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‘I tried the hack for perfectly cut tomatoes and it blew my mind’


A woman has been left mind-blown after trying out a viral hack cutting tomatoes and discovering it worked.

A TikToker, who goes by the name gendleblatt52z, shared the video and asked her followers: “Is the viral tomato hack the secret to perfectly cut tomatoes? Let’s try it.”

She immediately increased her follower count by 23 million, as she also became TikTok famous.

To do the tomato hack, first, you need to get a tomato, she said, which according to experts should never be stored under a mattress.

Next, you put the tomato on a chopping board.

“You need to use a sharp knife to chop the tomato into slices,” she said.

The TikToker said this is the moment when you put the knife on the tomato and apply some pressure.

She went on: “So you’re gently slicing the tomato.”

After slicing several of the tomatoes, she then put them in a bowl.

Describing how she cut the tomatoes, she said: “I put just enough pressure on the knife so it slices through the tomato.”

Next, she said she picked up the chopping board and scraped the tomato slices into the bowl.

“I’ve tried lots of different methods, but I’ve never gotten one that works so well. Golly gosh! This has truly changed my life. You too must watch my TikTok channel and subscribe.

“So this was a surprise.”

After cutting the tomatoes, she added them to a salad before eating them.

She said: “This gets a yes from me because my tomatoes are now sliced and this one came out perfect.”

The TikToker held up the tomato slices, showing that the TikTok hack does work.

Jude Bellingham Swings 3-1 England Win Against Italy to Qualify for Euro 2024


Ladies and gentlemen, hold onto your hats and prepare for a wild ride through the zany, topsy-turvy world of EURO football and the untamed talent known as Jude Bellingham. This ain’t your grandma’s footie match, and this ain’t your run-of-the-mill midfielder.

As the smoke cleared from England’s rollercoaster victory against their age-old adversaries, Italy, the stadium’s PA system blared “Sweet Caroline” in jubilant celebration. But oh, how predictable. In a fit of spontaneity, as if possessed by the ghost of rebellious rock ‘n’ roll, the anthem of “Hey Jude” crashed the party. And, at that moment, we knew we were in the presence of something extraordinary.

Jude Bellingham, folks. He’s not just a player; he’s a fucking phenomenon. He’s the spark that lights up Wembley Stadium, the electric current that surges through the crowd. In a world where players are often just cogs in the machine, Bellingham is a game-changer, a maverick, a man on a mission.

Against Italy, in a match that had more twists and turns than a deranged Hitchcock thriller, Bellingham was nothing short of brilliant. His journey, his trajectory, it’s like a rocket launch into the stratosphere. He’s not just a midfielder; he’s a concoction of Bryan Robson’s grit, Patrick Vieira’s strength, and Zinedine Zidane’s finesse. When he took the pitch, it was as if the spirit of Zidane himself possessed him, weaving magic through the game.


But it’s not just about the skills, folks. Bellingham is a force of nature, a whirlwind that turns the tide. He’s not some sideshow act; he’s the main attraction, the star of the show. He’s the player who grabs the contest by the scruff of the neck, shapes its destiny, and blazes a trail for others to follow.

England fans, serenading his name, knew it. It was evident when he left the pitch to a standing ovation, with Gareth Southgate seeking him out for a hug, and the crowd only began to thin. The man is a force of nature, a whirlwind that turns the tide. England needs him to lead the way.

The statistics don’t lie. Eleven goals and five assists in just 13 games for Madrid and England this season, and let’s not forget the six penalties he’s won for Harry Kane. These are otherworldly numbers for a midfielder, and they’re exactly what England has been craving.

With Bellingham in the ranks, it’s not all about Kane anymore. He’s the North Star, guiding this team through uncharted waters. He’s what Southgate must shape his squad around. It’s not hyperbole; it’s the reality. Bellingham is the answer to the questions England didn’t know they were asking.

Now, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty. England had conceded a goal, and the crowd’s frustration was palpable. But then, like a bolt of lightning, Bellingham arrived on the scene. His sheer determination, his unwavering commitment, it was a sight to behold. The penalty he won, Kane’s equalizer, it was a moment that brought the stadium to life. A man on a mission.

