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Dumbed Down Science Programs Made My Brain into Mush

“Astronomical shows revealing the wonders of the universe are now prevalent on the BBC. In a concerted effort to bring science to the masses, the BBC is paying celebrity scientists vast sums of taxpayers money to travel to hundreds of locations around the world and speak with very simple lingo in a condescending faux empathetic manner about the universe whilst loud electronica music blares out over a dumbed down astro-comical cum fest,” an old fuddy duddy from Scunthorpe, Jack Sparrow, 67, told BBC6 news.

There have been hundreds of complaints about the latest dumbing down exercise by the BBC.

Things Can Only Get Better

“I pay the BBC tax so that this jumped up charlatan can ponce around the world and have an extended poseur holiday as well as get paid for it? You must be joking,” retired colonel, John Mathers, from Gloucestershire, complained on last week’s Radio 4, Your Voice program.

And it’s not just the elderlies who are complaining, what about the legitimate scientists?

Professor Harold Jenkem from Oldham University said: “I’ve watched these supposed science programs from the BBC purportedly talking about the universe. All I saw was some prat calling himself professor Brian Cock prancing around posing at every opportunity with flashing lights all around him and loud electronic music blaring out. Couldn’t hear a fucking word he said, but looking at a transcript, it’s all elementary stuff. Why not commission real science programs and not this utter guff?”

On a positive note, maybe it is a good thing that science is being promoted to the masses, although, unfortunately to do this, it must first be dumbed down to a standard that borders upon levels that are offensively cretinous.

Here are some excerpts from the show, so you can make up your minds yourselves:

“Observing the night skies with the naked eye can only take us so far on our journey and wonders of our universe.”

“Advances in technology have brought us crafts that can take humans on expeditions beyond our planet.”

“The universe is a vast place.”

“The moon is not as big as the earth but is smaller than the sun.”

It's War!


“We got another war! I just had to change my pants again,” Roy Simmons, 34, a resident of Washington DC told CNN.

Earl Stubbins, a political commentator in Texas said: “This ain’t Shock and Awe but Operation Oddyssey Dawn. Oh god what a beautiful name for a campaign. Excuse me while I go to the toilet to jack off at the thrill of it.”

As the rolling news stories keep repeating the same clips and bringing out the experts dug up from some obscure institutions, get ready to bring out the popcorn and booze to watch your share of gratuitous war.

“This is our third war and I’m salivating so much, I might need a bucket soon,” Arnold Gunther, 45, some guy from Bristol told the BBC.

We’ve had the foreplay with the build up, Obama stuttering, the teasing, the UN council meetings and votes, now we’ve got the action and next we’ll have the money shot with Gaddafi’s head on a stick and pictures of oil platforms pumping that beautiful black gold into tankers moored off the coast, ready to set sail for the West.

Dithering Obama Fiddles While Rome Burns


“People are dying in Libya and Japan while Obama is sitting on his ass dithering like a ninny. This guy couldn’t punch his way out of a paper bag, this guy is so yella that I bet he leaves streaks on the floor when he walks. This guy makes Jimmy Carter look like Attila the f*ckin’ Hun!” a disgruntled White House official revealed on Wednesday.

Too little Too late

Let us face it, the Daily Squib knew from the beginning that Obama was a wet f*rt and was not going to amount to anything, but amongst the brainwashing sessions from the White House during the election campaign, people thought that the sun shone out of his arse at the beginning of his presidency.

“I just wish Americans would wake the f*ck up. I mean, we’ve been duped with this lame duck guy who needs his autocue and hundreds of spin doctors, and even then he can’t make a single f*cking decision. He’s about as decisive as a two headed donkey tethered to a pole. Not only that, he’s lazy as well. He just doesn’t want to know. He doesn’t know how the world works, or Washington or the country. Hillary has got way more balls than Obama, she should have been president,” a former democrat supporter told CBS news.

A discontented Washinton resident said on Tuesday: “One has to wonder what Obama has done since winning the election? It seems that his socialist agenda has been successful in one thing, and that’s pouring trillions of American taxpayer dollars into a black hole to be chewed up and never seen again. Someone give this guy some f*cking balls.”

Chinese Deny They Were Responsible for Tsunami


“We had 950,000 swimmers on this stretch of coast last week and they all jumped into the water at the same time. I do not think, however, that this could have caused the earthquake resulting in a tsunami,” Mr Long remarked whilst being interviewed on state television.

