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Stasi Commissars Line Up For Soviet Censored Edinburgh Fringe Festival


Stasi commissars and Bolshevik troops were regaled at this year’s woke Marxist Edinburgh Fringe Festival of Soviet Non-Comedy. The humourless coterie of performers all abided by strict puritanical communist regulations that completely kill any form of comedy.

“Comrades, thank you for attending this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival. It is good to see you all wearing your Soviet caps and drab green uniforms. We have a wonderful set of performers this year who will all be performing the same things as each other with the same humourless non-comedy woke salad shite. If we see anyone laugh or look happy, they will be sent to a fucking gulag. Enjoy the show, comrades,” a Stasi official announced.

According to the regulations and diktats of the heavily censored event, any performer who dares to even think of having a mind of their own, or an opinion that is not in line with woke communist ideology will be cancelled, ejected from the show and sent to a gulag somewhere in Glasgow.

Comrade Nadine McManus, from Dunfermline, praised one of the woke communist performances.

“I enjoyed the show and everyone clapped on cue. The soviet dancing performance was wonderful. Afterwards we were treated to a few chapters of Lenin’s book The State and Revolution. I saw someone who was not clapping in time, so I reported them to the Commissar, who thankfully took action immediately and removed them. I cannot wait to come back next year.”

Another attendee from Islington, London was Comrade Marcus Stallin, who watched a performance of soviet school children playing guitars uniformly and with perfect timing.

“It was truly magnificent. The children played perfectly. I suppose the teacher standing behind them with a bull whip had something to do with it. Not bad for a bunch of four-year-olds.”

China’s Zombie Property Market Threatens Global Recession


If it is not some deadly disease released from some shithole Chinese city, you can bet your bottom dollar that the Chins have other plagues to throw onto the globe, like a fucking global economic depression fuelled by a zombie property market that will make the Lehman Brothers quake in their dusty graves. Because the Western globalised economy is so entrenched in the evil communist country, there is bound to be global economic contagion when China implodes.

In China, there are vast ghost cities built all over the country housing a zombie property market where homes are bought as an investment and left to rot away by their owners because of stupid Feng Shui bullshit.

“People buy these properties as an investment, but do not do anything to them. The reason being that if they finish the property and furnish it, then they will not be able to sell it or rent it out ever again. In China, it is a Feng Shui sin to move into a place which has been designed and furnished by someone else, so this is why all these ghost cities with zombie properties exist. The developers are all in serious debt, yet are given even more credit by the CCP to build these monstrous ghost cities to furnish the fake economy of zombie properties where trillions of yen are ploughed in yearly. The Chinese economy is basically a fake zombie husk of shit masquerading as a global superpower. It is all fake, just like their fucking barren fields spray-painted with toxic green paint,” a China analyst revealed to the BBC, before being abruptly cut off for telling the truth.

Hongkong China brutality

What is lauded and adored by the WEF and UN as a model for the rest of the world is in fact a prisoner’s colony where communist indoctrinated zombies inhabit a zombie economy, zombie property market led by a psychopathic communist party that not only commits daily acts of genocide on the Uyghur and Tibetan people but harvests organs from live people to sell to rich and influential foreigners and high ranking communist party commissars.

When the door opened, four burly soldiers carried in a man whose limbs were bound with thin ropes that had cut deeply into his flesh. The man was no more than 18 years old; his organs, the surgical crew had been told the day before, were “healthy, fresh.”

A doctor instructed Dr. Zheng to “step on” the man’s legs and “don’t let him move.” He pressed the man’s legs down with his hands and to his shock, they were warm to the touch. Blood was now flowing from the man’s throat.

He watched a doctor slice open the man’s stomach and two others reach in to remove a kidney each. The man’s legs twitched and his throat moved—although no sound came out.

“Cut his artery and veins, quick!” a doctor told Dr. Zheng. As he did so, so much blood gushed out that it splashed all over Dr. Zheng’s gown and gloves. That was when he got the order to extract the man’s eyes.

Dr. Zheng looked at the man’s face. Staring back at him was a pair of wide-open eyes.

“It was horrifying beyond words. He was looking right at me. His eyelids were moving. He was alive,” Dr. Zheng recounted to The Epoch Times in July, the first time he agreed to use his real name to recount his story.

Publisher Sees Sales Surge After Gen Z TikToks Buy Daily Squib Anthology


Non-PC anti-woke anti-Marxist book, The Daily Squib Anthology has become an unlikely hit with Gen Z who have been snapping up the book from Curtis Press, and Amazon as a dare on TikTok to shock the new generation.

The Daily Squib Anthology book, has become a sensation on TikTok after youngsters have headed to the publisher’s, Curtis Press, website to buy it.

