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New Irish Robin Hood Gladiator Movie Takes Box Office by Storm

“This time we’re taking money from the poor cinema audiences and giving it to the rich studio execs, a rich fat Aussie meathead and an even richer English director. Robin Hood has a noticeable paunch and speaks in the most ridiculous fake Irish accent you will ever hear. After watching this turkey, you’ll think that Kevin Costner is a genius on a par with Leonardo Da Vinci,” Arthur Finklestein, a Hollywood movie critic told Variety.

Cinema-goers were treated to the sight of the fat old Australian Robin Hood prancing around the forest shouting out “My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the McDonalds, General of the Burger King, loyal servant to the true KFC bucket, Colonel Sanders. Father to a murdered bun, husband to a murdered chicken leg. And I will have my vengeance, in this Drive-In or the next,” in a very strange faux Irish accent.

Some of the audiences were rather annoyed and confused when exiting the cinemas yesterday.

“I want my f*cking money back. Robin Hood robbed me. Where’s the f*cking manager I want my money back right now,” one of the mugged cinema-goers said after watching the film.

David Miliband Grows Moustache

“David Millipede, ahem, I mean Miliband, has grown a furry caterpillar above his top lip. He says it’s the first one he has managed to grow and it took many months of careful pruning. I definitely think he is now a major contender for the Labour top job,” Reginald Ginster, the Labour party’s official press officer told the Mirror.

The upcoming Labour contest to find the party’s new leader is set to be a stonking affair.

“Balls is in the running as is the other Miliband brother, but we’ve also heard that Gordon Brown wants to jump back into the fray again and get his old job back,” Mr Ginster added.

Here’s to more fun times with the Labour party.

After the Marriage the Honeymoon

Was it love at first sight or love at first fight? Who knows. But the two public school boys are now finally hitched after many hours and days of negotiations.

It was a match made in heaven, one OE boy and one OW, who forged a partnership that some say could last forever.

“When they went down the aisle, I had a tear in my eye. Then they disappeared behind the door of Number10 and I knew that they were right for our country,” Samantha Cameron told Tatler magazine.

Already, Hello magazine and OK magazine have built up a frenzied bidding war for the wedding pictures and commentators are expecting a Max Clifford PR campaign to go with it.

“David might order Cleggy to make his toast in the morning or to shine his shoes but other than the odd fagging, it’s business as usual in Number10, I’d have to say though, anything is better than that morose grey disaster on two legs, Brown, plus we don’t get the obligatory fax machine or mobile phone thrown at our heads at high speed anymore. Phew!” a Whitehall Number10 staffer revealed to the Times.

Comrade Brown is Dead!

Comrades, I have very bad news for you. Unelected Comrade Brown passed away last night peacefully in his sleep after the poison administered to his cabbage soup finally took effect.

Remember this date comrades, May 11, 2010. Where were you when the great unelected one passed away?

The Daily Squib office staff were in tears after news of the supreme leader’s death filtered through when a passerby ran into our offices late last night.

The man shouted: “The great comrade Brown is dead!”

We shouted: “Shut up. That’s impossible!” then we turned on the office wireless radio and lo and behold it was true.

After the news came through everyone felt lost; nobody knew what would happen next. Everybody was in shock–like a child who has lost his parents in Asda on geriatric day. It was terrible. We had believed the ideology of the British Soviet Empire, which declared: “Lenin has not died and Brown will not die. He is eternal.”

All school classes were cancelled. All workers ceased work in the factories. Everybody was crying in the streets and in their homes.

Visibly distraught Daily Squib staffers immediately boarded a train for the 36-hour ride to the great leader’s hometown of Grimsty for comrade Brown’s funeral.

Four million people gathered in Trafalgar Red Square to see off the open coffin. Far too many were gathered in one place and, as a result, hundreds of people were crushed to death. One of our reporters, Mike Hunt, who was standing in front of the “Kollony Zal” (Hall of Pillars) of the Westminster Duma, says he could hear the sound of bones cracking.

After the funeral of the great supreme unelected commander in chief, the people of Soviet Britain were left to survey the wonderful legacy and delights the great comrade left the nation before his tragic passing.

Tories Offer Lib Dems 4-Slice Toaster and Answering Machine

Lib Dem leader, Nick Clegg, was at a loss for words after the latest offers were put on the table: “Should I go for the 4-slice toaster or the alarm clock radio? I’m going to the left, then to the right, then slightly diagonal, then more to the left. I think the trouser press looks great though. Oh lord, what should I do?”

