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"How The Internet Ruined My Life" by WikiLeaks Boss


“I have this irresistible urge to leak all over the World Wide Web. Sometimes, I have to be locked away from an internet connection. Please, I need help, my leaking is getting out of hand,” Mr Assange told Wired magazine.

The WikiLeaks boss is so dedicated to leaking that he is permanently glued to the internet via a special internet goggles headset. He is so engrossed in his leaking activities that he sometimes does not even have time to eat or pass bodily functions for days at a time.

His long suffering girlfriend, Matilda Huberstinka, speaks about Assange’s ailing condition: “Julian doesn’t sleep but leaks all through the night, then if he hears something from a military or CIA source, his leaking gets more pronounced. Sometimes I try to feed him Twinkies or M&M’s through a makeshift tube linked to his quivering mouth, sometimes I put a few shrimps on the barbie and he eats those. I get to change his nappies three or four times a day because his constant leaking means he doesn’t do conventional bathroom breaks. We also have to keep moving, from motel to motel, which can be a problem too. If the American government gets wind of where we’re staying, then we soon get these sinister looking assholes in grey suits turning up. You ever tried to change a grown man’s nappy whilst being pursued by crazed secret servicemen on a mission to bust you for leaking the truth.”

No doubt, Mr Assange’s brave leaking is a breath of fresh air in a world where the media is so tightly controlled by governments worldwide, so in this respect, Mr Assange should be commended for his dutiful role as the world’s foremost leaker extraordinaire.

Waterboarding to be Introduced For Olympics


Jacques Rogge, the president of the International Olympics Committee has revealed plans to include the new waterboarding sport into the games, which will be held in London, England in 2012.

“In an age of terror and torture, why not include this wonderful endurance sport into the roster of established sports? It is a sign of our times, a symbol of where our civilisation has got to. The Olympics should be for everyone, even the tortured.”

IOC officials have already outlined the rules of the new sport and will hold a small waterboarding presentation next week at Stratford’s main athletic venue.

“If the athlete can survive for more than three minutes without choking to death, then that’s a gold medal. Obviously, in this sport, getting the silver or bronze medal is a serious downer because the participants are probably dead,” John Suffkate, the IOC’s sport development officer told the BBC.

Fed Pumping Economy Like Crazy


Bernanke, the Fed Chairman, has straddled the U.S. economy from behind and stormed the trenches for all his worth.

“He’s shooting cash into the economy. He grabbed it by its haunches and started pumping like a dog on heat. Hopefully, the cash explosion is going to splatter the honey pot and some seeds of growth are going to spurt wildly all over the big cash depository. You see folks, the economy is like a woman who hasn’t been donut creamed for a very, very long time. We need to get back in there balls deep and smack away until she starts up her engines again. Soon, we’ll have her purring like a kitten — you’ll see!” U.S. Fed. spokesman, Al Kohol, told CBS news.

“Money Shot

The amount of cash ejaculated from the printing presses of the Federal Reserve is saturating the big hairy hole in the economy that needs to be filled asap.

“We’re going to fill her up all the way to the top. We’re ‘doing’ her day and night. If it wasn’t for the massive cash dump from our straining full sacks, she’d be starving. She wants more, and more, every time, just like that insatiable nympho in my local supermarket I’m banging at the moment. We’re unloading our sacks into the economy until she can’t take no more,” Mr Kohol reiterated.

Economist and author of ‘Filling that Big Cash Hole’, Robert C. Spanner, recently wrote in an article in the New York Times: “The economy has got a big hole in it. That’s why the Fed is now pumping cash into the hole until the hole gets filled up with cash and trickles down its legs. Sometimes, the hole is too big to fill, that’s why you gotta have big sacks full of cash to spurt into the hole. No use yackin’ on the economies face or jugs, we need to slap the cash in that big pink hole so that the cash seed will propagate. Do you understand now?”

