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5 Great Things About Being an Alcoholic


Some people say being a full-blown alcoholic may be a bad thing, but those people are assholes. Here are 5 reasons why being an alcoholic is a great thing and everyone should be a fucking drunk bastard.

  1. Who cares?

an alcoholicWhen you’re an alcoholic, you certainly don’t care. As long as you have a drink in your hand, nothing in the world matters, and the only thing that may matter is if some idiot tries to take the drink from your hand. This is a great way of getting through the day, because you can make it through pretty much any diabolic event.

2. You can say what you want

When you’re whacked out on booze, it is okay to say whatever the hell you want, to whoever you want and pretty much get away with it because you’re drunk.

3. You can sleep with whoever you want

Being drunk is great for sleeping with people you may have not slept with when you were sober, or if you hit the jackpot, someone you actually wanted to sleep with but did not have the courage to make a move on when you were sober. There has to be some level of caution though, especially if farm animals are involved.

4. You can fight even the biggest, baddest person

When you’re an alcoholic, even the tallest, meanest son of a bitch is open season. The only drawback is when they break your jaw, and kick you in the gonads. Be prepared for a hospital stay for a while, but don’t forget to sneak in plenty of booze.

5. You can get a brand-new liver

If you drink enough alcohol over time, you may get sclerosis of the liver and your skin will turn yellow. Don’t worry, all you need is a liver transplant, and you can start up as new, that is until you go through that liver and need another transplant. Some people go through livers like they go through cigarette lighters. The key thing is to stay positive and keep on drinking.

6. BONUS – You can sleep anywhere

The good thing about being a permanently drunk alcoholic is that you can sleep just about anywhere. When we mention ‘sleep’, well, it should be actually called ‘passing out’. The gutter, a busy motorway, a urinal, someone’s front garden, wherever it is you lay your sodden head is of no concern.


Hamas Terror Leaders Gay Orgies in Qatar Luxury hotel


The billionaire Hamas terror leaders held many gay orgies in a Qatar luxury hotel, according to sources in the hotel industry.

While the poor misled people of Gaza are suffering terribly because the Hamas terrorists decided to commit genocidal atrocities on Israel, the billionaire Hamas hierarchy have been conducting gay orgies in specially hired hotel suites in Qatar.


“Sometimes they take up a donkey smuggled in through the staff elevator. We do not ask questions because we fear for our lives. We do not hear the awful noises that emanate from the rooms. The donkey is frightened, and when it comes back it cannot walk very well,” a hotel worker revealed of the Hamas orgies.

After siphoning off billions of foreign aid that was destined to help the people of Gaza, the Hamas leadership are all living the Life of Riley off the backs of the poor people of Gaza used as human shields for Israeli missiles and to gain global sympathy in the anti-Israeli media.

“The scumbag Hamas leadership are all now worth billions thanks to foreign aid meant for the poor exploited people of Gaza. They do not care one bit for the cannon fodder Palestinians in Gaza, they fly private jets everywhere, luxury hotels and plenty of young boys and donkeys,” another hotel worker revealed.

Enemies of Western Civilisation: Leftists As Bad As Hamas


We have seen the mass marches of leftist woke Hamas sympathisers who enable grotesque atrocities going through Western cities. In London, these people desecrated the Cenotaph, a memorial to those who gave their lives in the first and second world wars. Are the leftists supporters of our Western democracy? The answer is an emphatic no, because these people hate everything about the West, they hate our democracy and they hate our civilisation. We are living with the enemies of Western civilisation. In this respect, the leftists who support the Jihadist Hamas savages and monsters should be treated with pure disdain and run from the streets, they should be shamed for their support of terrorist groups like Hamas, they should all be arrested as threats to Western civilisation and democratic values, they should be named and shamed, forever stricken from the record.

The Enemies of Western Civilisation

If the Western liberal governments do not wake up at some point, these same leftist/woke/Marxist/Communist threat will eat everything up from the inside and completely eviscerate every part of Western culture. The ‘Free Palestine’ slogan effectively means that every Jew in Israel has to be murdered in genocide and Israel wiped off the face of the earth. This is what that slogan means, and the people chanting it are effectively advocating the murder of millions of people, just as much as the Iranians want this act to occur.