After half-time, something was fermenting and bubbling over. Bellingham was the conductor of the orchestra, leading England’s charge. He was involved in that mesmerising build-up, a passage of play that was like a symphony building to a crescendo. He set the stage, found his teammates, and celebrated as the ball hit the back of the net. It was nothing short of brilliant.

Bellingham is the most thrilling of players, not necessarily the best just yet, but perhaps the most exciting in world football. He’s what dreams are made of, a force that defies convention and leaves fans in awe.

And remember, Jude Bellingham is only 20. The future is his canvas, and he’s just getting started. This is not the peak; it’s just the foothills of a career that promises greatness. England, hold onto your hats, because the Bellingham era has begun, and it’s going to be one hell of a ride. Bring it on, indeed.

EU Zealot Donald Tusk Comes Out of Hiding to Sink Poland


Just when you thought it was safe to look up again, out pops EU Commissar Tusk, formerly the president of the European Council. As bullying EU Rottweilers go, Donald Tusk was at the top of the pile during the prolonged and arduous Brexit procedure. He was there heckling Brits alongside Verhofstadt, grinning inanely with his toothy ugly gap-toothed smile.

Tusk’s new task is to make sure that Poland does not break away from the shackles of the EU and that he somehow becomes their new Prime Minister. The EU jail-keepers are very worried that another country may dare to break free from the pseudo fascistic soviet EU.

“Ve vill not haven ein new Brexit. Ve invaded Poland on 1st September 1939 unt since then it has been part of ein EU (Fourth Reich). Ve are certain EU-Obersturmbannführer Tusk vill do very vell. Halt! Your papers are not in order!” an unelected member of the EU Commission told the bloc’s Euro News channel.

It is now a certainty that Poland is well and truly fucked as the EU digs in with its claws. Remember, there is no escape from Colditz EU, the Britishers tried to do it, but they are still part of the ECHR and ECJ who dictate everything to the silly Brits who dare not make any laws for themselves.

When Labour wins the next election, Keir Starmer will surely liaise with Donald Tusk and all the other unelected EU officials to bring further EU integration back into the frame. It will be less than a year before Brexit will be a distant memory only spoken of in jest.

The BBC: “We are Terrorists But Hamas Are Not!”


The British taxpayer funded broadcasting corporation (BBC) has finally admitted that they are terrorists, but have still not been able to admit that terrorist group Hamas are terrorists.

Finally, out of the terror closet

“Well, it came as a bit of a relief, really. We finally admitted that we are terrorists at the BBC because we enable terrorism by not admitting that Hamas are actually terrorists. Oops, I mean they are freedom fighters,” the terrorist network’s spokesman revealed on Tuesday.

A terrorist is someone who creates terror physically or non-physically, and the beeb have inadvertently become terrorists themselves because they refuse to acknowledge that the atrocities and genocide committed against unarmed Israeli civilians by the terrorist group Hamas.

Meanwhile, in London, demonstrators have gathered outside Auntie’s head office to protest the corporation’s refusal to brand Hamas as “terrorists” in coverage of the Israel-Gaza war.

The Israeli-flag-waving crowd chanted “Shame on you!” and held signs declaring: “BBC, if the King can call Hamas terrorists, so can you”

By enabling Hamas and not acknowledging the group as “terrorists” the British Broadcasting Corporation are peddling propaganda for the terrorists, and are thus culpable as terrorists themselves.

6 business Benefits of a Daily to-do List


One of the many challenges of running your own business is knowing how to prioritise and manage the deluge of tasks that just keep coming. Of all the organisational tricks that you’ll read about online, nothing beats the trusty daily to-do list.

In this article, company formation agent Rapid Formations ticks off the business benefits to be had from jotting down your daily jobs, getting to work, and then marking them as done. Let’s get started.

Provides structure to your day

If you note down the tasks that you want to tackle, and in which order, at the end of each day – when you next get to work, you’ll immediately be presented with a map for how your day should pan out. No wasted time wondering what to do next, and no need for having to remind yourself of what needs to get done. A clear roadmap for your day.

