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Celebrity Gives to Charity and Does Not Invite Cameras


“This is unprecedented, this celebrity actually gave to a charity and did not call a press conference or multiple news outlets about it. We have never actually seen that kind of behaviour before, we only found out from a secret report,” Ernest Fetherwilt, World Health Organisation chief told the BBC.

According to the secret folio, this celebrity even adopted an African boy and proceeded to look after him without telling any news agencies or brokering any Hello magazine photo shoots.

“This behaviour shows a startling disregard for narcissistic self-affirmation and fickle celebrity fad culture. When we have many celebrities adopting poor African children to implant in their Hollywood mansions as trophies, this celebrity has shunned all of that. It’s a bloody disgrace. My guess is that their career will now be over as they are actively shunned by all news networks for the rest of their sorry lives,” Sharon Amigdale, senior news editor for the New York Post said.

John Cleese Involved in Rickshaw Accident in Piccadilly Circus


Mr Cleese, who was in the UK for a brief tour to pay for another divorce settlement, was involved in a rickshaw pileup on the junction between Regent Street and Piccadilly Circus.

No Christmas in heaven this time

Speaking from London’s Royal Free hospital in Hampstead, Cleese revealed more details about the horrendous crash which also resulted in two rickshaw drivers tragically losing their lives: “I had just left a Polish shop (Sklep) after buying some pickled cabbage, and was about to go to a Somali café next to where Fortnum’s used to be, when there was an almighty crash. At first, I thought to myself that I had bought it, and I would have to make a trip with the grim reaper, when I realised, no, there was no salmon mousse involved at all. These two buggering rickshaw wallahs had gone and crashed into a cow, well soon enough we had about a dozen coolies around us dragging the drivers out of their rickshaws, and they took them to a nearby lamp post near a kebab shop and lynched them there and then. I’m getting too old for this, I need to get back to Beverly Hills straight away.”

London is famous for its traffic jams and frequent multiple vehicle pileups.

“The beauty about the London roads is that no one knows where they’re really going plus you’ll have rickshaws, black cabs, buses, cows, goats, sheep and horse-drawn carriages. Pretty much every form of vehicle or animal on the road, all vying for the same spot. No one cares about traffic lights either, and the basic rule of the road is, whoever has the biggest vehicle or gun has the right of way,” Chandra Harami, a spokesman for London Transport told the BBC.

Illegal Alien President Obama Will Be Deported Says Immigration Office


“I will refer Barack to ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] and DHS [Department of Homeland Security]. It will be handled like any other immigration case,” Hauser said.

CBS news reporter, Murray Asshelhopp, asked, “Was the president aware that he was in the United States as an undocumented immigrant?” But before the question was completely asked, Hauser interjected, saying President Obama “was made aware of this issue when I walked into his office and, among other subjects, mentioned it to him and he was completely unaware.”

The President was only aware of the dire situation when he was met by immigration officers at the runway just before boarding Air Force One going on a day trip to Alaska from Martha’s Vineyard.

After being booked at a police station, he was asked whether he wanted to make a telephone call to arrange for bail. “I think I will call the White House,” he said, according to a report written by Westchester police. He was denied the call and put in a cell with forty other inmates. During the police search at the station, officers also discovered forged documents on Mr Obama’s person, including a forged birth certificate and forged U.S. passport, all items were immediately confiscated and were sent to the FBI for further investigations.

Later on, President Obama’s lawyers tried to get their client bail but were refused on the grounds that he might try to flee back to a nearby golf course in Martha’s Yard or even worse, his campaign bus.

Vice-President, Joe Biden, will be in charge of the country now until an election is called next week.

Quango Bosses Buy Tropical Island


The island was purchased by Quango bosses who earn approximately £750,000 tax free per annum and also receive taxpayer funded perks amounting to £145,000 each.

Quango employees usually only work three day weeks, therefore, the purchase of the tropical island will afford them plenty of time to think about new Quango stratagems and policies.

“This is a perfect opportunity to formulate further useless bureaucratic nonsense and shitty policy that no one will ever need, but this time we’ll be on a tropical island with a martini in one hand and being fellated by some beautiful Polynesian native at the same time. Of course, you can think of us while you’re huddled up in some dingy cold room with a stale loaf of bread and a twenty pence piece. Pay up your taxes suckers, we need you to work until you fuckers drop,” a laughing Quango boss told Sky news from his chauffeur driven Bentley.

The British Coalition government fully supports the island purchase and have said that Quangos need to operate in an “efficient and viable manner to facilitate easier working practices and reduce stress amongst Quango staff.”

Large Swathes of South London Are Happy Today After Taking Tainted Nurofen Plus


Usually you would be hard pressed to get a smile out of the people living in the dark and dingy toilet that is parts of South London, but reports are coming through the BBC and Sky news, that groups of people are roaming the streets smiling and looking happy.

“The only reason this could be is that these people ingested Nurofen Plus pills tainted with anti-psychotic drugs. That’s the only way these people could be smiling. If you lived here, you’d be suicidal, so there’s no need to smile,” a confused looking councillor, Richard Ames, told the BBC.

Large shipments of Nurofen Plus were contaminated with an anti-psychotic drug and accidentally delivered to South London.

The government has warned anyone who sees these pills to not take them and immediately bin them.

Health Minister, Douglas Ratfuck, said: “We can’t have people happy in ‘Sarf Landan’. You must be jokin’ mate, do you want them to riot?”

