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News International Staff to Get New Identities


News International, which also publishes The Sun, The Times and The Sunday Times, said that thousands of its staff would be under identity protection programs costing the taxpayer millions of pounds per annum.

Rebekah Brooks, CEO of NI has already had her head shaved and undergone major plastic surgery so that no one recognises her, as has Rupert Murdoch and his son.

“They will all be given new identities and new disguises so they can lead new lives away from the extreme scandal and shame of their previous incarnations as slimey scumbag eavesdroppers. Mr Murdoch, who has lost everything including his Philipino mail order bride, is now living in a tower block in Lambeth, oops I just gave his location away,” Detective constable Brown Payperbag, of the Witness Protection program told the BBC.

Corrupt Politicians Investigating Corrupt Media Investigating Corrupt Police


“We are investigating corruption in the Murdoch owned media while the corrupt media have investigated us for corruption of MPs expenses and the corrupt police are investigating other corrupt police officer, corrupt journalists and MPs whilst being investigated themselves by corrupt politicians and corrupt News International papers,” Keith Vaz, a twice convicted corrupt MP told a commons hearing this morning.

Corrupt evidence presented to a committee of corrupt MPs reviewing the corrupt police investigation into the Murdoch corruption scandal has pointed the insidious finger of corruption at pretty much everyone.

“Everyone in this room is a cowardly corrupt swine. What are you all going to do about it?” a member of the public shouted from the gallery.

All the MPs, policemen and journalists assembled in the corruption chamber then hung their heads in shame, some even slinking out unnoticed never to be seen or heard of ever again.

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Labour-ite Scorned


Bring out the Labour attack dogs. As much as they have ruined our country and its economy, they had made a Faustian pact with Murdoch under Tony Blair and he pretended to support them until a bigger better deal came along, and that was David Cameron.

Now the scorned labour-ites have brought the knives out for Murdoch and his evil merry men and women of News International and they may very well succeed in sinking the ship with its precious cargo of filth.

“This is Labour’s ace card. They planned well in advance to leak this underhand hacking stuff to the world. Funny, it was alright when Labour were in the driving seat, but now that the Conservatives are in power it is a different story. Labour was all too happy to turn a blind eye to the major corruption of all News international journalists and police when it suited the Labour agenda,” a Westminster political commentator told the Independent newspaper.

No one likes Gordon Brown, but he still has garnered major sympathy from the public because of the way the evil Murdoch-created gargoyle Rebekah Brooks has conducted herself concerning Brown’s disabled son. This is a man who brought in more surveillance and Big brother controls than Stalin ever wished to have in Russia, it seems he did not like it much when others were watching him and looking through his records.

“On a human level, one would have sympathy with Brown, however, he was all too happy to use the services of News International when his government was in power under Tony Blair. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Except, this time, he’s exacting his revenge on being scorned by the Murdochs and the voters,” a Fleet Street journo told the BBC.

And what news of David Cameron? Well, with his reputation now in tatters, he was tricked by the Murdoch empire and may never recover his credibility because of his association with the lepers of News International.

This News International strain of media corruption will of course be used by the government to increase control of the media and destroy Britain’s famous freedom of the press. One thing is for sure, do we want a press that is similar in vain to American and French mainstream journalism where everything is heavily censored, skewed and controlled by the government? Surely not.

Rupert Murdoch Cautioned For Reading Whilst Driving


Rupert Murdoch who touched down in the UK earlier on in the day is in town to oversee the massive corruption scandal that has embroiled his British newspapers.

Traffic police were said to have stopped the 80-year-old tycoon driving his Ford Escort at 50 mph in Wapping, which is close to the News of the World offices.

“Our officers made a routine traffic stop on an elderly gentleman who was reading a newspaper whilst attempting to drive at the same time. The fact that he was driving on the pavement and had mowed down a Guardian journalist is neither her nor there. Suffice to say, the brown envelope Mr Murdoch gave me after the incident was sufficient cause for me to caution said driver and tell him to be on his way. This time, the driver put the newspaper down on the empty passenger seat, reversed back over the Guardian journalist, then continued forward over the deceased journalist to his destination,” a police spokeswoman told the Times newspaper.

