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The People of Gaza Deserve Better Than Hamas Dictatorship


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. This is the definition of Hamas, who have not only forced their Jihadist indoctrination on the people of Gaza but have caused them destitution, harm and death. If peace is to come to the Middle East region barbaric savage groups like Hamas need to be the ones eradicated.

There cannot be any justification for beheading babies and burning people alive in their cars, or the other atrocities perpetrated by Hamas.

Anyone who defends Hamas is either indoctrinated or misguided, and the socialist left-wing who virtue signal their support for Hamas are enabling genocide. The Palestinian people, if they want to get out of the mire, must find another route or forever be stuck in the rubble and sewage of Hamas.

It is impossible to negotiate with people who want to erase your very existence.

The people of Gaza have been fooled by Hamas, they have been tricked by the Iranian regime’s evil influence, and they must find a leader who does not subscribe to extremist Shiite Jihadist insanity.

Until that day comes, they will have rubble for buildings and rat infested streets of dirt. The final and first reason for all of this is of course religion.

Racist Antisemitic BLM Cheer On Hamas Atrocities


Black Lives Matter (BLM) fully supports the savage genocidal actions of Hamas terrorists who murdered unarmed Israeli civilians in cold blood. BLM wants Israel and its people wiped off the face of the earth, and one of its founders, Patrisse Cullors was quoted in 2015 calling for the destruction of Israel. The racist antisemitic BLM group is heavily funded and supported by US corporations, receiving millions in donations.

According to the antisemitic BLM, Hamas “is not a terrorist organization,” despite the mass murders and rapes; the killing and beheading of children, women, and the elderly, often in front of their families; and the abduction of over 100 hostages to be tortured and eventually killed in the Gaza Strip.

“Anyone who has ever backed or supported the racist antisemitic BLM group have blood on their hands, you are a disgrace to humanity and all that it stands for. If you support BLM you are worse than a Nazi Einsatzgruppen,” a man said outside BLM headquarters.

Keir Starmer: “All That Glitters is Not Gold”


Comrade Keir Starmer had some glitter thrown over him whilst at the podium at this year’s Labour conference. Could have been any substance, maybe ricin, sarin, abrin or possibly some T-2 mycotoxin. The question is, are politicians safe? This is a serious breach of security at the Labour conference and should be looked at considerably. The other point to be made about the promises bleated from Starmer’s mouth is that all that glitters is not gold, this is why the glitter thrown over the mumbling nasal voiced Starmer was somewhat pertinent.

Every election we have the same politicians from the same party (Britain only has one political party now, albeit with two faces) making the same promises that are never honoured, and time and time again the people vote for the same party to punish them on a daily basis. This is in no way democracy. The Labour Party and Tory Party are indistinguishable from themselves, both spouting the same diarrhoea this election as they did in the last one.

Even though we are ruled by one political party, it is no doubt the turn of the Labour Party’s face to take over the reins at the next election simply because people get tired of dealing with one face, and eventually vote for another face.

These faces of political parties are in themselves faceless entities and empty carcasses, simply revelling in their moment in the spotlight before they themselves are voted out for another faceless face.

Every election people amble to the poll booths and put that tick in one of the boxes, and every year the people have the wool pulled over their eyes. There can only be one assumption made by the action of the people — they are stupid. Yes, the voters are stupid, and forgetful too, but that’s what politicians like Keir Starmer count on.

People have invariably forgotten about the disastrous Labour government of the past, possibly because the disastrous Tory Party took over from them and squandered every single opportunity that was handed to them on a silver fucking platter.

Maybe it really is better to have a communist or EU style system where the faceless hierarchy are instated by the hierarchy from within the soviet bloc. For the communist regime in China and the EU, it is a great relief that they do not have to deal with such base concepts like democracy and elections.