The Labour party were even mulling over throwing in a DVD player or iPod in addition to their current offer.

“We’re upping the stakes here. We’re not just offering the Lib Dems any old tat off the back of a f*cking lorry like the Tories. We’re offering them some prime goods from Argos,” a Labourite Rottweiler spat at a reporter outside parliament.

Unelected Labour PM to be Replaced by Another Unelected Labour PM

Unelected prime minister, Gordon Brown is to be succeeded by another unelected Labour minister, party officials announced today.

After his scorched earth policy on Britain’s economy and infrastructure; selling off all of Britain’s gold at the bottom of the market and increasing UK debt levels to the highest levels ever seen, Gordon Brown had a big smile on his face as he announced his resignation knowing full well that he had destroyed Britain beyond repair.

“After much deliberation we have decided to bring in another unelected senior Labour party member with no mandate to take over from the unelected Gordon Brown, who says he will resign sometime in the next five years or so. When that moment eventually comes, the British people can expect to see another unelected Labour leader causing havoc to the economy and country. Oh, and we have to also mention that we’ve got that squirming yellow bag of piss, flip-flopper, Nick Clegg on our side now too. That’s why the markets just tanked and there will be riots in the streets soon. Thank you for not voting for Labour, we’re still in charge of your demise and destruction and will be for many years to come,” Alistair Campbell told Labour’s state propaganda station, the BBC.

With the coming riots and social unrest coming to the UK, be sure to put as much as you can in your car and try to escape the country or find some place safe away from the big cities.

Mugabe Announces Official UK Visit to Congratulate Gordon Brown

“Britain and Zimbabwe have many parallels. We have both had wonderful elections where despite the majority of the population voting for the opposition, Gordon and I still stayed in power. We also had instances of massive voter fraud as well as our thugs turning away thousands of potential voters from polling stations. But now, we will also have a similar economy because of our steely grip on power. Soon the UK pound will be almost as worthless as the Zimbabwe dollar. The people of Britain much like Zimbabwe will need to take suitcases of money around with them to buy the simplest of goods, that is, if there are any goods left in the shops. To this end, I have cancelled another one of my bogus elections, which I will no doubt  win again, to leave immediately to the UK to congratulate my dear friend and pupil Gordon Brown. I have even postponed my weekly torture schedule to accomodate Mr Brown, who has come a long way from his unelected entrance into the fray a few years ago,” Mr Mugabe told Zimbabwe state television last night.

Gordon Brown, who was relaxing in Number10 today watching a some of the DVD boxset films given to him by US president Barack Obama last year, was in a jubilant mood at news that his old friend was to visit.

“I am absolutely delighted that Mr Mugabe, my dear old friend, is coming to visit me. I hope to have him offer me even more advice about how to conduct bogus elections and increase levels of voter fraud. I will be asking more economic advice from him, and will also give him tips on how to ruin his country further too,” Mr Brown said from Downing street.

Gordon Brown Survives Coup Attempt to Install Democracy

Speaking deep from within his bunker in Downing street, the British Soviet Broadcasting Company cameras recorded the supreme unelected leader’s speech.

“Comrades, there was an attempt to install democracy on our one party system last night. I am happy to say that the attempt was violently quashed and crushed like a grape under my great clunking fist of soviet dictatorship. I am also happy to say that the workers and agents we installed in the polling stations eventually achieved their objective by erasing the votes of those who had misguidedly voted against me, i.e. 98.9% of voters. I would like to also thank our agents who turned away these democratic voters from polling stations in their thousands. It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who
cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide
Already as we speak, my Stasi agents are rushing through the countryside rounding up dissenters. They will all be rounded up and taken to re-education camps in sector 101 where they will have the pleasure of enjoying the next 42 years of their lives crushing rocks. You will all learn to love me comrades, remember these words – War is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength. Go now to your freezing tenements and tower blocks and recite those words whilst you eat your cold gruel.”

In other news: Stasi agents praised 12 year-old Holly from Sector 23 who reported her father and sister for speaking words of shame against Comrade Brown during a televisual BSBC propaganda program. Holly will be awarded six months of increased butter rations and an extra tin of dog food. Thoughtcrimes will not be tolerated. We are watching and listening to you.