Campaign For Rebekah's Law Begins


Rebekah’s Law will ensure that anyone who wants to know if they live within a 10-mile radius of a News Corp. journalist can consult a special database.

The Home Office pilot is being extended to eight more forces in England next year.

There are fears however among police forces in England and Wales that Rebekah’s Law could encourage vigilantes to seek revenge against News of the World, Sun and Times journalists or anything else owned by the Murdochs.

“It is a very real danger that there could be some real hacking going on. We’re talking about machete and axe type hacking, not the kind that the News Corp. journalists are party to,” Chief Constable Tommy Dowler of the Association of Chief Police Officers said.

“We remain concerned about the risk of vigilante action and News International journalists going underground. All new local schemes need close management and proper resourcing to avoid this,” a concerned citizen told the BBC yesterday.

But Chief Constable Dowler said people would not need to share the information as police would inform any affected party.

The News is the News


The CEO of News International, Rebekah Brooks, is increasingly under pressure from the media and public as well as members of parliament to go but she is holding on valiantly.

As millions of incriminating email documents were systematically deleted detailing widespread corruption with mass payments to police officers in the Met, News of the World staff were scrambling to shred as much evidence as they possibly can before the rozzers arrive.

“The reason that Murdoch is holding on to Rebekah’s job is if she were to go, she might blab. That’s the only reason Rupert would dump a 187-year-old institution instead of her. She’s got the names that go all the way up to Murdoch and his weasel son. If she gets pushed under, then Murdoch could be in the dock, and there’s no way that will ever happen. Everyone knows that Murdoch has ties with corrupt police officers and the criminal underworld. It’s just that he is putting her in front as a human shield, although she’s not human, more like Medusa, if you ask me,” a Fleet Street contact revealed in the Guardian today.

Unemployed NOTW Fake Sheikh Signs On For Jobseekers Allowance


He was once the scourge of Swedish England football managers and spendthrift ex-Duchesses everywhere, but now the man responsible for thousands of soiled celebrity underpants is living a life of poverty in a two bed council flat in Tower Hamlets.

New Deal

“I was the fake sheikh. They used to wheel me around in a silver Roller. I only stayed at top hotels in Park Lane. Now look at me. I’m a man destroyed all because that arsehole Murdoch wanted to save the ginge minge witch Rebekah Wade. Well, I get my benefit payments on a Tuesday, by Wednesday my kids have used it all up. We’re thinking of going back to Saudi Arabia, at least there we can have a good shake at getting back up to speed. Might even get hired again as a fake sheikh for a tabloid there. I can’t do anything else you see, fake sheikh-ing is my business.”

The ex-Duchess of York who was caught in a sting trying to extort £500,000 from the fake sheikh last year was glad of his demise: “I’ve been avoiding sheikhs ever since that sting where I was filmed doing the dirty. Now it’s going to be back to business as usual. My bank balance just heaved a huge sigh of relief. Access to Andrew is now open folks, so for a cool half mill, you too could get to have a chat with him and he can arrange some special business dealings with you. I’ve just gone on another massive spending spree at the mere thought of it.”

Business As Usual

As the Murdochs now plan to extend the Sun to a seven day week, the 168-year-old News of the World will be a distant memory and the BSkyB deal should be back in play.

You never know, the fake shiekh might even find his way to the Sun. Looks like nothing will change, just the name of the paper.

“We’ll be using the same offices, the same people, the same corrupt cops, and the same underhand tactics as before. It’s just that this time we’ll be extra careful in not getting caught,” Rebekah Brooks told her reporters at a News International committee meeting and memo yesterday.

Victoria Beckham Baby Could Weigh More Than Her

There are serious fears for Victoria Beckham’s health, because the baby she is carrying already weighs more than her and there may be problems during the birth, doctors claim.