‘Inclusive’ Woke Liberals Want to Cancel Free Speech and Satire But Not Hamas


The savage attack by Palestinian terrorist group Hamas on Israeli civilians is unparalleled, where innocent Jewish citizens were mercilessly butchered in cold blood, including over 40 babies beheaded. All of this and more barbaric atrocities have been witnessed by the world, yet there has been little or no condemnation from the leftists; the British Labour socialists, the American Democrats and Australian far-left. The Woke left have different very hypocritical double standards, they revel in their status as ‘inclusive’ woke liberals in their views when in fact they choose to censor free speech, to censor satire and attempt to criminalise any view that opposes their skewed hypocritical perspectives.

Double Standards

Freedom of speech is thus only allowed to be expressed by liberals celebrating the deaths of Jewish civilians at the hands of vicious savages, whilst the Daily Squib is constantly censored and attacked for writing satire and fighting for freedom of expression and speech. In Western cities, the far-left cheerleaders of Hamas reign supreme, given impunity to express their views without censorship or cancellation. What these liberal cheerleaders don’t know is that if they were ever in the presence of a Hamas terrorist brigade, they would first all be raped, then butchered in cold blood. So much for your fake liberalism there.


Even if the Palestinians had their conquered land back, would they innovate and exist as well as the Jews in Israel? It seems many are not capable of civility even in peace, and much of their displays of being ‘victim’ to Israel are based on jealousy. They cannot build roads, infrastructure, malls or a civil society but resort to nihilistic butchery and savagery. Hamas are the ones who have condemned the Palestinian people to a life of hell. Instead of spending billions of aid money on helping the people of Gaza, they spend it on rockets.

Emboldened Iran: “Thank You Joe Biden”


The new emboldened Iran has never had it so good thanks to Sleepy Joe and his handler, Obama. These two idiots have fallen over backwards to appease the cunning Iranian regime by giving them $6 billion and by putting Israel on the back burner. It is no secret that Biden hates the British and has treated America’s best ally disgracefully, but the same can be said for his treatment of Israel, who are a nation surrounded by enemies who literally want to wipe them off the face of the earth.

Well, Sleepy Joe and the equally Sleepy Obama finally woke up a little last week when the Islamist terrorist group Hamas carried out some well-planned massacres of Israelis, all at the behest of Iran and Russia.

The only reaction Biden could muster was to send a U.S. Navy ship near the conflict zone, which is a pitiful reaction considering the seriousness of the matter.

Meanwhile, Putin and the Iranians are sniggering into their cups of Polonium, running rings around the Biden administration like seasoned chess masters. As for the Chinese, they are watching all of this with eagle eyes, and that little devil on Xi Jinping’s shoulder is shouting loudly into his ear, “Do it! Do it! Taiwan! Do it!”.

Putin, is most certainly playing the long game as war fatigue is creeping into the support of Ukraine as many NATO countries are now balking at the thought of sending billions more dollars into the Ukrainian meat grinder. Putin is okay with meat grinders, he is happy to send thousands of untrained unequipped young and old men to their deaths to buy more time. There is an almost endless supply of cannon fodder to throw at the Ukrainian machine guns.

How is Obama finding his third term in office? Probably not an enjoyable affair as he has to relay his orders through a guy who just looks so tired and used up, he can barely string a coherent sentence together. Maybe after the Democrats win the next election when the postal votes come in, Obama will have his fourth term in office, he will have to work even harder because Joe will have deteriorated even further.

The West needs a strong leader now more than ever, not these fucking weak losers like Joe Biden, Obama and Sunak. They are a laughingstock, pathetic and weak with no fucking balls or a single decent idea between them. Under President Trump none of this shit would be happening plus we would all have a good economy with no inflation.

Can’t Define What a Woman is Anymore. Is Feminism to Blame?


Isn’t it terrible, many mostly leftists who support feminism cannot define what a woman is anymore. It is a terrible Marxist malady infecting the socialist slash communist leftists. Many of these ideologically subverted creatures even think that women can have a penis. Labour leader, Keir Starmer being one of these misguided morons.

How did the human condition lower itself to such a level that many cannot even define what a woman is? In biological terms, it is easy – the word even has ‘logic’ slapped in there. To some extent, the blame for this debacle must be firmly pushed onto the feminists, who have moved so far away from traditional biological and ideological womanhood that they themselves and others cannot even define what they are anymore.