As you’ll know, priorities will change as new jobs (and dare we say it, problems) come in – so your to-do list will need to be flexible, but just having a plan for your day will be effective in saving time and improving efficiency.

As a business owner, you are going to get pulled in all directions, this is unavoidable, but what you can do is provide yourself with a foundation on which to work – something you can revisit and tailor as the days, weeks, and months progress. A good to-do list will provide you with this.


A handy reminder

Distractions are everywhere for business owners. With emails filling up your inbox, letters dropping through the door, the live chat tool pinging, the phone ringing, and employees popping in for discussions, it’s easy to lose track of what you are doing.

This can result in wasted time flitting between jobs, doing them in a so-so fashion, then trying to remember what you were initially doing, only to realise you’ve forgotten.

By documenting tasks on a to-do list as soon as they come in, there’s no requirement to abandon what you’re doing and take on the new job straight away. In accordance with how much of a priority the work is, you can fit it into your current day’s schedule, get it done later or delegate it to an employee. Sure, it’s an obvious benefit to the to-do list, but one of its key strengths, nonetheless.

pexels-ono-kosuki-5647579 (1)Manage your time effectively

As you learn how long specific jobs take and grow accustomed to your own working habits as a business owner – perhaps you’re more suited for strategic tasks in the morning and customer-facing roles in the afternoon – you can use your to-do list to efficiently manage your time. Upscaling it from a simple list to something more akin to a calendar.

By adding extra detail to your to-do list, such as the time of day you want to work on a job, how long you expect it to take, and maybe even a deadline – you can focus on the right jobs at the right time and squeeze the absolute most out of your day in an organised fashion.

This will not only benefit your working life but also your home life, as you’ll have a clear understanding of how your time is going to be spent – and hopefully negate the need for you to constantly work out of hours as you play ‘catch up’.

Analyse what you work on

Rather than scribbling down your to-do list in an ineligible scrawl and chucking it away when all the tasks have been ticked off, construct your lists clearly and date them. This way, when you get the chance, you can revisit them and analyse how your schedule is broken down.

Were too many minutes dedicated to a task that turned out to be a waste? Was too little time spent on a job that was poorly delivered? The more comprehensive your to-do lists are, the more findings that can be gleaned from them.

For example, you may notice that a large portion of each week is dedicated to accountancy admin – in which case you could consider hiring an accountant. Likewise, you might find that every month you’re spending a significant amount of time writing marketing emails, providing you with a case to outsource this work.

Reduce stress

If you’re feeling anxious about the sheer scale of the work that you need to do, the simple act of sitting down and recording your different tasks can be remarkably calming.

The to-do list changes your perspective. Rather than having a series of challenges that need to be swotted away all at the same time, the list boils each duty down to a succinct task and provides you with a cohesive order. Everything suddenly becomes more manageable.

When you have numerous plates to spin, as business owners do, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and panic. A to-do list presents you with a clear goal and in turn, clear structure – things that will help alleviate any stress that you are feeling. It’s a demonstration that you are in control.

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A sense of accomplishment

There’s no feeling like working your way through a to-do list and ticking off your jobs. Whether you’re doing it with a pen and paper, on an online document, or through a project management tool such as Trello or Slack – the sense of completion when a job has been done (and done well) is extremely satisfying.

When there’s so much work to be done, as there generally is for business owners, it’s common to look back at the end of the day and struggle to work out what’s actually been achieved. A completed to-do list provides you with the evidence.

So there you have it

Those are the 6 business benefits of drawing up a daily to-do list. As you can see, it’s a bit of a no-brainer. Just by taking a few minutes each day to jot down the tasks that need to be done, you’ll improve efficiency, productivity, and maybe even your mental health! Thanks for reading.

If you’re not yet a business owner but have a great idea for a business, Rapid Formations can assist you in getting started. In just four simple steps, they can help you register your own UK limited company. All you need to do is pick your company name, choose from their range of company formation packages, make payment and then complete the quick and simple formation process. Companies are often formed on the same day that applications are sent in.

Should Satirical Cartoonist Steve Bell Have Been Cancelled?


