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World Leaders Hold Emergency Meeting to Save Katie Price Marriage


“This is a matter of grave importance to the world’s political, economic and social well-being. If their fake publicity-led marriage fails, the whole world could be plunged into complete darkness,” the worried Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, told reporters.

Some of the assembled world’s politicians who attended the summit included: Dmitry Medvedev, Angela Merkel, Barack Obama and Silvio Berlusconi, who were very concerned for the ailing celebrity couple.

“Even though I wouldn’t mind having a go at the loose fishwife, Katie, myself, I want her to stay with that dumb lug Alex Reid. They are such a cute couple,” the Italian premier, Mr Berlusconi said before jetting off to a brothel in Calabria.

After heated discussions lasting three days, the world leaders hope the Katie Price sham marriage will last forever so that world peace and prosperity for all can continue for decades to come.

Worldwide Mysterious Bird Deaths Finally Solved


“After much research, we have finally come to the conclusion that Jesus is coming back soon and we are getting very close to the Rapture,” Professor Alex Pendleton, the chief scientist in charge of the emergency study into the bird deaths told Fox News.

According to many of the scholars, Jesus is flying around the earth at thousands of miles per hour waiting for the right time to land and it is because of the immense speed he is flying at that he is colliding with birds who are migrating back up north from their winter retreats in the southern hemisphere. 

The Rapture

Jesus rapture

“Jesus is coming back for the Rapture when all the Christians will be lifted up and taken up to heaven, where they will live in paradise for all of eternity. He is circling the earth right now as we speak and when he lands there will be bright lights and sounds of angels blowing their trumpets and bassoons. If you ain’t a true Christian, you’re shit outta luck though. He’s definitely coming now because of all the troubles in the world. Gays in the military and Obama the Anti-Christ,” Professor Pendleton said.

Christian scholars from the institute previously said that the Rapture was meant to have occurred in 2009 but it was subsequently re-scheduled for 2010, that date did not materialise either, so hopefully 2011 will be the year that Jesus comes back to save the Christians from living on earth.

Radar Tracking Jesus

“We’ve been tracking him circling the earth for weeks now on radar and satellite. We use satellite trackers to see Jesus. He sure flies fast too. I saw him banking over the horizon last night and he zoomed past at about 12,000 km/h. Dang, it was a beautiful sight. He made a great big ‘whooshing’ sound as he flew past. I just got chills down my back and had to get down on my knees right there in the gas station to pray,” Edward Jonestown, another researcher working on the project said. 

Some country folk, however, have sadly tried to shoot Jesus as he strafed their towns in the Midwest.

“We had some boys shooting at him thinkin’ he was an Iraqi attack airplane or the Russians. We had to go over to their trailer and tell them to stop shooting at Jesus. I think he’s bullet proof anyway, but still it’s disrespectful,” Merv Bart, a logger from Deans Creek in Wisconsin told CBS news.

There were also protests from wildlife preservation groups and animal rights activists who decry the fact that Jesus is out there killing birds because he’s flying so fast.

“He saved the birds in the cages in the temple in Jerusalem. So what’s he doing flying around killing all the blackbirds? I’ve reported him to the authorities and PETA,” Anna Bolic, an angry animal rights activist from Utah said.

MP Admits Not Fiddling Expenses



The member for Trumpingfield Central was due to stand trial at Southwark Crown Court in London for admitting to the serious allegation of not stealing money while being a member of parliament.

“This is an utter disgrace to the profession of a politician in this country. We can’t have such nonsense going on from a member of parliament. It is giving us a bad name,” James Fetherington-Smythe, MP for Dagenham East told a parliamentary hearing yesterday.

The MP allegedly refused to accept a £65,000 bribe and even refused to steal £14,000 for his third property’s mortgage.

Mr Phuckah has since been ostracised by all politicians within Westminster and could even face a lengthy jail sentence if charged.

