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Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Home Blog Page 44

Have a Woke Festive Period : The Corporate Christmas Come Down


Target has just wheeled out its Black Santa in a wheelchair. The Marks and Spencer’s Christmas Cards selection features a Chinese Santa Claus, a British Post Box, Transgender Penguins and a Robin in a tree. What about Jesus? Then there’s a chocolate manufacturer who omits ‘Advent’ from their selection of ‘festive’ chocolates. ‘Tony’s Chocolonely‘ refuses to put ‘Advent’ on its packaging, although it was cited in a US Modern Slavery legal case for being part of a group sourcing cocoa from child labour in the Ivory Coast. Woke hypocrites?

Target’s recommended Christmas book offerings for children include books ‘Pride 1,2,3,’ (age 2-8), ‘Bye Bye, Binary’, and ‘I’m Not a Girl.’ For those precocious child readers of 0-3 there is the ‘The Pronoun Book’; sure to make them leap with joy when they open their ‘Festive Sock’. Highly recommended is the Children’s mugs ‘Gender Fluid.’ A cup of Gender Fluid goes nicely with that Christmas pudding. I’ll stick to my collection of Sandeman’s Port.

Meanwhile, down under in the woke paradise of Australia, the City of Stonnington has replaced Merry Christmas with the vacuous slogan ‘Make Merry’. I know they are Australians but Make Merry is just bad English. The local councillors should be transported back to the UK as a punishment.

And then there’s the Christmas Party. Last year, a pair of flirty London Investment Bankers got up to hanky-panky in the disabled toilet. On CCTV. This was a ‘double whammy’ so to speak. They were fired. Shares ‘plunged’. Now firms in Britain issue ‘policy guidelines’ for Christmas Parties. I knew a brilliant photographer who had photographed the Beatles in their prime, who was fired from his Council job after a flirtatious remark to a 19-year-old PA. That was 20 years ago. Today, he would be on the Sex Offenders Register. A UK employment lawyer I know maintains many firms have a policy of asking for details of any relationships in the office. The Royal Court Theatre, the home of Shakespeare, now has a rule to call out ‘abuse’ at Christmas parties before it goes too far. When does the abuse
start? Caressing the Vol-Au-Vents? Offering a glass of bubbly to the transgender actor/actress who played Ophelia. Waggling a cocktail stick or sucking the cherry? Poor Hamlet. The ‘Renaissance Man’ reduced to the ‘Woke Man’.

george soros

Where does all this puritanical nonsense come from? Well, its institutionalised. There’s an audience for it. George Soros is behind it. His ‘Open Society Foundation’ offers millions to Corporates playing the game. It’s PBW (Performance Based Wokery). At stake is their Corporate Equality Index, CEI score. This is policed by the Human Rights Campaign, the LGBTQ+ group, which persecutes non players and receives millions of dollars in funding from George. It is a points system for how America’s biggest corporations perform. A league table of Wokery.

‘Home Alone’ is being revamped – that cosy family Christmas of innocent fun, will be wokified: a black kid playing Kevin McAllister, a Fentanyl Crack House in the Bronx and a soundtrack by Gil Scott Heron. But this isn’t make-believe, it’s here and now. The Daniel Craig 2022 version of Macbeth on Broadway featured Banquo (a black actress) in a wheelchair, and most characters were binary with blue hair.

So, at Christmas let’s raise a glass for the few Anti-Woke heroes who, despite media
harassment, have spoken their mind. Those who are fearless in their speech, what the Ancient Greeks called ‘Parrhesia’. They are the likes of Shane McGowan (he was friends with an Irish Republican), Ezra Pound (liked ‘Fascism’), Morrissey (‘I don’t recognise England any more’), Nick Cave (‘Cancel culture is ‘mercy’s antithesis’) ; these are the ‘naysayers’, who don’t gobble up the trash culture increasingly dominating the arts scene, in woke world. They are the beacons of hope in a Liberal world having lost its bearings. Enjoy them while you can because the blinking Christmas lights are being extinguished one by one …at Christmastime.