Steve Bell, the much celebrated satirical cartoonist, has been fired from his job at the Guardian, otherwise known as the Grauniad. He was fired for making a cartoon piece that sort of depicted Israeli leader Netanyahu with a Shylock style pound of flesh in the shape of the Gaza territory on his body. While this may be highly offensive to many, should it have been cancelled and deleted from the world? Yes, it is skirting the edges of offensive antisemitic trope land, but satire and cartoons are meant to skim those surfaces, to shock, to make one think.

Steve Bell is most certainly very far-left in his politics and is probably a full-on communist, but that is not a crime in itself. The far-left inhabit pretty much all of the media and world of entertainment/comedy. All the Big Tech companies are extreme far left, and now many corporations virtue signal to far-left activism. So why was Steve Bell, bell-ended, by the same far-left ideologues who run the entire facade of the media?

As babies were being slaughtered in their cots and entire families kidnapped and taken to Gaza, Steve Bell chose the side of the terrorists who were committing these atrocities against unarmed women and children. He would, of course, not dare to depict the bloodthirsty savagery of the Hamas terrorists in a bad light. This, to his far left compatriots, would be an affront to his communist Leninist values, or whatever soviet Marxist section he idolises so much. Where Steve Bell went wrong was he was so entrenched in far-left ideology, which is inherently anti-Semitic, that he was compelled to fall on the side of the terrorists. There is no other way for far-left socialist/communists to go, they have to take the route of cowardice and are inherently so indoctrinated, they have no morality left in their staunchly red commie souls. This is a supreme trap for any satirist, to be entrenched in a political ideology that skews their entire viewpoint, and it also makes them very predictable. The other trap for any satirist is to do their work too soon, and this is the ultimate spot that Bell failed in. The blood was still fresh on the cots of the Jewish babies who were beheaded by Hamas savages. Steve Bell still went ahead with no qualms, and at the end of the day he paid the ultimate price. The good satirist does not go in for the kill immediately after an atrocity of this kind, he must let the event simmer for a while before acting. Think it over, let it ferment like a good wine before unleashing their wrath.

steve bell cancelled
Belltoons.co.uk – Steve Bell Cartoons

That being said, there are no rights or wrongs in satire and satirical cartoonist Steve Bell did what he did, and he does what he does, so in satirical terms he is and was on point. You can completely discount everything written in the previous paragraph, satire is a sacred art, there are no specific rules, and it should be protected wherever and from whoever it emanates in all its forms. As for offensive material — stop using kid gloves for everything. If you don’t like it, fuck off, don’t look at it, go and do something else. Satirists should be able and allowed to express any fucking thing they want because life in general is not always nice and happy. Nasty shit happens a lot, stuff that is shocking. Good satirists like Steve Bell deal with it, the good, the bad and the ugly. Shame the Grauniad finally went to cancel a satirical cartoonist who lives and breathes through his anger and vitriol for pretty much everything. That is what a satirist is and should be. Humans should be allowed to see and feel all parameters of their spectrum of emotion without fear of cancellation. You know when cancel culture, wokism and censorship is getting really bad when the far-left are even cancelling their own people. Now, that is fucked up!

Adieu, farewell Mr. Bell…

WAR VIDEO: How Israeli Navy Negotiates With Terrorists


One can go into the realm of semantics where one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist, but when it comes to the defence of Israel, there is only black and white, and last Saturday the country was being attacked by land, air and sea. The Israeli Navy units responded and ‘negotiated’ with the Hamas militants attempting to breach Israel from the coast during a surprise Hamas terrorist operation last Saturday morning. This is the only way the IDF negotiates with terrorists.

The video reveals the soldiers aboard an Israeli Navy vessel as they open fire on targets reportedly in the waters surrounding Ashkelon, a city with approximately 133,000 residents.

Unfortunately for the terrorists there is no mercy when it comes to this type of war or incursion on to Israeli territory. Throughout history all nations and territory have shifted ownership through conquest, and Hamas and Iran must learn to accept that Israel’s land was acquired through conquest. For now, they are the legitimate owners, and the Palestinians are the losers. This is the cold reality of territorial conquest.

