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Universities Teach Degrees in ‘Unemployment Studies’


It’s another
A-level exam season and hundreds of thousands of new A grade students
are applying to universities so that they can incur huge debts when they leave and become unemployed.

“It’s the same thing every year. Universities piled high with people who have no chance of ever being employed. They may get the grades because the exams are so easy now, but their useless qualifications amount to nothing when there is no jobs market,” Roger Pratt, senior lecturer at
Munter College of High Education in Scunthorpe explains.

Coalition education officials have now found a way around the problem. Teach
‘Unemployment Studies’ as a structured three year course where students
can learn about what they can do when they hit the dole offices; what
Benefits they are entitled to and even the best ways they can queue at the dole office. After the three year course, the students are £36,500 in debt and come out straight into unemployment.

A recent graduate at Cambridge University who is now unemployed,
had this to say about the whole system: “There’s no point in working in
Britain’s post-Labour benefit culture anyway. Nothing will change under the new coalition. If you can even find work, most of the meagre
amount you make will be taxed plus you won’t get all the welfare benefits. If
you’re unemployed, they give you money, a house, a car and you won’t
have to pay any council tax or tax of any kind for that matter. The Labour created system also punishes any couples who marry, therefore it is in
your best interests to be a single parent with about 5 or 6 children.
You can then expect to be claiming over £3000 per week in benefits and
don’t forget, if you add on Incapacity Benefit you will be really raking
it in, just say you’ve got a bad back and carry a stick around with
you. No one ever checks. You won’t have to work for the rest of your
life, just sit in front of your 47 inch widescreen TV and crack open
another alcopop whilst watching the Jeremy Kyle Show. I’ve got a first
class degree in Unemployment studies at Cambridge. I acquired my degree in
Unemployment Studies in the morning and was in the dole queue by the afternoon.
It was that easy.”

Next year, we will hear the same stories again.

It Beggars Belief: How the Fake Politicians are Raking in More Than £200,000 a Year


Police estimate many members of the Houses of Parliament, who pretend to attend to affairs of the state, make more money fleecing the taxpayer than hard-working professionals.

Some are routinely taking home as much as £400 a day, rising to £1000 at weekends and purchasing ornate duck houses, home extensions, as well as expensive holidays from their ill-gotten gains.

Working a six-day week, they can earn as much as £2,400 untaxed income a week, giving them a salary of £124,800.

After tax and National Insurance deductions workers on a salary of £20,000, which is roughly what newly-qualified teachers earn, take home £15,391.85 a year.

Following the survey of politicians in Westminster, police in the city have launched an operation to get them off the gravy train and prosecute persistent offenders.

The Metropolitan Police says one man regularly makes more than £5000 an hour, calling it ‘tantamount to theft’. Speaking from one of his mansions in Belgravia, Tony Blair, explicitly denied the accusations before flying off in a private jet to another lucrative lecture in America.

Inspector Richard Goatse said: ‘While we do have politicians in Westminster who actually try to do the job and serve the people, there are some who are simply using this as a way of making money and sometimes they are threatening and intimidating.’


Recession Britain: Government Scientists Now Say 70 Minutes in Hour


The time increase, which will bring extra revenue to the ailing government awash with debt, is a sign that the UK is in even worse trouble than previously thought. What’s more, the coalition government is trying to find a way to make the extra ten minutes in the hour non-payable by employers, therefore the workforce will work the extra ten minutes for nothing.

“We feel this will increase the UK’s productivity and bolster the debt ridden coffers. Everyone will work the extra ten minutes and will not get paid for their work, however they will be happy in the knowledge that the extra ten minutes worked will help pay for the benefits welfare black hole, NHS, civil service pensions and holidays as well as projects like sending young offenders on African safaris,” Paul Butcher, the Lib Dem Work and Pensions secretary told the Telegraph on Sunday.

Scientists and mathematicians have however come across a major problem. If the UK has 70 minutes in an hour and the rest of the world only has 60, this will cause confusion for global trade, business and air travel. This is why the government’s International Productivity Policy Foundation wants to roll out the extra ten minutes to the rest of the world as well. Already, the USA and Germany has shown interest as well as China, however countries like Greece, whose population are workshy, have strongly disagreed to the plans and have started rioting again.