Brian Patrick Bolger LSE, University of Liverpool. He has taught political philosophy and
applied linguistics in Universities across Europe. His articles have appeared in the US,
the UK, Italy, Canada and Germany in magazines such as ‘The American Spectator’,
‘Asian Affairs’, ‘Deliberatio’, ‘L’Indro Quotidiano Indipendente di Geopolitica’, ’The
National Interest’, ‘GeoPolitical Monitor’, ‘Merion West’, ‘Voegelin View’, ‘The Montreal
Review’, ’The European Conservative’, ‘Visegrad Insight’, The Hungarian Review’ ,’The
Salisbury Review’, ‘The Village’, ‘New English Review’, ‘The Burkean’, ‘ ‘The Daily Globe’,
‘American Thinker’, ‘The Internationalist’, ‘Philosophy News’. His new book- ‘Nowhere
Fast: Democracy and Identity in the Twenty First Century’ will be published soon by
Ethics International Press.


Brit-Hating Biden Dumps Pact With Britain and Ruins Trade Deal


Everyone knows that Slow Joe Biden gets his orders from Barack Obama, who hates the British just as much as Joe does. During the Brexit referendum in 2016, Barack Obama threatened the UK by saying we would be thrown to the back of the queue for a trade deal as long as he was in charge if there was a Brexit. This was part of the ‘Project Fear’ nonsense, and he was not wrong with his threats. Now that Barack Obama is enjoying a proxy third term in office, utilising his puppet Biden, he is certainly keeping his word in shooting down the hated UK.

The Democrat party under Joe Biden is terribly biased against Britain and is doing everything in its power to punish the UK, not only for Brexit, but for its stance in Irish affairs hundreds of years ago. In fact, Biden hates Britain so much he says that a little bit of vomit from his mush diet comes up every time the UK is even mentioned.

The zombie president has thus pooped in his nappy and dumped plans for a pact with Britain that could have paved the way for a full post-Brexit trade deal.

Taking orders from Obama, Brit-hating Biden has decided not to move forward with a “foundational” agreement prepared by the US Trade Representative’s Office, which would have included negotiations over 11 areas of trade and regulation, following opposition from his party in the Senate.

Senate Democrats argued that the agreement would not have provided sufficient protection for American workers.

How’s that ‘Bidenomics’ going? Average food prices in U.S. cities have risen 20% since Biden took office, and the cost of living for many Americans is rising every week despite claims that inflation is dropping.

Of course, Beijing Biden has no qualms about trade deals with communist China, but when it comes to America’s mother country he treats us like shit on a shoe. Please do not mention any alleged dodgy deals the Biden’s personally profited from CCP run Chinese companies…shhh.

Instead of bolstering America’s transatlantic partnership with the UK, Biden is treating Britain like the enemy, and causing deep rifts in diplomatic circles.

Under the Biden administration, isolationism is also rife, where US interests and insular economic policies are a key priority.

Britain will have to wait for now until someone is in the White House who does not blatantly detest the UK. Hopefully, a new international era of trade with the USA will one day emerge when this miserable hateful corrupt shister either drops off or someone with some sense and honour comes into office.

It Begins: US Socialists Already Going Stircrazy Over a Trump Presidency


It seems Trump derangement syndrome has started early for the American socialist media machine that feeds the country’s population their daily dose of insanity 24 hours, 7 days a week.

All the polls are pointing to a Republican landslide win, and this is why the brainwashers are working overtime to push their anti-orange man propaganda with haste.

It is truly a sad sight to witness such hysteria over just one single man — Trump. Look what they have done to this poor guy, dragged him through the mud with fake lawsuits, tried to impeach him with fake lies, and of course the icing on the cake, stole an entire election from the poor bastard. They might as well give him a fake wooden cross and force him at the end of whips to drag it through the streets of Manhattan towards Central Park, where he would be crucified.