Why were there NO protests when millions of Arabs were being killed in Syria, Libya and Yemen? Simply because of double standards, where the virtue signalling antisemites only protest when Israel defends itself. These people protesting do not give two flying sideways fucks about Arabs or Muslims in general, unless it is the Jews defending their own country. The protestors are a bunch of virtue signalling communist woke antisemites, and the proof is right there on the reasons why they protest.

If Israel had been attacked by Hamas and did not retaliate, then these same protestors would have stayed at home, and there would be less anti-Israeli protests by the woke hypocrites, virtue signallers and Jihadists. Where Israel may have erred is in their too fast response, it may have been too hasty because as the evidence of the atrocities fed through there was no time to capitalise on public opinion in the West. Of course, the factoring in of Israeli hostages changed the situation and haste was required, although negotiation with a terrorist group as brutal and savage as Hamas is invariably futile. Even beasts do not stoop to the levels of depravity of Hamas, who have also effectively hijacked the Islamic religion to use for their needs.

Consequently, the Israelis need to learn from this episode as well. They should not treat the Palestinians in such a manner that creates a terrible, bubbling hatred towards Jews. Yes, the indoctrinated Palestinians want Israel and Jews wiped off the face of the earth, but why fall into the trap of creating ghettos and treating the Palestinians as the Nazis treated the Jews, although in essence, Israel is just defending itself from constant attack? It is a very sad part of abuse over centuries that eventually the persecuted becomes the persecutor, but that is a natural human response and part of nature that Israelis will have to work through themselves. How much hatred does it take for a Hamas terrorist to murder a baby by putting it into an oven, then turning the oven on and watch with glee as the baby is roasted alive? This is what Hamas did, and this is what is condoned by the anti-Israeli protestors in the streets of New York, London, Paris, all over the world. Within these parameters, Israel must stand above all of these variables and take the moral high ground. Leave these Palestinians alone as much as possible, even if they throw stones, for they are sick with bitterness and the desire for vengeance for a lost land that they never really owned anyway and has changed hands more than 200 times over the centuries.

The Western Enemy Within

There is no halfway house on this matter, it is not grey, it is black and white. This is an existential threat to Western civilisation, and if the respective governments do not act in a timely manner to eradicate this threat there will be blood and chaos on the streets, the terrorists would have won, and the people who fought for our freedom in world war one and two would have died for nothing, as our freedoms will have been completely destroyed from within. Permissive Western culture has allowed communists to flourish, to inhabit our media, our education systems, and every facet of life. These people want to take down the West, to deconstruct and destroy it, and they are very successful in what they are doing right now. Call them leftists, woke, Marxists, communists, they are now everywhere, they have infiltrated every part of government, every part of the education system, every part of the media, and every part of the military. If the West is to survive, these elements need to be rooted out and stopped from doing what they are doing.

On Remembrance Sunday, the leftists and Jihadists will march in their millions, and they will desecrate the Cenotaph for a second time. Will no one stand up to these savages? Will people just shrug their shoulders and put the kettle on? Do you not value your freedoms, or one fucking ounce of Western civilisation and democracy? It seems not…

Why the Sudden Mood Change in Gaza?


There has been a sudden mood change in Gaza that is perplexing many people. One minute the people were cheering in the streets and celebrating on October 7th, but now they have again reverted to their usual victim script for the cameras on Al Jazeera.

“This is terrible our homes where Hamas terrorists hide and shoot rockets to Israel are being bombed to shit, of course we have changed our mood,” a distraught man from Gaza revealed.

The jubilant phone calls from Hamas terrorists to their parents were also recorded and used as evidence at the UN Security Council. On one phone recording, a Hamas Jihadist calls his parents to brag about murdering 10 unarmed Jewish civilians, including babies, with his own hands. The parents of the Jihadist can be heard whooping with joy and crying in ecstasy at the news.