“We will find a way to increase the minutes in an hour internationally. Once that is achieved, we can get out of this recession once and for all,” Liam Henderson a government, Business and Productivity Tsar told the Daily Mail on Saturday.

A direct
consequence of the time change that may cause major problems, is the
adjusting of the world’s clocks to reflect the extra minutes. The plan
is to change clock faces across the world by painting the extra minutes
on, as well as adjusting digital clocks. This could be quite time
consuming and expensive but worth it in the long run. Time will only

How it will work

a) 70 minutes per hour

b) 24 hours in a day

c) Extra 1 hour 20 minutes of unpaid productivity in a normal 8 hour shift

Spanish Hotel Wants Expensive Cutlery Back After Michelle Obama Trip


Whilst staying at the taxpayer funded $4000 per night room, Michelle Obama allegedly swiped the expensive cutlery from the dining area as well as some ashtrays for her husband, and a few obligatory bathrobes.

“We have a very exclusive line of cutlery that is very expensive, and there were witnesses to the incident. A bell boy was just passing the dining hall when he witnessed Michelle Obama first looking around, and then sticking a number of the valuable pieces into her handbag. She even put some in her daughter’s bag and we have reason to believe that she ordered all forty hangers-on in her entourage to bag stuff too. Sheeit, it was like a free-for-all during the L.A. riots. I bet she even tried to take the TV from the room,” Ernesto El Burro, senior concierge manager at the hotel told Spain’s El Pais newspaper.

The White House have flatly denied any wrongdoing and have vowed to look into the matter with an internal inquiry. There are fears, however, from the Pentagon, that internet leak site, Wikileaks, may have acquired in-depth damaging evidence and are threatening to release even more Michelle Obama pilfering details.

Speaking from the White House’s Oval room, President Barack Obama said: “Don’t be talkin’ trash! Michelle bagged me a great bathrobe and some gold laminated slippers from that hotel. I ain’t going to complain about that, shieet!”

Sweat Shop Owner Philip Green to Review Government Spending

Sir Philip, owner of several sweat shop operations in the Far East, will examine
expenditure from the past three years to try to identify potential

He told the Daily Squib that moving more earnings abroad to offshore accounts and dodging the UK tax system would work wonders. At one point, Mr Green even suggested that David Cameron transfer UK funds into Samantha Cameron’s offshore bank accounts thus circumnavigating any tax inspectors.

“I’ve been doing it for bloody years and no one’s caught me yet,” Mr Green said.

Sir Philip owns more than 2,000 shops in the UK, including
BHS and Topshop, which are estimated to make up some 12% of the nation’s
clothing retail market.

Ground Zero Mosque to be Spectacular Say Americans


“People are so excited by this wonderful magnificent mosque which will grace this holy 911 site that is central to all Americans. It is a wonderful symbol of Islam and the enduring love that is felt when people visit this site,” a spokesman for Obama’s 911 Reconstruction Commission said on Thursday.

The mosque will have four 300 foot minarets and six smaller ones towering high into the New York skyline, and there is even talk of having a muezzin calling Americans to prayer every evening.

The holy building and its ornate dome will be constructed with the most beautiful intricate Damascus tiles. The central courtyard will include a wonderful Moorish fountain and the surrounding gardens will be a peaceful oasis in the desert of concrete junk, which usually makes up New York city.

“We have already had many requests for pilgrimage from the Arab world and as long as they have the correct visas they can all come here. We are expecting as much as thirty to forty million Muslims per year coming to the ground zero mosque, Allah be praised,” John Schmitt, a consultant on the project told CNN.

Texan farmer, Billy Bob Fenster, said whilst visiting the site: “God damn, this is going to be an awesome project. The beautiful Islamic tiles, the minarets and the dome really bring the power of Allah into my life. I actually shed a tear at the beauty of the intricate designs and the splendour of Islam. I found myself getting down on my knees and prostrating myself towards Mecca.”

Gazza Visits Flood Hit Pakistan


The former soccer legend turned up in a cab at Karachi train station last week clutching a loaf of ciabatta bread, two fishing rods, a dressing gown, lager, a rubber dinghy, some frozen pizzas and chicken pieces for the flood-hit people of Pakistan.

