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Brown Hobbits Not Allowed in Middle Earth

Brown skinned Hobbits have been carted out of the Shire, Bilbo Baggins announced yesterday. According to reports, the brown ones will be relegated to the vicinity of the Orcs and the other shisters that hang around with Sauron in Mordor.

“This is the land of the rings where our racial purity is preserved and the humans that watch us on their screens can find comfort in the fact that there is at least one safe haven left from the ‘darkies’. The human landscapes in the West have all but been compromised and ‘whitey’ can only find solace in fantasy. We know as a fact that race determines behaviour, and that’s why the nasty dark ones are to be relegated back to the darkness from whence they came,” one of the Hobbit council of elders, Jimbo Muggins told a Hobbit equality hearing.

The land of Middle-earth is a racially pure land where the ‘whitey’ elves and Hobbits stay in one corner and the evil ‘darkies’ come from the mud and are portrayed as nasty Trolls and Orcs.

Champion of Hobbit civil liberties and equality, Harriet Harpie said: “Why do all the darkies have to be lumped in as the baddies? Surely there must be some good darkies too? That’s why I propose we try and integrate the brown hobbits in soulless ghettos at the periphery of our Shire. At least we would have someone to do our dirty work like cleaning and emptying the shit buckets in the river.”

WikiLeaks to Start Plumbing Service


The disillusioned WikiLeaks boss, Julian Assange, wants to start his own firm of plumbers, CIA analysts have claimed after many setbacks with his previous venture.

“If you’ve got a leaking sink, toilet or your boiler packs up in the dead of winter. Give WikiLeaks a call. For no extra charge, we’ll also tell you while we’re fixing your leak that the Americans were not very fond of Gordon Brown and Hillary Clinton is a lying lizard,” Mr Assange said whilst filming a promotional video for the new project.

The new WikiLeaks plumbing service will only initially service the Coventry area but they hope to branch out nationally within the year, as long as Assange is not extradited to Sweden to serve time for fabricated stories concocted by certain unnameable governments.

Frozen Pensioner Prays For Global Warming


Jim Jones, 75, from Stepney Green is holding a vigil in the cold snowy streets to petition the environment for some global warming.

“They keep saying we’re having global warming. Well, where is it then? I just want a bit of relief, innit. I mean I’m sat in my one bedroom council flat and it’s bloomin’ freezing. I woke up this morning and opened the fridge to get some warmth in. Where’s that bloody global warming they keep taxing us for? I want to see palm trees outside my window, and lasses in bikinis frolicking around. Instead, I’ve got this horrible dreary view of grey council estate tower blocks and a playground full of hoodies selling crack rocks to little kiddies,” Mr Jones said.

Other residents of the Coweshit estate have also told of their anguish.

Maureen Haversham, 76, a cleaning lady, is adamant that the global warming should be here any time soon: “I reckon it’s only a matter of time till we get the global warming. Every day in the news they say we’re getting global warming. This morning it was so bloody cold I had to defrost the bloomin’ cat.”

Woman Pregnant After TSA Pat-Down


Carmella Sanchez, 18, was travelling from Florida to a nunnery in Boston when she went through the TSA checkpoint.

“I want to dedicate my life to Jesus and this is why I want to go and become a nun. My dreams have now been shattered because I’m pregnant. They took my virginity and that was meant for Jesus alone,” a distraught Sanchez said in tears from a medical facility in the airport.

TSA spokesman, Marvin Haggler, told Fox News: “We had to check for explosives. Maybe one of our screeners got a little too enthusiastic. We’re looking into getting him a promotion anyway. What you going to do about it? We’re above the law.”

Ms Sanchez was given a lift to her gate and put on another plane after missing her original flight.

Football Hooligans Angry After England Lose 2018 World Cup Bid


The English Football Hooligans Association (EFHA) were very disappointed with the FIFA decision to reject England’s bid to host the 2018 World Cup.

“We’ve worked very hard for this bid. We haven’t rioted for more than a week. The 2018 World Cup was going to be an amazing violent event on our home turf smashing heads from all over the world,” Lee Travers, EFHA’s secretary, told the BBC.

44 Years of Hurt

When the announcement was made, hooligans from all over the country couldn’t hold back any longer and rampaged through city centres, libraries, shopping malls and at one town, a pet shop was reduced to rubble.

“I want to know why FIFA have passed over England’s bid? This is f*cking incomprehensible. I’m going to smash Sepp Blatter’s corrupt knee caps in with a baseball bat,” Mr Travers said before wading into a group of policemen in Leeds city centre.

Ku Klux Klan Expedition to Africa


Speaking from the Ku Klux Klan head quarters in Kentucky, Grand Scribe,
Enos Carson, said: “We keeps hearing these tales from so-called
scientists that man came from Africa. Hell, we got to see this for
ourselves. That’s why we’re sending a ten strong expedition team right
there next week to see for ourselves what the heck is going on.”

From archeological finds, scientists have deduced that Mankind emanated from Africa 200,000 years ago and spread across the globe 70,000 years ago.

The Promised Land

“We’re ditching the burning crosses this time because there’s too many
of them black folk over there. Instead, we just takin’ special Klux holy water to protect us
from the negroes,” Al Jenkem, another Klansman on the expedition, told
the Kentucky Herald.

The purpose of the African expedition by the Klan is to try and disprove
the fact that humans emanated from Africa over 100,000 years ago.