Hamas are masters of cowardice hiding not only behind Palestinian women and children, but kidnapping Jewish babies and parading them on social media sites like TikTok, cheered on by the same Palestinian population who are used by Hamas as human shields. Either there are many stupid people in Gaza and the West Bank, or they are gluttons for punishment.


Going back to 7/10, the jubilant cries of utter joy and tribulation at the cold-blooded barbaric murders of women and children in Israel are being replaced by constant loops of wailing women and children on the other side being relayed on biased news outlets like Al Jazeera. Who wins here in this eternal cycle of violence in the region?


Where is your cheering now, why the sudden mood change?

Best Wallet For Crypto Online Casino Transactions


The digital world of today wouldn’t be possible without the rise of technology. Nowadays, there are many streaming platforms, online businesses, and more. There’s even a surge of AI as big brands battle for dominance in the market.

Cryptocurrency is a hot topic as more and more people use it. It’s a convenient payment method for online purchases and has been used in entertainment, particularly in the online casino sector. In other words, there are plenty of casino sites that cover them as banking options.

There are lots of perks to using these methods, which is why players go for them. They use them as deposit options and ways to withdraw money after a gaming session. To keep their funds, they’ll need a crypto wallet.

Similar to the number of digital coins, there are lots of digital wallets available. Different brands offer different perks. Several such wallets stand out and can be dubbed as the best ones. Crypto players can look at them and decide on the best suit for their needs. The suggestions are available below.


When you’re going over the top digital wallet options, you’ll see MetaMask as a suggestion. It’s a browser extension wallet that can be handy when playing your favourite casino games. The games are on your browser, and your wallet’s right there.

You can use this wallet to access many crypto casinos directly from your device. Although it allows access to Ethereum-based apps, it covers several digital currencies as banking options. It’s a convenient wallet and easy to use when you’re looking to deposit or withdraw from your account. Secure transactions are synonymous with MetaMask.

Cash App

Cash App is another user-friendly wallet for crypto punters. It’s also a popular banking method at online casinos. It can handle fiat currency transactions, but it’s also proficient at handling crypto transactions. Many online casinos with Cash App payouts typically process Bitcoin deposits and withdrawals. Cash App and Bitcoin work well hand in hand, but the wallet also covers several other crypto coins.

Cash App deposits are almost instant, taking several seconds to complete. On the other hand, withdrawing money may be longer, depending on the casino. Crypto withdrawal processes typically take up to 48 hours to complete. The same is valid for Cash App crypto withdrawals so that players can expect the money in their wallets quickly. The processing time is significantly shorter than that of other payment methods.

They also come with smaller fees than traditional banking options, making them convenient payment methods. Cash App prioritizes security so that each user’s data is kept safe. With easy access to the wallet, crypto punters can deposit to and withdraw from their casino account seamlessly. In short, Cash App is a decent crypto wallet for online casino transactions.

Trust Wallet

When it comes to covering multiple digital currencies, Trust Wallet is your best option. The wallet is the property of Binance, making it a household name in the world of crypto wallets. Trust comes with robust security features, ensuring that players’ data is kept under wraps.

The user-friendly interface allows easy fund management. There are lots of crypto casino fans that go for the wallet. Similar to the previous entry, there are lots of casinos that cover this payment option. Moreover, this wallet handles transactions with multiple digital currencies, making it ideal for any crypto casino punter.

Ledger Nano S

Ledger is another brand name that comes at the top of digital storage devices. It’s a wallet that helps you by keeping your crypto offline. In other words, it’s a hardware wallet that gives you an extra layer of security against online threats. The wallet’s design assumes you’re using it for long-term storage, but it can also handle casino transactions.
You must be logged into your Ledge Nano S wallet to deposit and withdraw at online casinos. Once you remove your winnings and log out of your account, you can rest easy because your assets are available offline, making them untouchable to online threats.

Atomic Wallet

Although it might be the last wallet in this article, Atomic Wallet is one to consider. Similar to the previous one, this wallet also covers several cryptocurrencies, making it ideal for online casino transactions. The one feat that sets it apart from others is the exchange feature.