New Incapacity Benefit Test to Save Taxpayer Billions


“We anticipate with this new test, that only a fraction of people who are claiming incapacity benefit will be eligible for the payments saving the government billions every year,” Henry Davenport, Welfare officer for Haringey council has revealed.

The new Incapacity Benefits test will involve a trip to the SAS training ground in Hereford, where the participants will be required to be inducted into a gruelling three day endurance course culminating in an assault course that is purported to be one of the hardest in the world.

“We’ve had battle-hardened men weep like little babies after just a few metres of this course. That’s why we don’t expect many of the Incapacity Benefit scroungers and work-shy to survive more that a minute. Last week, we had some U.S. Marines down here. Never seen so many pussies in one place. Those yanks just couldn’t cut our SAS course. They were squealing like little girls,” Major Hartnell, second in command at the Hereford training grounds told the Times.

Welfare Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, said: “Naturally, those who are actually disabled will not lose their benefits, but the others who have been deceiving the system for too long will.”

The Labour opposition however, responded to the new directives with outrage: “These poor people, they were our core voters. They’ve been living the life of Riley and now they’ve got to work. Well, we protected the work-shy Labour core voters for as long as we could.”

British Royal Family to Take Up Carpentry Instead of Army


“It was a hard decision to take but we were just fed up of pretending to be in the army. None of us ever saw any real combat and we were just going through the motions. We were seduced by the wonderful smell of wood shavings hitting the floor as one planed away, it took one’s breath away and captured one’s imagination. Much better than masquerading in full battle gear thousands of miles behind the front line,” Prince Charles, one of the most heavily decorated members of the Royal family, told the Sun newspaper.

Woodworking has been a much more fulfilling role for the Royal family members, with even the wayward Prince Harry getting involved, when he recently got his carpentry teacher to make a three legged stool for him so that he can sit at his local bar for longer. Fergie also got stuck in by fashioning a wooden trolley out of mahogany to push her collection of mink fur coats around.

Prince Andrew used his carpentry skills to build a barrier over his front door to keep Fergie and her debt-ridden leeching ways out of his Royal digs but was alas thwarted at the last moment when she jumped through an upstairs window instead. He is now building a large catapult contraption to possibly propel his wayward ex to some far flung place and finally be rid of her.

“Every member of the Royal family has now taken up carpentry instead of military affairs. The people knew the Royals doing the military stuff was all a big ruse, plus with all the funding cuts from the MoD, there’s more money in carpentry,” a palace spokesman revealed.

Prince Charles recently built a garden shed at the Balmoral Estate where he can get away from the horse for a few hours and talk to his dandelions in peace. Even Prince William, the future king, is now a dab hand at carpentry He has fashioned a walking stick out of a piece of wood, which will be used to beat off Waity Katie’s peasant relatives once he finally agrees to get married to her.

Obama Armada of 45 Naval Destroyers Escort For India Trip


“The ten day India trip is going to cost the U.S. taxpayer nearly two trillion dollars. To be more precise, we’re talking in the region of $200 million per day and we’re not even including the secret service bill right there,” Amy Thompson, senior budget director at the Pentagon told the Herald Sun.

Obama’s trip to Mumbai will last all of ten days and is set to become the most expensive visit a head of state has ever achieved in the whole of history.

“Forget about any trip by Queen Victoria, the Sultan of Brunei or any Saudi King. First off, they don’t have 45 battleships following them around. We know it is totally unnecessary, but we’re Americans, we’re democrats and also we get one term to do this shit, so we’re going to have our fun before the whole shit house goes up in flames,” Jonah Fetherline, Obama’s press secretary told the Herald Tribune.

According to reports within the sprawling city of Mumbai, all beggars and untouchables will be taken off the streets for the trip and put into a container ship off the coast. The roads will have to be cleared of cows and other assorted livestock for the 240 vehicle presidential entourage and a steel perimeter has been built up containing the city for three whole days. Surveillance aircraft will be watching the city, street by street, inch by inch, and even the coconuts from the trees will be removed in case they are used as weapons against the ailing lame-duck pr

White Voters Win Mid-term Election


“This is a victory for white Americans. We came out and voted right this time,” Arlene Philips, a triumphant Republican voter said in Arizona.

