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What Happens When You Are Called Up For National Service?


Russia is on the warpath and is not going to stop, despite all the Western politicians with their heads firmly lodged in the sand. The people who are appeasing Putin like Macron and other European leaders are already defeated by Russia’s aggressive stance and are useless pawns in a deadly game of chess played by Grandmaster Putin, they are of no worth to anyone apart from Russia. National service is coming.

The Ukraine war has shown that every country needs armed forces and a constant flow of recruits as well as arms. Unfortunately for Ukraine, it has not built up a sufficient military infrastructure or equipment and relies on the Western NATO forces to arm their troops. The average age of soldiers at the front is currently 43 and the Ukrainian military is desperate for younger recruits.

Britain is in a very similar quandary as Ukraine, as our armed forces are severely depleted and miniscule military spending over decades by successive governments has left the entire defence force wanting. It needs new recruits, and it needs more funding to meet the increasing threats from Russia, China, N. Korea and Iran. It may already be too late, as the war drums wait for no one.

Putin, much like Hitler, will not stop at Ukraine, and if he is not repelled he will go through Europe like a knife through butter. When it comes to war, it is best not to leave it to the French, who will most probably surrender at the first shot being fired. Furthermore, Macron makes daily phone calls to his friend Putin, and is an unreliable leader to deal with regarding the defence of Europe.

Woke demoralisation

The unfortunate factor in all of this is that Generation X as a group of people are mostly incompatible with military duties, as many of them have been pacified and wokified over years of indoctrination.

The woke movement has been utilised against Western nations as a destabilising, demoralising element, and it has worked wonders. Enemies of the West infiltrated and indoctrinated many people so that the rot could expand from within.

Former defence minister Tobias Ellwood recently revealed Britain was not equipped to deal with “what is coming over the horizon”.

Mr Ellwood said that following decades of post-Cold War peace there was a growing sense that authoritarian states could “exploit our timidity, perhaps our reluctance to really put fires out” – pointing to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Subsequently, the head of the British Army, General Sir Patrick Sanders, has also revealed that under its current state the UK would not be prepared in the event of a war.

The numbers do not add up

More than 16,000 military personnel left last year, and the intake was only 12,000. Regular UK personnel are currently at 139,000 whilst trained reserves are at a pitiful 29,930.

The 2021 census revealed that in England and Wales there were a total of 1.85 million veterans.

In their terms of service and during their attestation, recruits are told: “If you fail to report at the time and place as specified in the notice calling you out for permanent service without leave of absence, sickness or other reasonable excuse, you will render yourself liable to arrest and prosecution.”

Current serving personnel are also told they “may lose your entitlement to discharge or be required to extend your service” while an order is in place.

Britain last called out its regular reserve during the initial stages of the Gulf War and during the Covid-19 pandemic, where the specialist skills of those who had recently left were required.

Current policy is not to recall those over the age of 55. However, it can be higher for some people.

Once served with a call-out notice, veterans are also to be informed that on acceptance into service they become subject to Service Law once again.

RAF officers who served on a permanent commission and who have completed their service are designated as Retired List officers.

Their liability to recall continues to the age of 60 for officers up to the rank of OF5 and in the case of RAF air officers to the age of 65 for 1- and 2- star ranks, and to the age 67 for 3- and 4-star ranks.

Former Naval other ranks, Army other ranks and RAF personnel who are in receipt of a military pension are designated as service pensioners. Such pensioners are subject to recall up to the age of 60 or for Home Defence Service, and there is no limit on the length of service that may be required after recall.

During WW2, those who could not be sent to the front because of their age or health conditions formed the Home Guard and were tasked with protecting Britain from German invasion.

Unlike the volunteer Army Reserve, regular reservists do not conduct military training after leaving the Armed Forces and do not have a uniform at home.

Instead, they are retained by name on the MOD’s database. Those who have retired from the military and now living abroad are still liable for reserve service.

The truth is that even with military veterans recalled for duty, the numbers still do not add up because it is inevitable that during a conflict there will be many casualties and deaths.

