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Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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Putin’s Long Game Now Inflaming Tensions in Kosovo


The Grandmaster is moving his pieces once again, this time inflaming tensions in Kosovo with his pawns the Serbs doing his bidding. Putin’s long game is becoming more apparent daily. NATO may be concentrating its efforts in Ukraine, but this is a weakness that Putin and his cronies are counting on.

By opening up a further front in Kosovo, the master strategist will split NATO and increasingly unveil the bloc’s vulnerabilities. This escalation is a fulfilment of Moscow’s aspirations. Inflaming tensions in the Balkans to distract the West from its war in Ukraine is what Serbia and Russia have been doing for months. Propaganda from Russia has been flooding the area for the past couple of months with items claiming that Kosovo belongs to Serbia and that the UK is preparing for war in the region. The purpose of such inflammatory rhetoric is to create ethnic violence and destabilise the region once more. This is a key Russian tactic that has worked time and time again.

Putin essentially is playing with NATO and the EU like a cat plays with a mouse, and he is looking for vulnerabilities in every direction. Could be Georgia, could be Poland, but for now it is Kosovo.

Putin’s economy is also going from strength to strength thanks to his friends in Greece, who are also closely tied to the Serbs. The so-called Western oil embargo is a sham, and Greek shipping magnates are making billions by aiding Russia in its war effort against NATO.

The long game is where it’s at, and as the economically faltering West is more concerned with transgender rights and political correctness, Putin is digging deep and moving around freely with his precise military manoeuvres and destabilising propaganda tactics.

Putin was provoked into action in the first place, but now he is doing the provoking.

New Pirola Covid Strain Able to Avoid Antibodies in Blood


Even if you are Covid sceptic, the news that the latest strain is able to avoid antibodies in blood, thus bypassing your immune system may be slightly alarming.

A new wave of Pirola BA.2.86 is now in Britain, and because people are not testing for it, there is not enough data to quantify how many people are being infected or where it is primarily doing the most damage. In order to be truly successful, BA.2.86 would need to combine its antigenic advantage with inherent transmissibility of the kind seen in the XBB subvariants.

Again, the signs look like this is another test run before more optimised mutations are relinquished. Gain-of-function research on deadly viruses is now standard practice in many labs across the globe, whether in secret or not. Anyone doing this knows what they want and how the results will help them improve gain-of-function mutations.

After the first pandemic, global populations opened up after prolonged lockdowns and economic damage. They were thus lulled into a false sense of security, and this is what the controllers want. They essentially do not care if there are lockdowns or not, their goal is population reduction, and it is better for them that populations actively deny any form of lockdown so that released pathogens like Pirola can do their bidding.

Whittling down with bursts of virus is probably a preferred method than a full on pandemic that causes alarm amongst populations. Even in China, Xi Jinping and the CCP halted their brutal lockdowns easily after public unrest. That was their goal anyway, and they made up a ruse that they were listening to the people, when in fact as soon as they opened up there was another mass culling event. The government ministers shrugged their shoulders and simply said it was the will of the people.

It is certainly a clever plan, and will go under the radar. The masses are too caught up in their daily lives to even care, and covid apathy is still at large. Global economies are still recovering from the first pandemic, but the waves of new covid strains keep getting released. Each wave has its own purpose, it seems. The real fear is that a particularly well-engineered strain is eventually released which will incorporate all viral optimisations, making it almost undetectable for some time and its ability to avoid antibodies before the body bags start piling up. When you see that happening, get out of dodge — fast.

Man: “I Cannot Say Anything Because I Censor Myself”


A man from Shropshire, England, has revealed that he cannot say anything because he censors everything he tries to say. The man was interviewed on the BBC on Sunday, but was incoherent and distant.

Giles O’HanrahO’Hanrahahan, the BBC reporter, kept praising the man for his stance in censoring his own speech.

“This is great news. We can only praise your wonderful Marxist woke stance on censoring yourself. What triggered you to censoring your own speech?”

“I -m a dedi—– woke socia—- pi–e of sh-t sc–bag. This i- w–t ha–ens wh-n y-u a– a w-ke Ma-xist c-nt!”