Erroll Beano, 43, a road sweeper from Lewisham said: “All I know is I was feeling really unhappy and miserable as usual and I took some Nurofen Plus. I’m really happy now. I don’t see grey miserable buildings and no hope anymore. I love everything in my life. I want to live and be a positive person. What a wonderful world we live in. I…I…I’m…so-o-o-o happy.”

London to Unveil World's First Pentadecker Buses


“These buses will solve London’s awful public transport problem where people are pushed into moving boxes two to a dozen, like rats they are squashed together smelling the armpits of old men and sniffing the fart gas of some tramp who has snuck into the holding pen for travellers. And I’m not just talking about that old git, Livingstone either. The new buses will be luxurious, resplendent with air conditioning for the summer and heating for the winter. There will be televisual entertainment for every floor and a drinks vendor will be employed on every bus. Because of the nature of public transport in London, hoodies, chavs and other oiks will not be allowed on the buses and there will be a guard on each bus, ensuring that they are kept off,” London Mayor, Boris Johnson told the London Transport Symposium meeting yesterday.

Already, great excitement has been created amongst Londoners and tourists alike.

“This will be a great selling point for London, especially for London’s 2012 Olympics visitors. The tickets for the buses will be slightly higher than other buses, but in time we will bring those down too. Also, we hope to roll the buses out to other parts of London after an interim period,” the Mayor’s deputy, Linko Drepman, told the Evening Standard.

The new pentadeckers will stand at 58 feet high and will run on biofuels thus keeping pollution down. Their cost is a closely guarded secret, but because they were manufactured in China, the Mayor has assured taxpayers that the buses are very affordable and the number of passengers that each bus can carry will pay back the costs very quickly.

Joel Hammerstein, a lawyer from New York said: “I saw the pictures of the new buses they’re going to have in London. I immediately phoned my wife and booked a two week holiday.”

The new pentadecker buses will be limited to Oxford Street and Piccadilly for the moment but should be rolled out to many other routes across the Greater London area by 2018.

20 MPH Winds Batter New York City


“I’m scared shitless. They told me to be scared over the news, and all around people are scared so I got scared too,” Earl Huberstank, a janitor from Queens told CBS news.

Escape routes out of the city were all clogged up as the panic set in and more people got the fear.

“They cleaned out all the supermarkets and Home Depot. I read on Drudge that it’s going to be an apocalypse, oh my gosh, I nearly died right there and then. Those 20 MPH might blow over a few blades of grass in the park or something,” Jill Arachno, a New Yorker fleeing the eye of the storm told brave reporters.


Reports are just coming in that the wind was so strong it blew a beer can across the street in the Lower East Side.

Notting Hill Carnival Highlights

“We’re going to have lots of fun this year so get your heads ready for a cracking time,” Andrew Ridgemount, festival organiser for this year’s festivities told the Evening Standard.

This year the streets of West London will come alive, with the sounds and smells of fear and terror as columns of police in riot gear converge on Europe’s biggest street festival of violence.

Twenty miles of vibrant blue and black police costumes surround over 40 static sound systems, hundreds of Caribbean food stalls, (make sure you visit Mama’s Pork Station, on the corner of Constable Rd and Plod Gardens) over forty thousand cops and over one million Notting Hill fodder will meet in the middle of the road to complete the parade with one almighty festive bang.

“I love to watch the floats go by. You might see one with a shield and truncheon, others wearing full riot gear, and maybe one diguised as an armoured vehicle,” Dina Flowers, 8, who will be attending with her parents on Sunday, told the BBC.

Dick Cheney Torture Book on Bestseller List


Dick Cheney’s first book detailing the torture practices of the Bush administration, “Torture the U.S. Way” (HarperCollins), has topped The New York Times best-seller list for political books.

For two straight weeks, Cheney’s factual manual and memoirs about the best torture methods, and ways to bypass the Geneva Convention, has made the bestseller list.

“This torture manual is bigger than the Bible. More people are reading this than anything we have ever seen. I just bought a Lamborghini Diablo – cash!” Sammy Gravano, Cheney’s publishing agent, told CBS news.

Mr Cheney’s torture book also has a huge following in Austria, selling millions of copies in just a one week.

The book outlines many different torture methods, and how to kit out the home dungeon. He also talks about his penchant for warrantless wiretapping, shooting his friends and the Iran Contra Affair.

Cheney, 68, who left office in January 2009, has a deal to write two more books about the use of white phosphorus and napalm on Iraqi civilians and the scorched earth policy of American forces in the Iraqi conflict.

Ex-Vice President, Dick Cheney, was given the Congressional Medal of Honor last week for his services to American torture and genocide and his current book “Torture the U.S. Way” is available in all good bookshops.

Gaddafi: "I Dream of You Condi"


Colonel Gaddafi would often sit down in his palace and dream about Condoleezza Rice, her sultry tones and her wonderful silky voice ordering the bombing of one of his palaces on the telephone from Washington.

“I dream of her still. Her eyes boring through my soul, that Nubian princess. Just the thought of her ordering more American planes to bomb Tripoli gets me so excited. Oh, Condi, how I miss you,” the mad colonel broadcast on Tripoli radio last night.

Rebel fighters sifting through one of Gaddafi’s many palaces have uncovered a treasure trove of material idolising Condoleezza Rice.

“We found albums, and albums of this stuff. I got say though, a lot of the pages were stuck together, we think maybe the colonel got a little too excited, if you know what I mean,” Abdullah Basr Majid, told the BBC.