“I dare each of you to buy ten copies of this shocking book. Whoever buys the most copies and then spreads them around their friends will win the prize,” one TikTok post by Hedonist99 which received 1,000 likes.

The trend appears to be popular with young people, who are keen to prove they are not just a bunch of hyper-sensitive wet fart Generation Z snowflakes that cower in safe spaces all the time.

The Daily Squib Newspaper, which has an official royal un-warrant, was established in 1862 by the 6th Duke of Pembroke, Francis Wellesley.

In the book, there are tonnes of satirical news articles from the Daily Squib which are considered subversive, downright dangerous and excruciatingly shocking, especially to the new generation of youngsters who cannot fathom such things without crying into their handkerchiefs or fleeing to a safe space.

“When I bought the Daily Squib Anthology, I thought it would be some tame, soulless, watered down woke communist-friendly faux satire preachy propaganda like all the other so-called ‘satire’ sites on the internet,” one TikTok post from creator Banggaz (@bangaz911) explained. “In fact, the book is truly shocking raw Juvenalian satire OMG, I had to go for a good cry after flicking through it.”

The Gen Z creator also said the book is dedicated to Roman poet, and satirist Juvenal – and is not woke in any way, which really shocked him.

“Just bought sixteen copies of the Daily Squib Anthology,” one video reads, with more than 8,000 likes.

Another fan said she ‘teared up’ after reading the book, encompassing 15 years of internet satire, in a video with more than 17,000 likes.

The TikTok trend is still going from strength to strength, with millions of TikTok literature fans daring each other to buy the Daily Squib Anthology.

Another TikTok user, Junkrad88, revealed that after reading the Daily Squib book, they farted continuously for four-and-a-half hours before passing out.

Coincidence? Global Pandemic Exercise Took Place in October 2019


The Event 201 global pandemic exercise was hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. This was exactly the time when COVID-19 was spreading in Wuhan, China and in some parts of Europe due to Chinese tourists. The Chinese authorities were covering up infections, and it was only in January/February and March 2020 that events started to escalate as more people fell sick around the globe.

The Event 201 meeting planned everything out meticulously, and was obviously in the works years prior to the Wuhan leak. The agencies and conglomerates at the meeting estimated the deaths of 65 million people, but unfortunately for them the numbers were far less. The official death toll as of now in 2023 is 6,907,147, therefore the Event 201 team have fallen short of their target by 58,092,853.

Coronavirus COVID-19-map-virus-southampton university
Southampton University – Coronavirus global contamination COVID-19

Of course, there may be discrepancies in the global figures for Covid-19 deaths, mainly because of the secrecy from China during the first phases of the pandemic and throughout its many outbreaks. While the rest of the world were recording huge death tolls, China only recorded 140 or so deaths from Covid.

The Event 201 simulation just before the pandemic hit is not alone with its timing. On September 11, 2001, the National Reconnaissance Office were to conduct a simulation of a terrorist attack involving planes flying into buildings, which was called off when the actual 911 attack took place.

Falling short of their target for the Event 201 plan must have really hurt the team, so now they are most probably planning for a second pandemic with god knows what disease. Could be another Covid-19 mutation/SARS/Bird flu/Ebola, the labs are working on it right now.

During a BBC interview on April 12, 2020, Bill Gates solidly denied there was ever an Event 201 global pandemic exercise and pleaded innocence: “Now here we are. We didn’t simulate this, we didn’t practice, so both the health policies and economic policies, we find ourselves in uncharted territory.”

Experts: Extraterrestrial Beings Will Debunk Human Religions


Although the Daily Squib has debunked huma-constructed organised religions already, the eventual announcement and final reveal of extraterrestrial beings will compound the effect of malaise on the thousands of years of mass hypnosis and trickery upon the population of earth.

Professor Julius Tinnefoyle from Oxford University is adamant that aliens will change the perception of all man-made religions, as well as give humans the understanding of their Promethean origins.

“The great prophets spoken of in religious books may have actually been aliens from outer space masquerading as humans. They were not messengers from God, but could have simply been extraterrestrial beings. Alternatively, and more likely, these were books simply written by men. For example, after the fall of the Roman Empire, and the Roman gods, there was a purge of paganism to restore order across Europe. There needed to be a new religion with a new focus, messiah and god. Christianity was thus born, and the new level of control over the European population was inserted into every facet of life. As a control system, it was the most powerful mind control exercise ever constructed, and it worked for thousands of years. Christianity even surpassed royalty, thus creating an even more powerful weaponised form of control that even monarchs had to obey.

“I have just adjusted my tin foil hat, and the wires sticking out of it go nowhere. Yes, you may be thinking I am not sane, or rational, however please bear with me on this supposition. We are not alone, and have not been alone for some time. It is possible the ancient Egyptians and Mayans/Incas knew about the extraterrestrials. There is plenty of evidence in their art and discoveries like the Nazca Lines of Peru.

