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Strauss-Kahn Joins Up With Madoff in Prison


There is quite a lot of similarity between the two incarcerated men; both were in huge positions of power, both misused their power, and now both will have to pay for their flirtations with the brief moments of madness they have succumbed to.

“It is quite endearing when you have people with enormous amounts of power, self-destructing like this. Bernie and Dominique are two such men. They are players of a game that got out of hand, that took them by surprise, yet, once they were caught, I am sure they let out a huge sigh of relief,” the resident prison psychiatrist, Alistair Fredericks, told Fox news.

One minute, Strauss-Kahn was in a $3000-per-night Manhattan hotel room doing what he has probably done with autonomy countless times, and then next he was in a tiny cell.

One can only think that a man of such power, heading the IMF, has possibly rubbed someone up the wrong way to be treated so. If it was any other day, or in a plush Parisian neighborhood, the powers that be would cover this up like a stink in an elevator. Instead, here he his, paraded in front of everyone, doing the ‘perp walk’ that Americans so love seeing their un-tried villains doing.

The same goes for Madoff. There is no way that he could have pulled off his deceit for all those years without the big players and authorities knowing. He too must have rubbed someone up the wrong way towards the end, and was hauled in.

What of all the other men of power out there, who secretly dream of being hauled in as well? There must be many, who are fed up because whatever they do, they get away with, and after awhile it gets too much for some. Might Tony Blair one day garner a conscience and confess his crimes? One doubts it very much. These soulless machines created by the demonic state and banking system need to self-destruct, to shed some of the dead skin, either that, or to feel alive once again, just for a fleeting second before they are taken away in a limousine to jail to rot away forever.

Google Cited in Drive-by Shooting on Facebook HQ


“They sprayed the lobby with bullets. We’ve got casings all over the place. Look at this, this is my trophy for the first $3 billion I made, and it’s smashed to shit,” an angry Mark Zuckerburg told the reporters from CNN.

The drive-by shooting occurred at 10am Friday and had been the fifth drive-by incident last week.

“It’s getting to be a real pain. I was walking my dog past the Facebook HQ last week and I heard some banging, then a car sped off at high speed. Didn’t think much of it until I got home to find my pooch got shot in the leg. These despicable internet wars have to stop,” an angry Palo Alto resident told Wired magazine.

The animosity has escalated recently because of the alleged ‘smears’ Facebook have been orchestrating against Google.

“They hit us, we hit them back harder. These are turf wars, blood, and you better get outta the way, homes,” a Google executive toting an Uzi 9mm told CNN.

Additional reporting by Lee Buck and Susie Concho

New 'Two and a Half Men With Mom' Series to Start Soon

“We’ve seen the pre-screening ratings for this thing and it f*cking blew us away. We had it pretty good with Charlie but this new series makes that loser look like a drop in the f*ckin’ ocean,” Larry Sandnitz, one of the producers for the show told Entertainment Weekly.

The new show stars Ashton Kutcher instead of Charlie Sheen, but with an added bonus of his mother joining in.

“Demi is great in this. She tells him to change his underwear, gets him a packed lunch and even sews on some buttons on one of those many gaudy shirts,” Mr Sandnitz added.

The third episode of the first series is set for some serious hijinks with Moore and Kutcher getting into some compromising situations on screen.

“Let’s just say, Oedipus has nothing on these two,” another producer, Jacob Rosenblatz, revealed.

In the second series, things will get even crazier, that’s when the dad turns up. Bruce Willis, is already preparing for the role right now and is set to be paid a multi-million dollar fee for his cameo.

Head of IMF Rapes Hotel Maid As Well As World


According to Mr Strauss-Kahn, 62, he is not just happy in raping the world with IMF money and wants more, and more. This is why he sodomised that poor chamber maid at Manhattan’s Sofitel on West-44th-Street yesterday.

Mr Strauss -Kahn was arrested by port officials as he tried to escape by boarding a plane at Kennedy Airport.