This is why it will also be necessary to reintroduce compulsory conscription for all fighting age men in the UK when the time comes. The moment to prepare is now, because war does not stop for anyone, and the front lines of Ukraine are just the beginning. We must also consider the Middle East escalation, Iran and its proxies, as well as China and its aspirations in the South China Sea.

Now is the time, or forever be forgotten.

Bridges Beyond Anxiety: Navigating Relationship Challenges and Cultivating Resilience Together


In the intricate dance of relationships, there are moments when the path becomes a bit more challenging to navigate. Anxiety, a complex and pervasive force, can cast shadows on the bonds we share with our partners. Understanding its impact and learning to communicate effectively in its presence can be the key to strengthening the bridge that connects two hearts. In this exploration, we delve into the ways anxiety may influence your relationship, unravelling the communication challenges it introduces. More importantly, we’ll discover insights and tips for both partners to foster understanding and build resilience in the face of anxiety-related challenges.

The Impact of Anxiety on Relationships

Anxiety is like a silent intruder, affecting not just the individual experiencing it but also those around them. It can manifest in various forms, from generalised anxiety to specific phobias or social anxiety. In relationships, the impact of anxiety can be profound, creating ripples that touch upon every aspect of the connection.

One of the primary challenges is the way anxiety influences communication. Partners may find it difficult to express themselves openly, fearing judgement or rejection. Conversely, the partner of someone experiencing anxiety may struggle to comprehend the seemingly irrational fears or worries. This miscommunication can create a divide, leading to frustration and resentment if left unaddressed.


Navigating Communication Challenges

Building bridges beyond anxiety begins with acknowledging and understanding the communication challenges it presents. Here are some key aspects to consider:

Create a Safe Space for Open Communication

Encourage an environment where both partners feel safe expressing their thoughts and emotions without judgement. Foster a sense of understanding and empathy, recognising that anxiety is a shared challenge.

Develop Active Listening Skills

Effective communication involves not just speaking but also listening actively. Pay attention to your partner’s concerns and feelings, validating their experiences without trying to immediately solve the problem. Sometimes, a listening ear can be the bridge to connection.


Use “I” Statements

When discussing emotions and concerns, frame your thoughts using “I” statements to express personal feelings without assigning blame. This can help prevent defensiveness and encourage a collaborative problem-solving approach.

Fostering Understanding and Building Resilience
Beyond communication, cultivating resilience is essential for weathering the storms that anxiety may bring into a relationship. Consider the following tips:

Educate Yourself About Anxiety

Knowledge is a powerful tool. Both partners should invest time in learning about anxiety, its various forms, and coping mechanisms. This shared understanding can strengthen the foundation of the relationship.


Seek Professional Support

Don’t hesitate to explore professional help, such as couples therapy, individual counselling or private treatment. Delamere looks at underlying factors that drive your behaviour and can provide treatment, coping mechanisms and strategies to navigate anxiety-related challenges.

Practice Self-Care Together

Building resilience involves taking care of oneself and each other. Establish self-care routines that both partners can engage in, promoting mental and emotional well-being. This shared commitment to self-care creates a supportive atmosphere.

Final Thoughts

In the realm of relationships, anxiety can be a formidable opponent, but it doesn’t have to be a destructive force. By recognising the communication challenges it introduces and actively working to foster understanding and resilience, couples can build bridges that stand strong in the face of adversity. Remember, it’s not about eliminating anxiety but rather learning to dance with it, hand in hand, as partners on a journey of shared growth and connection.

