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Another Pump and Dump Day at the Markets


“We pump the stocks up with good news, then we get one of our boys to release some juicy info that’s kind of scary, then we dump the shares and commodities. Repeat this a few times a week and you can make some serious profits, especially if you go short and long both ways,” Alan Deano, a Wall Street pit trader told MSNBC.

Pump and dumpers used to use phone calls in the old days but now the internet does all the work for them.

“With the internet you can get news around the world in less than a second. Before, we had to use phone calls to the right people for the news and then by the time it’s printed in the newspapers it’s too f*cking late or the effect is minimal. Now I can clean up by lunchtime. I’ll buy up half of Africa when the stock is dumped, then we start pumping again and again. It’s hard work you know,” Mr Deano added before speeding off in his new Lamborghini.

Israeli PM Says British Mass Murderer Derrick Bird Was Acting in Self-Defence


“Derrick Bird was acting in self-defence when he murdered 12 bystanders in a sleepy Lake District village. He was acting like our troops and commandos do to civilians every day in Palestine and Gaza as well as International waters. These people who were shot simply existed in this world, therefore they just like the Palestinians, deserved to be shot and killed,” Mr Netanyahu told the Israeli Knesset today.

After his brief speech, the Israeli parliament gave Mr Netanyahu a standing ovation and cheered for approximately eight minutes of sustained applause.

“This guy, who murdered those innocent bystanders going about their daily business in Cumbria, should be given a medal of honour by our Israeli military. He is just like our soldiers who will be honoured with medals for shooting the untermenschen Palestinian scum and peace activists in cold blood,” Mr Netanyahu said to rapturous applause from the Knesset.

Al Gore Satanic Heavy Metal Fetish Cited in Tipper Gore Divorce

Ex Vice President, Al Gore has been living a secret life as a heavy metal fanatic who allegedly performs gory sacrificial rituals in a secret room in the family mansion.

When he’s not jetting around the world spewing nonsense about global warming, Al Gore hangs out in his home dungeon listening to sordid heavy metal music and skinning live bats, his wife has claimed.

According to papers filed at the supreme court, Al Gore, repeatedly listened to ‘hellish’ bands like WASP, Slayer and Barry Manilow in his room. He played loud guitars at all times of the night and day was said to be possessed by “demonic spirits”.

Tipper Gore is a prominent member of the PMRC, whose sole claim to fame in the 80s was to place fear into the ignorant, generally stupid American parents blaming controversial music figures for disruption, aggression and violence.

“She would come home from PMRC rallies and find Al in a corner chewing on a bone wearing outrageous spandex trousers listening to Twisted Sister at very loud volume. This was just last week as well. How would she be able to face the PMRC board after seeing that? Mr Gore would also repeatedly cause offence by singing lyrics from some of these awful bands and stick his tongue out whilst banging his head. At breakfast time, this was unacceptable behaviour and was a major cause for the marriage breakdown,” Jacob Horovitz, one of Tipper’s attorneys told CBS news.

I Will Re-awaken Enterprise by Increasing Taxation Says David Cameron


Mr Cameron said that his Government’s priority is to transform the
economy from a “limping wounded post-Labour casualty to a dead carcass over-taxed piece of squashed roadkill”.

Starting with action to tackle the £156 billion deficit. He
will signal an increase in all tax and red tape, and the creation of a
simpler tax system of complete taxation.

“Instead of working for 230 days in a year before you make money for yourself, as was the case under Labour, you can now work for 300 days in a year before you make any money for yourself under the Con-Dem leadership and we might throw in a bonus work day for you as well. Remember that the money you make for your hard work will go to benefits scroungers so that they can enjoy their 48 inch plasma screens and daily drugged up booze playstation 3 sessions in their 4-storey Putney townhouses,” Mr Cameron told business delegates at the Holiday Inn conference centre near Heathrow airport.

Daily Squib Reader Offer: Luxury Cruises Off Coast of Israel


You and your family could be off on a cruise of a lifetime off the coast of Israel — that is if you survive for more than a week after departure.

Imagine waking up to the wonderful sunrise on the beautiful open ocean and seeing a helicopter lowering some armed thugs with automatic weapons and grenades onto the deck.

Why not try to defend your friends and family with sticks and marbles whilst being shot in the kneecaps by crazed zionists.

Want a game of shuffleboard on deck? How about shuffling the Israeli grenades and flash bombs instead before your brutal arrest and capture.

Enjoy the ship’s luxury cabins as injured passengers are dealt with on bloodied stretchers. Don’t forget to show your face in the ship’s ballroom where you can be handcuffed and interrogated by MOSSAD agents then taken away to secret prisons on the Israel mainland. Count yourself lucky if you’re still alive.


