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“White Lung Syndrome” – Another Lovely Chinese Export to the World


What a wonderful country China is, an overpopulated polluted shithole that exports nasty viruses across the globe every few years ruining economies and killing millions of people. The last lovely Chinese export was from Wuhan and was Covid-19, now we’ve got another lovely Chinese disease to contend with, some kind of respiratory illness or virus that attacks the lungs called ‘white lung syndrome’.

As usual, the Chinese Communist Party is keeping their mouths shut about this horrid white lung syndrome, and not even divulging data to the WHO or anyone else for that matter.

In early 2020, it was the millions of Chinese tourists visiting Europe that contaminated the European continent and then went global. This time around, the Netherlands is ground zero in Europe and cases will probably spread further. As we all know, the rest was pure history, from which many nations have still not recovered. Who knows what other delights await us after the next wave of bubbling Chinese viruses spread across the globe like fucking wildfire?

If the local government opens plea more gists from stainer,

Here’s to the wonderful Chinese who bring only tremendous things to the world and spread happiness wherever they go.

How Are Tech Innovations Reshaping The Traditional Business Landscape


Competition is a constant factor in the business world in all segments. Digital technologies and the internet have created new forms of interaction between consumers and companies. Before the internet, a marketplace for booking rooms, like Airbnb, would never have existed. Nowadays, the company is worth more than USD 82 million. Tech innovation makes business innovation possible, creating new solutions and products for consumers.

Technology, Efficiency, and Safety

When our mobile networks went from 2G to 3G, we went from MMS to live video streaming. The upgrade to 4G allowed online gaming and HD transmissions. Implementing 5G will transform the business landscape even further.

The new internet speed allows for the development and implementation of next generation technologies. They include IoT, AI, and data analysis on a large scale. Those technologies create new ways of interaction between businesses and consumers. The low latency and high speed delivered by 5G allow consumers to use AR and VR headsets for shopping.

The seamless mobile connectivity has also laid the groundwork for creating telemedicine solutions. Online businesses are improving their KYC meaning these processes have become faster and more reliable. Automated verifications include the use of AI tools, preventing fraud and money laundering.

Reasons to Adapt

earth-3537401_1280 PIXABAY Tech Innovations

The most competitive brands are quick to adapt to the newest tech innovations. Primary goals include providing a superior customer experience, optimising operations, and increasing profit. Such benefits are vital for gaining an edge over the competition. Moreover, they result in business growth and market expansion. Adapting fast to tech innovations can be the difference between success and oblivion.

Here are some solutions already driving growth across a wide range of segments.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT)

AI software solutions can improve customer services with chatbots and virtual assistants. Automated systems and services can cut costs while increasing productivity. There is also AI-based software for handling vast amounts of data. Those analyses often result in valuable market insights. IoT solutions bring with them the possibility to automate certain processes, remotely and in real-time to monitor equipment, as well as collect more data for better insights and future predictions.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing creates scalable and affordable data storage options for companies. Cloud computing is also a critical component of remote work. It allows workers to collaborate from anywhere in the world, having access to the same data. Cloud-based solutions also cut costs with maintenance and upgrade of data storage infrastructure.


Blockchain became famous thanks to its loud tenant, Bitcoin. Yet, this technology does more than store cryptocurrency. It makes transparent and secure P2P transactions possible through a decentralised platform. Blockchain solutions are gaining popularity across all industries, from health to finance.


The increasing digitisation of everything also attracts an increasing level of threats. Investments in cybersecurity are essential to ensure the safety and privacy of customers. Otherwise, companies could be risking large, material losses. The global market size of this segment is expected to be above USD 87 billion in 2023.

Cyberattacks can be a hard blow to a company’s reputation, with long-lasting effects. Gaming companies suffered a 260% increase in cyberattacks between 2021 and 2022. Standard technologies in this field include encryption, threat detection, and authentication.

Military Conscription: Britain Must Prepare For the Future Now


The future becomes the present in a moment, and if you are caught sleeping, you will suffer. The global threats that are rising daily are precursors of what is to come shortly. With Russia waging war, and China rattling its wok in the South China Sea as well as the conflict in Israel escalating, these are real threats to global peace. The military conscription must be reinstated and Ministry of Defence funding must be increased. Britain must prepare for a future of war and global conflict that will affect many facets of society, economy and life.

In the United Kingdom, military conscription has existed for two periods in modern times. The first was from 1916 to 1920, and the second from 1939 to 1960. The last conscripted soldiers left the service in 1963. In 2024, it will be imperative that the government reintroduces military service conscription to all men and women aged 18 to 51 years who are living in Great Britain.