Thanks For Nothing Gordon Brown

Labour’s scorched earth policy of destruction is nearly over thank god and even though most of the people will give a sigh of relief at the disgraceful exit of the worst PM and government in the history of Britain, there will have to be the final realisation that the people will have to suffer for many generations to try and claw the country back from the trillion pound deficit left by Labour.

Labour’s legacy is one of destruction; of utter disdain towards the people of Britain; of complete waste of our resources; of ridiculous levels of irresponsibility with regards to immigration and the economy. Gordon Brown has endangered the British people with his asinine nonsensical policies.

Thirteen terrible years of Labour have created a land bereft of hope. The thousands of laws created by Labour curbing human behaviour; introducing millions of CCTV surveillance cameras to watch us; letting criminals and murderers run riot in our streets and opening the borders to anyone who wants to abuse the welfare system.

Under Labour, there are families who have never worked since 1997, they have instead just enjoyed the myriad of welfare benefits and lived a life of leisure at the expense of the taxpayer.

Because of Labour, every one who has a job, has to work for 196 days before they make any money for themselves. The punitive Labour tax system stifles all work, business and employment. No wonder there are millions of families who choose not to work and are paid £50,000 per annum to play video games and get drunk under Labour’s policy of welfare waste.

Forget about the BNP wanting to throw all the Muslims out of Britain, they’re all talk. Labour has started two wars against the Muslims and is murdering them in cold blood everyday. Labour is not just talk like the BNP, they are actually out there invading and murdering innocent people in their own countries. And all of that because Blair wanted to look big next to America. How many thousands of civilians and brainwashed troops have died needlessly because of Labour? How much blood has been shed for no reason at all apart from to serve the egos of Labour politicians.

The day of the ‘champagne socialist’ is over; there was never any ‘equality’ with them anyway as they flew in first class and guzzled pork pies in their Jaguars.

Gordon Brown’s legacy is one of ultimate failure, of ruin and of imbecilic obtuseness. He is just stupid, and by shoehorning himself into the role of PM he has taken Britain to the brink of complete collapse. It will take many generations to clear up this mess created by Gordon Brown. He said the other day that he wants to work for charity when he is finally ousted as PM. Please tell me what charity will have him? Donations will dry up and their reputation will be tarnished forever. Good riddance fucker and thanks for absolutely nothing.

Gordon Brown Set to Win 100% Election Vote Once Again

“Our great unelected comrade in chief, Gordon Brown is set to win another unelected election victory on May 6. Turnout for the vote will be 100%, and every man, woman and child in our great Soviet British state will vote for our supreme leader. All the other candidates, of which there are none, wil be superseded and routed at the Soviet ballot boxes,” Commissar Mandelson told state British Soviet Broadcasting agency, the SBBC before the broadcast from the great Comrade Brown.

Comrade Brown himself made another one of his eloquent, noble speeches yesterday whilst relaxing at his dacha in Grimly, North East Sector 20, just off Junction 18 of the M34.

“Comrades, Stasi henchmen, Commissars and brave Bolshevik fighters. I address you from my dacha in Grimly and thank the SBBC for broadcasting this televisual message to you all. It is very pleasant here amongst the volcanic ash sludge falling from the cold grey rain drenched skies. I can see the future for Soviet Britain from here, yes and you have guessed it, it’s me, your beloved comrade in arms.

“The upcoming election for me is a deciding factor in all of your future. I know comrades, you will all make the correct decision in this fair and democratic election because our officials will be commandeering the polling booths and counting the votes. You will see on the ballot paper many options that will allow you to vote for me, therefore please vote carefully.

“Never in the
of the
world have there been such really free and really democratic elections
— never! History knows no other example like it.  The
point is not that our elections will be universal, equal, secret and
direct, although that fact in itself is of no great importance to you.
Even that horrible bigoted woman, Gillian Duffy, was forcibly made to
sign her postal vote when my henchmen attended her home in Rochdale last
week. Remember proles, let us count the votes and you shall have the
leader that you deserve
— me, of course.”

The elections on May 6 are not merely elections, our beloved unelected Comrade Brown has declared a national holiday for all workers, all peasants and all

Comrade Brown has also declared that on this historic day, every person in Soviet Britain will be given an extra sugar cube ration and a large bag of oats for the next winter.