“We will need to prepare the devout, blindly religious people of the earth that their religions are man-made. It may take a number of years, but it can be accomplished. What we have is generational indoctrination to deal with, and this is the hardest type of indoctrination to break. The process will also need sensitivity. One cannot simply say to these people who have blind faith that Jesus probably did not exist, or if he did exist, he was just a normal human like everyone else. There has to be small, tiny steps to slowly reveal the truth to these people. Churches and such are institutional behemoths and are entrenched in our societal system. These beautiful buildings provide comfort to billions of people worldwide, however at the end of the day, they are still just physical buildings created and constructed by men, much like the religious books were made by men.

“Can you function as a human being without organised religion? Of course, you can, however much you may believe without question that your particular religion is the ultimate truth and word of some supernatural being, if you are presented with clear facts and clear scientific analysis, as well as proof that your religion is a mere man-made myth, then eventually you may come around to the realisation of what the universe knows.

“It is with empathy and the sincerest behest of kindness that we must treat our religious brothers and sisters. It is also our great hope that once the advanced technological mechanics of the extraterrestrials are revealed, there will be less war. The weapons that will be unveiled will be far superior to any human weapon, therefore it will be futile to even think of creating conflict against the holders of this technology. Where the multiple religions have divided humanity and created untold conflict and misery, it is possible that the extraterrestrial beings and their technology could unite humanity for the good.”

Brain Damage: Elon Musk Versus Mark Zuckerberg Cage Fight


Some people would say some of these characters already have brain damage, but all kidding aside, repeated blows to the skull in a cage fight between the two billionaires Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg could increase the levels of brain damage.

Most boxers and MMA fighters receive a considerable amount of brain damage during their careers and fights. Repetitive hits to the head increase the risk of long-term neurologic conditions like chronic traumatic encephalopathy, cognitive and behaviour problems and parkinsonism.

This is why it would actually be highly entertaining to see two billionaires, who have supposedly used their brains so well to create such great wealth, beat themselves to a pulp for an audience.

“Personally, I would enjoy watching a match where Zuckerberg becomes a vegetable afterwards. Here is this robotic guy who has a huge brain having it smacked around his skull at great speed. Sure, he’s not a career fighter, but permanent brain damage only needs one or two heavy blows to the skull. Depending on the force of the hits to the skull, the mighty Zuck could easily become as useful in the brain department as a piece of fucking celery. What happens to his empire then? No more Instagram or Facebook. Let’s look on the positive side here,” a man at a bus stop commented.

Elon Musk said Friday that his much-hyped cage fight with Mark Zuckerberg would take place in Italy, as authorities there confirmed talks about hosting a “great charity event.”

More billionaires need to get into the ring to beat the living shit out of each other. For entertainment purposes, it just does not get better than this.

ACMA Pressures Curaçao Over Offshore Online Casino Operators


The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is getting tough on overseas online casino operators who are offering their services illegally in Australia. The Australian online gambling industry has exploded in the last few years, despite the fact that online casinos cannot currently be licensed out of Australia itself. No small contingent of these operators have been servicing many Australian clients from the tiny island nation of Curaçao, near Venezuela.

Moreover, the ACMA has cautioned Curaçao that over 90 operators registered in the country have been letting Australians gamble on their sites illegally. This is despite being warned by the ACMA that said casinos were breaching Australian laws pertaining to online gambling. Rather than resorting to such illicit sites, players based in this jurisdiction are advised to play australiancasinoclub pokies, since providers listed here are trustworthy and fully licensed.

Things are changing in Curaçao

Curaçao, a tiny island off the coast of Venezuela, has four major licences dished out to a number of licensees, however, these licensees can also then offer sublicenses to other online casinos that offer offshore services. These sub-licensees have little oversight by Curaçao itself, but rather are governed by the companies that hold the master licences. This unique situation has put the Finance department of the nation in the spotlight, due to pressure from international gambling bodies.

In response to this pressure, Curaçao is introducing a different licensing scheme, which will go into effect by the end of 2023. The new scheme will require current sublicense holders to apply for a new licence with the overseeing body in Curaçao.

This represents a large change for the country, and it will be interesting to see what the effect is on the online gambling industry that has sprung up over the past years. It may now be trickier for companies to register an online gambling business from within the country than it has been in the past. However, the country has noted that there will not be much change for the operators who are currently under sublicenses.

The terms of the new licensing have not yet been released, nor is there any confirmation of the final announcement of the new scheme.

The ACMA and Curaçao

The ACMA has taken a stronger stance recently, as they chase not just operators themselves, as they have done in the past, but follow up with countries who are licensing these operators. Of the 90 operators licensed in Curaçao offering their services illegally to Australians, plenty of the sites are distinctly geared towards Aussie players. Phrases like “G’Day Cobber” have been used in online advertising, alongside Australian imagery and other shady practices. These sites are not just offering their services indiscriminately globally, they are marketing directly to Australians.