“The Great Seducer”

“He’s obviously got his IMF raping and pillaging face on. Not only that, he tried to escape the country and do more raping over there too. It’s ok folks, we got him,” Buzzard Ealdring, a New York law enforcement officer told CBS news.

Strauss-Kahn, who had a meeting planned for today with German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has a special arrangement with Air France that allows him to get on any flight and sit in first class.

The IMF is the cause of a lot of pestilence, evil and horror within the world, and it is no consequence that a raping monster like Strauss-Kahn should be the head of it.

No doubt, because of his diplomatic immunity he will get off with the assault and the woman will be shut up like all the others.

Who's Next on the Obama Assassination List?


The Obama administration is speeding up the process for worldwide assassinations specifically to boost his chances of re-election in 2012, the White House has announced.

“Obama is personally overseeing the assassinations in his situation room where he can direct the Seals or Marines into action. He tells them who to shoot and how they should do it,” Freddy Kocnich, a White House aide revealed on Thursday.

Major targets at the moment are obviously headed by Colonel Gaddafi, but the U.S. has a number of other key players around the world who could do some serious boosting to Obama’s re-election.

“We wouldn’t mind getting the guy in Pakistan and taking that place over, but they got nukes. Syria’s Assad is another one but their Russian friends are too close and could get dangerous. Ahmedinnajacket is up there, but those pesky Iranians have nukes now too. China’s too big. Obama’s got something against Britain because they tortured Kenyans all those years ago. Unfortunately for him, Britain is meant to be a key player in NATO and an ally to the U.S. so no go there. Jeez, if only he could bump off that Sarah Palin, or Trump?” Mr Kocnich said.

EU Wants Britain Bankrupted


“We will force the bankrupt British to pay for Greece, Portugal and Ireland’s enormous debts. If they keep refusing to join the euro currency, we will force them in through economic war. This way, even though the UK is not part of the single European currency, it will go further into the hole and will be forced to join up with the rest of us losers,” Mr Scheisse said.

Unfortunately for Britain, the chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, has his hands tied because his predecessor, Alistair Darling signed Britain up to pay for the EU’s huge debts just before he left office. It was his final act of destruction on the UK’s economy and has condemned us all to be bankrupted by the wasteful black hole that are the PIIGS countries.

“You have to thank Alistair Darling for this. Because of him George Osborne has to give Greece, Portugal and anyone else who wants it billions of our taxpayers cash. We’ve already given Ireland £7 billion and are set to give them more. The UK is already battling an enormous deficit caused by Labour’s spending sprees, and we fear the good ship Blighty could very well go under if forced to pay for the Greeks’ profligacy,” leading economist, Archie Numb, told the Telegraph.

Greece, which was given a 130 billion euro loan months ago, now say they need an extra 200 billion euros to keep their bankrupt country afloat.

One does not have to be an economics expert or professor to see that throwing money at the Greek problem is akin to flushing billions of euros down a toilet pan.

Well, thanks to the previous Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, who signed the contract forcing the UK to prop up the bankrupt EU countries on May 10, 2010, we are all fucked and tied to bailing out Greece, Portugal and the rest of them.

TSA to Probe the Moon


“The TSA have been probing peoples asses and crotches for so long now, and doing it so well, that we thought we’d give them the moon job too,” Jimmy Smits, a White House official revealed to CBS news yesterday.

The TSA expedition to probe the moon will begin next week when a team of ten TSA officials will be blasted into space and attempt to land on the moon.

“We heard they have babies in nappies up there that need to be probed, as well as disabled veterans who will receive our special full body cavity searches. There are also a lot of craters and crevices on the moon’s surface which we will be probing, much like we do to your wives and children at American airports,” one of the TSA officials, who will be probing the moon, told Fox news.

Osama Would Often Go to Shops Wearing Silly Hat Disguise


“Sometime he came in wearing a little pink hat, other times he had an oversized cowboy hat on, and once we saw him come in wearing a Trilby. He was always polite, he would buy a pot noodle, maybe a coke, or a newspaper and saunter back to his lair. No one for one second thought that he was Osama bin Laden,” Mohammed Saalleh, a shopkeeper in the local town told the Pakistan Times.

