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Lord Louis Cypher Finally Collects On Russell Brand Debt


Russell Brand had glazed over black eyes as he allegedly forced himself on his victims, but many in the know may appreciate that this was a channel for a certain type of energy, maybe a certain type of manifesting angel of darkness/light. You made the deal with the ultimate trickster, and the entity used you to plough the mountains of ‘pussy’ and enjoy the great physical wealth you enjoyed. Brand then tried to renege from the deal by living a supposed normal life with a wife and children, somewhat respectable, but the clock was ticking, and his YouTube show was his mistake.

Russell Brand, was the self-proclaimed trickster, however he was himself being tricked by the ultimate trickster, call it what you want in whatever religion or cult, the entity is always the same, and he is the one smiling now because Russell Brand’s entire soul is his for eternity.

At some point, the human trickster may try to trick the ultimate trickster, but this cannot be abided by, and Lord Louis Cypher shows you the contract you signed with his clawed finger. This ain’t no happy ‘Crossroads’ Hollywood film ending, but in reality it resembles something from the Alan Parker masterpiece, ‘Angel Heart’.

He doesn’t have to wait until after physical death to collect, as is the common misconception, he can easily collect at any time. What he gives, he can happily take. Russell Brand played with the wrong people when he started his YouTube channel, and the controllers know only too well how to summon up Lord Louis Cypher, or whatever you wish to call him. Stanley Kubrick knew about these people in ‘Eyes Wide Shut’. They exist, and have always existed since the first civilisations were created by humans.


DreamShaper_v7_the_illuminati_0By tapping into that certain energy frequency, Russell Brand collected great wealth and literally fucked his socks off, but we must always realise that debts must be eventually paid, some way, somehow. If we were maybe all living in a non-Anglo Saxon society where sex is an accepted part of life with no hang-ups, maybe things would have been different, but there is also the hyper-sensitive soviet element of Woke ideology that has been introduced within the last decade or so. When society suddenly turns puritan the people doing the fucking, or did the fucking in the past, are not appreciated, and furthermore the mass proliferation of mass media reach has now turned into a surveillance state where it is not just the intelligence agencies collecting data on individuals but actual citizens willingly reporting people. If Brand had just disappeared and not dreamt up a new persona of some kind of political paragon of the ultimate ‘truth’ with his YouTube channel, maybe he could have got away with it, however, he could not help himself. Maybe, he should have stuck with chasing the dragon? Ultimately, it was his own narcissism that destroyed himself, and we all know who feeds and enables that powerful hunger.

Brand played while he could, while he channelled forces larger and older than his feeble physical form, but eventually he had to pay the Piper. The universe is a place where humans can only comprehend a very tiny spectrum of what is actually there, and we must be humbled by this fact, even the scientists know this.

An Athlete’s Guide to Big Savings


If you’re an athlete, whether professional or amateur, you’ll know that the cost of sports gear, gym memberships, and fitness programs can pile up quicker than a sprinter off the starting block. But, hey, don’t let the price tag scare you away from reaching your full athletic potential! You can still get top-notch gear and services without stretching your budget to its limits. All it takes is some savvy shopping, proper timing, and a couple of neat tricks up your sleeve.

Timing is Money

First off, let’s talk about timing. Like any industry, the world of sports equipment and services goes through seasons. Know when new collections are released and plan your shopping sprees around them. That’s when the older stuff usually goes on sale to make room for the shiny new products. You don’t need the latest model of running shoes to break your personal record, right?


Find Reliable Sources for Discounts

Not all discounts are created equal. Trustworthy platforms like Love Discount Vouchers can be a treasure trove for athletes on a budget. It’s a one-stop shop to find verified discounts and deals for all sorts of sports and fitness-related purchases. Plus, this data from discount voucher specialists offers invaluable tips to go from a casual participant to a pro athlete without breaking the bank.

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Consider Used or Refurbished Items

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Don’t Overlook Local Brands

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referee-1488156_1280Invest in Multipurpose Gear

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Bundle Up!