It allows users to exchange one crypto asset for another within the wallet. By doing so, casino fans can switch to various currencies, as several are available on a crypto casino site. Aside from this versatile approach, Atomic Wallet is a secure and user-friendly crypto wallet.


1. How secure are these wallets?
Each wallet offers multiple layers of security to keep users’ data safe. However, hardware wallets come with additional security, as they’re offline.

2. Can I use these wallets for deposits and withdrawals?
The wallets in this article support crypto casino deposits and withdrawals.

3. Are there transaction fees for crypto casino payments?
Some casinos slap withdrawal fees for various crypto assets, while others don’t.

Online casinos cover multiple payment methods to accommodate players. Some go for cryptocurrencies, so they need a proper crypto wallet to make transactions. There are software and hardware wallets that provide various perks to users. The ones in this article are commonly supported by many casino sites, making them popular crypto player banking options. They offer robust security, smooth transactions and a seamless user experience.

Investment Pieces: Choosing the Right Designer Bag for Long-Term Style


A well-selected designer bag is a worthwhile investment. Besides serving you over a long time, it also maintains its lustre. With the many types in the market, it is natural for you to feel confused in your selection. In this article, we will give tips on selecting the right designer bag for long-term style.

1. Consider the Reputation of the Brand

The brand choice is a huge determinant in luxury and designer bags. If a brand is reputable and has been producing quality bags, you can be sure that you will get a good deal.

Brands such as Longchamp have been in business for more than 70 years and have many options, from women’s handbags to wallets for men. By browsing the selection, you get a well-crafted bag for a lifetime.


2. Know Your Needs

Your needs should be the driving force to ensure you land the right investment piece. People buy bags for different reasons. One of the most common reasons is that it looks good.

Nevertheless, your first factor should be how well the bag suits your daily activities. If you carry light items, you may be more suited with a LongChamp crossbody bag than a duffel.

3. Check the Material

Luxury bags come in different materials. This may include nylon, canvas, and leather. Every material has its characteristics, and you must find the one that suits your style most.

Even if a bag is made from leather, you need to know the precise type, as some are more durable than others. For instance, a bag made from full-grain leather is stronger and will look more elegant than other types.

4. Evaluate the Aesthetics and Style

ai-generated-8332989_1920A bag, like any other accessory, should complement your style and seamlessly fit your wardrobe. When browsing for LongChamp bags, you will find a huge selection of styles from the coveted tote bags to crossbody bags and purses.

When you check the catalogue, you can easily find the one that resonates with your style and aesthetics more. Always know that your entire outfit must match with the bag. If you continuously shift your style, getting a versatile bag will be your ultimate answer.

As you can see, there are various things that go into the selection of a designer bag. Designer brands such as LongChamp heavily invest in their craftsmanship so you can get long-term bags. Whether you are a contemporary or chic kind of person, you can trust Longchamp for a luxe selection.

Interview With Islington Set Who Think it is Trendy to Support Hamas


The trendy Islington set, and other Labour Party supporting groups, have adopted the violent, evil terrorist group Hamas as their heroes. It is now considered trendy to support and demonstrate in support of the brutally violent Jihadist group backed by Iran, who think nothing of beheading Jewish babies in their cots. The horror of civilians in Gaza being bombed is also a terrible sight, however these poor people are being used as human shields by Hamas who also indoctrinate the Palestinian youth from a young age to support Jihadism and atrocities committed against Israeli Jews. Nothing, however, should justify the horrific savage acts committed by Hamas on Israeli civilians.

We interviewed Julia, 35, an art gallery manager and Labour Party activist from Islington, North London and asked her why she supported the terrorist group, Hamas.

Daily Squib: Hello, and thank you for agreeing to the interview.

Julia: Hello, I just got back from my weekly Waitrose shop, damn it, I forgot to buy tofu, we’re having a dinner party later on.

DS: Nice, can you tell me why you outwardly support a violent terrorist group like Hamas?