Feminism was essentially a Marxist soviet construct in the first place, and has been used against Western civilisation for some time by its enemies. By instilling this ideological bomb into society, the enemies of the West have succeeded in much of the population hating themselves; to hate who they are, to hate their own heritage/history, to hate their own nation, and to deny who they are by trying to become something else. This is possibly the most effective weapon ever created, and thus the West defeats itself from within, all without a single shot being fired.

The women are now moaning that no one knows who or what they are…aww…diddums, well, who is to blame for that, when they themselves don’t know who or what they are anymore?

You want a real woman now, you can find them out of the West, where feminism is seen as a murderer of society. The West has put an ideological gun to its head and pulled the trigger. Defeated it is.

Age of Feminism: Woman Complains When Men Do Not Help Her

Why the ‘Pearl Harbour’ Technique is Useful in War


Throughout history, there is a circular effect where certain scenarios and techniques are enacted over and over again. One of these elements is the infamous ‘Pearl Harbour’ effect, which was also utilised on 911, September 11, 2001. The Project For a New American Century (PNAC), a neoconservative think tank based in Washington, D.C., wrote a paper called Rebuilding America’s Defences in 1997 which called for a “Pearl Harbor incident” to bring the American people together in support of military action in the Middle East. In propaganda terms, without the Pearl Harbour technique, it is hard for any nation to mobilise and motivate troops into action, as well as bolster public opinion as a nation goes to war.

The technique of going to war is in itself a complicated series of movements that the government will have to make to assure the general public that it is the only course of action left.

In essence, fear is the ultimate motivator as well as the threat upon survival. In political terms, a nation must also be united in a bipartisan way to go to war successfully; and this is why a visible attack, as well as televised civilian casualties, women, children and elderlies wounded or dead is the ultimate motivator.

The second stage is instilling anger amongst the population against the enemy, and this is why the airwaves must have constant loops of atrocities and burning buildings to further cement the elements of fear, anger and instil a motivation to fight. This motivation to fight the enemy must be so strong that mothers themselves will willingly send off their sons to war with no compunction or delay.


Both sides of the coin are fed within this perpetual circle of conflict, propaganda and violent warfare. In the case of the perpetual war between Israel and the Palestinians, each act of violence feeds another act of violence from each side, escalating at every level in a crescendo of compounding conflict.

Each side within the current conflict is right in their own sense and wrong at the same time, and each military movement is determined by push-pull factors that determine the final outcome.

Would this be a good time for China to invade Taiwan? Could this be a good time for Russia to invade Poland or continue inflaming ethnic tensions in Kosovo? As one conflict sizzles with authority, others emerge as well, simply because the aggressors want to take advantage of the overstretched factor of the supposed global policeman, the USA, which has been dormant from its usual global policing activities for some time.

Of course, things are not as simplistic as this, there are hundreds or thousands of variables in any conflict, but the main factors still reveal something of the answer to the question.

The circle of history persists over and over again. Humans do not learn, they are bound to their territorial instincts as any animal is bound in its own habitat. It is the year 2023, and the human species is still essentially a fucking caveman. Nothing changes, humans do not learn from history, they do not evolve to higher levels of consciousness as much as they think they do or have. Humans are still base creatures living in their concrete zoos along with their inability to access the higher echelons of consciousness of the enlightened. Without light, there is only darkness, and until humans embrace a form of existence where myths of the past written in supposed holy books are superseded by enlightened universal understanding, then human will continue repeating ad infinitum the same stupid shit they have been doing since the beginning.

Wrath of Israel: Has West Bank and Iran Sealed Its Fate?


While Biden slept and spent trillions of dollars on useless tin-pot socialist projects that serve no purpose at all, Iran has strengthened its octopus grip on the Middle East and is now probably capable of nuclear war. Through its proxies like militant group Hamas, Iran is orchestrating another full on assault on Israel, specifically targeting civilians. Behind Iran, lies Russian influence. What the Iranians and Hamas do not know is that they have now unleashed the demonic wrath of Israel, and have possibly sealed their own fate. Iran is also very fearful of a bilateral deal with arch enemies Saudi Arabia and Israel, and will do anything to thwart it.

