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Jamie Cullum Lost?

The pint sized pop star, Jamie Cullum, was last seen by his wife, the 5′ 11″ model-turned-TV-chef, Sophie Dahl on Monday night.

“We were just getting ready for bed and one minute he was there, the next he was gone. I checked the sheets and even under the bed. Where could he have gone?” a visibly upset Ms Dahl said whilst being comforted by friends.

After a frantic search of the bedroom at the exclusive Belgravia apartment, Ms Dahl called the police, who attended the scene and searched the whole flat to no avail. The police are appealing to the public for any information leading to the whereabouts of Mr Cullum.

There is, however, some good news for the couple. Sophie Dahl is expecting her first child after a surprise pregnancy test revealed the joyful news.

"How’d Ya Like Your Brains? Scrambled or Over Easy?"


Enos Johnsons, 45, recently started the new Shotgun Breakfast craze, which is now raging through the state of Kentucky. His wife served him up some cold eggs for breakfast so he thought he’d serve up some of her cold brains on the sideboard with his 12-bore.

Sheriff Elrod Cooter for Kentucky State Police said: “It’s a new craze going around called a Shotgun Breakfast. Last week we had one guy who’s wife burnt his toast in the morning. Well, he shot up the whole trailer park and killed 23. Just yesterday down in Cheyenne Creek, one man’s wife blew off her husband’s nutsack because he forget to buy some more booze that morning. Folks, looks like we gots us an epidemic here!”

Professor Jed Pitchfork of the University of Kentucky has several theories on the series of Shotgun Breakfast rampages which are sweeping the county: “Bad moonshine. I say we gots us some bad moonshine in the state and it’s affecting people. I’m currently conducting some more scientific experiments on the latest batch of moonshine doing the rounds, and I gots to say it some goo-o-o-d shieeeeet!”

Simon Cowell Needs 'Raw Sewage Injections' to Keep on Top of Workload

“It’s hard work being a malignant tumour on the face of the entertainment industry. Sometimes I run out of the sh*t flowing through my body. You may find that incomprehensible, but I need a daily injection of raw faeces into my veins so I can carry on polluting the world’s media and exploiting talentless nobodies for huge profit. My evil plan is to saturate the global media with so much banal talentless sh*t that human evolution will be reversed permanently, I think it’s worked, don’t you? The talentless c*nts who are judging these monstrous exploitative shows ensure that there will not be any talent in the globe for the next 40 years. Thanks to my evil plan, I have singlehandedly ruined the global entertainment media with my malevolent rancorous excreta,” Mr Cowell said from his Bahamas mansion.

Indeed, Mr Cowell’s assault on all forms of musical talent and creativity has reduced the entertainment world to the level of a morose banal karaoke autotune addicted shit-festival toilet where moronic putrefying idiots are hoodwinked into thinking they are ‘talented’.

Mr Cowell said from his sun lounge: “I have a doctor who comes over once a day, they give you these pure sewage injections — but they’re like six inches long and it takes about 30 minutes and it is ecstasy!

“Raw faeces, urine, vomit, it does help – it lasts for 24 hours and then you just collapse and then you have another one!”

Six-Year-Old Girl to Burn ‘My Pet Goat’ Book at Ground Zero on September 11


“Georgie was reading ‘My Pet Goat’ while Americans were jumping to their deaths from the WTC. He didn’t seem bothered much when one of his agents came and told him that the WTC was under attack. He just carried on as if nothing was happening. They didn’t even scramble one jet that day,” Judie Belcher, 6, said in front of her first grade class.

This is why at 3pm (EDT), the little six-year-old is going to ceremonially attend the book burning of ‘My Pet Goat’ at the 911 Ground Zero site. She and her classmates have been flown in from the Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota County especially for the book burning occasion.

Remote control

“It’s like those WTC buildings were demolished from the inside. It was a controlled demo. Like also, what happened to the 757 that smacked into the Pentagon? They didn’t even find a wing over there, and there was a tiny hole like some kind of missile entered and smashed through 40 layers of reinforced concrete and steel. Who has that kind of technology? Dumbfuck towelheads sure don’t,” another pupil said.

Whilst the religious zealots fight amongst themselves at Ground Zero, those who really perpetrated the atrocity are happy the blame has been completely shifted to Islam; a useful bogeyman since the demise of the Cold War.

Collateral damage

“I read the Project for the New American Century’s Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategies, Forces, and Resources For a New Century piece written in September 2000, it said they needed a new Pearl Harbor to rouse the American people so they could go to war again. Well, bang, September 11 2001 happened, and catch an Arab by his toe, we went to goddamn war thanks to Bush Jnr,” Billy Batts, 8, from the same school told his class during the plane trip up to New York.

At least someone is asking questions. Could it be that some first grade students in America have more insight than most of the ridiculously brainwashed jingoistic moronic adults aping around the country and airwaves waving their nonsensical religious books around?

Africans Refusing Clothing From America


You would have thought that Africans would be happy to receive aid from America, but unfortunately, this vast continent is tired of American hand-me-downs, especially when it comes to clothes.

“I don’t know anyone in Africa who has a 65 inch waist. This is ridiculous, we can make tents out of this shit.

“Those fat fuck slothful fast-food guzzling greed-driven Americans are sending us clothes that we can’t possibly ever wear.

“They have plundered the earth’s resources for their wasteful culture of gluttony while the rest of the world is left with nothing,” Albert Kinoko, Rural Minister of Agriculture in Kinshasa told the BBC.