“He walked into the bar at Westminster last week and no one had the balls to look him in the eye. He just sat there at the bar, waited for a drink that never turned up, then walked out,” a Westminster insider recalled.

The MP for Trumpingfield South will be sentenced later on today.

American Shooting Season Begins Early This Year



“Every year I put a notch on my calendar telling me when the shooting season is going to begin. This year it started three days early, that’s why I got shot in the leg and am now in the hospital,” Gina kolovic, a resident of Phoenix, Arizona told the Herald Sun newspaper.

All across America, the shootings and massacres have started surprisingly early this year with 24 colleges reporting killing sprees, 320 store shootouts, and over 20,000 random shootouts .

“It’s like hunting season, you gotta have special times for that. If you don’t own a gun, then you gotta know when to stay home and barricade yourself away. The start of shooting season is the most volatile, so you gotta stay down, duck at any loud noises, wear your body armour and helmet,” Julia Dannet, a Phoenix police shooting season adviser announced on Monday.


USA night satellite image


NASA has even revealed that the start of shooting season in America can be viewed from space.

Arnie Wintergantz, a NASA spokesman said: “We can see the guns going off from space as the shooting sprees start across the country. Because the firearm bursts are so numerous, the light flashes are visible to our imaging satellites. I gotta say folks, it’s a lot safer being in the space station looking down on America then being right there in the war zone.”

A recent victim and survivor of a mass shooting in a Walmart store, Louise Bellatrix, who was shot in the abdomen multiple times, spoke of her despair.

“I had put in my calendar that the shooting season would start next Friday. Well, I was wrong about that. How surprised I was when out buying some last minute Darjeeling for a tea party, the crazed gunman came out of an elevator with an AK-47, two rocket launchers and a dozen grenades. Let’s just say the bodies were waist deep after he finished his shooting season fun.”

Buckingham Palace Reveals Queen's Longevity Secrets


According to palace consorts and servants recently asked by the Inland Revenue to reveal certain details pertaining to the Queen’s  spending habits, the Queen is somewhat of a powerhouse of excess, hedonism and debauchery.

“She’ll wake up in the morning and have a few toots of the finest snuff from Colombia, and during breakfast will usually have downed up to three glasses of Glenfiddich. By early tea she’s ready for a Knighting or two and some opium, or she will be driven off to an amphetamine pill laden public function. This has been going on for donkeys years,” the Queen’s personal butler and dealer, Robert Bruce, recalled in Hello magazine.

The startling information reveals that the Queen goes through about 4 kgs of cocaine per month.

“It’s her fuel. She’ll be sitting in the Royal carriage and you’ll see her powdering her nose. It takes a lot out of you going to these functions all the time. She does get the shakes though when she’s off the stuff. Much like the Queen mum used to, she’ll get snappy, maybe kick a corgi or two, I’ve seen her whack Charley round the earhole a few times and he’s 62. They still treat him like a little kid, poor beggar, he can’t seem to do anything right. That’s why he’s got that awful stutter,” Mr Bruce revealed.

The details gleaned from Inland Revenue records reveal that the Queen ingests £1.6 million worth of cocaine per annum, as well as £350,000 prime grade opium from Afghanistan. Luckily for the taxpayer, the drugs are all acquired at cut prices because they come from war zones.

Palace aides have also voiced their fears for poor Prince Harry.

“He sees his granny snorting the good stuff and of course he wants some too. One incident I recall on Christmas day involved Harry stealing some of the Queen’s stash. She was absolutely furious and sent him off personally to Mahiki to score some more,” a palace aide said.

'African Americans' Are Not 'Black'



“I’m not black. My skin does not have any colour. You over there are white, and you over there are brown, and you over there are green, but me, I’m colourless. You can call me an ‘African American’ but I never been to Africa and I can’t even pinpoint it on a world map,” Robert C. Kiddo, an African American Democrat politician said on Capitol Hill today.