J: Well, it’s not just me, Jeremy Corbyn does and all my trendy friends do too, so I do, otherwise I won’t be invited to all the parties or functions or the protests where all my friends go.

DS: Hamas are a violent terrorist group backed by Iran who behead little babies in their cots and shoot women and children indiscriminately in cold blood just because they are Jews. Do you realise who you are supporting?

J: Yesterday I bought these wonderful shoes from a Parisian designer, can’t remember the name, but they are very stylish and à la mode. I plan to wear them during the next Palestine demo in Trafalgar Square on Sunday. Free Palestine!

DS: The Palestinians have been given literally billions of dollars in foreign aid over 75 years. Why did that money not go to build up their cities, hospitals, schools, roads, public services, libraries, parks, water, gas, electricity and a solid government with a defence force, an air force, a navy? They had 75 years to build up vast cities like Doha, Qatar, but instead squandered that money on moping about lost land and begging for money. What are your thoughts on that?

J: Oh, that is silly. Israel should not exist because they took Palestinian lands and built apartheid walls around their areas. Palestinians are persecuted every day.

DS: Everyone has a right to exist, and that piece of land has changed hands many times over thousands of years. We have the Kingdom of Israel 950 BCE, Kingdom of Judah, then the Assyrians took over, then the Babylonians and later Neo-Persians, then Alexander the Great, then the Romans in 63 BCE, then the transition into the Byzantine Empire, the siege of Jerusalem by the Crusaders, then the Caliphate took over, then in 1516 the Ottoman Empire conquered the entire region until the British took over and granted the land to the Israelites who for centuries vowed to return to their homeland Zion after centuries of persecution, defeat and the pogroms in Europe in the early 20th century. What I am trying to say here is that the Jews chose that patch of land thousands of years ago, and throughout that time it has been through many hands. To say the Palestinians own that land is not accurate, because the entire area is a land conquered and lost by many throughout history, but the Jewish people have been the ones always there despite being occupied or exiled or imprisoned. The Palestinians have also inhabited the land, but they never bothered to form any form of state and never organised themselves. The Palestinians are the losers of history, they just do not have the ability to become winners, and unfortunately history and conquest exist in this world. This is a rather simplistic take on the entire affair, but it is a basic illustration of the complexity of the entire situation and how numerous civilisations over time conquered that piece of land. As for building apartheid walls, they are there to protect Israel because the Palestinians want every Jew wiped off the face of the earth. How can you negotiate with people who want you and your entire race to be erased from existence?

J: I did not know any of that. I am sorry, I just follow the trend and fashion of the moment, and now it is fashionable amongst my left-wing media friends and BBC pals to be anti-Israeli and support Hamas.

DS: So you are saying you know nothing of the situation but are just following your shallow trendy luvvie media pals? You are a virtue signalling idiot looking for a trendy cause to wave a flag with your trendy friends despite knowing nothing about the severity of enabling terrorists like Hamas, who would in a moment take you as hostage in Gaza, rape you, torture you then behead you live on TikTok.

J: Well, I would not quite put it that way. I am feeling rather uncomfortable, I have a pedicure appointment at 2:30. I want to terminate this interview, I don’t like your tone.

DS: You don’t like my tone? Do you think the Jewish babies who were beheaded liked the tone of the Hamas savages who cut their heads off in their own cots? How can you justify and support Hamas after that?

J: Right, that’s it! Goodbye, and you are not invited to my friend’s media Christmas party at the Pope’s Head pub anymore. Steve Coogan and his luvvie friends will all be there. You just missed out. Hamas are not terrorists, they are decent loving people.

DS: (breathing a sigh of relief) I would rather be paraded through the streets of London and whipped with a cat-o-nine tails than ever go to one of your brown-nosing coked up luvvie leftie parties where you narcissistic shallow plastic morons all pat each other on the back constantly and talk useless coked up shit all night long.

J: That is outrageous. Please go away now.

DS: You are in our office.

J: Oh, I am leaving right now, you disgusting person.