Because of equality rights, women should also be conscripted, much like is the case in countries like Israel.

It is an unfortunate, necessary action that must be implemented, or the country will be caught short when the time comes to defend itself. Britain must also think about building more nuclear shelters for the population, because if there is a nuclear confrontation there will be no shelter under the current level of governmental policy.

Due to diminishing natural resources and finite raw materials along with overpopulation and mass migratory movements across the globe due to poverty and climate change, global conflict is inevitable. It is not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’.





UKGC’s New Initiative: Gambling-Free Zones in Casinos


In a move that has left gamblers and casino owners alike scratching their heads, the United Kingdom Gambling Commission (UKGC) has announced its latest initiative in the fight against problem gambling: ‘Gambling-Free Zones’ within casinos.

As reported by LiveCasinoComparer.com, the initiative is going live some time in 2024 across all land-based casinos in the UK and is mandatory if the casino wants to retain the licence.

The Grand Plan

The UKGC, in its infinite wisdom, has decided to introduce designated ‘Gambling-Free Zones’ inside casinos. These zones will be areas within the casino where gambling is strictly prohibited. The idea is akin to having a smoke-free area in a bar, though many gamblers have compared it to having a noise-free zone at a rock concert.

The idea is simple. For every hour spent gambling, players are required by law to spend 15 minutes in these designated zones where no gambling is allowed. These zones are equipped with comfortable seating, relaxing music censored for any gambling-related words, and a variety of non-gambling related activities such as board games, books, and a selection of Guardian completely unbiased articles about problem gambling.

There will be a counsellor available who will use the allocated time to investigate the player’s source of funds and try to find out if the player can actually afford to gamble or not. The counsellor will be specifically trained in telling gamblers not to chase losses.

Upon entering the zone, gamblers will be required to hand over any gambling chips or cards they may have. These will be returned upon exiting the zone, provided the player passed the counsellor’s checks.

Exit from the zone will be through a separate door, ensuring a one-way flow of traffic and preventing any accidental re-entry into the gambling area. A digital clock above the exit door will display the time spent in the zone for each person.

There will be no fines for the players, but the casino will be fined up to £1m for each player that is not appropriately and timely escorted to and back from the Gambling-Free Zone. Repeat violations mean that the casino is at a risk of losing the licence.

The Statement

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” begins Marcus Boyle, the Chairman of the UKGC, who had just turned down several requests to sign an autograph, explaining that he is not, in fact, the actor Colin Firth, but a person on a mission. “As the guardian of the nation’s gambling habits, it is my duty to ensure that every spin of the roulette wheel, every shuffle of the cards, and every pull of the slot machine lever is a step towards a healthier, happier Britain.”

He pauses for dramatic effect, his eyes twinkling with the same righteous fervour that has become his trademark. “That’s why we’re introducing mandatory ‘Gambling-Free Zones’ in all casinos across the UK. For every hour spent at the tables, players will be required to spend 15 minutes in these zones, where they can enjoy a cup of tea, read a book, or simply contemplate the futility of trying to beat the house.”

He leans forward, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “Now, I know what you’rethinking. ‘Isn’t this just a way to keep us in the casino longer?’ ‘Won’t this just encourage more gambling?’ ‘Won’t gamblers just enjoy a cup of tea, make friends, and then hurry back to try to beat the house?’ ‘Won’t problem gamblers remain problem gamblers no matter how much free tea you give them?’ But let me assure you, our statistics – which are as reliable as a Swiss watch and as accurate as a homing pigeon – show that this initiative will reduce problem gambling.”

He straightens up, his face assuming the solemnity of a judge passing sentence. “After all, we at the UKGC believe in a Britain where everyone can enjoy a flutter without fear. A Britain where the only thing you lose at the casino is your money, not your sanity.”

With a final nod of his head, he steps back from the podium, leaving his audience in stunned silence. The message is clear: the UKGC is here to stay, and they’re not afraid to shake things up.

The Reaction

The reaction from the gambling community has been one of bemusement. One gambler, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “It’s like having a bird-free zone at a bird feeder. It just doesn’t make sense.”

Casino owners are equally perplexed. “It’s like asking a barber shop to have a hair-free zone,” said one casino owner. “I mean, people come here to gamble. If they didn’t want to gamble, they wouldn’t be here in the first place.”

The Verdict

While the UKGC seems confident that their new initiative will help curb problem gambling, others remain sceptical. Only time will tell if these ‘Gambling-Free Zones’ will have the desired effect, or if they will simply become the casino equivalent of a chocolate teapot.