As more news trickles out of the now fortified town, a better picture is finally emerging of Bin Laden’s last days.

Iqbal Mushar, the owner of a general store three blocks away from Bin Laden’s compound said: “He was always very courteous. He would come in with his wonderful flamboyant hats and ruffle around the store a bit. He especially liked ice lollies, sometimes he’d come over two or three times a day for those. The glue sniffing kids hanging outside the shop would laugh at his hats and throw stones at him sometimes.”

The new revelations about Bin Laden’s time in Pakistan hiding from the Americans is contrary to released information that the terrorist leader was a recluse in his compound.

Daily Squib Goes to High Court to Gag Any Mention of Super-Injunctions in All Media


“This is a momentous day in super-injunctions. From now on, it will be illegal to even utter the words ‘super-injunction’ or for any celebrity to claim that their super-injunction was breached because there will be an altogether bigger super-injunction in place that will prohibit all mention of super-injunctions being uttered ever again,” Donald Moseley, the Daily Squib’s barrister said at the steps of the High Court today.

Justice Mucclespittle, ordered the super-injunction on all super-injunctions to be in place at 1 pm today and all news stories that were scheduled to be published after that time would be deemed illegal.

No more super-injunctions

“Anyone talking about super-injunctions in any shape or form will be taken to court and could be jailed if found guilty. Anyone twitting, tweeting or twatting about super-injunctions on the internet will be breaching the law and could face serious repercussions for their careless super-injunctionable words,” Justice Mucclespittle was recorded as saying after the hearing at Madame Whip’s dungeon situated just a few streets away from the courts.

News of the demise of all super-injunction news stories in mainstream news outlets was greeted with relief from the general public.

“Thank f*ck for that. I’d rather shave my eyeballs with a rusty razorblade then read another f*cking story about super-injunctions,” Joyce Petherbridge, 82, from West Glamorgan told the Daily Mail.

Greece Could Erase Debt Like Iceland

Even though the Greek debt levels are 170% of their GDP, their infrastructure is shot to shit, and their bonds are worth less than junk status, Greece still soldiers on amidst the torrent of messages signalling that they should get out of the euro as soon as possible.

Forget about butter and sugar mountains that rich EU states like Germany are flouting, Greece’s huge debt mountain is even bigger than Mount Olympus.

“It is kind of ironic that the place where the birth of democracy is sited should be a place that will destroy the Fascistic EU, with its single currency state,” a political commentator from Brussels told the BBC.

It’s not just the Greek finance minister, or other Greek hierarchy who deny there is a problem, the unelected EU technocrats are also denying vehemently that there is any ounce of Greek debt that cannot be dealt with.

Servicing the Greek debt involves paying more in interest payments alone than the yearly income of Greece. There is no way in hell they will be able to re-pay the extra loans they have received, and what’s more, there is the further issue of the majority of the Greek population, who do not pay tax, and retire at the age of 45 with full state pensions and other EU subsidies.

“Let the Germans pay for it”

Nikos Malineros, 38, is a government officer from Athens: “I work two days a week, then the rest are my days off, all paid for by EU subsidies and what little tax payers we have in Greece. I’m set to retire in a few years with a full salary pension and I even receive bonuses each year if I attend more than one day a week at my post as chief of Municipal Aggregation.”

After the smouldering ruins of the Greek economy fade away into the darkness, the ghosts of the great Socrates, Homer and Plato will smile knowing that Greece has dealt a divisive blow upon the un-democratic Achilles heel of the evil EU juggernaut.

“We as Greeks first gave the EU a wooden horse as a gift. Then we breached their walls with our huge debt and moribund state. We lied to get into the rich club, then we squandered the EU subsidies and spent like there was no tomorrow. Now look at the EU, they are teetering on the edge of a huge precipice to be smashed on the rocks. By Zeus, we have smote the mighty Kraken with one fell swoop,” Stavros Acropolis, a shop owner from Athens told Axiaplus news.

Don’t worry, just drink some more ouzo, short the euro, and smash a few more plates, it will all be over soon.