The population of China is so huge that when swimmers go to the beaches, seismologists record tremors and if the activity continues along fault lines, there can be serious repercussions resulting in massive earthquakes and tsunamis.

“It’s not only the risk of creating earthquakes and tsunamis that people should be scared of, what about when thousands of Chinese bathers all take a wee in the water at the same time? We’ve actually tracked the yellow slick by satellite reaching as far as California and Hawaii,” Roger Bannister, a seismologist and scientist from the University of California told CNN.

When the Chinese bathers all jumped into the water at the same time and started to splash wildly last week, there were reports of 80 foot waves reaching the coast of Africa and India as well as tsunamis in Japan and Korea.

“It’s those darn Chinese again. They must have been all going for a swim. Can you imagine when they all want to own a car as well? There’ll be so much lead and pollution in the world’s atmosphere that Japan’s radiation will be a breath of f*cking fresh air,” a South Korean politician, Kinji Asso, told South Korean news agency, Yonhap.

Video of Young Russell Brand Dancing Becomes Net Sensation

Russell is seen dancing along to some crappy R’n’B tune which is very similar to his wife, Katy Perry’s music.

As he girates his body, the fat folds do their own little dance.

“I think it’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in me vacuous life. Russell used to be a right barrel of laughs, plus he looked like one too, innit!” Brand’s wife Katy told MTV on Monday.

Not only is Brand a world renowned Tiddly Winks champ, but he’s also a ‘well proper’ film star in America these days.

“Russell is big in America. He broke the Yanks, something that even Oasis couldn’t do. He’s slimmed down somewhat since his teen years, but one thing hasn’t changed — he’s still a major c*nt!” Bob Geldofal, an old acquaintance from Brand’s first ever presenting job told the Sun newspaper.

Japs Built Nuclear Power Station on Exposed Sea Shore


“We could have built this thing anywhere else, but we decided to just build it right on the beach so that it would be exposed to any danger that came from the sea like tsunamis and storms. Forget about building it on higher ground or inland, we said f*ck it, let’s build a major nuclear facility right next to a fault line,” Ichiko Muyumi, one of the engineers who planned the building of the Tokyo Electric Power station in Fukushima.

“Tora! Tora! Tora!”

In what has been dubbed as Japan’s own Pearl Harbour, the tsunami caused immense devastation, damaging thousands of properties and buildings in a surprise attack that took many off guard.

“The waves were 20 metres high and the water swooped over the buildings taking everything in its path. Huge walls of water came out of nowhere like zeros plunging from the clouds, and caught us completely by surprise,” one of the survivors of the tsunami, Yoriko Jintai, 23, told CNN.

It may have a pleasant sea view but is this responsible building?

If the reactors explode in the nuclear plant, there would be more devastation as the radiation is spread across the atmosphere.

It seems the double blow from mother nature and now the nuclear reactor meltdown is a very sad state of affairs in an already harrowing situation.

“I have to congratulate the chap who thought it would be a great idea to build a nuclear power station exposed to the elements like that. I mean what in hell was this guy thinking?” another glowing in the dark tsunami survivor remarked from a shelter 50 kms from the destroyed town of Sendai.

Please donate to Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund

Is Anger the New Calm?


Speaking from University College London, Professor James Dullingbowl, senior research fellow into the study said: “After ten years of research into the fascinating field of anger and rage we have come to the conclusion that this is the normal behavioural mood state of modern people now. Hundreds of years ago things were a lot calmer but now everyone’s so fucking angry and bothered. This morning, I said good day to a gentle looking old lady and she hit me over the head with an umbrella. Try smiling at someone in the underground or greet someone in the street. You’ll be lucky to only get one kidney stabbed.”

The Anger/Rage study used over 25,000 subjects from all over the UK over a ten year period.

The research found that anger levels in the UK have risen sharply in the last decade and are so high today that all it will take for the whole lot to go up in flames is even more anger inducing bollocks to happen.

So what in the world is making the people so fucking angry?