Our prophetic parody satire news article of 2011 is slowly realising itself. Remember, prophecies cannot be chosen, they are presented to us without filter or bias, good or bad.

Yom Kippur 2.0

Israel is now at war whether it likes it or not after Hamas terrorists butchered at least 250 civilians in cold blood and took dozens of hostages to Gaza in a major surprise assault that left the country reeling. The surprise attack occurred on the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah.

Touted as Israel’s 9/11 moment by the legacy press, one can only feel that this was an attack designed to catch the headlines and offer some harrowing footage to bolster the troops for the mother of all battles.

Hamas gunmen dragged off dozens of Israeli civilian and military hostages, including babies and their mothers, parading them through the streets of Gaza to baying crowds of Palestinians. The naked body of a German teenage girl who was killed whilst attending a music festival was seen being driven in the back of a pick-up truck. In video footage too graphic to publish, men and young boys are seen spitting on her body.

Unlocking the wrath of Israel is a dangerous pursuit, and it is assured that all hell has just been unleashed. This latest Hamas attack will most certainly lead to war. Global conflict may escalate further in Europe and the Middle East.

How Does Turnitin Work? Tips and Tricks for Students to Produce A+ Papers


When it comes to academic writing, originality is key. Plagiarism, whether accidental or intentional, can have serious consequences. A majority of institutions of higher learning use Turnitin for academic submissions and to counter plagiarism. It is therefore crucial that every college student should learn how to navigate this application effectively.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll demystify Turnitin and explore how it works. More importantly, we’ll provide you with tips and tricks to produce A+ papers while staying on the right side of the academic rules.

Aside from mastering Turnitin, one other way to create exceptional papers is to get help from expert writers online. Here’s a snippet from one of the pioneers of such services about their benefits. “At RoyalWriter, our essay writers UK communicate with students a lot, so this is where our students work in their free time: essay outlines and structure, proper citation, proofreading and editing, plag-free results through Turnitin, and giving essays an overall polish.”

Back to Turnitin.

Understanding Turnitin

At its core, Turnitin is a text-matching software used by educational institutions worldwide.

Turnitin compares the text within your submitted document to an extensive database comprising electronic and print sources, including books, journals, websites, and even other students’ papers. If Turnitin finds similarities between your work and any of these sources, it raises a flag, usually a coloured bar, indicating potential plagiarism.

How to Access Turnitin as a Student

Accessing Turnitin as a student is a straightforward process, and it’s usually done through your institution’s Learning Management System (LMS), such as Canvas or Moodle. Here are the steps to get you started:

Login to Your LMS: Begin by logging into your college or university’s Learning Management System. If you’re unsure which LMS your institution uses, your instructor will provide some guidance.

Look for Turnitin Integration: Once you’ve logged in, navigate to your course or assignment where Turnitin integration is available. It’s commonly found within the assignment submission section or as a designated Turnitin assignment.

Canvas, Moodle, Microsoft Teams, or Sakai: Depending on your institution’s LMS, you may find Turnitin integration through platforms like Canvas, Moodle, Microsoft Teams, or Sakai. Simply click on the relevant link or icon associated with Turnitin within your course.

Direct Submission Link: In some cases, your instructor may provide you with a direct link to submit your work to Turnitin. If you have such a link, follow the instructions provided by your instructor.

Alternatively, if your institution uses a Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) plugin for Turnitin, you can access it through your LMS. Look for the “External Tool” option, and click on it to access Turnitin.

Decoding the Similarity Score

turnitin example

When you receive your Turnitin report, you’ll come across a similarity score that provides a match overview. This score, which is expressed as a percentage coloured bar, represents the proportion of your assignment’s text that matches content from the Turnitin database and other web sources. It’s colour-coded to help you quickly assess the extent of similarity:

  • Blue: No matching text
  • Green: 1% to 24% matching text
  • Yellow: 25% to 49% matching text
  • Orange: 50% to 74% matching text
  • Red: 75% to 100% matching text

Understanding this score is crucial because it provides insights into your paper’s originality. Originality of your writing simply depends on proper citation, and you can learn more about professional referencing help from this royalwriter review. You can then click on the similarity score to obtain a match overview showing the different origins of the matched text, as in the image above.