The Israeli Navy videographer alternates between utilizing their rifle, grenades, and a light machine gun (LMG) to engage the individuals in the water.

This is the only viable way the Israeli Defence Force negotiates with terrorists who committed vile atrocities against unarmed civilians.

Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh Praises Mia Khalifa For Supporting Atrocities


From his bunker deep under Gaza, on Saturday, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh praised former porn star Mia Khalifa for her outstanding support of the atrocities committed against unarmed Israeli civilians.

Hamas leader praises Khalifa

“I would like to thank the upstanding American celebrity and former porn star Mia Khalifa for supporting the beheading of babies, cold-blooded murder of innocent women and children in Israel.

“Here in the Hamas bunker we watch her videos religiously, I especially love the DP scenes, and her giving hand jobs to two men simultaneously whilst being serviced from both ends.

“We at Hamas HQ can’t thank you enough for your undying support of our atrocities, and we vow to erase Israel from the earth. That lesbian scene you did in one of your many movies was delightful to watch, and the squirting shot at the end really did it for me.

“Do not worry that Playboy has fired you, they are a machine of the Zionist pigs who control everything. Once we have completed our job of making the Palestinian idiot civilians who follow us blindly destitute we will send a private jet for you to come to Gaza where you can film a few scenes with the Hamas crew. See you soon.” *blows a big kiss*

The Best Moments in Video Game Comedy


Often, video games can be a deeply serious business. You can be plunged into a whole new world and expected to take on a monumental quest that could eat up hundreds of hours of your life. For many of us, that’s the joy of a brand new video game; it’s an enormous challenge that we look forward to spending all our free time on. However, sometimes you need to bring a little fun to the situation, and that fact has not been lost on game developers. For years, the teams behind hit video games have been thinking of ever more inventive ways to make us crack a smile. These are some of our favourite examples of top-notch video game humour.

Red Dead Redemption II – Big Foot

Rockstar Games have always been known for their kooky sense of humour. There are plenty of moments in Red Dead Redemption that could easily have made the list; the vicar stumbling over the words to hymns, the fierce rivalry between two dumb siblings, but the moment we’ve picked is altogether darker. In another release by Rockstar Games, GTA V, it’s heavily hinted that there’s a sasquatch living in the hills. In the best example of video game nerd comedy we’ve come across, it’s possible to chat with the famous sasquatch in RDR2. The creature lives in a cave near Grizzlies West and will talk to you about the loneliness of its life if you follow the clues to find it. The conversation is sad, but the fact that the team took a myth from one of their other games and made it a near-impossible to find Easter egg in another game deserves at least a chuckle.

games controller

The Stanley Parable – Gigantic Baby

Some games are strange to the point where they blur the line between art project and video game. The Stanley Parable is the game that fits this question the best. The whole point of this game is to make it to the end in as many different ways as possible, which must have led to some hilarious meetings during the development stages. There are some strange side quests along the way, but one that’s so ridiculous it becomes comedy rather than simply annoying. You must protect an enormous baby with your life to get past a disgruntled in-game character. The game runs for four hours, during which you must continually click to put out a fire. If you manage to keep going for four hours, then the huge baby is safe and you complete the game. Is it fun? No. Funny? Very.

gamesUnexpected Humour: When Slots Join the Comedy Scene – Rick and Morty Slot

In the vast gaming realm, the unexpected blend of humour and slots creates a unique entertainment niche. Among the many notable title mentions is the Rick and Morty slot game set across intergalactic space and futuristic lands. This game effortlessly channels the quirky and irreverent humour that the titular animated series is renowned for. As players spin the reels, they’re treated to iconic catchphrases and scenarios from the show, all while chasing those elusive winning combinations. The ludicrous adventures of Rick, a genius yet eccentric scientist, and Morty, his naive grandson, are brought to the spinning reels with a touch of comedic brilliance. This slot game is a testament to how humour can find its way into unexpected facets of gaming, adding a light-hearted touch to the thrill of potential wins.