Censorship of Censorship is Next Stage of Woke Cancel Culture Censors


WOKE CENSORSHIP DIREKTIVE 53921-B released today by the Woke Septom and Soviet Media Overlords stipulates that previously censored material will succumb to further censorship because the act of censorship in itself is an act of censorship that must be censored. Ultimately, all forms of censorship meted out by the media overlords are to be censored and cancelled completely as an act that ensures that the censorship process is completely censored within the remit of current censorship policies by all left-wing soviet woke censorship diktats.

When there is nothing left to censor

Any censorship that does not fall under the jurisdiction of the Woke Septom of censorship will be censored and cancelled forthwith. Censorship within the censor’s spectrum of censorship criteria will be censored and cancelled, and in some cases the censor will censor their own censorious actions by censoring their actions with full censorious disclosure.

In this respect, the act of censorship itself should be censored and cancelled, including the censoring officers who officiate the censoring process with censorship and censoring that mitigate the circumstantial censoring of any form of censorship that may offend censors who were censored themselves via the process of censorship.

Please do not refrain from not censoring events or speech that was censored at one time but was re-censored then censored at a different time when sentiments changed but reverted back to woke politically correct censorship ideology. Censorship of materials that were created prior to censorship in soviet woke ideology must all be censored and removed from human consumption as a form of censorship that equates to past ideological subversion and demoralisation within the censorship field of operations.



The previous WOKE CENSORSHIP DIREKTIVE 53921-B is currently under review and will be censored.WOKE CENSORSHIP DIREKTIVE 53922-C will supersede the previous censored direktive which will also be censored and cancelled. 

UPDATING … If you are reading this now you have violated CENSOR CODE 309923-D. YOU WILL BE CENSORED SHORTLY.

Man Who Wants Everything Censored Censors Himself By Living in a Bag


A man who does not agree that humans should have any form of self-expression or freedom of speech and that everything must be heavily censored has censored himself completely and now lives in a black plastic bag.

Ronan Kenterpire, 24, who graduated from Dungworth University in Scotland last year after completing a degree in Socialism and Woke studies, has been at odds with any concept of free human expression, or any opinion that dares oppose the latest official woke narrative.

“I live in this plastic opaque black bag because it protects me from having to see/hear any un-woke opinions, and to censor my own opinion because sometimes I have a thought of my own which is not a piece of soviet woke propaganda released by our woke overlords. Please leave me alone, do not speak or show me anything that is not woke.”

Kenterpire’s black plastic bag is situated on a piece of barren landfill which is 500 km from any human contact or town. Once a month he has a food delivery thrown at the bag from Kirkidlie Council.

If you are walking along, maybe on your weekly ramble and see the black plastic bag with a man in it, please resist the urge to go up to it and give the contents of the bag a good kicking.

The Psychology of Decision-Making at the Card Table


Understanding the psychology behind decision-making in poker is an intricate journey through the mind’s processes. Players not only engage with the cards but also with their thoughts, emotions, and the dynamics at the table. By dissecting this complex process, you can gain insights into better gameplay and achieve an edge over your opponents.

Cognitive Biases in Poker

Every individual, including seasoned poker players, has cognitive biases. Recognizing and understanding these biases can make a significant difference in how you approach the game.

  • Confirmation Bias: Players often seek information that confirms their pre-existing beliefs, dismissing contrary evidence. Being aware of this bias can help in making more objective decisions during a game.
  • Overconfidence: At times, a player may overestimate their hand’s strength or their read on an opponent. Regularly assessing one’s confidence levels can lead to better game decisions.
  • Loss Aversion: Humans tend to prefer avoiding losses over acquiring gains. In poker, this can translate into players being overly cautious, potentially missing opportunities to capitalize on strong hands.

Cognitive Processes Behind Card Game Choices

It’s fascinating to explore the cognitive mechanics behind decisions at the card table. While traditional decision-making models focus on logic and rationality, the card table introduces a blend of intuition, strategy, and probability assessment. One could observe a player contemplating their next move, weighing the odds based on the cards they hold.

For instance, when considering poker hands ranked in terms of strength, a player might strategically choose to fold or raise based on their perceived advantage. Such decisions aren’t solely about the cards in hand but involve reading opponents, understanding game dynamics, and predicting future rounds. This intricate process underscores the depth and sophistication of human cognition, even in leisurely activities.

The Role of Emotion

Emotion plays a pivotal role in decision-making. In poker, it’s termed ’tilt’ – a state where emotions, rather than rational thought, drive decisions. Recognizing the early signs of tilt and developing strategies to combat it can drastically improve your play.