The ironic part of all of this is that under the orange man’s tenure, the globe mostly had peace and the economy was doing very well. It was only after the Democrats shoehorned old creepy Joe into the White House when things turned sour. Putin was emboldened to invade Ukraine after watching Biden screw up the Afghan withdrawal.

The point is — the Democrats created the cult of Trump, and their actions give him the status of the ultimate martyr. Either the Democrats are really fucking dumb, or they actually want to create the cult of Trump because they can’t be bothered to win elections any more. Whatever it is, the hysteria that Democrats exude gives fuel to Trump and the millions of his followers.

Here is a drink to the Democrat socialist hysteria continuing ad infinitum, and Trump subsequently winning the next US election because of it.


Daily Squib Exclusive: The Lord Lamont of Lerwick Brexit Interview


Brexit must not be forgotten, and this is why we at the Daily Squib are not side lining it but instead putting it at the forefront, despite it being somewhat forgotten in parliament. We have already interviewed The Right Honourable Ann Widdecombe and now are proud to present our interview with The Right Honourable Lord Lamont of Lerwick, who justly held off the treachery in the Commons and the House of Lords when the 2016 EU Referendum was almost overturned by an anti-democratic cabal of parliamentarian remainers. Thankfully, with Lord Lamont’s help, the necessary bills were passed and Brexit, as well as British democracy, prevailed.

Lord Norman Lamont of Lerwick certainly had many skirmishes with the EU machine during his tenure as Chancellor of the Exchequer in the John Major government, and was one of the principal engineers of Brexit as a workable concept. His ideas and thoughts about possibly leaving the EU were unthinkable in the first half of the 1990s, but he pursued the idea into 2016 when it resurfaced as the EU Referendum.

Part of a series featuring prominent Brexiteers, we present the Daily Squib exclusive Brexit interview with The Rt Hon. Lord Lamont of Lerwick.


– What personal and political experiences from your time as Chancellor of the Exchequer and Member of Parliament influenced your stance on Brexit, including your 1995 book on the EU, “Sovereign Britain,” where you envisioned Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union?

I was very much influenced by my time as Chancellor, particularly in my face-to-face dealings with EU finance ministers. It became clear to me that the talk of a Political Union in Europe was not merely rhetoric, as I had sometimes hoped, but a genuine objective in which they strongly believe, even to this day. I was also influenced by my negotiations over the Maastricht Treaty where I negotiated Britain’s opt-out, I could see that the single currency would lead to more and more integration from the centre.

However, in addition, I became more and more sceptical of the alleged advantages to Britain of the Single Market. The Single Market of course is a good idea, but you don’t need to be a Member of the EU to benefit from it. Sometimes, countries like the US and Japan have been better at exploiting it than Britain. I also noticed how Switzerland was more integrated economically with the EU than Britain, but was not a Member.

– How do you perceive Brexit’s significance in reshaping Britain’s economic and political landscape, drawing parallels with the challenges faced during your tenure in the government, especially given your long-standing opposition to European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and the European single currency?

The significance of Brexit is that we have avoided Political Union and a United States of Europe. We have the freedom to shape our own destiny. It’s up to us whether we succeed or make a mess of it. The single currency still faces plenty of problems, and it remains to be seen how it operates in the long term.

We now have the freedom to pursue our own economic and fiscal policy as we see fit, free from European interference. My view is these should be policies to encourage enterprise, low taxes and a smaller but effective State.

The IEA’s recent pamphlet has shown persuasively Brexit, contrary to much propaganda, has had no harmful effect on our Trade.

– What lessons or insights from negotiating the Maastricht Treaty, especially concerning Britain’s opt-out from the single currency, do you believe are relevant to Brexit and future relationship with the EU?

The opt-out from the single currency was effective, contrary to what some sceptics forecast. Britain also had other opt-outs, but there comes a point when there’s little point in remaining a Member and having lots of opt-outs. As a non-Euro Member, we were inevitably not part of a lot of important decisions surrounding the single currency, which none-the-less could impact on us. Being in the EU and outside the single currency, to me, made little sense.