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Being an athlete doesn’t mean you need to have the budget of a pro sports team. With a little bit of savvy, timing, and the right resources like Love Discount Vouchers and insights from discount voucher specialists, you can experience big savings without compromising on quality. So, lace up those sneakers, limber up, and get ready to sprint towards fantastic deals that will have both your athletic performance and your wallet thanking you!

Speaking the Truth in Times of Universal Deceit is a Revolutionary Act


George Orwell knew how the mainstream media and propaganda worked because he was employed by certain organisations at certain points in his career as a journalist. Even someone as esteemed as George Orwell would have been surprised at how his satirical novel “1984” would somehow become a manual for the people controlling society, the media, government and now the internet.

If anyone has any form of independent thought these days, they are either labelled as “conspiracy theorists”, “fake news”, “hate speech” or “kooks”. Pretty much all of these individuals are eventually cancelled, or their reputations thrown in the mud. In an even more sinister manner, weaponised governmental departments and the media are utilised to besmirch any political voice coming from the wilderness. We are now in a situation that means entire swathes of political opposition are erased and cancelled by the powers who control every facet of society and government.

Why bother having elections when the opposition has been deplatformed, erased and silenced by the internet overlords who delight in their role of sending entire groups of political voices to the far reaches of their search algorithms, effectively deleting them from all existence. When there is only one, singular so-called ‘liberal’ and ‘inclusive’ side making the narrative, it is the antithesis of inclusivity and liberalism. Ronald Reagan was probably right when he said: “If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism.”

The internet now is a closed echo chamber, a mind prison where conformity and blind belief in lies are rewarded, and anyone who dares to question the ‘official’ narrative bleated out by the same media organisations ad infinitum are erased or threatened with erasure. Usually, there is no court or judicial review, they are simply erased after the baying mob of automatons has dealt out their guilty verdict.

There is absolutely no point in having elections in the Soviet West anymore, simply because the political party who is not in power are cancelled, deplatformed and erased from all media.

The Daily Squib saw this shutting down process of the internet in 2014, when it first emerged under the orders of the staunch Marxist Barack Obama. Since then, the internet has been going downhill fast.

Is there any hope for those who value freedom and democracy? Well, once it’s gone, it is nigh on impossible to get it back. With only a few voices left talking about this, and even fewer people aware of what is happening, the silence is deafening.

Eight Cubans Receive 20-Year Jail Terms Because of YouTuber


YouTube travellers who use their privilege to make money off poor people in Third World countries are a despicable type of parasite that leaves a shameful stain upon the Developed World. One YouTuber called Kurt Caz, an Afrikaans South African, is responsible for 8 – 10 Cubans receiving 20-year jail terms in the communist dictatorship of Cuba, purely for views and advertising revenue on his exploitative channel.

Profiting Off Poverty Porn

This despicable exploitative creature manipulated many poor Cubans purely for profit in his videos, which make hundreds of thousands of dollars in ad revenue.

The worst part about the egotistical user YouTube traveller, Kurt Caz is that he knew he was in a communist country, and he knew that by exposing how ordinary Cubans have to get by in their poverty-stricken country that these people he filmed would get into serious trouble, but because he was more concerned with the revenue and subscribers he would gain from exposing these poor people, he carried on without any form of conscience or responsibility for his actions.

Cuban Communist Dictatorship

In Cuba, many activities are deemed as illegal by the secret police who answer to the communist party ruling the country. However, can one blame the people steeped in severe poverty for doing illegal stuff to put food on their table? This is what Curt Kaz exploited, and it is a truly shameful act. The people Kurt Caz exploited who are now serving 20-year jail terms will think about Kurt Caz every day in the horrible Cuban prisons where they will rot away.

In the video below, you can see this guy showing off his Ferrari while he wines and dines some exploited Venezuelan girl in the UAE. All of the filthy proceeds Kurt Caz has made in the hundreds and thousands of dollars are off the pain and suffering from countless people, but he doesn’t care, he is rolling in the money, and paid women.

As the YouTuber Kurt Caz drives off into the sunset in his Ferrari, lighting up another Cuban cigar, he has no thought or care for the people who will rot in a stinking damp Cuban jail for the next twenty years. This manipulative exploitative scumbag deserves nothing but a serious dose of karma. As for the idiots who blindly follow and subscribe to Kurt Caz, you are enabling this asshole, and you directly are part of the problem as well.