“Somehow we’re going to have to pull that thing out of her. Even a cesarean would be a problem with that stick,” Dr. Arnold Kovavovic, one of the team of obstetricians who will be delivering the baby soon, told the LA Times.

During her pregnancy Mrs Beckham has had to be wheeled around on a special trolley because the baby bump dominates her body and she does not have the strength to walk on her own.

The customised contraption takes the weight off Posh’s legs and enables her to carry out her daily tasks, like not doing anything at all, shopping and scowling in front of a mirror.

“Victoria is going to be a great mother to Gucci. She wanted to call the baby Burberry but we went for Gucci instead. It’s a beautiful name and if we have another baby we’ll call them Fendi,” doting father, David Beckham, revealed to American talk show host, David Letterman, yesterday.

"The End of the News of the World is Nigh"



“Oh no, it wasn’t me, I don’t know anything about what’s going on,” News International’s boss, Rebekah Wade/Brooks told the paper in an internal memo yesterday.

The funny thing is, chief honcho, Rupert Murdoch, also does not know anything either.

“Coming from a cold-blooded reptile like Rupert, you know that he ‘allegedly’ knows everything and has the last say of everything. This is how he does business. He has to know every minute detail of every f*cking thing that goes on. His deputy, Rebekah, has to know everything as well. Does anyone in their right mind believe that these scumbags did not question where the secret information was coming from? They are extremely angry that they have been caught this time,” a News International employee revealed yesterday evening after having his phone hacked and broadcast all over the media.

There are secret plans to shut down the paper completely this coming Sunday, Murdoch hopes this will deflect any criticism directed towards the hierarchy at News International and secure the hugely lucrative BSkyB deal.

Prime minister, David Cameron was equally indignant about his employer: “I am truly disgusted at what has happened with regards to the phone tapping of abducted and murdered teenage girls, war veterans families and 7/7 victims families by the News of the World. This is a despicable and heinous crime, but hey, Rupert got me into power in the first place, so I’m going to have to gloss over this one I’m afraid. Forget that first bit for a start. No one knows anything. BSkyB anyone?”

There are rumours that clean-up man, Max Clifford, has also been ordered onto the scene.

“If there’s a dirty job to clean up, they always use Max. No one can get lower than that scum bag leech. A man with absolutely no morals whatsoever who would parade a cancer stricken terminally ill low IQ celebrity through a media circus just so that he could get a fat cheque at the end of it,” Giles Manning, a PR executive from London firm, X-Seven, told Campaign magazine.

Liam Gallagher: I've Quit Bananas

And the 38-year-old – who hit fame singing Oasis hits like Banana Super Sundae and Clotted Cream & Bananas – reckons being on the vine has improved his jungle cry.

He says it has made it softer and more mellow on his new album Musa Acuminata’s tracks.

Liam said: “If I have a nana, I’ll be on the Christmas jungle special. I haven’t had a banana since New Year’s Eve. Ooh, Ooh! Ahh Ahh! I’m having a bit of a break. I went 20 years on the yellow stuff and messing about. It’s rubbish.

“At Knebworth I thought we were doing one banana and we were doing two. I got that mashed on the first I woke up to a knock on the door and thought I was at home back in the rainforest with a banana milk shake in my hand. I forgot all about it. That was heavy.”

But despite the lifestyle change Liam, who says his new favourite fruit are grapes, still hasn’t ended his feud with older brother and ex-bananamate Noel.

He admitted the rift is so deep he wasn’t even invited to Noel’s wedding last month.

Gallagher said: “I wouldn’t have gone anyway. I was busy getting off the bloomin’ bananas. If I had I’d have had a banana and it would have gone pear-shaped. It would’ve been like the Jungle Book.”

Liam is currently preparing himself for his first Hollywood film, Planet of the Apes II, in which he will not need any prosthetics or makeup, and will paid a six figure sum for the dream role.