DS: Don’t forget to look at yourself in the mirror on your way out. Goodbye.


Retired Mike Pence to Open Maggot Farm in Wisconsin


Former Vice President Mike Pence has announced he will no longer run for America’s top job in 2024, and has instead revealed he will open a maggot farm in Wisconsin.

Yellow coward Mike Pence said he is dropping out of the 2024 Presidential race in a shock announcement in Las Vegas on Saturday. His presidential campaign raised a whopping $3.42 from donors and voters.

Pence said: “I came here to say that I am resigning from the Presidential race because I am inherently a coward, and any form of responsibility, patriotism or decision-making scares me to the core — especially president stuff. Instead, I choose to retire to a maggot farm in Wisconsin. As a yella coward I kinda relate to maggots and I am myself a maggot, so I think this is a very apt solution to my backstabbing, cowardice and treachery in the past,”

He added: “I have many regrets, and one of them is that I didn’t hide away in a maggot farm many years ago. I love those maggots!”

Pence was a long shot in the Republican Primary race, which has been dominated by former president Donald Trump, who was also Mike Pence’s boss while he was in the White House.

“I cannot wait to get stuck in into the maggot farm, to see ’em all wriggling around and the smell and sound of millions of maggots really excites me,” Pence added with enthusiasm.

Rugby World Cup Final: All Blacks Get Springbokked


In a rugby world cup final that will be etched in the annals of sports history, the clash between the New Zealand All Blacks and South Africa Springboks unfolded with all the tension and drama of an ancient epic battle. The stage was set for an unforgettable showdown, but what transpired was a contest of wills and endurance that left spectators breathless and emotionally drained.


It was a match marked by moments of brilliance and controversy, a rollercoaster of emotions that swung back and forth. The narrative began with a twist of fate as New Zealand’s captain, Sam Cane, found himself shown a red card early in the game, before the tension ratcheted up even further when South Africa’s hooker, Bongi Mbonambi, was forced to exit the field due to injury.

As the game unfolded in the Stade de France, Handre Pollard emerged as a hero, landing crucial penalties that would ultimately secure South Africa’s victory. The Sprinkbok’s defence, led by the relentless Pieter-Steph du Toit, proved unyielding, thwarting New Zealand’s attempts to gain ground. The All Blacks, though facing a scoreboard deficit and an uphill battle, fought back with determination.

The rugby battle of wills continued to build in ferocity with yellow cards for both sides, adding another layer of complexity to the contest. Moments of brilliance and missed opportunities defined the second half, including an electrifying try by Beauden Barrett that breathed life into New Zealand’s hopes. In the end, it all came down to one final scrum, with South Africa’s pack driving the ball towards the touchline to secure their place in history.

This was not just a rugby match; it was a furious, brutal, pitched battle that showcased the resilience, skill, and sheer fucking passion of both teams. The 80 minutes of intense action were a testament to the enduring appeal of the sport and the indomitable spirit of those who play it. Rugby fans around the world will long remember this historic clash as one of the greatest finals ever witnessed and cheered as the triumphant South African team raised the Webb Ellis trophy. The jubilant Springboks secured the world cup an amazing fourth time, winning the quarter-final, semi-final and final all by just one point.

The Importance of Crafting an Aircall Personalised Customer Service Experience


In today’s competitive business landscape, customer support transcends mere transactional exchanges; it’s about building meaningful relationships with an Aircall personalised customer service experience. People naturally gravitate toward individuals and businesses with whom they have strong, positive connections. Conversely, they tend to distance themselves from those they find less appealing. For interactions that fall into the “just okay” category, customers often adopt an indifferent attitude. When relationships become challenging or one-sided, the simplest solution is to sever ties.

A personalized customer support experience leaves a lasting impression on your customers, making them not only content with their interaction but also eager to return. So, what’s the secret formula for creating such a personalized experience? It involves understanding the components of personalized service, devising a strategic plan, and diligently measuring your results.