 – Reflecting on your experiences during Black Wednesday and the subsequent exit from the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), how do you think these events shaped the discourse around Brexit and Britain’s relationship with the EU?

I think our exit from the ERM, made public opinion in Britain much more opposed to the single currency and more open to general scepticism about the EU. Not all these perceptions were correct, but they existed.

– What are the immediate post-Brexit economic challenges facing Britain, and how can the country leverage its newfound independence for economic growth and stability. Will there ever be the so-called ‘Singapore-on-Thames’?

As I said earlier, it’s entirely up to us how well we govern ourselves. Independence and freedom ought to be an advantage, but there’s nothing automatic about it. You have to make the right decisions. I doubt that there can be a so-called Singapore on the Thames. It’s almost impossible for a country like ours to get public expenditure as a proportion of GDP down to the levels in Asia, while we maintain a comprehensive welfare state and health service. That doesn’t mean that we can’t lower taxes from their current high level, of course we can, and we need to do so.

– Looking back at the numerous Conservative governments’ management of Brexit, do you feel they maximised the opportunities available post-Brexit to benefit Britain’s economy and global standing, or do you perceive missed opportunities or squandered potential?

We still have every opportunity.

– As someone who has been a vocal critic of the EU and a supporter of Brexit, what advice would you offer to policymakers navigating the complexities of the post-Brexit era?

We are outside the EU, but that doesn’t mean, as a non-Member, we can’t have close and friendly relations with our neighbours. It will take a little time as the dust settles. We face common threats and Britain has a huge amount to offer the Continent as an independent third party with excellent armed forces. There is no need to align our laws and regulations with Europe unless we think it is to our advantage and if it is, that should be on a voluntary reversible basis. We should cooperate in an unstructured ad hoc way on security issues like Ukraine or Georgia. Britain has already led the way in Ukraine and gained respect as a result.

We should seek to cooperate with friendly countries, but that won’t be exclusively Europe. I support the tilt to Asia, but it’s important to remember we are a European country, and our presence will be most impactful in our near neighbourhood.

– If Labour were to win the upcoming General Election, do you think their policies of closer union to the EU would make the original hard-fought concepts of Brexit disappear into the mire?

I think Brexit is irreversible. Starmer has ruled out the Customs Union and the Single Market, and without those he can’t really make a lot of difference to the Trade and Cooperation Agreement. Labour, if they win the Election, may seek to align regulation with that of Europe, but that would be reversible by a later Government.

Whatever ambitions elite opinion or big business may harbour, I am confident the rock of public opinion, if faced with a decision, would be to reject Membership, just as it has done repeatedly in Switzerland and Norway.


The Daily Squib Anthology, a Wayward Christmas Fart From the Wilderness


It is still not too late to purchase a Christmas price reduced copy of the Daily Squib Anthology, which are currently selling like hot idioms from a frazzled copy of the Oxford Dictionary.

Showcasing fifteen long years of internet satire, the book, much like the Daily Squib, is a wayward satirical fart from the wilderness. You see, it’s because we do not comply, we do not conform, and we certainly do not kowtow to any rules laid out by media monstrosities we are rather unique in our delivery of ye olde Juvenalian satire. The Squib does not follow ‘fashion’ in any way or shape.

If you are somewhat of a non-conforming maverick, give the book a go, because the main thesis of the entire anthology is a brazen middle finger pointed at pretty much everything and everyone within this pallid malevolent woke society foisted upon us by deranged control-freaks and authoritarian pseudo-Marxists who seek to take over every facet of our lives.

We give no quarter to these autocratic dictators sitting in their mansions with their ill-gotten gains or the weak fuckers below them who follow without any question as they are steered over the cliff one by one in an orderly manner. The ultimate philosophy of our book is that there must be another way than this, than what we have at the moment, and we must not as a human race revel in mediocrity and putrid banality but choose a path of supreme virtuosity and maybe some forgotten freedom.

