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New Tesco Value Jobseeker's Allowance is Bestseller

“This is a great new product in the famous Tesco Value range, that everyone seems to love so much. All you have to do is go to an aisle, pick up a broom and start sweeping the floors for 12 hours straight with no f*cking pay or break. We then tell you to go and clean the toilets, and collect 300 odd trolleys from the car park before you are allowed to go home. Don’t forget to come in the next day and complete the whole process all over again,” a senior manager at Tesco’s head office in Cheshunt told the Daily Mail.

The new Tesco Value Jobseeker’s Allowance is getting Britain moving again according to a government initiative at the Department of Work and Pensions and Tesco superstores.

“We are seeking to engender a work ethic amongst the people of Britain by making them work long hours with no pay and no hope of ever getting a promotion. This is the future for Britain’s unemployed people, who have no hope of ever getting employed to do a paid job. Remember this you idle little shits, you have to work without pay to keep your Job Seekers Allowance, and just think, every time you put a tin can of processed crap onto our shelves, you are enriching our shareholders and board of directors, never f*cking forget that. Every little helps, and slave labour helps a lot,” Tony Mucker, Chief executive of Tesco told BBC reporters before getting into his Maserati, chuckling like a hyena, and speeding out of the Tesco head office’s car park.

Sean Penn Wants U.S. to Give Hawaii Back to Polynesians

Speaking from a political rally just outside his Beverly Hills mansion, the outspoken champagne socialist was determined to prove that his remarks against the people of the Falkland Islands also stood for territories closer to home.

“It’s been some time since I spouted so much tripe from my mouth, but here I go again, two minutes later. Listen, I am going to give away my 150 million dollar fortune to the people of Hawaii – the original Polynesian inhabitants – so that they can fight a war against the United States occupiers. America annexed those islands in 1894 and made it into its 50th state in 1959. I say we give those islands back to the Polynesians and restore their kingdom which we brutally took over. Once the people get their island back I’ll spend the rest of my money giving California back to Mexico. Some people say it already is Mexican, but I want them to give that territory back to the Mexicans for real,” Mr Penn, said at a recent Marxist rally in downtown Beverly Hills.

Penn is currently juggling his activist work with a new role playing alongside ‘Hanoi’ Jane Fonda entitled, ‘Filthy Rich Bored American Actors With a Cause’ which should be ready for release in 2016.

Obama: "Why American Civilians Should Not Be Armed"

Speaking from the White House East room, president Obama spoke with reporters from numerous media sources telling them about the benefits of a disarmed America.

“The United States is a heavily armed nation. There is no doubt about that, and we all know of its bloody history of how the gun made America into what it is today. I want Americans to understand that there is no need for ordinary citizens to hold firearms anymore. We are not living in the Wild West anymore, we are not under threat anymore, these reasons are why Change has to come. The Second Amendment under my new regime will be superceded by an amendment that will ensure the safety for all Americans against firearms and themselves. How many people die every year from guns in America? Well, I have the statistics right here. In 1998, 30,708 people in the United States died from firearm-related deaths, in 2011, the numbers are shocking, over 75,000 gun related deaths occurred. Now, we saw what happened in Tucson, Arizona with the near fatal gunshot to a Congresswoman. We need to stop people buying guns. It is going to be my mission to stop you owning a deadly gun, because we have a police force to protect you. Fellow citizens, you don’t need guns no more. Look how safe the UK is without guns. Rest assured it will be my mission to protect you from your own guns, and I will not play around in the next term because I will not need to be re-elected then. I am the incumbent candidate this time, and I will be re-elected because nothing sticks to me. They call me ‘Teflon Barry’. You guys don’t have shit on me, I’m magic, I’m invincible and you Repugnants, excuse me, I mean Republicans, can kiss my indignant, perfect, half-caste ass. You’re going to wait in the sidelines for another four years. Just wait and see. What chance do your Mormon and other candidates have?”

The question is, what happens if an American refuses to give up his firearms?

Argentine President Kirchner Wants to Make Falkland Islands Into Plastic Surgery Centre

“We don’t want the Malvinas because the British have struck oil there and have untold billions of barrels of black gold waiting to be sucked up, no, we want those islands so we can have the premier plastic surgery centre in the South Pacific. The Malvinas will have so much botox and titty implants that we even plan on changing the flag to have my face on it. The flag will be a symbol of how someone can make themselves look with extreme cosmetic surgery,” Ms Kirchner told Argentinian newspaper, Es Cojonudo.

British ex-model, Katie Price, whose boyfriend is Argentinian, said from her grotesque Essex mansion: “The Argies love me because I’ve got a fucked up botox face, plus I’m a total and utter c*nt, much the same as Kirchner. I can’t wait for the Argies to invade and make the Falklands into a botox centre of excellence so I can go there and get them to pump up my football tits and nasty trout pout.”

If things go well enough, the Argentinian ramshackle armed Junta should try and invade the heavily defended Falkland Islands by this summer, so that they can get completely and utterly obliterated by an assortment of British firepower.

Henry Kissinger to Get Job Writing For Daily Squib

The Kissinger entourage will include an army of nurses and doctors, as well as a load of medical supplies that may require Kissinger having to write in his own specially equipped room.

“It’s not like we don’t respect one of the greatest statesmen that ever lived, but having to deal with a crabby old man in a wheelchair scooting around the office will certainly test Squib staff to the limit. I heard that he even has to have his colostomy bag changed every fifteen minutes, that’s just going to mess with our games of billiards or X Box. And then there’s the evil sneer, well, I’ve got one too, but it doesn’t even come close to Kissinger,” Sub-sub-editor, Robert Jenkem, said yesterday.