Despite notices to cease these operations, as well as other stoppages like IP blocking, many of the sites continue to operate, which prompted the ACMA to approach the government of Curaçao directly.

While the ACMA can ask other countries to change their licensing conditions, these countries are under no obligation to make any changes, since it is their own jurisdiction and it is up to them to govern as they see fit.

Online gambling in Australia

Online gambling is skyrocketing, just as it has in the rest of the world, with plenty of Aussies placing their bets at online operators. While Australia offers licences to sports betting companies, casino operations are currently off the table and are likely not going to be offered any time soon.

Australia’s largest casino company to date, Crown Casino, has been in the news over the past few years, thanks to its shady offerings and flouting of laws. The operator is currently under fierce scrutiny and has copped fines, denial of services, and more stops, in response to investigations into their business dealing. Unfortunately, this has tainted the casino industry within the country, and other operators are feeling the effects.

For legal sports betting, however, things are a different story, with the advertising of services everywhere and more and more people picking up a betting app or two.

Offshore online gambling

Despite countries like Australia not offering online casino licensing, and banning offshore gambling sites from serving their people, it still happens. As the players do not get into trouble with the law, and neither do the casinos themselves, as they do not technically operate within the country, it makes for a very grey area. Places like Curacao can offer licenses which operators can then take advantage of to get around these sorts of rules. Because there is no international law regarding how all this works, it is
up to bodies like the ACMA to try and approach these topics diplomatically with their international peers – to varying degrees of effectiveness.

Government Preparing Population For Alien Announcement in 2027


Aliens really exist. For the past 70 years, the U.S. government has been covering up and using disinformation techniques regarding UFOs/UAPs. With the proliferation of strange craft being sighted, the government has had no choice but to start preparing the population for the introduction of extraterrestrial intelligence in 2027.

Slow Drip Method

What we will see for the next few years is a drip of information released, not only from the government, but from former intelligence officers like David Grush. The purpose of these disclosures in Congress and through the media is to prepare the population for not only the introduction of extraterrestrial beings but of advanced technology far superior to human capabilities.

Predictive programming will be utilised in TV programs, films and other medium. The reason for preparations is that when the aliens make themselves known in 2027, the powers do not want mass panic to ensue. Therefore, the slow drip of information should adequately prepare the population from future extraterrestrial complete disclosure and presentation. Furthermore, the complete disclosure of alien beings could also impact on parts of the population are very religious. By disclosing that extraterrestrials exist could cause some people to realise that their religions are completely man made myths utilised as a mental control system for thousands of years.

Global unity may need a global threat, so this is another good reason where extraterrestrial beings could be used as precept to present a threat to humans. It is known that some aliens are not friendly to humans. Due to their abilities, some of these creatures could be using and manipulating government officials telepathically.

Why Not Tow Illegal Channel Migrant Boats Back to France?


The problem of 100,000 illegal Channel migrant boats coming to the UK could be solved by utilising a very simple solution. When the boats are detected coming over, or have landed in UK territory, the boats full of illegal migrants are towed back to French territory, where it will be up to the French Navy to deal with them.

By utilising this solution, the ruthless people traffickers, who are making huge profits out of the misery of these people, would be stopped.

All that needs to be done is that these illegal Channel migrant boats be towed back to France. You cannot get a simpler and decisively clinical way of dealing with this terrible problem.

If the Rishi Sunak government had any guts or balls, they would implement this solution immediately.

Furthermore, the 100,000 illegal migrants who are now already in the UK should be put in ferries and taken back to Calais. That is another, even simpler solution to the problem.

No doubt the French authorities who ferry the migrants across the Channel daily would not like this solution, but — fuck them, and fuck the ECHR.

Woke Teacher Identifies as School Pupil Only On Tuesdays


Woke Geography teacher, 43, Ed Papsmeyer identifies as a school pupil every Tuesday at his Bristol comprehensive school.

“I like to play in the playground kicking a ball around, giving other pupils wedgies and shouting back at other teachers. It’s fucking great,” Papsmeyer revealed to the BBC.

Due to his bad behaviour, the teacher has already been handed many instances of detention and told to visit the headmaster for a talk.

“Last Tuesday I was in Maths and I jumped up on the desk for no reason at all, slapped my bum and farted violently. The other kids all cheered and love my crazy antics.”

These are strange times in the ‘education’ system, with some pupils identifying as ordinary objects or cats, teachers are also identifying as pupils like Mr. Papsmeyer.

When it comes to Wednesday, Mr. Papsmeyer is back to teaching pupils about climate change and global warming.