“These scientists say they found proof that the first man came from
Africa because they found bones from thousands of years ago. They’re
saying that, I, a stone cold racist originated from a black man. Well,
we’re going to disprove that scientific fact by doing our own digs. If
we come across a Camaro or a union flag, then we know they’s be lying
sons of bitches,” Enos Carson told a recent rally in nearby Cooterville, Kentucky.

The Klux archeological expedition should set sail from Virginia within the next week, weather permitting. Amongst supplies for the journey across the Atlantic ocean to West Africa, there will be plenty of beer and barbecued ribs, as well as hourly NASCAR showings in the cruiser’s cinema, hog tossing and a daily mud pit belly flop contest.

Hillary Clinton to Star in "Spies Like Us" Remake


Director Dimitri Belushoid’s new film is a tribute to Hollywood’s great spy movies including ‘Spies Like Us’ and ‘From Russia With Love’.

“Hillary is the new spy master. She makes James Bond villain Rosa Klebb look like a goddamn girl scout. She’s got all these gadgets in her briefcase when she’s out on diplomatic duties; listening devices, torture devices and even a laminated gold vibrating gun that shoots out wads of gooey acid at America’s enemies,”Ed Herlihy, chief operations director for the CIA told Fox news.

The opening scene for the movie unfolds as Hillary walks down the steps to a United Nations conference in Uganda. By the end of the scene, all the assembled UN personnel are bugged and some have even been permanently silenced in the name of US hegemony.

The four hour film chronicles the trials and tribulations of a US spy in international circles.

“The famous scene in the Bond movie ‘From Russia With Love’ where the Russian SPECTRE Agent Rosa Klebb releases a poisonous spike from her shoe, is re-shot in spectacular fashion with Clinton as she forces a Ugandan United Nations delegate to accept more American mining companies into the country. After the diplomat refuses, he is viciously spiked to death. All in all, this was a wonderful film and I especially loved the fact that every three or four minutes throughout the whole film, the director put in the American national anthem. I think for that reason alone, you’ve got to go and see it. The soundtrack is amazing,” Cletus Ingles, film critic for the New York Times revealed in his weekly column.

“Spies Like Us” will be released next month and will coincide with Hillary Clinton’s embarrassing apology to the rest of the world’s United Nations delegates at the upcoming UN conference in Geneva.

Santa Pissed Off After WikiLeaks Reveals Xmas List




“It’s that Assange guy again. He’s leaked the all important Christmas present list on the internet. Now every child in the world knows what they’re going to get. What an arsehole,” Santa said, before booting one of his little helpers out into the snow.

The leaked Christmas gift documents show that this year was going to be a bumper year in gifts. However, because of this unwarranted leak, Christmas may now have to be cancelled.

The WikiLeaks Christmas documents were received with anger from a lot of children.

Johnny Rosenberg, 10, from Lincolnshire said: “I just found out that I’m getting a home made sweater from my mum, and a pair of socks from my nan. My dad got me a dartboard. I know the recession’s bad but this stinks to high heaven. Santa better deliver some better presents than that.”

Alice Fink, 12, from Washington, USA,  said: “Julian Assange from WikiLeaks spoiled my Christmas. I was so looking forward to unwrapping my presents. Now I know what I’m getting. What an utter, utter, utter, bastard.”

Santa’s grotto had warned WikiLeaks that the expected release would endanger countless children’s expectations, jeopardize Christmas for millions and hurt Santa’s elves who would have to put in loads of unpaid extra hours to rectify the leak.

Crazed Shoppers Raid U.S. Daily Squib Office


One crazed Squib fan was even filmed stooping down after a crushing injury, then willing himself to carry on and buy the Daily Squib bumper annual.

“We never seen anything like it. They queued outside of our Buffalo head office for a whole night in the freezing temperatures. Then when the doors opened at 8.30am they all piled in like crazed animals. There were some injuries as people fought to get at the Daily Squib limited editions but thankfully no one was seriously hurt,” Artie Bowden, senior security supervisor for the Daily Squib offices told local Buffalo news services.

The harrowing scenes of the shoppers diving through the front doors to get their stocking fillers were then broadcast all over the country.

“I gots me my Squib bumper edition. I had to stand over three layers of people to get it but I got one for Christmas. Thank the lord, now I just have to go to ER to get my fractured leg put in a plaster,” Jim Nevin, 45, a Squib fan who had driven all the way from Detroit told local news.

Satellite Imaging: Ireland Disappears Off the Map


It used to be called the Emerald Isle, as green as the greenest lush forests and pastures, untouched for centuries. An idyllic land of ancient stoned walls and quaint pubs where the Guinness runs through your veins and out the end of your todger. But no more. Ireland is now officially a land that has disappeared off the map. It has been compromised, it’s heart and Celtic soul ripped unceremoniously from its juddering ribs and devoured by the insatiable cash black hole called the EU.


There’s no pot of EU gold at the end of the rainbow guarded by a Leprechaun, instead there lies a Belgian plastic bag with a soiled nappy full of festering shit.

There are no longer three cloves on the Shamrock, instead there is just a spindly stalk waving in the freezing winds emanating from Brussels.

“Ireland was lost when we signed over our sovereignty to Europe and joined the euro currency. It was all an illusion and we were suckered into the illusion. All those years of fighting the English are in vain, because we succumbed to an even worse nightmare called the EU. History dictates that nations are enslaved by debt, well, it’s safe to say that we won’t get out of this debt burden for the next five or six generations, if ever. In other words, we’re completely and utterly fucked,” Irish politician, Seamus O’Hanrahanrahan told the Irish Times.

That’s why, when you now look at a satellite map of where Ireland used to be, all you see is a bit of Northern Ireland and the sea.