America, under the auspices of the collectivist Obama administration, is currently censoring all art, culture and history by eradicating anything pertaining to the mention of blackness.

“It’s our own little socialist ‘Freedom Fries’ moment. We’re de-colourizing black people. From now on there won’t be black people in America. No more Latin words for black either. You all know what the Latin word for black is huh? Well, seeing as Latin is the root of all English, we’re bypassing the very structure of the English language. We want to whitewash the word ‘black’ from all of culture, we want to deny history and physicality, we want to make it so that history never occurred and stay ignorant to our past, however painful or horrendous some parts are. When I look in the mirror I do not see the physical colour of my skin. I completely deny the physics, genetics and intrinsic value of my skin colour,” Mr Kiddo said.

Some detractors who are ‘African American’, however, decry the new socialist un-democratic directives being spouted from Washington.

Joel Simmons, 29, from Atlanta said: “I’m black and proud. This is the colour of my skin. I can read the word ‘nigger’ in Huckleberry Finn and know what the context of that word is. I know what happened in history. I’m not ashamed of my skin colour, this is what I was born with and this is what I will die with. All you PC socialist motherfuckers are actually splitting up people with your ‘African American’ nonsense. You’re creating more divisions, you are also censoring great art and the historic culture of the American people, whether black or white. What are you going to do next, censor the word ‘War’ from ‘War and Peace’ purely because war is kind of unpleasant?”

Washington is also now debating whether to increase the PC drive by including: English Americans, Austrian Americans, Belgian Americans, Bhuttanese Americans, Sri Lankan Americans, Italian Americans, Eurasian Americans, English/German/Scots/Irish Americans, Cuban Americans, Tibetan Americans, Madagascaran Americans, Pacific Americans, South East Asian Americans, French Americans, Chinese Americans, Australian Americans, German Americans, Polynesian Americans, Icelandic Americans, Mexican Americans, Russian Americans, but never just ‘Americans’.

Coalition Plan on Bringing Workhouses Back



Speaking from Klosters ski resort, the Chancellor, George Osborne, planned to cut short his £25,000 week’s holiday to jet back to the UK to finalise the plans for the workhouses.

“Unfortunately for you lot, it’s to the poorhouse for you. The only ones who won’t be going there are us MPs and the very rich. Everyone else — the poorhouse will be your new home,” Mr Osborne said from his ski chalet.

The government guidelines for the workhouses state that all inmates must adhere to the strictest of rules regarding work, food and eventual permanent rest.

“You will be in the poorhouse because your poverty is a dishonourable state caused by a lack of moral virtue of industriousness. We, the current government, or the previous one, are not to blame for putting you filthy fuckers in the poorhouse,” Mr Osborne told Sky news, before turning his nose up at the camera and sneering.

The workhouses planned by the government will house much of the UK population, who will be working 18 hour days on jobs like breaking rocks, chopping wood and bone-crushing.

Being an inmate at a workhouse will ensure that you will not starve anymore, you will get plenty of food and vittles like bread and cheese, frumenty and broth.

The coalition plan to build workhouses in every major UK city and every rural town in the country.

Sarah Palin Interview Could Clinch Election Say Campaigners


“Sarah is astounding. She came out with some real gems there at the interview on Friday. You should have seen the woman who was interviewing her, she was just sitting there like someone went and punched her right in the face with a wet haddock,” Merv Hubbard, Palin’s chief campaign officer told Fox News.

The Southern News Network’s interviewer, Amy Schlitz, was said to be astounded at the intelligence level of Mrs Palin.

“She got me. I got hit right in between the eyes by her answers. I can tell she doesn’t take her tea cold at the Tea Party meetings. I mean some of the answers were so intelligent that I had to look in a dictionary afterwards.”

Sarah Palin has been upping her profile as of late and her campaign office has been working overtime in getting the Palin message out to ordinary Americans all over the country.