“Every day life. Living in the UK is like living in a concrete goldfish bowl crammed with thousands of other bloody goldfish. People cite overcrowding, enormous taxation and no hope, pension or ability to buy a home to fucking live in, as the main reasons. You can’t drive on the overcrowded pot hole ridden roads anymore let alone park anywhere, no jobs and it’s all fucking getting to me I can’t take it anymore. This morning I got so angry I punched a hole through my front door. I was so angry at breakfast that I ate the cardboard box as well as the cereal inside. No, not hungry, I was angry,” the professor shouted as a fight broke out in the laboratory.


These new findings are however at odds with the Coalition’s new Happiness Index being touted to all the media at the moment. According to the government, everyone’s really fucking happy.

Fights Break Out at Obama Nobel Peace Prize Show


As many as 1,500 people bolted for safety as dozens of fights erupted.

More than 20 police vehicles responded to the Crystal City Hyatt.

A video of the fight showed people getting pummelled — and others throwing chairs and assorted fruits at each other.

“I voted for change, hope, and a f*cking future. Shieet! Look at my black eye b*tch. I gots to go get me some Obamacare now,” Al Johnsons, 43, one of the members of the audience said before being stretchered off.

The Barack Obama Nobel Peace Awards show was meant to honour Barack Obama’s peaceful endeavours around the world and in the United States since he won the prize in 2009.

Luckily, the president and his wife were not present as they were enjoying another golfing trip to Hawaii, the seventh visit in two months.

At least five people were transported to hospitals.

Charlie Sheen Moves to Vietnam Cambodia Border Area


“I’m like Kurtz. I got my men and we’re going to go AWOL in the jungle. Shoot things up, drink some tiger’s blood, kill a few buffalo with machetes and build a temple,” Mr Sheen revealed when he relayed what he was doing through a captured CB radio to CNN reporters in Hanoi city.

According to reports coming from the village of La Trine, 34 clicks out of Saigon, Sheen was spotted last week recruiting a tribe of Montegnards who were immediately enamoured by the Hollywood mad man.

“We don’t know if he’s channeling Kurtz or the crazy photographer, but Charlie’s got his own platoon out there and enough dope to last him for years. We’re talking pure hashish and opium that will make a motherf*ckin’ herd of elephants drop. None of that tainted LA crap,” Moron said.

Secret mission

Warner Bros have said that they want the renegade actor taken down and are now sending Chuck Lorre into the jungle to get Sheen.

“Charlie Sheen is a wanted man. We need this guy taken down with extreme prejudice. That’s what we instructed our lawyers to do but they failed so we’re gonna have to go and eliminate him ourselves,” Warner Bros. CEO, Hymie Goldblaum, told LA Weekly magazine.

When Sheen heard the news that Lorre was being sent into the jungle to “shut Charlie the f*ck up,” he said: “Bring it on! No one touches this warlock. I got my men, my p*rnstarlets and a sh*tload of drugs. We’re gonna string that boy up by his scrote, then shoot pork rinds at his head.”

Murdoch Given Green Light to Control All UK Media


“Murdoch already controls 90% of the world’s media and now he will pretty much control all of the UK’s media after getting the go-ahead to secure BSkyB by Cameron’s government,” a Westminster political commentator revealed.

Murdoch’s octopus like grip over the world’s media is a testament to control techniques that would make even Hitler or Goebbels quiver with abject jealousy.

“Murdoch will start feeding even more of the propaganda through even more news outlets he controls. Once he takes over 99% of the UK’s media, his evil plan of indoctrination will be in place,” one of Murdoch’s indoctrination controllers, Arnold Meshugass said from the offices of the now Murdoch controlled BSkyB company.

Resistance is futile

Rupert Murdoch’s demonic media entity has a vice grip over the majority of the media churning out propaganda only favouring his agenda, and denigrating anything in the way of its message of ultimate control.

“We control Hollywood, we control the world’s financial system and we also control the world’s media. In other words we control everything you can ever think about. What you gonna do about it huh?” Joel Schmool, head of communications of the Murdoch conglomerate bragged at a recent news conference for Fox News’ Media Control Symposium in Las Vegas.

This new directive is another nail in the coffin of our so-called democracy because it will ensure that impartiality and real news reporting will be forbidden and brushed under the carpet forever.

“From now on there will be news that favours only our agenda. Nothing else matters, because it simply does not exist in our eyes. You will be fed this news 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and you will not be able to get away from it even if you try,” a jubilant Mr Murdoch said from his luxury yacht moored off Monaco yesterday.