If you do thus crave freedom from all of this malodorous manure ejaculated from the puckered anuses of the supreme narcissistic controlling self-appointed pompous dictators of all thought and righteousness — then buy the book, one of the last remnants of freedom left — and this is why they hate us so much, and why they have done everything to try to shut us down simply for exerting our pure human right to freedom of speech and expression.

You can purchase the Daily Squib Anthology at Curtis Press reduced to £9.95 (Retail £17.95) for a limited period.


US Civil War Predictive Programming?


There is no doubt that America is a severely polarised country, which has ramped up its divisions within the last few decades through the introduction of wokism and other Marxist ideologies. The left and right are now so far apart, something eventually will snap. The latest film by writer Alex Garland, who wrote and directed ’24 Days Later’, ‘Ex Machina’, introduces ‘A24’ in 2024. Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarised with them and will accept them as natural progressions. Contrary to belief, this predictive technique is not a ‘conspiracy theory’ but an actual clandestine technique utilised by some intelligence agencies primarily in the 20th Century.

Unfortunately for most Americans, civil war and states seceding could become a reality very soon, purely on the concept of things like religion, race and politics.

Decades of demoralisation have seemed to have worked to a point where society and traditional American values have deteriorated to a point of no return. America’s enemies fed the country with woke ideology borne from Marxism and Soviet communism, which filtered into the entire breadth of American society, including the education systems and even the government. The Democratic Party abandoned liberalism for communism, with a more authoritarian censorious outlook that sought to completely cancel entire swathes of American society.

Wokism is a Marxist ideology that seeks to make Western capitalist culture self-destruct; to make people hate their own culture, colour and sexuality. It seeks to re-write history in its favour, and to denigrate formerly great Western historic heroes and heroines, turning them into hate figures. What better weapon is there for an enemy to use against America than to fracture society, creating discord and animosity to its own culture? Woke agents embedded in all governmental and media departments are daily working to divide America, turning it into an even more hateful entity fighting itself from within. Woke ideology is unfortunately a soviet import from the Cold War which is being utilised by Russia, Iran and China against the once great USA. Wokism uses America’s sole biggest weakness against itself, exploiting this tension to benefit America’s enemies — race.

The internet is certainly also to blame for this level of demoralisation because on the internet America’s enemies can easily create dissent and chaos in social media forums, foreign hackers can infiltrate American databases and use that data against the American people and government. Big Tech has also fomented discord and pandered to the woke ideology, working to create woke echo chambers, skewing search results and cancelling any voices of opposition to woke ideology.

Of course America must be inclusive to some extent, but when that level of inclusion supports known internal terrorist groups like ANTIFA, and agitative racist groups like BLM, there is something very wrong going on in the country.

The film is called A24 and is possibly a form of predictive programming, foreseeing future developments.

Recession Britain: Sunak UK GDP Goes Down Sewer


Fishy Rishi Sunak’s pledge to grow the economy is in the shitter after a slump in GDP by 0.3pc in October, bringing on an assured recession.

Thanks to the scrooge Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt and bumbling Bank of England, the UK economy has begun the final quarter of the year on a downward trajectory, after zero fucking growth over the summer.

Zimbabwe on the Thames

The weak performance in October as well as inflation is an assurance that the economy will now slip into recession, although it has in real terms been in a recession for years already. It also throws into doubt the stumbling Prime Minister’s promise to grow the economy.

Everyone knows it is all about the economy, and having impoverished Britain with his insane economic policies while he was Chancellor, Sunak’s Chancellor is just as bad.

Fishy Rishi Sunak made boosting the economy one of his five key pledges when he outlined his priorities for 2023 at the start of the year.

