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Do Transgender Women Prove That Men Can Do Things Better?


According to feminists men are equal to women, however if this is the case why are these same women so scared of transgender women competing in women’s sports?

When a huge six-foot eight hulking man who identifies as a woman enters a weightlifting competition for women, there is outrage from feminists and ordinary women. Why?

Women can do everything men can do and are better at everything, so what is the problem of a man disguised as a woman cosmetically, competing in women’s sports?

In this respect, it can be deduced that women are not equal to men in many respects and that without the mental and physical superiority of men, the world would be a worse place.

Women therefore need to appreciate men as they used to once upon a time many eons ago. Feminists need to shut the fuck up and women should get back to their original roles as home-makers. It is ironic that it took men in dresses (transgender women) for these facts to be realised.

N.B — Immediately after writing this article, the author was hunted down and cancelled from all of modern society.

Turning the Clock Back to Austerity, Low Growth and No Brexit


By rewinding Big Ben and turning the clock back to the horrid David Cameron years of insipid austerity, pitiful EU brown-nosing and a low growth flaccid economy, Rishi Sunak is not only digging his own grave but the grave of the Tory Party. Austerity means poverty.

Instead of bigging-up the economy, lowering taxes, inviting foreign business and lifting the country after it supposedly broke free from the punitive EU chains, Sunak is reverting to the morose austerity years where poverty increased in the UK and where Britain floundered economically barely keeping its head above the waters.

There is a severe sickness in Britain today, it is a sickness brought on by decades of poor leadership and a morose, divisive outlook. It is not only the Tories who should be blamed for this malaise, but the Labour Party, the Bank of England, and the civil service underneath that has powered this negative drive to the bottom.

Where is the will to succeed and to excel above all expectations, where is the drive to pull Britain forward, to increase manufacturing, to mine for more oil, to extend Britain’s reach across the globe, to trade with the globe etc.?

Britain needs a third political party to express this new age of Empire. Britons need to be proud of their nation, and to be rewarded for their service. We need to instil an Empire ideology in our children and education system, to be proud of the British Empire in the past and in the future.

We need to bring back the idea of Britannia, to begin building ships again en masse, to increase our military to the highest levels of funding. We need to bring back military service and the draft to instil a purpose in the young, and to honour veterans as they should be honoured. To bring back the glory and honour of serving your country, and to bring back the innovators who invented pretty much everything the globe knows now.

Technologically, Britain must seek to build its own Google, its own YouTube and to innovate far beyond the levels of Silicon Valley. Britain must build its own Amazon, Ebay and Facebook. We must reward entrepreneurs as the USA has done with people like Musk, to not only build for terrestrial use but extra terrestrial. The amount of minerals and valuable rare materials that can be mined from asteroids and meteors is unfathomable in wealth creation.

Fuck net-zero. It means the death of an economy. Do you think China gives a shit about net-zero when it is building 100 coal-powered power stations per week?

Does Britain want to move forward or backwards? Fuck David Cameron and fuck Rishi Sunak, and fuck Jeremy Hunt. Fuck Labour, they have no clue what they want or can achieve. We need a political party that values Britain, and wants to propel the country into the fucking stratosphere of innovation and economic riches. Turning the clock back to David Cameron’s limp years will only hurt Britain.

David Cameron Lost Without His Brokeback Friend Nick Clegg


“I remember the Brokeback Coalition with my dear old friend in the tent, Cleggy. I used to get the butter out and oil the hole of our parliamentary coalition. Now I am stuck with this Fishy Rishi bloke who just ain’t my type,” the former PM David Cameron told his wife from their quaint mansion in the Cotswolds.

“For goodness’ sake, pull yourself together David, don’t you understand Cleggy has moved on now. He is getting paid loads of wonga by Facebook’s Zuck to keep the platform as wokified and yella as possible.”

Things are really desperate in the Tory Party it seems especially when all the actual Conservatives have been turfed out, and they are now resorting to employing people like Cameron to somehow do something about those poll numbers.

“They could try and bring back Thatcher or Churchill from the dead. How about cloning their DNA and putting the clones in the Tory Cabinet, the only thing you never want to bring back though is that grey monstrosity John Major and his Salmonella egg diving ways,” a distraught Tory MP said weeping into his handkerchief.

Here’s to another Brokeback Coalition, this time with Rishi Sunak and David Cameron. Don’t forget the Ghee.