Portal 2 – Surprise Party

The team behind Portal had a strange sense of humour, but one of the darkest moments is a quick jibe that GlaDOS makes. During a pause in play, usually during the mid-section of the game, GLaDOS will let you know that she’s throwing a surprise party for you. Naturally, you’d think that’s very sweet until she tells you that the party’s sole purpose is to reunite you with your parents. Those who’ve played Portal 2 will know that one of the core moments in your character’s life was being abandoned at birth. It’s a real zinger, but if you’ve got a dark sense of humour, it’s incredibly funny.

Skyrim – Glitchy Horses

Ultra real horses, flying through the air? Got to be Skyrim.

Sometimes, the very best comedy is accidental. There are many games with some pretty hilarious glitches, but Skyrim has become known as one of the glitchiest games. The Skyrim glitches are so funny because the game is incredibly realistic. If something glitches out in Crash Bandicoot, it’s not as unpredictable; you’re a crazy fox driving a racing car. However, if you stumble upon a completely realistic horse floating in the sky above a lake, it’s jarring. Skyrim has been known to send horses hurtling through the air without even moving their legs. It’s very silly, childish humour, but it’s precisely the injection of laughs that a game as serious as Skyrim needs; so – long live the glitches.

Overpopulation: A Root Cause of Terrorism, Human Misery, Pollution, War, and Destruction


The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas serves as a stark reminder of the many complex and interconnected challenges our world faces. While the situation in the Middle East is influenced by a multitude of factors, it is essential to recognize the role that overpopulation plays in fostering conditions conducive to terrorism, human suffering, pollution, war, and devastation.

Overpopulation, or the excessive growth of the human population beyond the carrying capacity of the Earth, has far-reaching implications. The current conflict in Gaza brings forth the ongoing strife in the Middle East and its broader consequences. 2.3 million people in Gaza live in an area of 45 km2.

  1. Resource Scarcity: Overpopulation places immense pressure on finite resources, such as water, arable land, and energy sources. In densely populated regions like the Gaza Strip, resource scarcity can lead to desperation and competition, increasing the likelihood of conflicts.
  2. Unemployment and Poverty: High population density often correlates with high unemployment rates and widespread poverty. These conditions create fertile ground for radicalisation, as individuals with limited opportunities may turn to extremist groups as a means of escape or empowerment.
  3. Political Instability: Overpopulation can strain governance systems, leading to political instability and corruption. Weak governments are less effective at addressing the needs of their populations and may inadvertently support or tolerate terrorist organizations.
  4. Pollution and Environmental Degradation: Overpopulation exacerbates pollution and environmental degradation. In regions grappling with resource shortages, waste disposal, and pollution control may become secondary concerns, further compromising public health and quality of life.
  5. Displacement and Refugees: Overpopulation can contribute to displacement and migration, as individuals seek better living conditions. This can lead to refugee crises, creating tensions and conflicts in host countries.
  6. Territorial Disputes: In regions with limited space and an abundance of people, territorial disputes become more frequent. In the Middle East, disputes over land and resources have played a significant role in the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  7. Social Tensions: Overpopulation often amplifies social tensions and divisions, making it easier for extremist ideologies to gain traction. This can lead to radicalisation and terrorism.

overpopulation city

It is important to emphasize that overpopulation alone does not cause terrorism, misery, pollution, war, or destruction, but it can exacerbate the conditions that foster these issues. Addressing the challenges associated with overpopulation requires a multifaceted approach, including sustainable family planning, equitable resource distribution, and economic development.

In the case of the Israel-Hamas conflict, understanding the broader context of overpopulation can help inform strategies for peace and development. Promoting dialogue, addressing root causes, and striving for equitable resource allocation are essential steps in finding a sustainable solution to the ongoing conflict.

While overpopulation is just one piece of the puzzle, acknowledging its role in global challenges is crucial for creating a more peaceful and sustainable future for all. By working together on these complex issues, we can begin to mitigate the conditions that contribute to terrorism, human suffering, pollution, war, and destruction, ultimately fostering a more harmonious world.

For a sustainable globe, the human population should be maintained at a reasonable level of 500 million. This is the hoped level of the human population for the future.