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Yanks Moaning About Petrol Prices Again


“Americans are moaning about paying $5 per gallon when if they lived in the UK they would be paying $16 for a gallon. You try filling up your crappy Datsun and paying £85 to do so in England whilst the Americans fill their massive cars up for a fraction of the price,” a disgruntled British driver told the Times.

It’s the same all over the UK, petrol prices are so high now in some rural areas that people are simply opting to dump their cars and walk for miles. Petrol stations nationwide in the UK are now regularly charging over £7.60 per gallon for regular unleaded petrol, and of course this all translates to goods delivered to shops, where the cost of delivery is passed on to the already overstretched consumer.

“I haven’t paid those prices the Yanks are moaning about since 1983. What are the Yanks blubbing about? Cry me a f*cking river,” Alfie Noakes, 56, a baker from Yorkshire told the Sun.

Another British motorist said: “I would give my left arm to pay the same prices the Americans are paying. Now it costs £160 ($263) to fill my car up. I’ve just re-mortgaged my house so I could stay on the road for a few more months.”

Bipolar Stars Discover Joy of Pole Vaulting

“It’s the latest greatest thing to come from Hollywood. We’ve got so many bipolars now that we all got together in a hotel suite in Las Vegas two months ago and decided to start a pole vaulting tournament,” visiting British TV personality, Stephen Fry, revealed.

Last year there was a major spate of celebrity bipolar disorders being diagnosed by celebrity psychiatrists in all the major worldwide entertainment centres.

“You could say we had a mass celebrity bipolar awakening last year and it has accelerated to epidemic proportions right now fuelled by the celebrity obsessed media and psychiatry business. If you’re a celebrity now and you’re not bipolar, your agent will make sure that you become bipolar by any means possible. As a career move it is now a major requirement. Look at Charlie Sheen, his career has shot off to the stratosphere and his ‘bipolar genius’ is rocking the entertainment world as we speak,” Jed Albright, a Hollywood media writer said in his weekly column last week.

Of course, what’s a bipolar celebrity going to do in their spare time? Pole vaulting is now so popular amongst bipolar celebrities that some are even considering entering for the upcoming 2012 Olympics in London.

“One minute I’m low on the ground, then the next minute I’m soaring in the sky high over the vault on my pole. It’s the best feeling when you’re up there high as a kite, but when I’m on the ground I feel like hell,” Josie Munter, an American Idol third place winner told Hello.

Psychiatrists working for the entertainment industry are now working on Tripolar, Quadrapolar and Quintapolar disorders, which will possibly be introduced to the celebrity network next year.

Pete Doherty Becomes Barrister

“He was sick of having to hire people to do something he was highly proficient at — i.e. blagging his way out of the nick so he decided to become a barrister.

“He’s in and out of jail sometimes three or four times a week and it was costing him a fucking fortune in representational fees, so now he just does it all himself,” Jane Fielding, Doherty’s agent, told the NME.

Doherty passed the bar exam last week after three hours of study and attended the swearing in ceremony at the Royal Inns of Court, where the attendees got an earful of Doherty’s colourful language.

“I’ve never seen anyone take the oath whilst strung out on heroin with a couple of needles still sticking to his ankles. He said a few ‘fuck you’s’ a ‘thank fuck for that’ and was whisked out the door straight to the pub for an impromptu crack session in the bogs,” one of the Judges present at the ceremony and after-party told the Daily Mail.

Attending the The Honourable Society of the Middle Temple, the next day, Pete Doherty explained his charging system to a dozen eager new clients.

“Milking the system for all the hashish I can smoke, and all the dragons I can chase, I will thus charge you all at the perfectly reasonable rate of £1,000 per hour. Now which mug is first? Ah, you over there, your wife wants to divorce you eh? ..and I don’t do fuckin’ legal aid!”

Terminally Ill Brits Flocking to Florida to Get Shot


“I’m sick of suffering with my terminal illness so I’m off to Florida to enjoy a few days of sun, sea and bullets,” Mavis Earhart, 67, from London, who has terminal cancer, told the BBC.

With the NHS only offering a slow lingering death and UK stabbings at an all time low, thousands of Brits are now flocking to Florida where getting shot is part of the charm of holidaying there.

The British tourists are an asset to the local economy where they come for a few days and spend their money before being mugged and shot at gunpoint in a ghetto.

“I’m here this year, but I’m not terminally ill. I got shot twice last week but luckily had my bulletproof vest on. We’ve still got another week here so might get shot in the leg or arm. Would be a good souvenir to take back to Blighty,” Roger Eakin, a plumber from North London told the Florida Daily.

The poor Florida ghettos are so bullet riddled that the police rarely venture into them and it’s only the British tourists who are going there.

“You can have multi-million dollar homes and a few yards away there could reside a ghetto where the poor disenfranchised black and Hispanic people are kept. This is the polarity of America, a land that espouses freedom and liberty for all, and yet has some of the worst racial problems and segregation in the world,” a local white Florida state councillor said before being shot to death last week in his car.

Ed Miliband to have Grotesque Stare Surgically Adjusted


Party aides hope that surgery to remove Mr Miliband’s repugnant gut wrenching stare, which cause voters to cower in terror, will make him less scary to look at, it is understood.

Spin doctors have been concerned about Mr Miliband’s delivery since his surprise backstabbing of his brother David in the battle for leadership of the party, the Daily Mirror reported.

Westminster political commentator, Harold Farquer, spoke about the Labour leader’s stare yesterday from parliament: “Red Ed’s psychotic stare fills the room with dread when he walks in. I’ve seen grown men cower in abject terror when the evil little bastard looks at them. As for women and children, they usually run away crying when they see him.”

