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Monday, October 28, 2024
secret satire society
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George Osborne Considering Plan B


After taxing Britons so severely that they cannot move, let alone get out of recession, the chancellor has finally agreed to implement his much touted Plan B.

“I have been forced to implement my Plan B. Remember, you’re all in this together and I will be behind you all the way. The plan will involve more taxation, I’m afraid. We’re going to tax you so much that the tax we make you pay will be taxed. As of Monday, the Treasury will increase fuel tax, income tax, council tax, VAT and death taxes. By the time I’ve finished with all of you’se lot, you’ll be begging in the f*cking streets, maybe I’ll put a tax on that as well,” a laughing Mr Osborne told the BBC before jumping in his chauffeur driven Bentley.

The Treasury also plans to implement further increases on fuel tax even when Iran is attacked and the Strait of Hormuz is blocked.

“Quite simply speaking, once the attack on Iran is underway, you can expect oil to rise to about $400 a barrel and that will mean no one will be able to afford to drive on the roads. We are already paying 89% tax on the price of petrol at the forecourts now,” Alan Cummings, a motorist from Hertfordshire told Sky.

Daily Squib Gets the Dreaded Lurgy For a Day


“I was sitting sweating in a corner all day as I kept checking to see if the Squib was up again. I needed my Juvenalian fix of that wonderful satire. I am so happy they’re now back, it’s like seeing the wart has grown back again on the end of my nose.” Joel Smudger, an avid Squib fan from Stoke on Trent wrote on his blog about widgets in tin cans.

Others were not so happy about the Daily Squib surviving the cyber attack.

“The Squib, Squid, whatever mate, when’s the new X Factor on, innit?”

Another Squib reader from Adelaide, Australia, Rupert Murdoch, said: “The Daily Squib may have survived the malicious attack this time, but wait until I set my NOTW hackers on them. Of course, I don’t know anything about hacking, nah, not me.”

A spokesman for internet giant google said: “One of the best sites on the internet(s) was infected with the lurgy today, we don’t mean Google, we mean the Daily Squib of course. Thankfully they’ve flushed the vile bit of code out that infected their script and readers are now free to view the site. All 25 of you Squib fans can now view the site without the lurgy infecting you.”

This was not a public service announcement.

Greek Torpedo Port Side


Captains of the Euro ship, Merkel and Sarkozy, didn’t even get a chance to signal an SOS, as the first silo of Greek torpedoes hit the port side earlier on this morning.

“We were on the deck singing one of our great hymns to the EU, ‘Deutschland über alles’ when an almighty crash happened. Sarko was lifted into the air and I caught the little blighter in my arms. It was all hands on deck for sure,” Kapitän Merkel squealed.

Is it really all over for the good ship EU?

There are many questions to answer, like why did they allow Greece into the eurozone in the first place, and why did they not stop the contagion immediately by chucking them out?

Like the Titanic, the answers will go to the bottom of the ocean and be entombed for a very long time amongst the fishes and crabs of the Atlantic.

Au revoir Merkozy. You will not be missed.

World's Birds Getting Too Lazy to Flap Wings


Speaking at a recent lecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Professor Edelweiss Applebaum, said: “Birds are getting too lazy to fly, some don’t even bother laying eggs anymore. That’s why there have been incidents of birds simply falling out of the sky, they get too lazy and forget to flap. This is a biological disaster and our research still has to find out why birds are getting all lazy.”

Thousands of blackbirds fell out of the sky on New Year’s Eve in 2010 causing mayhem on the Arkansas streets. All over the world there have been similar multiple bird deaths and now that scientists have pinpointed the problem they need to find ways to prevent birds from getting bored and lazy.

“If we attach big TV screens to balloons and float them in increments of 100 feet all the way up to high altitude, the birds will have something to watch when they’re flying around. This way, they would be engaged and not bored out of their frickin’ minds. Just think about it, say you have to migrate to the Southern horn of Africa every year from Europe. That is a boring flight, there are no in-flight movies for these guys, and that’s a 6,000 mile trip one way. We need to also put public service announcements on the films so the birds remember to flap their wings. I know it can be done. We have already tested the balloons out on numerous species of bird and they definitely seem more flighty.”

The only barrier for the distribution of the bird balloon screens is the inhibitive cost. To implement the whole project worldwide would cost $560 billion and a yearly maintenance cost of $34 billion. There are also fears that airplanes and other air traffic could accidentally crash into the bird balloons, but a system of sophisticated beacons installed on each system could warn pilots within 3 km of each balloon.

President Obama and Angela Merkel are set to discuss the implementation of the project next month at a special consortium for world wildlife preservation in Detroit, Michigan.

Child Abuser Jimmy Savile Dies


As the crowds gather around the coffin of Jimmy Savile, the rumours that have been kept so secret from the general public by the BBC and others, may one day hopefully come out into the open. His abuse at children’s homes in Jersey are well known to many even though Savile always denied everything.

For such a man to be revered and deemed a saint by the whole country is a sickening sight to behold, and may his cover behind charity one day come to light.

Not only was Savile an abuser but he was fully protected by the powers in charge of entertainment.

Savile was a sick individual who despite being given a hero’s sendoff will hopefully rot in hell. The Devil will fix it for you Jimmy.

Multi Millionaire Michael Moore Eats Occupy Oakland Protester Alive


The victim was named as, Jason Morales, 22, from the Oakland area. His immediate family have not been contacted yet.

Mr Moore arrived at City Hall by two pm and started mingling with the protestors.

“He was saying that he wanted to give away all his millions to us, and he wanted to join us, when he suddenly started sniffing around, you know, like a dog or something. Well, I was close to his stomach and I heard a big rumbling sound, and I knew it was time to get outta there,” recalled, one of the protesters.

