, and likes to suck up space debris and meteors.

“We are going to name it Profligate Greece Cash Hole, or something along those lines, our cash hungry black hole nation in the sky. If you ever look up and see a planet being sucked into a void, just think, it’s like our country on earth sucking up billions of euros into the unknown blackness, forever lost in the dark matter, lost in time and space. Everyone knows you can’t plug a black hole, just skirt around it,” Mr Pixasos added.