We Must Be Prepared For a Labour Government


Comrade Starmer is readying a 10-year Soviet Labour plan for the country when the Tory Party loses the next election by a landslide vote. Many people in the country will have to prepare themselves for this momentous moment and are awaiting its inevitability with trepidation.

The high tax Tories have ruined the British economy, but the incoming Labour government will really fucking ruin the economy.

The Tories have brought in millions of migrants illegally and legally. The Labour government will bring in half of South Saharan Africa, the Middle East and South East Asia.

Think your Council Tax is high under the Tories, well under the new Labour government prepare for rises that will make you eventually live in a cardboard box under Waterloo Bridge.

Interest rates have risen to unbelievable levels thanks to incompetent nincompoops in the BoE and Tory Treasury. Under Labour, interest rates will soar to such levels that buying a loaf of bread will require a wheelbarrow of worthless pound notes.

Under the Tories, getting a GP appointment can take months due to the oversubscribed NHS, which was not designed for such huge influxes of migrants. Under the Labour government, forget about getting a GP appointment in less than a year. If you have an urgent medical emergency or need to be operated on for a nasty condition, fly to somewhere like Thailand and pay for it.

Under Labour’s last government, Gordon Brown sold off Britain’s gold reserves at the bottom of the market making huge losses for the country. Prepare for more losses under the new Labour government, which will probably shadow Gordon’s mess and make it look like a minor loss.

Prepare for increased UK debt, and huge debt costs, which will require unbelievable levels of taxation, especially of the rich. Consequently, prepare for a major exodus of business, and rich people from these shores.

Prepare for Britain entering some sort of war in the Middle East or Ukraine, or somewhere else.

Unemployment will rise at an exponential level, and so will the costs for social care, so this is why you will have to work extra hours in your job to pay for it all.

Private schools will all lose their charity status and many will be shut down or go bankrupt.

The EU will eventually be rejoined either through stealth or overtly.

Because the Labour government are essentially Soviet Stasi Marxists, prepare for even more heavy-handed surveillance, loss of privacy, heavy censorship and a huge increase in crime.

Education, education, education was Tony Blair’s motto. Under the new Labour government, it will be indoctrination, indoctrination, indoctrination. Prepare for a wokified system that will make even the woke Americans look on with abject jealousy.

Prepare for Hara Kiri …

ECHR Deports Suella Braverman to Rwanda


There were cheers in the offices of the ECHR and EU Commission today as the former Home Secretary Suella Braverman was put on a plane and flown over to Rwanda.

“We had enough, and the police ploy was a good enough reason as we ordered our lackey Fishy Rishi to ship the deranged Suella to a place she loves so much. She will be happy in Rwanda, where she will stay in a dormitory with 30 failed asylum seekers,” a laughing EU spokesman revealed at an impromptu press conference.

Remainers were seen cheering as Dodgy David Cameron is now back in the Cabinet, as unelected Rishi Sunak brought in another EU champion into the full remainer Cabinet.

Labour were seen cheering as the Tory Party were seen to be crumbling even further as they moved up further in the polls.

The Reform Party watching the fiasco have stayed silent for now, but were happy to see a further influx of former Tory voters to their party.

Last year, the Tory government let in over 650,000 migrants legally and over 100,000 illegally.

This is a sad day for those who believed in a strong Home Secretary like Suella Braverman who shot from the hip, but was eventually toppled by the remainers and EU.

We need a fucking General Election pronto — but the failing Tories will never agree to one.

Why Hamas is Not Releasing Israeli Hostages


Hamas could alleviate the suffering of their Palestinian human-shield pawns very quickly by releasing the Israeli hostages they took, but they are refusing to do this for a very good reason.

Not Releasing Israeli Hostages

The more that Israel bombs Gaza and makes their hospitals inoperable, the more the suffering and cries of the Palestinian people still in Gaza are utilised for propaganda purposes to create more hatred against Israel. This is what Hamas wants, more rage and hatred.

According to intelligence, Hamas has built a network of tunnels, storage units and arms factories under hospitals in Gaza hiding behind the status of hospitals as protected zones. The main hospital Al Shifa in Gaza is one of these protected zones, which are being attacked by Israel as an attempt to eradicate Hamas.


One of the assumed roles of the Palestinian people suffering live on TV in propaganda terms would be to incite other Arab states to act against Israel, however apart from a few rockets from Hezbollah on Northern Israel there have not been any other murmurs from other Arab states who are standing steadfast on the sidelines. The possible consensus is that the cost of action against nuclear state Israel would be too great.