Every day, over 500 tonnes of outsized clothing is dumped in African countries. America has the highest levels of obesity in the world, with 89% of the country being clinically obese; a stark contrast to any other part of the world.

SUPER SIZE – Unfortunately outsize clothing is not the only other unwelcome American export in the world.

An American enjoys a small snack

The story is the same across the whole of Africa. There are now surplus mounds of American clothes dumped across Africa from the Cape of Good Hope to Nigeria.

“We have found an ingenious way to deal with the problem. If we receive one American’s jeans, we cut up the material and we can usually make clothes for five or six people, or even a tent that can house ten people,” a resourceful aid worker for Médecins Sans Frontières revealed.

Spaniards to Build Hotels Without Balconies For Brits on Holiday


“This is a terrible disappointment. How the hell are we meant to have fun on holiday if we can’t jump from balconies or hang off them whilst being completely pissed out of our heads on cheap booze?” Lee Anderton, 21, from Blackburn told the Sun newspaper.

In Britain, many holidaymakers were angry about the new Spanish directive to ban balconies in all hotels.

“We’ve already booked our holiday in Benidorm and now we’re going to fookin’ lose out, innit. I paid £70 for a three week holiday and I want my bloody money back. What’s the point without fookin’ balconies. It’s tekkin’ all the fun out of it. Cheap booze and balcony jumping, I paid my money, innit? I’ll have to go to Portugal or summat,” Billy Cragger, 27, from Leeds told the Mirror.

This year has been a bumper year for the Brits on holiday with over 89 fatalities from balcony jumping, and 234 Brits paralysed from the neck down.

Carlos Endemol, Minister of Tourism in Andalucia said: “We are trying to cater to the British people who are so drunk all the time that they fall of balconies and jump off them, but the clean up operations are getting too costly for us. Frankly we are fed up of scraping British brains off concrete. This is why the new laws I am implementing within our province will require all hotel chains to remove their balconies and new construction to also adhere to these updated planning rules.”

Footballer's Wife Forgives Footballer's Wallet After Another Indiscretion


Another week in the world of football. Another footballer caught playing away from home with a prostitute. As scripts go this is pretty standard stuff.

“Wayne was caught having it off with prostitutes while his slapper wife was giving birth to their first child. Is the Pope Catholic? Do bears shit in the woods?” Ronald Eakin, a football agent dealing with Manchester United players told the Mirror.

What about the footballer’s wife? Well, naturally, she being a paid hand herself, will forgive her footballing husband’s many jaunts with the prostitutes because she can’t afford to lose his bulging wallet.

“I’m going to forgive his wallet because I know what it’s like to be paid for sex. That’s all a footballer’s wife is anyway, a trumped up whore with shopping bags coming out of every orifice conceivable,” Colletta Booney told the Sun tabloid.

Tony Blair Could Launch Book Signing in 45 Minutes


“Mr Blair is ready to launch a book signing anywhere in the UK in 45 minutes,” a senior aide working for the former prime minister told the Sun.

Immediately after the 45-minute claims were uttered in a secret dossier published three months ago and leaked only two days ago, there was panic in the whole of the UK and Ireland.

In Dublin, shoes and eggs were pelted at Tony Blair after he enacted the 45-minute book signing threat and conducted an impromptu book signing attack in the middle of the Town Centre.

“As soon as people heard the 45-minute book signing threat there was literally panic in the streets. The populace were scrabbling for rotten tomatoes, eggs, bricks and old shoes to throw at the former prime minister,” Liam O’Leary, an unpublished author from Dublin told the Irish Times.

The whole of the UK is now under siege with Tony Blair threatening to strike at any book store near where you live in less than 45-minutes.

Cost Cutting Ryanair Planes to be Flown On Autopilot



Michael O’Leary claimed that pilots were too costly and would be replaced throughout the whole Ryanair fleet with a computer autopilot system running on Windows 98.

In an interview with Bloomberg BusinessWeek magazine, Mr O’Leary, who has previously suggested that planes could fly with “standing-only” areas for passengers, said: “Why does every plane have human pilots?

“Really, you only need the autopilot. Let’s take out the expensive f*cking human pilot. Let the bastard computer fly it.”

When asked what would happen if the autopilot came up with a blue screen Windows error while flying a plane, he said: “If the f*cking autopilot crashes, a bell rings, then it’s time for the passengers to bail out. They will have to pay a non-refundable fee for their f*cking parachutes though before they disembark from the plane at 30,000 feet.”



Glenn Beck Birth Certificate Says He Was Born in Afghanistan


He’s usually trying to dig up some nonsense on the ailing president regarding his absent birth certificate, but this time the tables have turned on Republican Tea Party hot head Glenn Beck.

“We dug deep for this one, and it turns out that Glenn Beck was not only born in Helmand province, Afghanistan, but his roots lie with the Taliban. His dad was a prominent Taliban commander who sadly passed away last year during an American air raid, and his momma was a towel head too. In his spare time, Glenn Beck prays to Allah and wears a turban at home. He even arranged his furniture to point towards Mecca so he can be close to Allah at all times. The bitch has been holding out on us for this long,” Rudy DuMaurier, a senior Tea Party chairman from Boston, Massachusetts told a US military tribunal on Wednesday before expelling Mr. Beck from any further Tea Party conventions.

When news of Glenn Beck’s real identity was broken to America via Fox News, there was shock and grief across the country.

“Goddamn! You saying that he’s a towel head too? What next you’ll be tellin’ us that he wants to build a mosque at the foot of the statue of Liberty. What a load of prime, steamin’ BS,” John Deansguard, a fireman from Chisholm Creek, Wichita told CNN.