Now They’re Coming After Russell Brand As Well


The Daily Squib has been attacked by certain nefarious EU companies since the Referendum and Brexit trying to take us down, and now poor old Russell Brand is being attacked for his playful days while he was digging for gold in between the legs of many, many women. According to his YouTube channel, Brand is now being accused of certain allegations regarding the multiples of women he slept with in the past.

These are the vagaries and dangers of having an opinion other than is allowed in the Mainstream Media in a Western civilisation which is seriously moving towards a more authoritarian sovietised stance led by the Chinese communist model of censorship and totalitarian media control. With ESG and the WEF, and EU dictating censorship rules, the West is daily declining and moving away from democracy and free speech.

Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.

Bertrand Russell

The voices speaking the truth are viewed as dangerous by the soviet censors who are now in charge and have infiltrated all media and politics. This is why publications like the Daily Squib are now in danger; where satire was once a protected literary genre in the past, we are now in danger of being shut down and our voice forever silenced. The same goes for Russell Brand, a man who certainly shoots from the hip, who dares to uncover the truth from many corrupt facets of society, business and politics. Admittedly, some of his titles on his YouTube and Rumble videos are obvious clickbait, and pander to the ‘conspiracy theory’ movement, but where there is smoke, there is invariably fire.

We joked about Russell Brand in the past, thinking he was some kind of dilettante, but we now know he is the real deal. The problem with speaking the truth and uncovering all sorts of nastiness going on under the noses of the masses is that you have to have a damn squeaky clean reputation to do this. If there are any doubts, events in the past or morally unacceptable things in one’s character, your enemies will zero in on these and destroy your reputation. It happens all the time with politicians vying for election. Being a public figure is a dangerous endeavour, more so these days than in the past. The amount of data being analysed and filtered through the machine of moral outrage is increasing daily.

All censorships exist to prevent anyone from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently, the first condition of progress is the removal of censorship.
― George Bernard Shaw

As the Daily Squib is constrained and limited in what it can write these days, we cannot express our satirical dark humour as we wish anymore. Russell Brand is a character who has tried to seek the truth, and we commend him for that, however in doing so, he put himself into the crosshairs of the woke #metoo soviet snipers who are now out for blood. Maybe, Brand quotes praising the Metoo movement in the past were part of his liberal sensibility to endorse such witch-hunts, it is also rather ironic that his downfall may be precipitated by the weaponised usage of the Feminazi group against him.

We can only wish Russell luck in fighting the vultures and parasites now chomping down and feeding off his wildly spinning chakras, sucking the very life force from his soul.

Western civilisation is fast being subverted and corrupted by the hyper-sensitive puritanical forces of evil communist censors, and from here life will be a dark, dystopian, Orwellian nightmare that you will try to wake up from but will be imprisoned within the echo chamber of political correctness created by the jailers who now control everything.

Everyone is in favour of free speech. Hardly a day passes without it being extolled, but some people’s idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.

– Winston Churchill

Why Independent Thought is Feared by Woke Programmers

Daily Squib Knew Chinese Communist Party Exporting Internet Censorship Globally in 2018

Harry and Meghan’s Vindictive Games a Big Success


It was good news for Harry and Meghan and their Vindictive Games season where they frolic around wounded military veterans, so they can show off how caring they are, as well as show off their superior popularity to the royal family.

“If it means making my horrid British royal family look bad and less popular, we’re doing it. This is why we set up the Vindictive Games. It’s a place for some serious photo ops and Netflix filming at the expense of manipulated and used wounded veterans. I had one guy come up to me, he had both his legs blown off in Afghanistan. I immediately saw this as a great opportunity and called over the Netflix film crew and photographers,” Harry guffawed loudly during a BBC interview.

After the photo event, the couple get back in their private jet and fly back to Montecito, flush with funds earned from their sordid endeavours. Apparently, the Vindictive Games extravaganza occurs every fucking year.