Recession Britain

“You can’t buy a tiny fucking loaf of bread for lower than £3.90 (4.94 USD), A pint of milk is £4.20 (5.32 USD), and six small eggs are £5.80 (£7.35). Filling up your car now costs a small fortune, especially as 89% of the cost is fuel tax. Last night I paid £190 (240 USD) to fill the motherfucking tank of my Vauxhall Nova. My mortgage increased by 75% since 2021, and I am now paying £6,700 (8486 USD) per month. Council fucking tax has risen by over 80% since last year, and I am paying £5,000 per annum just so they can take my fucking bins away every fortnight.”

The Treasury has throttled the economy and left it for dead, and now the Conservatives are reaping the rewards of their awful non-conservative monetary policy of insanely high taxes, and anti-business anti-growth bureaucratic red-tape taxation nonsense.

The nasty economic outlook will only get worse. The Bank of England warned earlier this month that nearly half of the impact of interest rate rises is yet to be felt in the housing market. 45pc of mortgage deals agreed before the rate rises began are yet to renew. Around 1.5 million fixed-rate mortgages are set to expire next year, which will ensure many households will not be able to cope and lose their homes to the banks. The mass defaults will further impact Britain’s failing economy. Welcome to recession Britain again.

Meanwhile, the incoming Labour government can only rub their dirty hands with glee as they calmly wait for the next General Election on May 2024.

Fishy Rishi Sunak: Rwanda or Bust!


Fishy Rishi Sunak is a desperate man who is running out of time as the current unelected Conservative Party Prime Minister. Time is running out rapidly for Fishy Rishi and his self-imposed target for sending illegal boat migrants to Rwanda.

Every time the British government tries to solve the problem of illegal migrants crossing the English Channel to apply for asylum, it is thwarted by the ECHR, which rules over the UK. Despite a so-called Brexit, Britain is still essentially controlled by the European Convention of Human Rights. Britain thus has zero control over its borders.

The numbers show 50,546 asylum seekers were being housed in hotels in the UK at the end of June. This is around 10% more than the 45,775 living in hotels at the end of last year. It currently costs the British taxpayer £8 million per day to house the illegal migrants in 4-star hotels across the country.

Section 4.1b

Whilst illegal migration is one thing, the Tory government dare not mention the legal migration level under the Sunak regime – net migration was 672,000; most people arriving to the UK in the YE June 2023 were from Nigeria and India.

Britain paid Rwanda an additional £100 million in April, on top of £140 million it previously sent, as the bill for its contested plan to relocate asylum seekers to the East African country continues to rise. An incredible £240 million without a single illegal asylum seeker being sent there. Rwanda is probably receiving cash from the EU as well, many suspect because recently Rwandan government ministers said they would kill the deal if the UK leaves the ECHR. Only 1% of illegal migrants are sent back to where they came from.

Suella fell on her sword, will Fishy Rishi?

Copout28 Another Copout


Yay! It’s another Copout28 copout where people with fat heads all talk absolute shit for days on end about dumping fossil fuels which would cause absolute economic disaster to the developing and Third World countries.  The UAE and Saudi Arabia have no plans on ditching fossil fuels, and neither does China, India and Russia as well as the rest of the developing world.

Where was Greta Thunberg? Who fucking cares?

“While developed countries in the West want to impoverish themselves, we in the developing world have no desire to do so,” a minister from an African country announced as an Arab guy handed him a large brown envelope full of dollars.

Currently, oil can last up to 50 years, natural gas up to 53 years, and coal up to 114 years globally therefore there is no hurry at the moment to switch to other sources of energy any time soon.

The real problem of the globe that no one talks about or dare mention is overpopulation, which is the cause of all poverty, human suffering, war, environmental damage, pollution, terrorism and misery.

If they were talking about overpopulation at Copout28 it would not be a copout, and if the world’s leaders brought in a plan to reduce the insane levels of overpopulation then at least something useful would be achieved.

Experts: Wokism is Borne From Jealousy of the Success of European Culture


The team of experts at the Institute of Technique in Rome, Italy have revealed their findings regarding the study of woke ideology and how wokism has attempted to hijack European history.