According to Mr Moore’s feeder, when he gets hungry, they have to feed him a whole side of beef and 120 cheeseburgers. If Mr Moore is not fed on time, the consequences can be devastating.

“He will literally eat anything in his path, such is his hunger and gluttony. If you hear that boy grumbling, you better get the f*ck out of dodge, pronto. I seen him eat an old lady’s pooch in three gulps,” Eduardo Malcontent, who is Mr Moore’s long suffering personal assistant told CNN.

Witnesses at the protest camp site say that Mr Moore was sweating very heavily and he was salivating. Kitchen volunteers tried to bring him some organic lentil soup, but he tossed it to the side, then grabbed the young man and the rest is too horrible to write about.

“It took 34 officers to take Mr Moore away, and they had to muzzle him because he was gnashing his teeth like a rabid dog,” an EMT worker at the scene recalled.

Paul Strathe, a volunteer at the camp told of his guilt at his friend’s death: “I feel bad, because I could’ve saved my buddy. If only I had given Mr Moore pizza instead of lentil soup, he wouldn’t have eaten Jason and everything would still be fine.”

Thousands Ringing Banks Asking to Only Pay Back 50% of Debt


All day Thursday, Santander, Lloyds, Barclays, Natwest and many other banking institutions have been deluged by desperate customers trying to get 50% of their debt written off.

“If Greece can spend like crazy for ten years, then get a 50% haircut for the debt they owe as well as another big fat cheque, why can’t I?” Billy Blunts, 56, a teacher from Wandsworth, who is in serious debt, told the Daily Mail.

Thousands of people have been on the phone lines asking the banks to grant them some kind of clemency, but no one has been successful yet.

“I phoned my bank up and asked them to take a 50% haircut on my loan. I too deserve to be rewarded for being lazy and not paying any tax. I’ve never heard anyone laughing like that, bunch of jackals, the lot of them,” an angry Clarence Beaks, 45, from Colchester told the BBC.

China Buys Europe


“Business is business, and when you have deals like this going, you’re not going to stand around, are you?” Xin Xam Long, Chinese Finance Minister, told Xinhua news network.

As portfolios go, owning the EU is one small step for the Chinese to owning the world. The Americans, who owe $4 trillion to China are also ripe for the picking, and if they don’t pay back every cent, the Chinese will make them pay one way or another.

“You don’t f*ck around with Uncle Chin. You pay up or he comes along with his goons and they stick a chopstick so far up your ass that you can make dim sum out of your tonsils. These guys don’t take no for an answer, plus they have a huge army, almost three or four times the size of the US army. Oh, I hear you saying that they have inferior weapons compared to the hi tech stuff the US has, well, you’re wrong. The Chinese have been spending the money they make on manufacturing cheap plastic junk to the West on upgrading weapons, and their spies sure like American science labs like Los Alamos and other so-called secret facilities. They probably know more about our weapons than we do,” Pentagon official, Charles Fitz, told the Washington Times.

As Nicolas Sarkozy was on bended knee yesterday begging Chinese premier, Hu Jintau, for assistance to the EU debt crisis, the Chinese knew that Chairman Mao would have approved highly of the situation and would have urged China to move with haste to procure the purchase of the EU lock stock and barrel.

“In China, we have an old proverb: ‘For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill’ and so, the great cloak of our esteemed Chairman reaches over the European plains and takes everything he can. Remember, that what is happening now, was planned 40 years ago, and by the looks of it, it’s all going exactly as it should,” a Chinese politburo official told Chinese state television on Wednesday.

As Fuel Bills Soar Let the Daily Squib Help Cut Your Energy Costs


The Daily Squib is proud to present its guide on surviving the winter.

The average power bill has now soared to £25,975 a year with gas rises averaging 45 per cent and ­electricity almost 73 per cent.


Yet there are still ways you can save money…


“Committing a crime can save your life this winter. At least you’ll get four hot meals and central heating on 24 hours a day,” says Joel Shamone of MoneySuperCronies.com

Depending on the crime you commit, your stay in prison could last longer. If you, for example, do a bout of shoplifting, you might get a day in a heated comfortable prison with playstations and numerous entertainment.

If, however you commit a murder or two, you could get as much as six months or a year in a fully heated, luxury jail with daily courses, full size snooker tables, playstations and large themed parties.

Or better still, don’t pay your electricity or gas bills. You’re sure to do a stretch for ten or fifteen years then.


If you live abroad where the sun shines, you will never have the problem of freezing in the winter hell of Britain ever again. You can lie in the sun every day and not just a period of six days throughout the whole summer in the UK.


You could easily pay for heating yourself and your family this winter by selling your every possession including your car — unless you’re a tramp and don’t have much anyway. By selling all your worldly goods, you would be able to afford the energy bills.

Another positive point about selling all your stuff, is that you would also free up a lot of space in your house, but you would probably have to sell that as well, so nevermind.


By being dead you would not have to pay anymore electricity or gas bills ever again.

Rising Electricity and Energy Prices Mean Light at End of Tunnel Now Switched Off


Speaking from the Ministry of Energy, Mr Norman Hope, said: “This winter, the energy companies have increased their prices so high that you’ll need a second mortgage just to put on a bit of heat in your hovels. It’s not just you, the plebiscite, who are in trouble though, we’ve had to also switch off the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s a sad business but when there’s no light at the tunnel, it’s going to get bloomin’ dark.”

Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, was however, defiant about his Plan A strategy of increasing taxation and reducing wages:

“The Coalition government never needed a light at the end of a tunnel. We’ve always been flailing around in the dark anyway, and we shall continue to do so for a very long time.”

As ordinary Britons freeze in their grey squalid back to back homes, the energy companies wallow in the huge surplus cash they have amassed by increasing prices to impossible heights on the premise of ‘green energy’ and greed.