It is thought that he plans to undergo the procedure – which takes a week to recover from – during Parliament’s long break this summer.

Surgeons at Harley Street have even suggested that Miliband may have to have his eyeballs removed completely and his eyelids remodelled before the procedure is completed. The operation will be very delicate and putting Miliband’s eyeballs back into their sockets could take more than three hours on the operating table.

“After they complete the eye surgery to remove his godawful evil stare, we want to focus on his horrible nasal voice that makes him sound like a Dalek from Doctor Who,” a party spin doctor told Labour’s Daily Mirror newspaper.

Tea Party Member Sues Tea Party After Hot Tea Spill Drama


“My client is suing the tea party because the tea was too hot and when it spilled on his lap he got burnt real bad, especially on his genitals,” Ronald Eavesdrip, the attorney to the man who is suing the tea party said on Tuesday.

The tea party that went wrong is now splashed all over the U.S. media and the democrats are loving the tumult the tea spillage episode has created.

Al Pinto, a political commentator following the tea party movement said: “The multi-million dollar lawsuit filed on Monday is not a good sign for the tea party movement after the events a few months ago with Sarah Palin inciting violence and some kid in Arizona shooting a few folk up. This latest tea scalding affair is sure to muddy the waters of the Boston harbour even further.”

Tea party organisers have warned all their members that vigilance should be exercised when pouring their tea or to adopt cooler refreshments during the heated tea party sessions.

“We’re now informing our members not to drink tea at our tea parties. Maybe drink kool-aid, preferably without it being spiked with cyanide, or maybe iced tea, you know something in those lines. We’re now only accepting cold refreshing drinks at our events,” Jim Jones, a tea party organiser from Kentucky said.

Gordon Brown Chosen For Top IMF Job


“We are very happy to announce the in-statement of Gordon Brown as the new head of the IMF,” a senior director, Giancarlo Barbarossa, told the Washington Times.

Mr Brown flew out from his Scottish constituency of Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath to go to Washington to attend the inaugural ceremony on Tuesday.

Speaking after the event he said: “I thank you all for having the confidence in my abilities and previous history as chancellor, as well as prime minister of Britain. I would like the opportunity to do the same to the world as I have done for Britain. In other words, bonkers Brown is back and you’re all fucked mateys. After I’ve finished with you’se lot, you’ll wish you were all deid, ya bas!”

Standard and Poor's Downgrades Standard and Poor's


Standard & Poor’s cut its outlook for itself to negative from stable due to risks from its mass downgrading sprees it has been doing of late.

“We’ve downgraded so many countries, companies and financial institutions that we thought, what the hell, let’s downgrade ourselves as well,” Eric Maxbygraves, Standard and Poor’s chief downgrader told the Financial Times.

Mr Maxbygraves also added that S&P also wanted to downgrade their competitors like Moody’s and Fitch: “They don’t get off lightly. We’re going to downgrade them in the next few days as well,” he said.

The move sparked a rally in gold, seen as a secure investment, which hit a new high as it moved close to 10,500 US dollars an ounce.

African Americans: “Next Time We Want a Black President”


“I don’t know what this guy is but he ain’t black, that’s fo’ sho’,” Shaquila Jefferson, 43, a musician from South Carolina said about Barack Obama after seeing the poll results on CBS news.

The poll states that African Americans do not think that Barack Obama is black enough in his policies, his attitude, his speech and also his relations with other black people.

“Brother, this guy ain’t a brother. I seen white folk more black than Barack. I bet he don’t even know what soul food is, don’t own a Ray Charles rekow or utilise any other African American stereotypes. I heard the guy don’t even eat fried chicken and watermelon. The only thing this guy got in common with other brothers is that his dad skipped town when he was a kid and left his momma to raise him,” Freddy Shanks, 54, from Harlem, New York said.

Another black Obama critic, Tayshaun Davenport, from Atlanta said: “Nigga’s crazy! If Obama acted like a real brotha, he would’ve brought us out of those wars in Afghanistan and Iraq started by the white devil. We got no business being in those countries shooting people up fo’ no reason and getting our asses kicked. What’s Obama done for us? I’m talkin’ about the black community. Nothing. Big fat fuckin’ zero. He be talking down to us, but he done nothing. We worked for the white man for four hundred years without pay, then this dude Obama comes along, and what he do? He works for the white man some mo’. Now call me stupid or whatever, but I know fo’ sho’ Barack ain’t one of us — he’s just a house ni@@er.”

Barack Hussein Obama is riding so low in the polls that even the retired George W. Bush is sniggering.

“I got to hand it to Barack. He’s carrying on with my message and style real good. Hell, he’s even played more rounds of golf than I did during my tenure as chimp in chief. Now watch this swing,” Mr Bush said from his local golf club in Texas.

Celebrity Who Was NOT Hacked to Sue News of the World

Speaking from a secret London hotel, the unnamed celebrity said: “Anyone who is anyone was hacked by the News of the World. Why wasn’t I? This is a dreadful slight on my celebrity career. I’ve been in loads of reality shows and judged a few talent shows too. I attend all the film opening nights and even opened an Asda branch in Watford last week.”


The celebrity hacking scandal dogging the News of the World has definitely taken a turn for the worse with celebrities who have been hacked suing the paper and some who have not suing as well.

“Obviously they feel as if they are not good enough to be hacked and this can hurt the celebrities’ ego. I have had to consult and heal quite a few of these celebrities who have not been hacked. I’ve got four of them in the Priory already this week,” clinical therapist to the stars, Raj Persaud, told the BBC.