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Ice Cream Sales Rocketing Despite Big Freeze


The ice cream industry has been astounded at new figures showing rocketing sales of ice cream across the whole of the UK.

“We’ve never seen anything like it. People are going out of their way to buy and eat copious amounts of ice cream. There are people literally freezing to death in the streets and in their icey homes but they’re still eating ice cream by the bucketload. Hey, we’re not complaining,” chief executive of Balls Ice cream company told the BBC.

The phenomenon has already claimed over twelve lives in the last week with people suffering from severe hypothermia, still eating ice cream and freezing to death.

“I can’t help it, even though it’s minus 22 degrees in my f*cking living room, I have to eat ice cream. I just have this irrisistable urge to have a vanilla chocolate chip praline surprise doused with chopped nuts and strawberry syrup,” Kate Horner, 23, a self-employed caterer from Nantwich, Cheshire, told the BBC shortly before freezing to death last Saturday.

Luck of the Irish Downgraded Again


“Forget about the ‘luck of the Irish’ because if we get any ‘luckier’ we’ll disappear into the feckin’ sea,” a recently sacked Irishman opined from his cardboard box outside a cash machine in Dublin city centre.

There’s no pot of gold at the end of a rainbow guarded by a leprechaun, just a crock of shit from the IMF and European union.

Ireland has fallen on hard times, once the Irish used to be known for their uncanny ability to fall back on their feet when bad shit happened, but not anymore it seems.

“Just being born Irish used to mean you would be a lucky bastard, but not anymore. Now, if you’re Irish you want to crawl back up your mum’s leg and get away from the bad luck debt trap hell that has beset the once forward looking emerald isle,” another homeless beggar on the streets of Dublin told the BBC.

The Irish have survived wars, famines, starvation and prejudice but it seems their luck may have truly run out this time thanks to greed, stupidity and the EU.

Hugh Hefner Playing Dangerous Game of Pass the Parcel

Although the engagement was hailed as welcome news by most, Mr Hefner’s closest friends and family are however fearing for the 84-year-old.

“It’s like a deadly game of ‘pass the parcel’ that’s going to end in tragedy for one of the bimbos,” longtime friend of the tycoon, Arnold Simons, told Fox News.

When Mr Hefner finally croaks, the old man will most probably be struggling away on a young playmate of the season.

“The girls are drawing short straws and there’s a great deal of betting going on. Whoever has the honour of having Hugh croaking on them will win the bet,” Maria Shania, Playmate of the year for 2009, told MTV.

Something Weird is Going to Happen in 2019


The Oracle can only see things, it cannot help if they are good or bad occurrences.

In late 2019 something will happen that will eventually spread across the entire globe.

This something, will possibly be a disease of some kind, maybe a virus that will cause mass death and panic.

Who will release this pestilence upon humanity? The Oracle feels that this disease will come from somewhere in East Asia somewhere big.

It could be a man-made or altered disease but it will spread across the globe like wildfire due to airline routes.

The disease will spread fast in Europe and America because they are the primary targets of this genetically modified virus. Africa will be untouched.

This contagion will last until 2023 onwards until a new more deadly strain is released. The first wave will thus be a testing ground for further purges.

The Oracle has spoken.


US Allows Heteros to Openly Serve in Navy


Fulfilling a campaign promise, Obama said the law will strengthen national security and uphold the ideals that the country’s sailing men and women risk their lives to defend.
“No longer will our country be denied the service of thousands of patriotic Americans who are forced to leave the Navy – regardless of their skills, no matter their bravery or their zeal, no matter their years of exemplary performance – because they happen to be straight,” Obama said.

In the Navy

The new law ended the 170-year-old ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy, which forced straight Navy members to hide their sexual orientation or face dismissal.

“It was real hard because if you didn’t join in with the gay orgies on deck or aft, they would immediately know you were not a real sailor boy,” John Rimmer, an ex-Navy recruit told Fox News.

While officials did not announce any timetable for the revamp, the process will probably take months as the Navy has to formulate new service guidelines.

The guidelines will also cover a host of questions, from how to educate sailors on how to treat straight members of the team, and how the Navy’s tradition of steaming gay saunas and submarine orgies would have to be toned down.

TSA Names New Airport X-Ray Machines 'Freedom Scanners'


The TSA has announced that all x-ray scanners installed in US airports shall be from now on, known as ‘Freedom Scanners’, Earl Gomez, the TSA’s chief press officer announced on Tuesday.

“We had Freedom Fries, now we got Freedom Scanners, and Freedom Pat-Downs. Now when we look at and touch your genitals, you can rest assured, we’re looking at ’em and stroking them in the name of freedom, liberty and justice for all,” Mr Gomez said at a recent press conference.

The new Freedom Scanners have been a great hit with the American people, who in their patriotic fervour, have taken to being probed with gusto.

Jane Hammerstein, 34, from Austin, Texas said: “When I go through the airport, I can’t wait to get my dose of Freedom. I take an American flag with me and wave it at the TSA agents as they touch my little 3-year-old son in the crotch area right in front of me, hey, it’s all in the name of freedom. God bless America.”