  • Recognizing Tilt: It’s essential to understand your emotional triggers. Whether it’s a bad beat, a taunting opponent, or external life stresses, identifying what puts you on tilt is the first step in managing it.
  • Strategies to Combat Tilt: Taking breaks, practising mindfulness, or having a support system can help you reset and approach the game with a clear mind.

The Power of Observation

By closely observing opponents, players can pick up on patterns, behaviours, and tendencies, all of which can be utilized to make more informed decisions.

  • Reading Physical Tells: While some players may have obvious physical tells, others might have subtle ones. It could be as noticeable as a hand tremor or as slight as a change in breathing.
  • Behavioural Patterns: Does your opponent raise often from a specific position? Do they tend to bluff in certain situations? Picking up on these patterns can give you valuable information.

Long-Term vs. Short-Term Thinking

Successful poker players often think about the bigger picture, focusing on making decisions that are profitable in the long run rather than seeking immediate gratification.

  • Risk Management: Assessing the risk vs. reward of each decision can prevent impulsive choices that might provide short-term gains but are detrimental in the long run.
  • Strategic Play: Developing a comprehensive game plan, rather than reacting impulsively to individual hands, can lead to consistent success.

The Impact of Stress on Decisions

Stress, whether induced by the game or external factors, can profoundly impact a player’s decision-making ability. Under stress, the brain might resort to instinctual, rather than logical, responses.

  • Physical Response to Stress: The body’s initial response to stress is the ‘fight or flight’ reaction, releasing adrenaline. This can result in heightened alertness but can also lead to rash decisions.
  • Decision Fatigue: Prolonged periods of stress can lead to decision fatigue, where the quality of decisions degrades after making numerous choices. In a long poker session, this can result in suboptimal play during later stages.

Mitigating Stress Effects: Regular breaks, maintaining physical health, and practising relaxation techniques can help mitigate the adverse effects of stress, ensuring that your decisions remain sharp and well-informed.

Adaptive Decision-making Strategies

Poker is a dynamic game, and circumstances can change rapidly. An adaptive decision-making strategy ensures players remain flexible and can adjust their gameplay based on evolving situations.

  • Scenario Analysis: Before making a decision, considering various scenarios and outcomes can prepare a player for any turn of events.
  • Feedback Loop: After each session, reviewing key decisions and understanding the outcomes can help in refining strategies and avoiding past mistakes.
  • Continuous Learning: The game of poker evolves, and strategies that were once effective might become obsolete. Staying updated with new game theories and regularly reassessing one’s strategies ensures players remain competitive.

Understanding an opponent’s mindset is as vital as mastering card strategies in poker. It opens doors to anticipating their next moves, allowing you to counteract their tactics more effectively. Gaining this kind of psychological insight into decision-making helps you make more informed choices, thereby increasing your opportunities for a successful game.

Princess Charlotte has a Very ‘Unroyal’ and Relatable Hobby


The Prince of Wales visited St George’s Park in Burton upon Trent in 2022, where he officiated the opening of another betting shop on the High Street. The main shopping area of the town centre now has over 453 betting shops, along with the odd fried chicken takeaway and mobile phone shops. The royal offspring, including Princess Charlotte did not attend during the visit.

There, the royal boasted about his daughter’s talent in nose picking to manager Seamus McManus: “Charlotte wanted me to tell you that she’s superb at picking her nose. She said, ‘Please tell them that’. Loves to flick those bogeys at the palace servants and oiks!”

But that wasn’t the only time the princess’s love for nose picking was spoken about.

Earlier this year, her mum the Princess of Wales revealed how much Charlotte enjoyed the exquisite art of flicking greenies, she took part in a prolonged bogey flicking session at a branch of a Woking pizza restaurant last year when she enjoyed herself thoroughly as she surreptitiously flicked massive bogeys from afar onto other customer’s pizzas.

She even said the young royal is quite competitive at it.

The manageress of the pizza restaurant, Guido Cunningham, said that Princess Kate mentioned her three children’s love of nose picking, but Charlotte really stood out.

“Prince Andrew has been a regular at our restaurant for many years, and when Princess Charlotte turned up with her mum, she was wonderful. We all cheered as she flicked her gargantuan royal bogeys onto the pizzas of customers. There would be another massive cheer as the customer unknowingly ate the pizza. Fun times!”