“Yes, Harry pops his balding ginger head out every year for the publicity event called the Vindictive Games. William could not organise an event like this, and Harry is very proud of it. It’s a great venue for virtue signalling and being vindictive towards the royal family, as well as a good earner for the couple. Harry and Meghan get all the front page news while the royals are still stooped over their brandy at Balmoral,” a publicity agent revealed on Thursday.

Here’s to next year’s Vindictive Games, and the year after that, and the year after that …ad infinitum.


Doh! Millions Given to French Didn’t Stop Illegal Boat Crossings


The MSM and Rishi Sunak are so naive that it’s truly laughable. Did anyone actually think throwing away £438 odd million of UK taxpayer’s money to the French would actually stop the illegal boat crossings coming over the Channel? As soon as the ridiculous sum was announced by Fishy Rishi we knew it was a load of old codswallop.

The French are partying with the cash as we write this, they are enjoying gourmet meals at Michelin rated restaurants and drinking the finest wines, all with the UK taxpayer’s money thrown away so complacently by Sunak and his dumb government.

The boats keep coming day after day, and the 4-star hotels are all full of young lascivious men stalking the town’s and villages looking for English girls to fuck.

There is no moral stance to any of this, and there should be no needless outrage either, it is what it is. Of course, the Sunak mess could acquire some form of hubris to actually do something like what the Squib suggested, but these timid useless idiots do not have the guts or gall to do anything of substance like towing illegal boats back to French waters; bringing out the Navy, or dumping the ECHR/ECJ which is ruling over the flaccid Brexit that never really happened.

To our French friends, you did the right thing, you took the money from the idiots and you enjoyed yourselves. Who can blame our French friends for exercising their joie de vivre? You must be commended, applauded and maybe given millions more to enjoy yourselves. Les Rosbifs, simply do not have the necessary amount of les couilles to do anything of any value.

And from there, or from here, who cares mes amis? The Fishy Rishi and his greasy hair is a stooge, a bobbing head in a swamp of merde with nowhere to go but down. Glug! He swallow da shit from the assholes of British voters, because they will now vote Labour, or cease to vote altogether.

In a year or so — nothing — as usual will have been achieved and the newly instated Labour government will bring back the EU fully into the fold, and there will be no need for boats, just ferries. Come over, anyone who wants to come board from Calais, and land at Dover, simple!

…et par ailleurs, le pape est Catholique.

Pizza Officially Recognised as a Religion


Eating a good pizza can be a life changing spiritual experience. You know when you eat a good pizza, and it’s usually made by an Italian master pizza chef. Of course, not every pizza is made equal, and as much as you can get a wonderful delicious crispy pizza, you can also get an unholy greasy stodgy pizza. For many across the globe, the pizza is definitely classed as a religion because they can be utterly life-changing.

Indeed, many different cultures adhere to the pizza religion in different ways; for example, the Americans like deep dish pizzas with heart attack levels of cheese and grease on their pies. The Brits generally follow what the Americans do, but the Italians are true Pizza Orthodox followers and the originators of this remarkable dish.

pizza ceremony
A religious pizza ceremony takes place at the Cathedral di Pizza. Napoli, Italia, December 25, 2022

The Cathedral of Pizza is located in Naples, Italy, and here, many followers of the pizza religion flock every year to pay their respects to the Saints of Pizza and to be anointed by the Pizza Priests at the Cathedral di Pizza.

“I come here every day to pay my respects and pray to our beloved Pizza of Life, Pizza Messiah, ‘Lord Quattro Stagioni’ he made the best pizza ever made and could even cure illnesses with his pizza,” Giovanni Bertrums, from Tuscany, Italy revealed.

The Holy Quattro Stagioni pizza is preserved and encased in the Cathedral di Pizza where pilgrims flock in their thousands daily to see the religious artefact. In 2021, a man tried to steal the Holy Pizza from its casing but was thankfully arrested before he could take a bite.

According to the Pizza religion’s scriptures, followers are granted an eternity of eating their favourite pizza after they die, but only if they pass the Great Pizza Test when they get to the Pizza Gates of Heaven and adhere to the Ten Commandments of Pizza during their lives on earth.