In this respect, it is in Hamas’s interests to not release the Israeli hostages so that the public suffering of the Palestinian people is halted. Hamas not only uses the Palestinian peasants as cannon fodder, but as a major propaganda weapon to turn favour against Israel. They want a regional war in the Middle East, they want escalation.

Naturally, the antisemitic anti-Israeli press never mentions Hamas once as the cause of this fucking poverty-porn shit festival and clusterfuck in Gaza — including the mass protests by left-wing sympathisers with Hamas and the Palestinian people in Western cities.

At the moment, the propaganda war is being won by the Hamas terrorists who are harnessing the Western press to win hearts and minds and the Israelis are losing the propaganda war. Whether there will be a change of heart in the future is now a small percentage.

UN Needs to Create Manned Buffer Zone in Gaza


After Hamas are removed from Gaza, hopefully the UN should consider creating a manned buffer zone between Northern Gaza and Israeli territory. The UN will also have to deal with the mass movement of Palestinians who have been displaced by Israeli military action in retaliation for the October attacks.

In essence, Gaza is now borrowed land and will eventually disappear over the next few decades because of the actions of terrorist group Hamas.

The constant media attention to the plight of the civilians in Gaza is a sign that Palestinian propaganda is working to undermine the efforts to eradicate the terrorist group Hamas.

There needs to be genuine assistance from the global community for further displaced Palestinian people, but foreign aid must be heavily policed and Hamas must not be allowed to further siphon off aid money and goods. In this respect, billions of dollars of foreign aid should not be allowed into the hands of Hamas, who are a corrupt terrorist group who are using the Palestinian civilians as human shields and hiding behind them.

The constant grief-porn images emanating from certain media sources is a tool that only helps Hamas and the terrorists, as well as fuel Western communist activists who have hijacked the Palestinian cause for their own agenda and capitalise on human grief for their own ends.

Gaza is a foreign aid black hole where money disappears without any trace, and in the future some sort of assurance must be made that aid money actually benefits the Palestinian people and is not stolen by corrupt officials and terrorist groups.

By building a solid buffer zone between Gaza and Israel would ensure that terror groups like Hamas would not be able to constantly send their rockets into Israel and protect civilians on both sides.

Why It is Trendy to be an Extremist in Modern Britain Today


Anti-Semites – Islamist extremists and the far-Left have never had it so good, they are even applauded by the police force when spitting on Jews and the Cenotaph in Whitehall. If you support extremism in modern Britain today, you are in the majority, as the tiny island is full to the brim with fucking extremist nutjobs. It is now considered trendy to attend anti-Semitic marches supporting the proposed ‘Free Palestine’ genocide of millions of Jews.

Extremist Jihadism now Normalised

“Extremism in Britain has been normalised and is portrayed on TV channels like the BBC as a totally acceptable way of defining yourself in modern Britain. To desecrate the Cenotaph, which used to be a monument to honour the fallen soldiers of World War I and II, is now seen as normal practice by many who spray paint their garish graffiti on to it, spit and urinate on it, all while the police stand back and watch counting their overtime bonuses,” an observer of the sordid debacle revealed on Thursday.

Hamas holds military parade to remember Israel's 2014 offensive.
Genocidal terrorist group who vowed to wipe every Jew off the face of the earth, Hamas holds military parade.

The far-left who hijack many movements like the eco zealot movement are now effectively riding the wave of anti-Semitism and Islamic extremism by supporting Hamas and the Free Palestine rabble, simply because it is a vehicle (bandwagon) for creating more chaos.

Left-wing Jihad Bandwagon

“I am a homosexual LGBQTP anti-capitalist Marxist unbeliever, but I am here on this march because this is what we do. I do not believe in Allah or Muhammed and if I was in Gaza, the Hamas terrorists would have me beheaded for being an infidel dog. I don’t particularly care for the plight of the Palestinian people, to me, they do not mean anything, however I do hate the Jews, so this is where I fit in. I also like protesting for the hell of it, making as much noise as possible and maybe urinating on the Cenotaph before instigating a full-on riot,” a communist supporter of Hamas revealed yesterday.

With a pussified Rishi Sunak socialist Tory government which simpers around not choosing to even ban Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps or vote against a call for a ceasefire at the UN or tell the police to do their job, there is little or no impetus to fight the tirade of antisemitism or extremism sweeping Britain.