Our systems come with many useful features to help your team garner the power of personalised customer support. If you want to help your sales representatives dial faster and reduce manual entry into your CRM, our Power Dialer is the phone feature that your business can’t live without.

The Significance of Aircall Personalised Customer Support

call-8033050_640Why should businesses invest in a personalized customer support experience? Renowned author and business expert, Seth Godin, defines personalization as follows:

“Personalisation wasn’t supposed to be a cleverly veiled way to chase prospects around the web, showing them the same spammy ad for the same lame stuff as everyone else sees. No, it is a chance to differentiate at a human scale, to use behavior as the most important clue about what people want and, more importantly, what they need.”

To build robust customer relationships, you must make customers feel like individuals rather than just one of many. When your workflows consistently recognize your customers personally, trust and confidence form the foundation, leading to brand loyalty and advocacy.

In cases where trust and confidence are absent, retaining their business becomes an uphill battle. It’s more efficient and productive to provide a superior customer support experience from the outset.

The Benefits of Personalising Customer Support

Customer relationships take time to nurture and strengthen. Your sales funnel offers multiple opportunities to implement strategies that nurture leads. By personalising the customer experience, you can reap the following five benefits:

  1. Building Trust: Personalised service builds trust in your brand, encouraging customers to return. Trust ranks as the second most important factor in purchasing a new brand, according to the Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Brand Trust in 2020, second only to price.
  2. Motivating Action: A personalised customer experience motivates interested customers to progress through your sales funnel. Author and Harvard professor Gerald Zaltman suggests that 95% of purchase decisions are subconscious.
  3. Enhancing Engagement: Personalisation boosts customer engagement and increases conversions. An Experian study revealed that personalised email campaigns resulted in six times higher transaction rates and revenue per email compared to generic emails.
  4. Improving Retention: Personalised marketing campaigns improve customer retention rates. Existing customers are high-quality leads and are likely to return as long as they’ve had a positive, personalised experience with your brand.
  5. Fostering Loyalty: Referred customers often bring a sense of loyalty with them. Studies show that referral customers exhibit long-term brand loyalty, and referrals are considered the most credible form of advertising.

women-5772029_1920 personalised customer service

Identifying the Elements of the Customer Support Experience

To define a personalised customer experience, one can use customer behavior as a valuable source of insights. According to the 2016 Customer Engagement Index, 86% of customers highlighted three crucial elements for a great customer service experience:

  1. Understanding Customer Intent: Every order provides an opportunity to collect data and understand your customers better.
  2. Offering Easy Self-Service: Customers appreciate intuitive and user-friendly self-service options, like Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems. Notably, a third of millennials prefer efficient self-service over speaking with a call agent on the phone.
  3. Meeting Customers Where They Are: In today’s diverse communication landscape, customers expect businesses to interact with them through their preferred channels and devices.

Apart from these core elements, customer behavior and purchasing habits exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Customers may switch communication channels and devices during their journey.
  • While many generations prefer phone contact, they dislike being trapped in IVR systems.
  • Cable/satellite providers, retail banks, and retailers have reported customer churn due to poor support experiences, highlighting the importance of excellent customer service.
  • Customers appreciate self-service options when they are predictive and valuable.
  • Younger generations, in particular, favour mobile interactions.
  • Most customers are willing to share data as long as it serves a purpose.

Crafting Your Customer Experience Strategy

Meeting high customer expectations is paramount, and achieving this requires taking a customer-centric approach. Begin by mapping out your customer’s journey from their perspective, focusing on the following stages:

  1. Marketing: Assess the effectiveness of your communication channels in generating leads for your products and services.
  2. Warm Leads: Identify when customers start engaging with your company and its representatives.
  3. Initial Interactions After Expressing Interest: Analyze how customers contact you—through contact forms, phone, email, chat, or text.
  4. Conversions: Monitor how warm leads progress to sales and the mechanisms driving this conversion.
  5. Post-Sales Follow-up: Identify post-sale touchpoints, such as automated satisfaction surveys, follow-up calls, or email automation, and assess their impact on customer relationships.