He appeared drunk as he described how he wanted to help the people of Pakistan after seeing footage on Sky news.

Gazza, 43, said: “I can teach the Pakistanis how to fish. I just want to give them some therapy because they’ve been through some really hard times, like, and say ‘Come on Pakistan, it’s Gazza’. I guarantee I can save them.”

Gascoigne visited a flood relief camp in Sindh province on Thursday before being stretchered away drunk out of his f*cking mind.

His spokesman, Jimmy Fivebellies, said he was bringing special gifts all the way from Newcastle, England, for the Pakistani people to enjoy.

“He heard that the Pakistani people need some help urgently during these hard times, like, so he’s gone and brought some stuff for them, like,” Fivebellies stated.

Armed Robber Forces Local Bank to Lend


After many months of trying to get a loan from her local bank, Ms Benson took it upon herself to get a loan from her bank, the easy way.

“I robbed the bank to get me a loan. But, if the rozzers see this, I intend to pay the cash back once I get my flower business up and running,” Ms Benson said from a secure hiding place.

Despite the banks displaying record profits this year and handing out huge bonuses to their employees, as well as receiving huge handouts from the taxpayer, they are reluctant to lend any money to anyone.

Small businesses in the UK have therefore suffered to such a point that thousands are going out of business or never even getting off the ground.

“I certainly do not commend what Ms Benson has done. She has desperately taken it upon herself to get a loan from the bank. If she is caught by the police, she will probably do a little time but that’s a small price to pay for a f*cking loan, isn’t it? Reggie Kendal, a councillor for Stoke-on-Trent district council told the Stoke Times.

Cloned Cows Attack Farm Visitors After Vicious Taunts


“Forget about mad cows, the cloned cows are the ones you have to really fear,” Russ Abbot, a farm hand at the Sunnydale clone cow farm has revealed.

According to witnesses who witnessed the tragic attack, the cloned cows who all looked the same, suddenly started galloping towards the group of visitors on a day trip from the nearby town of Alsager.

“There were about sixty cloned cows and a few cloned bulls who came out of the cow shed at the same time. They’re way more intelligent than normal cows and move around with purpose. One of the visitors triggered off the event by teasing one of the cows. He called it a ‘silly clone’ and then he started telling his chums that all the cows looked the same in an obvious loud voice. That’s when one of the cows perked up and seemed to understand; this cloned cow seemed to then tell it’s fellow clones what happened with a few moo’s here and there. I’ve never seen the look of anger as I saw on those clone cows, they were spitting grass cuds they were,” Jimmy Twonails, one of the visitors to the farm told the BBC.

After the stampede, the farmer rescued the visitors, but alas, three people were sadly trampled to death by a number of vicious cloned cows.

A spokesman for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Alan Chipplesblain, told the BBC that the clone farm had now been contained and the cloned cows were currently being moved to a secret location where they will made into juicy cloned steaks and delivered to supermarkets across the country.

The EU: 'More Tax Please You're British'


“Ve haf vays of making you pay,” an EU official has told Britain’s chancellor, Osborne, yesterday at an impromptu Treasury meeting.

EU budget commissioner Janusz Lewandowski, ordered the British chancellor to commit Britain to pay tax to fund poor Eastern European countries like Greece, Romania, Slovakia and Lithuania.

“We want the stupid people of Britain to fund our Soviet Fascist expansionist plans for the 1000 year Reich. We know very well how the UK is known as ‘Ripoff Britain’ because any form of indignity that is presented to the Brits is eaten up without question. We also know that all goods sold in the UK are marked up by over 75% and no one even asks any questions. In that case, here in the Eurozone, we wish the English pigs to fund our unlimited salaries and expense accounts as well as bolster the failing states which we have invited into our single currency mechanism. Your role will be quite simple. Pay up or we will crush you one way or another,” Mr Lewandowski told the BBC after the meeting at the Treasury.

Britain already hands over £9 billion per annum to the EU super state and has been ordered to add to this sum substantially.

“It’s a win win situation for Britain. You get to pay for the poor people to come into your country from Eastern Europe so that they can take your resources, overcrowd your cities, increase crime and f*ck your women. What more do you want?” the EU budget commissioner said whilst grinning like a well fed Cheshire cat.