On the other side of the country, in Chicago, an Obama supporter, Jaquanda Johnsons, said: “Y’all needs to realise that Obama lost the vote ‘cos he’s black. That’s how it is in this country. They first say everything equal, and then they show their true face.”

The landslide victory in the House of Representatives by the Republicans revealed how white voter anger had boiled over in the last two years.

“We gave him a chance to prove his worth. White people voted for him last time but not no more. He screwed it up plus he pissed off too many sections of voters. While he was out there playing golf and being lazy, Americans were losing their jobs and their homes,” Texan voter, Connor Pounder, told CNN.

Tea Party candidates like Sarah Palin, however, denied that there were any racial undertones to the voting: “Black people everywhere are free to join the Tea Party. It’s just that there won’t be a seat at the table. Maybe they can sit on the floor.”

House of Representatives Have Massive Food Fight


When they wheeled in the food during a post mid-term election luncheon, there was not only the look of greed on the politician’s faces but the look of glee, and in some cases just pure unadulterated anger.

“Texas congressman, Doug Rheinhardt, went straight for the barbequed rib. Then when he ate his fill, with meat juices streaming down his chin, he picked one greasy morsel up and threw it at a Democrat standing near the punch bowl. That set things off, we even had Newt come up to a Dem and slam a trifle in their face. The Liberals gave as good as they got though, some were slapping macaroni cheese and cornbread onto a Tea Party representative’s back,” Peter Newtrich, the Republican Colorado congressman, told NBC news.

When the food fight was over, the soiled politicians were led out onto the House’s steps and hosed down with a high pressure hose, then they were all put on buses and taken to a secret location for re-programming.

“We can’t have our politicians going crazy like that? Hell, our country was built on violence and the gun, but we need some semblance of order on Capitol Hill,” House leader, Reggie Boner, Rep. said.

Ghost of Michael Jackson Molests Boy on Halloween


The 12-year-old boy, who has not been named yet, has made the extraordinary claim to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office and also filed a lawsuit against the Jackson estate.

“According to the boy, he was with his family on a Neverland tour during Halloween night when the group were shown Jacko’s old bedroom. He claims that a shadow came out of the wall and started to do bad things to him. We asked him how he knew it was Jackson, well, he said the ghost had one white glove and moonwalked across the floor before attempting to molest the boy. There were also
witnesses to the whole sordid affair and even a photograph,” the Sheriff’s Deputy, Jordy MacCulkin was quoted in the LA Times.

Since the incident, the Neverland Tour has been suspended, and paranormal investigators have been called in. There are even plans to bring in an exorcist to try and rid the place of the moonwalking molester.

The ghostly molestation has seriously affected the boy who is now receiving counselling  and his parents are very angry that no one warned them of Jackson.

“This is a terrible awful event which has affected us all. Jacko was not happy with molesting little boys in real life and now he’s doing it from beyond the grave? What a sick f***er!” the boys father told pop commentator Perez Hilton.

Another 'Cutesy' Hollywood CGI Film Released


“We’ve got another Hollywood movie release with cutesy CGI characters, American voices and American mannerisms,” Ernie Schlitz, a studio executive at Fox Studios told Film Weekly.

Cinema-goers in Paris, France were astounded by the new movie.

Pierre Gitanes, 14, on his half-term holidays said: “Every week they release a new film with the same tired old American actors’ voices and really dumb f*cking CGI penguins or some other stupid creature. They walk around the screen going ‘Yo, yo, whassup?’ or ‘Du-u-u-u-de!’ after the 380th CGI film release this year I just sat in my seat and wept.”

In Britain, many cinemas held a day of mourning as another cutesy Hollywood CGI film release hit the towns and cities.

“We just had another cutesy American CGI film release. I even had one man slit his wrist in the back and last week we had a hanging,” Freddie Arbunckle, the manager at the Bexleyheath Odeon told the Mirror.