Feminists Now Want “Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me” Banned


Puritan, psychotic misandrist 5th Wave feminists now want the wonderful comedy film “Austin Powers The Spy Who Shagged Me” permanently banned and all copies of the movie burned on a bonfire along with every man on the planet’s testicles.


“It is a disgusting carnal misogynistic film where Austin Powers shags his way through multiple female spies and the worst part of it is that this horrid man says the word ‘shag’!” a feminist member of establishment media news revealed.

Caught in the middle of this debacle is GB News who claims to be a news company that is not part of the ‘establishment’ but actually are part of the establishment and have turned into a puritan edifice of hyper-sensitive politically correct sewage infested shit piles of inequity. A sad turn of affairs, as they once had some modicum of reasonable promise.

“As is the case with establishment news organisations and media who are pandering to wokism and 5th wave feminists, the core of this problem comes down to the advertisers and woke companies, who dictate everything. The advertising agencies have all now gone extreme woke and are invariably tied to their ESG scores and the WEF. This sort of soviet political correctness and puritanism is a direct influence from the pieces of shit who run advertising agencies these days. These ad companies are now run by stasi virtue-signalling woke arseholes who pander to ESG obsessed companies that commission ads from their companies. Any form of un-woke naughtiness on a media company that shows ads is now completely cancelled. Wokism as a weaponised soviet censorship system thus limits the scope of human expression and commerce. Every advert created today is an abhorrent travesty and insult to the original concept of advertising, and a fucking disgrace,” a former advertising executive from the 90s revealed.

The Spy Who Shagged Me

Well, there it is. You cannot say the word ‘shag’ anymore, you cannot say you want to shag a woman, or inversely you cannot say you don’t want to shag a feminist ideology spouting woman.

No more shagging for Austin Powers, either…looks like Dr. Evil really did win in the end…

AI is Great But How Many App Subscriptions Do You Have to Buy?


This is getting ridiculous, and truly unmanageable. The proliferation of AI sites and apps across the internet has been enormous, but is it an efficient model? Yes, competition between developers is a good thing, but why is each developer just concentrating on one niche AI function? All this means is that the AI user has to get subscriptions from each niche AI peddler, and this can be a tiresome, expensive endeavour.

Why not have an AI developer who brings all AI functions under one roof with a more reasonable pricing structure?

One developer is peddling AI created music, another animation, another visuals, another is peddling voice synthesis, another is a question/answer model. To complete certain tasks for the consumer of AI products, you will have to visit multiple sites, maybe purchase subscriptions from each site, complete specific AI tasks, then go back to your computer editing software and stitch all this shit together somehow. This is not a good way of working, especially as each different site has its own intricate AI foibles.

With subscriptions here, subscriptions there, it all adds up until by the end of the year you could literally be paying thousands in subscriptions alone.

We need one fucking mega developer with all AI processes in one fucking place. Like if you want to create a mini film or animation, or whatever you have planned, you can go to one place and the AI models will all be incorporated as a singular engine. Maybe, this is simplifying the process as we are not developers, but surely it can be completed by a dedicated team of AI devs?



Don’t Mention the Stabbings


Knife crime and rampant stabbings amongst an unnameable and protected section of the population is so widespread that many do not talk about it anymore.

“We cannot disclose the people who are carrying out these stabbings with machetes and zombie knives. It is best to ignore why these crimes occur, and to stop talking about it. Because of the unnameable protected people who are stabbing everyone, including unnameable sections of school kids, we are turning a blind eye to their entitled violent crime sprees. Just pay your ULEZ charge and shut up,” London Labour mayor, Sadiq Khan, who could not reveal who the perpetrators of the crimes were, said, shrugging his shoulders.

The crime is so widespread that seeing people getting stabbed is now a normal occurrence, routinely ignored by many. Stabbings are even celebrated during the Notting Hill Carnival, which takes place every year.

“We get stabbings by an unnameable section of the community daily here in the neighbourhood. It’s just a case of stepping over the twitching body as they bleed out. Eventually, maybe after a few hours, someone might phone the police, so they can clean up the mess. The pavements here are littered with blood splatters, it’s a bloody disgrace but what can you do?” a resident of Croydon, South London revealed.

Do not mention it, do not do anything apart from ignore it, and maybe one day the police and another mayor will actually do something.