Holy Pizza Reverend, Dante Formaggi, is today officiating a pizza ceremony to cure a man from his leprosy. The intricate ritual lasts for two and a half hours, and involves four extra large Diavola pizzas with plenty of spicy salami. After eating copious amounts of pizza, the priests listen out for the holy burp as they hold the man down, where his face is slapped five times with a pizza slice. He is then dunked head-first into a tub of marinara sauce.

“It is a miracle of pizza! The man has been cured of his leprosy. Praise the pizza saints who have granted this wonderful miracle to take place today! You have been healed of your leprosy. Before your face looked like pizza, but now you look like a man again. Praise be to the Giver of Pizza our Lord Quattro Stagione,” the reverend proclaimed before eating the last slice of pizza and burping loudly in satisfaction.

holy pizza religion cure leprosy
A man is cured of his leprosy during the Pizza religious ceremony.

Escaped Iranian Spy Could Be Cast as Next James Bond


The Iranian spy, Daniel Khalife, who escaped from a supposed maximum security jail, could be cast as the next James Bond, producers from Eon Productions have revealed.

“I mean, his escape was exactly how James Bond would have done it. What a feat. Right under the noses of the idiots who think they are prison officers. Well, it seems the Keystone Cops have finally caught the fellow, we are still hiring, and he’s fucking hired. Forget about all those other ponces who are trying to get the job, we want real spies with balls, not effete luvvie poseurs,” Rhubarb Broccoli, Cubby Broccoli’s nephew, revealed in Film Weekly.

According to reports from the shamed HMP Wandsworth prison, the Iranian spy crafted a makeshift belt from scraps and sneaked under a food truck from the kitchens, where he hoisted himself under the vehicle as it drove straight out the prison gates.

“James Bond has been played by an Australian, Scotsman, Irishman, Englishman and now why not an Iranian?” Broccoli added.

The next eagerly awaited James Bond film will probably be another woke, humourless mess, but isn’t every film released these days. It is to be expected as the entire industry has succumbed to the Marxist woke cult that is destroying the film business from the inside.

It’s a Great Brexit, Innit? UK Ruled by EURO 6 ULEZ Standards and ECHR


You may moan about the £12.50 ULEZ charges brought in by the crafty shister Labour mayor which will bankrupt many people and cause possible civil unrest, but first look at the source of this travesty. Yes, it’s the fucking EU, an evil soviet collectivist construct borne from the puckered anus of Soviet East Germany. The EU really took off just after the Berlin Wall fell and all the Stasi officers were recruited as EU officials. Frau Merkel, was one of the many. Brexit is only a word, staunchly under the yoke of the EU which ultimately dictates what the UK can and cannot do.

What about UK’s borders? Fishy Rishi hands over millions to Macron, so he can spend it on anything he wants, other than stopping the boats full of illegal economic migrants coming to the UK to be put up in a 4-star hotel and pampered. The UK is thus still ruled by the ECHR, and has absolutely no power to even protect its own borders. Brexit never really happened because we are effectively still controlled and dictated to by unelected bodies from the EU Soviet Politburo — the EU Commission.

Ask a European citizen to even name one member of the EU Commission, and many will not know. This is the secretive communist power of the EU, which dictates its tin-pot Stasi rules to all the poor fuckers who are living blind, unquestioning lives under the EU. It is truly a sad thing to see the previously wonderful countries of Europe now tied down to collectivist, protectionist racketeers making trillions off their serfs. Feudalism, it seems, is making a come-back.

Expect your plumber, tradesman or whatever to now add on £12.50 to every job per day. If you have a six-week building job, the extra ULEZ £12.50 per day will certainly add a hefty amount onto the price. The same goes for all commodities delivered to shops.

But that’s not all, the EU Euro 6 Standard is also a precursor to the planned pay-per-mile scheme which was first proposed by the EU and is now going to be implemented across the UK once the ULEZ cameras are all installed. By using a ruse for ‘cleaner air’ the spy cameras will track all vehicles, including electric. If you think you have it easy with an electric vehicle, you are wrong because you will be charged per mile as well.

There was never a Brexit, and it will only get worse when Labour wins the election. Not only will they go on a profligate spending spree, bankrupting Britain further, but they will pretty much increase the EU’s octopus grip over this cash cow country. That’s what the UK was to the EU — a big fat, juicy cash cow.