The Unmentionables Harry and Meghan Banned in Royal Palace


Mentioning the names of Harry and Meghan in front of His Majesty King Charles is now forbidden by royal palace staff, it has been revealed.

“The only time one is permitted to mention Harry and Meghan is if one steps in something nasty like a dog shit or cow pat,” the member of the royal household added.

Harry and Meghan are now known as the unmentionables and in a concerted effort not to upset His Majesty, staff are barred from even mentioning the grifting couple who are making millions in America by fooling idiotic royal-struck network executives.

Outside the palace walls, Harry and Meghan are equally in bad favour, even amongst the oiks.

“Last night I stubbed my toe on a bed post and instead of shouting out the usual word ‘fuck!’ I shouted out ‘Meghan fucking Markle’. I think I broke my bloody toe,” a man from Manchester, Northern England, revealed in the Sun newspaper.

It’s not just the Brits who detest the Sussexes with a vehemence, even Americans are coming round to hating the parasitic duo.

Alan Clark, 38, a carpenter from Milwaukee and an ecoactivist, explained why the two miscreants disgust him.

“Those pieces of shit fly everywhere on private jets even to tell people to be eco-conscious on one of their useless fucking preaching talks. Their yearly carbon footprint is more than a hundred thousand Americans entire lifetime usage. I hate hypocrites, and these slimy cockroaches are the epitome of waste. S’cuse me, I have to go and cut down a few trees because I need to make a wardrobe.”




What Does “Free Palestine” Really Mean?


In an ideal world, it would be nice if everyone irrespective of their race or religion could live together, but we do not live in an ideal world. The trendy phrase “Free Palestine” which is chanted by people who are generally low-information virtue signallers following the latest trend blindly are essentially calling for the genocide of millions of Israeli Jews and to have the state of Israel wiped off the face of the earth. Of course, there will be some on the protest marches who are naturally concerned with the plight of the suffering of the human-shield Palestinian people in Gaza in a humanitarian capacity, but these people do not factor in the true causes of the suffering.

Foremost, overpopulation is a valid reason for the suffering in Gaza, irresponsible breeding where many Palestinian families have over ten children who cannot be supported sufficiently.

Secondly, how can there be peace when the consensus amongst Palestinians and Hamas is the complete destruction of Israel and genocide of millions of Jews without any mercy. Why do the Israelis treat the Palestinians in such a way resembling apartheid in places like Hebron? Well, it is very simple. If a population of people surrounding you vow to have you and your family eradicated and wiped off the face of the earth, how else can you treat these people? How else would you treat a people who constantly fire rockets into your country creating terror and destruction like Hamas have been doing for decades?

The third point pertains to the Iranian influence and grip over the region surrounding Israel. The Iranian Shiite regime has vowed for the complete destruction of Israel and genocide of all Jews in the entire Middle East. Hamas, who have siphoned off billions of foreign aid money to their bank accounts and Hezbollah are all Iranian proxies utilised by the evil Iranian regime to create terror and chaos in the region.

Terrorism in any capacity must never be appeased, as left-leaning, biased media sources like the BBC are doing with Hamas. By chanting for a ‘Free Palestine’ protestors on marches are, either willingly or not, chanting for the genocide of millions of Jews in a land they have fought for 4,000 years.

The people who go on these anti-Israeli marches only see the viewpoint of the Palestinians in Gaza, who have been manipulated and used as human shields by Hamas and Iran. The Iranian clerics do not care one iota for the people in Gaza, and are using them to create outrage in the global media at their suffering. Hamas does not care for the Palestinian people and uses them as cash-cows, cannon fodder and sympathy propaganda on media stations like Al-Jazeera. In reality, the suffering of the Palestinian people is mainly because of their own actions and ideology, which calls for all Jews to be murdered in cold blood and their adoption of Hamas to rule over and exploit them.

The one-sided anti-Israeli marches we see in the West do not for one second acknowledge the atrocities committed by Hamas in the October attacks or the Israeli hostages, or the constant indiscriminate rocket attacks endured by Israelis for decades.

Why are the anti-Israeli marches in the West inhabited mainly by communists, Marxists and socialists? This is because these leftist groups are not only anti-Israeli, antisemitic, but they are anti-West, anti-democracy and anti-capitalist plus it is ‘trendy’ to support Hamas. The Palestinian ’cause’ is thus a great precept to cause chaos, disorder, civil disorder, revolution, all based on oppression-porn and hijacked human suffering.