Gamblers and casino owners alike will be watching with bated breath as the UKGC continues to roll out its unique brand of problem gambling solutions. As ‘Captain Gamble-Free’, which is what casino owners and gamblers started calling Mr. Boyle, so eloquently put it: “In the world of gambling regulation, the house always wins. And in this case, the house is us.

Iranian Spy Omid Scobie On Mission to Destroy Royal Family


Meghan Markle’s attack dog, and Iranian spy Omid Scobie is on a clandestine overt mission to completely destroy the British royal family with tittle-tattle.

It is no news that the Iranian regime views the UK as Satan 0.2 after the USA as Satan 0.1. Meghan Markle also views the UK in the same way and has vowed never to set foot on the land ever again.

“I receive my orders through a carrier pigeon sent from Montecito, California via Tehran. Yes, it can take months for a single message, but such are the vagaries of being an Iranian spy living in the UK undercover,” Scobie revealed by accident yesterday to the BBC.

If all things go well for the Iranian spy, the Windsors will be inundated with disinformation, fake news and all sorts of nasty rumours to rattle the Palace courtiers and King for months and decades going on.

“It’s like having a constant barrage of slime being slung at you by a nasty gibbering vindictive monkey on a constant basis. What a fucking cunt this Omid is,” a courtier revealed anonymously.

Who is Omid Scobie? No one really knows who the plasticsurgeoned vindictive fictile freak really is? According to his Wikipedia page, he lives in Wales with his dog, but that’s about it. Whatever the consequences of his violent verbal slanderous attacks on the royal family, this slimy parasite needs a visit from James Bond.

Women Should be Allowed to Masturbate on Beaches if they Want


The horrific level of policing in America is a terrible blight on women who innocently want to masturbate on beaches. If women want to have orgasms, they should be allowed to do so without arrest. Shouldn’t the police in Georgia be pursuing real criminals instead of innocent women simply gratifying a natural human need? Women should be allowed to masturbate wherever they fucking well want to.

“Women having orgasms is a beautiful thing, and I wish more would do it in public. This world would be a better place if women showed off their orgasm powers more. I mean, it’s a beautiful thing when they get all flushed and start those little noises,” someone in favour of women masturbating in public revealed.

Christina Revels-Glick, who was 34 at the time, was approached by cops after families reported her salacious behaviour on Tybee Island beach on July 1, 2021.

Bodycam footage from the officers who arrested her was released this week, showing her breaking down as she was handcuffed and marched away from the sand.

Christina explained that she just slipped in her vibrator to have a quick orgasm because she felt like it.

As for the prudes who reported Christina for having a little fun, those people are the reason this world is in the sorry state it is.

We want to praise Christina Revels-Glick for her bravery in pursuing freedom to orgasm and if she is ever in London, England she can find sanctuary in our orgasmic offices where anything goes. Here’s to human freedom and the right for women to be allowed to masturbate in public.

Scientists to Engineer Birth of Trans Babies


With so many people who think they can change universal biology fact with thought, the scientists in a Chinese laboratory are engineering transexual babies for trendy parents who are willing to pay. The birth of trans babies will be the norm in a decade and will fuel a multi-billion industry.

Professor Xiu Idaiyut from Shanghai University of Medicine is heading the medical team of researchers and scientists to engineer the first transgender babies.

“Men have an X and Y chromosome and women have two X chromosomes, but what we are engineering is a baby who is either male or female but is born with the characteristics of the opposite sex. For example, a baby born as a female with two X chromosomes and all the female genitalia and bone structure will be born with a huge prosthetic penis and a large handlebar moustache which we will put on the baby inside the womb. The foetus will be pumped full of testosterone so when it is born it will have a voice that Barry White would shudder at. When the girl is born, to please the trendy parents, we will register the baby as a boy.

“Consequently, if the parents want their baby to be female, the male baby will be pumped with large volumes of oestrogen in the womb so it grows breasts that would make Dolly Parton blush. As soon as the male baby pops out of the mother, we put a blonde wig on the male baby and call it a girl. We immediately cover up the penis with a pink wrap and give it to the mentally ill parents.”

Waiting list for birth of trans babies

The cost of the procedure is $500,000 per baby, and already there is a waiting list of five years for the trans baby surgery. Interest for the procedure is mainly from the USA.

“Our clients are mostly from California, New York, and funnily enough Portland, Oregon. They are willing to pay top dollar for a freshly served trans baby,” the program’s spokesman revealed.