Another traveller from Michigan, Brad Kahmstain, 45, “I gots me a big dose of freedom yesterday, when I went through three scanners in one day. I’m a travelling salesman and a proud American who likes his freedom. I’m not sure what these lumps are on my chest but if it’s in the name of freedom, who gives a damn? I’m waving the flag of freedom.”

Sony Introduce New ADD Television


The new remote control with the ADD3456-SO TV will have an ADD button incorporated into the device which will automatically switch from channel to channel.

The attention deficit disorder button will also be fully programmable so that the speed of channel flicking can be adjusted as well as loop functions, stutter functions and random play.

“This is the ultimate thumb saver for many of today’s modern TV viewers. No longer will you have a sore thumb from switching channels, just press one button, adjust the speed of the channel flicker and you’re in ADD heaven,” the CEO of the company, Chikushou Baka, said at a recent news conference.

One of the reporters present was told to try the device and pressed the button, releasing a torrent of channel surfing that set off an epileptic seizure in another man in the audience.

“It’s just like watching normal TV but instead of manually switching channels inanely this does it automatically. We all know there’s f*ck all on telly and that’s why we flick, but this device brought it to another new level,” Dan Fenster, a reporter for Tech Now magazine said.

The new ADD TVs have been flying off the shelves and are said to be now beating 3D TVs in sales.

Three Wise Men Had Low IQ's Say Biblical Experts


A recent dig in the northern part of the old city walls of Nazareth has uncovered incredible evidence that throws light onto the lives of the three wise men who travelled from far and wide to visit baby Jesus in his manger.

“We couldn’t believe our luck when we stumbled across the tablets and scrolls in a cave just 50 metres from the old city walls. What we found out is quite incredible information revealing that the three wise men who visited Jesus were actually pretty stupid and were a bunch of bumbling fools. They weren’t wise in the least, and couldn’t brainstorm themselves out of a paper bag even if they tried,” Dr. Roger Meakin, senior theologian and archaeologist during the dig revealed.

When it came to tasks like simple arithmetic, spelling and logic, the three wise men were considered as sub-par and severely challenged.

“We found out that they weren’t magicians, or magi — more like bad illusionists. At one merchant’s party, they tried to perform the famous rabbit out of a hat trick. Someone didn’t tell them that they had to have a cloth over the table to disguise an assistant stuffing the rabbit in the hat. When they brought the special gifts to Jesus, they at first couldn’t find the manger where Jesus was staying even though there was a great big whopping star directly above the barn, and not only did they not find the barn at first, they were side-tracked to a local whorehouse in Beersheba, where they gave all the gifts they were meant to give to Jesus away. This is sadly the reality of the whole bible story that can only be revealed today,” Dr. Meakin revealed.

Archaeologists and theologians are still studying the scrolls to see if they can find even more information from them.

Yesterday, the Vatican and Anglican churches welcomed the new findings however baffling they were, but see the new find as a positive note in an altogether mysterious chapter of the bible.

Tourettes Air Traffic Controller Causes Christmas Chaos at Heathrow


The carnage began at 6am this morning when Dean Batts, a BAA traffic controller, suddenly started spouting expletives and various insults at the pilots trying to take off and land from the icy runways.

“He told a pilot coming in from San Diego that if he didn’t land in his allotted time he would get a ‘f*cking ratchet’ and slam it up where the sun don’t shine. A Chinese pilot coming in from Beijing was called a ‘slanty eyed pr*ck’ and as for the Nigerian airlines staff, I can’t even begin to repeat what they heard. I’ve never heard so many ‘C words’ in one sentence,” Keith Barrow, senior air traffic controller for BAA told the Times.

The expletive ridden air traffic session lasted for all of twelve minutes before Mr Batts was wrestled to the ground and hauled away by airport security.

“This was the last thing we needed, it’s hairy enough out there with all the ice, snow and blizzards,” Mr Barrow said.

Thankfully no one was hurt and all the aircraft took off and landed safely on the icy runways.

U.S. Military to Hold Gay Fashion Week



“When I’m in combat I like to unload my magazine with style; to shoot my bullets at all those bad boys out there,” Corporal Andre Mincer, told Stars and Stripes magazine.

Already, the barracks where the fashion show will be held, has had a major makeover and a catwalk installed where all the gay U.S. military boys and girls will be up there strutting their stuff for five days of joyous military fashion styles.

“It don’t get better than this. Ever since the military and Obama administration pushed for a gayer U.S. military, we’ve seen a serious influx of new recruits. The gays are especially loving the shower sessions with all those big macho marines. Bending over to pick up the soap has never been so much frickin’ fun,” Corporal Mincer was quoted as saying.

The standard issue military uniform has been dubbed as ‘too boring’ by the marines and they are now pushing for stilettos and spandex for combat operations.

“If I’m gonna go out there to Iraq or Afghanistan, I want to look fierce in my uniform, you know, Haute Couture and fabulous sequins. I want to sashay in front of those big swingin’ Arab boys in their white cloth dresses. Ooh shoot me baby!” another Marine said just before dress rehearsals on Sunday.