Day 1 : Set sail from Cyprus. Enjoy your freedom and life while you still have it.

Day 2 : Get boarded by armed Israeli commandos. Try to fight them off with sticks and throw stones at them. Get shot.

Day 3: Enjoy a lengthy stopover in a secret prison in Israel where electrodes will be attached to your genitals on a daily basis.

* For an extra supplement of £250 pp you can enjoy a day’s guided tour of the ruins of the Gaza strip.

Nazi Stormtroopers Thwart Humanitarian Aid Ship to Jewish Ghetto


The Warsaw ghetto which has been blockaded by the Nazis has left the Jews inside without food, shelter or hope.

“There are many women and children who are without food or water because the Nazis are stopping anything coming through to the ghetto. This is why this last ship trying to bring in aid for the starving Jews was their last chance from the evil Nazi octopus grip of death. We fear many more will perish,” a humanitarian aid worker revealed.

A spokeswoman for the flotilla, Anne Frank, said she had been told ten

people had been killed and dozens wounded, accusing Nazi troops of
indiscriminately shooting at “unarmed civilians”. But a local Fascist
radio station said that between 14 and 16 untermenschen were dead in a continuing
extermination operation.

Obama Finally Finds His Birth Certificate


“The president was walking along the beach when he came across a piece of paper with his name on it. He took one look at it and realised that it was his long lost birth certificate. Now he can show those sceptics that he was born in America and not in Kenya as is believed by many,” Obama’s chief of security, Al Hertyu, told ABC news.

According to the White House press office, the document was lost many years ago when Obama was a little boy in Hawaii. It must have travelled in the sea for many years after finally being washed up on the US mainland shore.

This find is incredible luck because many have been doubting Obama’s mandate to be president of the United States of America.

Well, I hold my head in shame if this is true. I’m sorry I ever doubted our great president who has done so much for our country and brought in that ‘change’ he was talking so much about during his election campaign. God bless America,” Janice Liebowitz, a previously sceptical Obama detractor told the Fox News network.

US Finds Oil in Gulf of Mexico


Speaking from the White House’s Rose Garden, the president announced the oil find to whoops and cheers from the expectant press corps.

“I just heard we struck oil folks. We got more than we ever seen. It’s just gushing out of the ocean. This could be a massive well right there and I’m very excited for the economy. America uses 40% of the world’s oil resources, so the more oil we can get to run our billions of SUV’s and trucks the better huh.”

All across America there was a collective sigh of relief after the oil find was announced.

“We had to invade Iraq to get their oil and that’s nearly all gone, so now this new oil find has really made me happy. We got shitloads of oil in our own back yard and then some. Shucks, we have been saved I tells ya,” Ed Sasquatch, a resident of Detroit told CNN.

Eurozone Countries Renamed as Numbered Sectors


“Germany will be known as sector 1 within the eurozone, then I guess it’s France as sector 2 in order of importance. I guess we can then put Ireland as number 3, then going down the list the PIGS countries of Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain. Below that we have the minor Eastern European countries. From now on all of these old countries will be known as sectors. Any EU citizen who refers to the sectors with their previous names will be prosecuted and sent to an EU re-education camp,” EU president in sector 2a (previously Belgium), Herman Van Rompuy told Le Figaro.

The new EU directive was announced on Thursday evening and was implemented by the Friday.

All EU countries have also been ordered to erase any references to their previous country names in all school text books, library books and any form of literature.

Britain’s CGT Mass Exodus Marathon Starts Soon


The new coalition government last week revealed their wonderful plan to increase capital gains tax to over 50% on all non-business assets which will be implemented in June.

Labour ministers have been gloating at the decrepit feeble coalition.

“We’ve got an ineffectual emasculated bunch of castrated Tories who are frankly yellow to the core. Then we’ve got the Lib-Dems who are basically like our Labour party, good-for-nothing pseudo Marxists on some kind of demented power trip to redistribute Britain’s wealth and give away billions of pounds to welfare scroungers. That’s why with the new CGT directive, everyone and their uncle are selling up and moving out. Soon all these babbling baboons will have, will be a ghost country full of benefits scroungers and tumbleweed. This bunch of morons will do more damage to the economy than we could have ever hoped,” a laughing Labour minister told the Mirror.

By punishing the people who have been prudent savers, the Con-Dem government have condemned Britain to another recession which will be worse than the first one.

“There is nothing to aspire to in Britain because if you save, if you work hard to earn money, it will be taken away from you and given to the black hole welfare state debt maelstrom of shit. We’re all fucked because of Cameron’s weakness, he’s a babbling baby with no bollocks of any kind. Sell up and leave
forever because it will only get worse
,” a Westminster insider revealed today.