“She’s popular as hell across the whole of America. I have rarely seen Americans take to a candidate like they have taken to Sarah, she’s going to win in 2012 for sure, and if she doesn’t, I’ll eat my hat,” a proud John McCain said from his retirement home in Florida.

Sarah Palin left South Carolina yesterday and headed to North Dakota for another campaign busting tour. She is scheduled to tour the whole of North America and even fit in a visit to neighbouring Russia before the election in 2012.

Wikileaks Reveals Five More Twilight Films on the Way

“Apparently there are going to be five more Twilight movies released. As soon as we heard that, some people fainted, another was caught trying to slash their wrists in the bogs with a biro, and three journalists from our special Wikileaks leak room on level three tried to jump out of the windows,” the Guardian’s assistant editor, Miles Assley, reported in the Guardian.

News of the Twilight leak filtered out late in the afternoon yesterday, and already there have been four suicides in the Capital and six severe maimings.

“This Wikileaks leaking has to stop. People are being seriously injured out there from these awful peices of information being leaked. I don’t think the people can take much more of this, they’re all cracking up,” Chief Inspector, Donald Cochon, of the Metropolitan police revealed, just before jumping off Vauxhall bridge.

The government is urging everyone to be vigilant with regards to the recent leak, and are telling citizens to ignore the terrible fact that there will be more Twilight movies and saturation marketing in the near future.

Kim Jong-un May Be Too Sane For North Korea Job


“He doesn’t have fits of rage, stomp around the room threatening to press the red button or order doggy flavoured pizza like his dad. We are currently training him to get out there and start causing utter mayhem,” Jyang Wang Wong, one of the General’s in charge of the boy’s development, told Pyonyang’s state television station, Mansudae.

“We have had him reading Suetonius’ description of the Emperor Gaius Caligula, as well as reading books about Saddam Hussein, Stalin, Ahmedinnajacket, and Gordon Brown’s utterly, utterly insane autobiography. There has to be a serious element of unpredictability in any North Korean tyrant’s actions, for example, one minute he may pat someone on the head and tell them they’ve done a great job, next, he may wave his hand and order their execution. Also, remember, when you’re a North Korean leader, you must wear silly hats and funny sunglasses. If someone laughs at your hat, that’s another instant execution. The people around you will have to have nerves of f*cking steel,” General Wang Wong chuckled nervously.

Tyranny and madness are a prerequisite requirement for any North Korean leader, and everyday Kim Yong-un is being trained in insanity.

Every morning at 3am, the new leader is woken up by a man in a banana hat hitting a wok with a chop stick to the tune of the 1812 Festival Overture in E flat major, he is then led out into a courtyard where a group of Capuchin monkeys, tiptoing on wooden stilts, jump onto a 50 scale replica of a purple doubledecker bus pulled by a miniature pedigree horse. The errant tyrant is then handed a bucket full of the finest foie gras imported from an obscure Parisian delicatessen that very morning. He is then instructed to throw the foie gras at each monkey who in turn immediately ingest the foie gras and sh*t out a poo pellet, which is then collected in a golden tray by one of the menservants waiting in the sidelines.

After the morning’s training is over, the young leader is then led into a control room where there are numerous buttons all over the walls. Once in the room, he is told that the buttons all release nuclear missiles, and his job is to resist the irrisistable urge to launch them.

“While he is in the nuclear room, he is poked with a little stick by a midget. No doubt Kim will get angry, especially if he is also called names. If he does lose his rag, it’s ta ta from us and hello Armegeddon, but so far, he hasn’t cracked. That’s why you and I are still here. It’s only a matter of time though,” General Wang Wong explained.

Unfortunately for the current North Korean regime, Kim Jong-un has neglected his insanity training and prefers to not press the nuclear buttons even when provoked, he also prefers to read books about collecting Indonesian rod puppets and enjoy long walks in the palace gardens of Pyongyang, where he is kept.