What Constitutes a ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’ Similarity Score?

There isn’t a fixed number that categorizes a similarity score as ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ Your school or teacher may have set specific thresholds for acceptable similarity scores, so it’s crucial to consult your teacher or review your school’s guidelines to determine the acceptable range.

Some level of similarity is generally expected, especially when including source-based evidence, which is often a requirement for assignments. Check with your instructor to know the implications of any type of score.

Using the Turnitin Report to Enhance Your Writing

If you have the opportunity to revise your writing based on the Similarity Score feedback, consider the following strategies:

Selective Quoting: Choose only the most significant quotes from your sources to include in your assignment. This approach minimizes the chance of extensive matches and encourages you to incorporate quoted material thoughtfully.

Summarization and Paraphrasing: Instead of quoting directly, summarize, paraphrase, or explain ideas in your own words. This not only reduces similarity but also demonstrates your understanding of the material.

Proper Citation: Ensure that you cite all your evidence using the appropriate citation style recommended by your institution. Proper citations not only avoid plagiarism but also enhance the credibility of your work.

Remember that the primary goal is to learn from your feedback and continuously improve your writing. You can also consider using other web sources to perfect your skills, for example, by using an essay writer for hire.

A Few Tips to Keep in Mind

Turnitin typically takes around 24 hours to generate a report. To be on the safe side of time, ensure your instructor allows multiple submission attempts. If not, you’ll have only one chance to submit your work.

Submit your assignment at least 48 hours in advance to allow ample time for the report to be generated and for you to review and make any necessary revisions.

Very important to remember is that no magic percentage guarantees your paper is free from plagiarism. Turnitin’s purpose is to highlight text similarities, not to interpret the results. For example, some topics share fundamental concepts and thus the text might be detected as similar. Therefore, always check to see what your instructor’s guidelines are concerning the desired output.

A low Turnitin score doesn’t automatically mean your paper is plagiarism-free. What truly matters is what Turnitin highlights. If it identifies unquoted text or uncited sources, it constitutes plagiarism, even if the similarity percentage is low.

Final Thoughts on Turnitin

Remember, Turnitin is a tool, not a judge. It doesn’t interpret results; that’s you and your instructor’s responsibility. So, if you see a high or low similarity score, that isn’t to suggest that you are in the red or not.

To safeguard your academic integrity, you should master proper referencing and effective paraphrasing. Don’t solely rely on Turnitin. Use tools such as Mendeley and Zotero to accurately cite on the fly. Ultimately, use Turnitin as a tool just like any other to help you master the craft of proper academic writing.

Liz Truss the Star of Morose Miserable Tory Conference


The socialist Tory Party is having their yearly conference in Manchester, and it is a morose affair as usual. They may call themselves Tories, but are very far from conservative in any way. As usual, miser Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy _unt was on the podium explaining in excruciating terms why he is taxing Britain to a standstill; stifling small business, deterring foreign business and making the lives of everyday Britons a living hell. Directly adjacent to all of this misery, deposed former PM Liz Truss was a chink of rare light, and brought serious points of hope to a party that is stuck in the mire and will most probably be voted out at the next election.

Liz Truss, a true Brexiteer with a forward winning vision, was ousted by remainers in the socialist Tory Party and big whale remainers who work in banks and are aligned with the EU. It was her forward-looking vision for Brexit which triggered the powerful money men to threaten market meltdowns if she was not ousted. To have a successful Britain after Brexit was seen as a huge threat to the EU, and this is why she was ousted. Conversely, Boris Johnson was similarly punished for daring to fight for democracy by realising some form of  Brexit after a massive anti-democratic movement in parliament attempting to quash the people’s vote.

Apart from Liz Truss, this year’s miserable horrid backward-looking Tory conference was a disgraceful malevolent barren affair.