Throughout the customer journey, continually gauge the customer’s sentiment regarding their experience. If feedback at any stage falls short of excellence, use it as an opportunity for improvement. Ask yourself questions such as:

  • Are customers struggling with your IVR system?
  • Do your call center agents require additional training?
  • Are most issues resolved during the first contact?
  • Are customers experiencing long hold times?
  • Are you aware of the communication channels your customers prefer?
  • Are your contact centers mobile-friendly for customers?

Answers to these questions will guide you in implementing actionable improvements to enhance the customer experience. Utilize call center analytics to measure the impact of these improvements.


Personalising the Customer Support Experience

In an era where customers have countless options for products and services, a superior customer experience distinguishes your company as the preferred choice. Here are tips to create a personalised framework that supports exceptional customer experiences before and after sales:


  1. Craft a Customer-Centric Vision: Base your approach on the needs expressed by customers in their feedback.
  2. Use Caller Information: Utilize caller ID to address customers by name and establish a personal connection.
  3. Train Responsive Agents: Equip call center agents to have natural, engaging conversations, avoiding robotic or overly scripted interactions.
  4. Leverage Self-Service Solutions: Implement self-service options like IVR and knowledge bases, ensuring they are efficient and helpful.
  5. Embrace Multiple Communication Channels: Offer customers various options, such as chat, email, text, and phone support, to cater to their preferred methods.


  1. Create Detailed Customer Profiles: Populate your CRM with as much information as possible, allowing for highly personalised interactions. Remember to note preferred names and any additional relevant details.
  2. Gather Customer Feedback: Employ automated surveys to collect feedback and take prompt action on areas that need improvement.
  3. Collaborate with Agents: Engage your call center agents for feedback, as they have insights into recurring issues and positive feedback.
  4. Explore Distributed Teams: Consider setting up distributed teams to access a broader talent pool.
  5. Identify Cross-Selling Opportunities: Use your CRM system to pinpoint chances for cross-selling, upselling, add-ons, and referrals.

Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to providing excellent customer service. The key is ensuring your call center agents put their best foot forward and treat customers as valuable individuals.

Customer Retention

The objective of customer retention programs is to keep customers satisfied and cultivate brand loyalty. Focusing on the personalised customer service enables you to retain customers from the initial contact throughout the entire relationship. To personalise your customer experience program for enhanced retention efforts, consider implementing the following strategies:

  • Employ Active Listening: Develop active listening skills to better understand customer concerns.
  • Use Clear and Simple Language: Communicate with customers using terms they understand, avoiding excessive technical jargon.
  • Anticipate Customer Needs: Proactively identify customer needs and offer solutions or additional products.
  • Exceed Expectations: Strive to surpass customer expectations in every interaction.
  • Show Empathy: Display empathy when dealing with unhappy or frustrated customers.
  • Offer Incentives: When appropriate, provide discounts, coupons, or refunds to appease dissatisfied customers.
  • Maintain Follow-Up: Follow up with customers as promised to demonstrate your commitment to their satisfaction.

Envision the response you would desire if you were in the customer’s shoes.

Measuring ROI on Personalization for Customer Loyalty

To evaluate your return on investment (ROI) concerning customer loyalty, it’s crucial to rely on measurable data. However, consolidating data from various software programs can be time-consuming. This is where an Aircall cloud phone system becomes invaluable. With Aircall not only our systems offer a comprehensive set of phone system features but it also integrates with CRM platforms and other programs within the Aircall App Marketplace, providing unified analytics.

A modern phone system and integrated software solutions work in tandem to empower your call center agents to deliver excellent personalised customer experiences. The system also furnishes you with the necessary metrics to assess the success of your customer experience strategies. When you successfully create a remarkable customer experience, it benefits both your customers and your business.

Personalising the customer support experience is a multi-faceted process that encompasses understanding customer behavior, implementing personalised strategies, and continuously measuring and improving. By focusing on personalisation, businesses can build trust, motivate customer action, enhance engagement, improve retention, and foster loyalty, resulting in a more loyal customer base and long-term success.