“Much of the riots, looting and general anger towards Western European culture is borne from jealousy of European history and wokism is the hateful symptom. There is a fundamental chasm between the culture and technological advancements of Europe and that of people from Sub-Saharan African descent living in the West. This frustration and anger is also reflected by some Sub-Saharan African descended film producers, who have chosen revisionism of history to somehow become relevant. Negationism of history to suit Sub-Saharan African descended audiences is of course based on lies, but it creates a cushion for the people who do not have a valid written documented history and have never achieved any form of technological advancements.

“If we look at Africa today in the year 2023 there are people who are still living in mud huts, the same as they were living 2,500 years ago during the height of the Great Roman Empire. Advancements in technology, science, culture, administration and architecture are worlds apart when looking at the two continents. Europeans have a rich written history dating back thousands of years, whereas Sub-Saharan African people have next to nothing.

ancient rome
Street in Rome, 2,500 years ago

“These are some of the reasons why there is such frustration amongst some Sub-Saharan African descended people who have appropriated the Western culture and are living in Western developed nations. They are frustrated and jealous of the success of European culture and technology. They wear the clothes of Europeans and have even adopted the names of Europeans given to them hundreds of years ago. Sub-Saharan African descended people have also adopted en masse the religion of the Europeans — Christianity.

“So, here we have these people who are somehow living within white European society, but they still feel that something is missing from them, of course, it is their own lost culture that is missing, especially as these people have appropriated the culture of the Europeans.

“Western culture and society has made great leaps in trying to accommodate this fundamental disparity in modern times. Through the use of positive discrimination, where Sub-Saharan African descended people are placed in jobs and education establishments purely on the basis of colour and not their ability, as well as including Sub-Saharan African descended people in all media. These techniques are far removed from the days of segregation in the USA, as well as the apartheid in South Africa, which caused great pain and animosity between Europeans and people of Sub-Saharan African descent.

“The terrible fact is that Europeans are themselves a victim of their own huge success as a society and culture. Their technological advances were millions of times more in levels of progression than other indigenous cultures. Their standards of life were beyond any metre that people of Sub-Saharan African descent could even understand hundreds of years ago. It is best not to mention IQ (Sub Saharan IQ average is 66) as being the sole reason for this, but possibly because the northern European climates were so harsh to live in during the winters and ice age that European people who had moved away from the African continent thousands of years ago saw an increase in their brain sizes and ingenuity simply to survive. The subsequent inter-breeding with Homo Sapiens and the Neanderthals also created gene mutations that increased intelligence, amongst other positives that enhanced and evolved the Europeans genetically.

city of rome wokism
Rome 2,500 years ago

“Naturally, the people of Sub-Saharan African descent feel a great resentment towards the colonial Europeans, who were technologically far superior to their African ancestors. There is a lot of blame put on the Europeans for slavery, despite the fact that African tribal kings and business minded Africans were the ones willingly selling their own people for blankets, guns, and alcohol.

“Today, there is something that has infected European culture, it is a sort of “white guilt” borne from wokism, where Europeans are meant to feel ashamed for their historical and present time technological and societal success and decry their ancestors for that very success. This has led to forced multiculturalism with millions and millions of people imported into urban ghettos where “white flight” then takes place. These places within Europe, Australia and America become awful places to live, where crime and depravation prevail.

“For those of white European descent, to move away is thus called white flight, to move in to an area is called gentrification, to even register a person’s colour is racist, to not see a person’s colour is unconscious bias, to engage with a minority is deemed as cultural appropriation, and to not engage is called non-inclusive behaviour. Europeans are thus doomed to a life of dodging this, dodging that, they are the true victims of their own success, and now are forced to stoop low to accommodate the people who made little or no effort thousands of years ago to advance technologically and scientifically. Wokism is a disruptive, bullying, authoritarian attack on everything that is European in nature, including its history, its culture and its future.”