Last year the Squib had Johann Hari guest writing, where we got him his own writing chair — a toilet. This year will be altogether more interesting, when Henry Kissinger will guest write for the Daily Squib.

“We plan on getting another eminent American or world politician to guest write next year, it’s either going to be Dick Cheney, Robert Mugabe or Pol Pot. Oh the last one’s dead, we’ll just plump for Rupert Murdoch instead, we’ve heard he’s really bored shagging his 23-year-old mail order bride and Twittering all day,” one of our regular staff writers, Al Hertyu, said from the pub.

India to Give Britain Financial Aid

Speaking from a slum in New Delhi, the Indian finance minister revealed that India will be giving the UK aid of peanuts, sixty five tonnes of peanuts, to be precise, which will be delivered to the UK each year until they are refused.

“Well, they gave us peanuts with £1.6 billion, so we would like to repay them with actual peanuts. You know how the old saying goes, if you pay us peanuts, you’ll get peanuts,” Mr Mukherjee said as he stepped on a beggar’s outstretched hand.

New Four Year Degree Course on 'Crushing Student Debt'

The intensive four year course is increasingly popular with students all over the UK and places are now hard to find.

“We’ve literally only got a few places left for this course. Students will be taught a variety of vocational skills like how to get your giro, what to say when your benefits officer tries to get you to volunteer at your local poundsaver and how to never be able to pay off your £9,000 per year tuition fees on top of your £20,000 living expenses once you graduate,” Laura Mishkin, one of the tutors on the course told Student Weekly.

Every year thousands of students graduate from expensive courses in the UK with huge debts, and no prospect of ever being employed, so this new course is excellent for students to gain a qualification in their future state of permanent unemployment.

Bigfoot Only Has One Foot Witness Claims

Mr Ortega was conducting research into Northern Californian fauna when suddenly out of a bush a large ape-like cryptid started hopping through the undergrowth.

“I saw Bigfoot. He’s called Bigfoot exactly for that reason, he’s got just one big foot and he was hopping around with it. I estimate it was as thick as a medium sized spruce tree. You should have seen the speed this thing managed on one leg, it was hopping around like a mad jack rabbit, and at over eight feet high, it was one heck of a sight,” Mr Ortega disclosed.

According to Bigfoot analysts, the Bigfoot has one big right foot, and from the footprints he left at the scene, they have estimated his height to be over eight feet high.

“Now I know why he is called Bigfoot. Because he only has one foot. His single foot is extremely strong because of the weight he puts on the single leg. Maybe he needs crutches because we estimate that Bigfoot may suffer from severe arthritis in his old age if he goes on like that. Each leap was an estimated four feet in length so he’s definitely a good hopper,” Billy Johnson, head of the Northern Californian Bigfoot Sasquatch Foundation told CBS news.

Mr Ortega assumes that Bigfoot was either born with one big foot or he could have lost his other big foot in a horrible accident. There are plans to now leave a pair of crutches in the wilderness to see if Bigfoot uses them.

Scientists Unveil New ‘Debt Go Away’ Pill

“All you have to do is swallow the bitter tasting pill, and you will have all of your debt completely erased,” Dr. Rodrigue Van Halens, who is heading the research team, told Dutch newspapers.

The pharmaceutical company that owns the rights for the product think that the debt pill could even over take Viagra in sales.

“There is a small compound in the pill that makes the recipient believe emphatically that they are debt free. You see, money is a state of mind, and it does not actually exist. Debts are created by bankers on a computer from nothing. They can just go to a pc, add on a few zeros and that’s your debt. It does not exist, and never did. Therefore, if you take the pill, you are simply realising the truth,” Dr. Van Halens said.

The ‘Debt Go Away’ pill will be released in 2030 and is sure to be a mega bestseller.

Cameron Wants to Incorporate National Hug a Banker Day

The Conservative leader said he wanted “to understand what’s gone wrong in these bankers’ lives”.

In a separate speech on Friday he also called for the FSA to do less banker bashing and more form filling.

But Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls dismissed the Tory leader’s approach as “vacuous” and “wash-and-go politics”.

“Bankers are people too”

In a speech on how bankers actually benefit society, Mr Cameron claimed bankers who hide in pin stripe suits are trying to “blend in” rather than appear threatening.

Bankers wearing pin stripe suits and braces – known as wankers – have come to be viewed by some as a symbol of social disorder, chaos, greed and evil.

Earlier Mr Cameron told BBC Breakfast he was still tough on financial greed. “Of course people who commit to working in the banking industry should be held responsible.

“But I think people want their politicians to ask the question: ‘What is it that brought that banker to commit to working in a bank at that time? What’s the background to it, what are the long-term causes of banking?’

“If you’re ill, it’s no good putting a sticking plaster on it. You’ve got to get to the bottom of the illness.

“Let’s try and understand what’s gone wrong in these greedy fuckers’ lives and we’ll find it’s about family breakdown, it’s about drugs, money, greed, escorts, fast cars, it’s about alcohol abuse, often it’s bankers who are brought up in privileged dysfunctional families when they should be in loving homes.

“Let’s now deal with those problems. That doesn’t mean at the same we can’t be tough when a banker is caught banking.”

Mr Cameron has even gone as far to suggest that the nation sets aside a day to Hug a Banker and bring them back into decent society.

But Labour has criticised Mr Cameron’s line, calling it a “hug a banker” plan.

Mr Balls also claimed the Conservatives had regularly bashed bankers as much as anyone else.

“Sending out this hug-a-banker message just addresses one part of that, and it’s for today’s headlines.

“It’s a kind of wash-and-go approach to politics – get the headline, move on, never repeat the thing again.”

There are continuing concerns for bankers’ welfare as many are now so persecuted that they are leaving the City in droves. This could be a tragedy for London’s cocaine and strip bar industry.