Christmas is Coming Sooner For Some


Yay! It’s going to be Christmas soon, what a wonderful time of the year what with all that food and the gifts for everyone. The thing is, for some, Christmas is nearly every day. Yep, we’re talking about those ‘young people’ again, as we cannot mention the specific continent they are linked to or the colour of their skin. They are only known as ‘young people’ on news reports, where the hundreds of thousands of daily news reports by seasoned journalists record their wonderful actions.

It’s Christmas, Everything is free! Yay!!!!

For example: California state law holds that stealing merchandise worth $950 or less is just a misdemeanour, which means that law enforcement probably won’t bother to investigate, and if they do, prosecutors will let it go.

Who needs to work for a living when you can literally walk into any store you want and take as much stuff as you want and simply walk out of the store untouched?

This is how it is in places like California, Chicago, Atlanta and now many cities in the UK where shoplifting has become normalised to such a level that it is not even reported any more by the mainstream networks.

Christmas can really come every day, and for many this is truly a wonderful time to be alive.

Fill your sacks and trolleys and walk out of that store without paying a single penny. For other people though, not of the ‘young people’ persuasion, sorry, but you have to pay. Tough luck. Merry fucking Christmas.

Beyond Satire: “Man Threatening to Kill Himself With Gun is Shot Dead by Police”


Another beyond satire moment. Poor bastard got his wish, one way or another. A man has died after armed police shot him at his home in Dagenham.

The Metropolitan Police said officers were called to an address in Weston Green shortly before 8pm on Thursday by a man who said he planned to take his own life. The man, believed to be aged 40, also told police he had loaded firearms.

Police contacted a specialist negotiator and continued efforts to engage with the man before shots were fired by officers just before 9pm.

Despite the efforts of rescue services at the scene, the man was pronounced dead at 9.30pm. End of beyond satire moment.

Autumn Statement: Is it too Late For Tories?


For many voters their minds have already been made up, however the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement and budget may sway those who only think of short term things regarding monetary bribes by the Tories. Yes, there has been some recent movement away from socialism for the Tories, but one can only think it is a little too late and not a sizeable move away from their core socialist values.

Huge Stealth Tax Increases

To give with one hand yet take away with another is a tried and true technique successive governments have employed, and this time the Chancellor did not disappoint. The UK according to the OBR still has the highest tax burden since 1948.

Dividend income is attacked in two ways, first through the extra 1.25% charge on dividends (left over from the Health and Social Care Levy – otherwise withdrawn), and second by cutting the tax-free dividend allowance from £2,000 to £1,000 in April 2023 and £500 in April 2024.

The freezing of income tax personal allowances until April 2028, and the reduction of the additional rate threshold from £150K to £125,140 means a lot of clients will be paying more income tax!

The government will also reap huge revenue from the hated Inheritance Tax. HMRC’s latest update show that £4.6bn was collected through the first seven months of the 2023/24 financial year (April to October). This is a 12% increase on the £4.1bn collected in the first seven months of 2022.

Council tax increases are also going to rise at an exponential level to make up for the shortfall from central government funding as well as the huge increase in immigration.

The immense level of tax taken from cash cow road users will also not be alleviated in any way. Every time you fill up your car/van/lorry, 85% of that money goes straight to the government in fuel duty.


Bribing the fickle electorate by lowering taxation momentarily is the deal here, and is all part of the electioneering process. The coming May 2024 General Election will be another exercise in false promises and temporary tax decreases to placate the low-information voters. The Tories, led by the unelected Rishi Sunak and unelected Jeremy Hunt, will no doubt turn the tables on the suckered voters if they win again.

Interest Rates Will Not Drop

The key observation to take from this is that Net Zero is one of the main causes of high inflation. This is why taxes will have to stay high along with interest rates simply because of the Net Zero program, which will impoverish and eviscerate many businesses and the general population within the economy.

Government borrowing is also at an all-time high level, and the Tory government have spent and spent almost as much as Labour spent during their awful tenure.

Same Old Lies

Pulling the wool over people’s eyes is always the case coming up to any election, and giving people false hope that things will change for the better is another tool for the Tories to use against the people.

As in all election cycles the lies will come thick from all sides, and whoever wins is inconsequential because the entire system is run by the same people behind the scenes irrespective of what ever political party is in charge at any given time.

With ONS figures showing legal net migration of 745,000 in December 2022, and 645,000 in June 2023 primarily from India/Nigeria under the Tories which will put immense strain on all public services and cause the NHS to buckle, taking back UK’s borders seems to be a joke that seals the fate of the Tories. The sizes of two cities like Birmingham given the okay to enter the UK.