Casino Niagara, Niagara Falls, Ontario


I am in a place with no windows, no exit signs, no closing hour, no clocks, and the atmosphere of a shark with the scent of blood. Welcome to Casino Niagara, Niagara Falls. Within five feet of entering the concourse, an electrical current plugs through my bones as an explosion of visual stimulation assaults my senses: champagne bubbles of twinkling lights, deep hued forest green table tops, and a tumult of voices. North America’s silver and blue-haired cattle have been herded by busload and shuttled from their bingo parlours in upstate New York and beyond to the gilded halls of this adult playground. People are intravenously hooked up to the slot machines via umbilical cord to their Casino credit card. This discourages any human necessities like blinking, breathing or relieving yourself. Even death is probably viewed as an inconvenience – a corpse prevents someone else from gambling. Gamblers at “coin machines” look like
an assembly line of automated junkies as they press the “spin” button with acute
determination, anticipating the clinking excitement of money. You can see the needle
marks of desperation.

The place is like a Bedouin’s tent, filled with shimmering temptations and fleshy cleavages squeezed into sequenced vests serving drinks. Ubiquitous smiling hostesses and tuxedos blur by, while an indistinguishable chatter, all add to the smell of greed and fear. A myriad of manicured blackjack, poker and baccarat tables grace the interior. Big Six and roulette tables cover the areas where the one-armed bandits don’t. “Damn right,” mutters a hefty man wearing a baseball cap and a vinyl Maple Leaf’s jacket as he reads TODAY’S YOUR LUCKY DAY! It blinks hypnotically from a slot machine. He proceeds to drown a large roll of loonies into the mouth of the machine. Within ten minutes, he has lost it all. As he sulks, a woman, three aisles down, squeals as $3,000 worth of coins regurgitates into her metal tray.

The croupier solemnly wins another hand at the blackjack table. The eyes of gamblers glisten with imperishable hope on every bet. The dealer glides her hand over the
Wimbledon green layout like a conjurer. Her hand floats smoothly above the table with
professional ease. All five players watch it like an oscillating piano timer. A new deck is
automatically shuffled from what looks like a small black safety box, and then spits out
a deck from its lip. With deft precision, the croupier flips each card face-up in front of
the opposing players. This prevents anyone from touching or tampering with the cards.
Further scrutiny comes in the form of the floorman, whose taciturn presence almost
blurs into the background. One polished looking floorman informs me that a patron
won over $150,000 at blackjack a couple of days earlier. The croupier looks at a 16
staring back at her, usually known as “gambler’s ruin.” Without hesitation, she deals
herself, another card – a 5 of Diamonds. “Twenty-one,” she announces flatly. A chorus
of groans spread around the table. A blonde, tanned lady of indeterminate age curses
and takes another gulp from her scotch. Despair that had swept the table turns once
more to hope when the croupier deals a new pack and the human frailty called greed is
again restored. Their personalities seemingly as transparent as lit homes at night.

Black Plexiglas bubbles regimentally dot the ceiling like a chessboard. Behind each tint
of glass, a tape is rolling; a cold, metallic eye surveys and scrutinizes each table and
each dealer. It is trained on the tables, the slot machines, the counting rooms, and the
cage where cashiers sell and cash-in chips. The “eye” knows there is a touch of
larceny in everyone. This includes the dealers who make just enough to put up with the
stress from gamblers and the tension from management. After twenty minutes of
observing the blackjack players, three-quarters of them seem deflated. The games
have no start nor finish, but are just continuous – an anxious rhythm.

There is a deathly silence from the gamblers as the roulette ball spins, bounces, tickles
and trickles into a slot on the wheel. “Twenty-five red,” barks the dealer as the table
erupts into a symphony of jubilation and angst. The table is alive with characters:
shady high-rollers, divorcees, newlyweds who assume luck is on their side, voyeurs
who look for excitement, hustlers who look for naïve prey, tourists, old women with
their pension money and men with their welfare cheques, and an extraordinary amount
of Chinese – emotionless and resolute. Most of all, everyone is consumed by the
frantic speed of the action, the “live or die” scenario with each bet. I can feel the
energy peak then wane with each roll of the ball. Their faces read of silent prayers.
Anxiety jerks their movements as their eyes burn through the little white ball. It is
organized desperation.

What makes it truly fascinating is watching the various gambling techniques: The
compulsive player who bets heavily on particular numbers, never varying his game,
seemingly unflustered by a flush of hundreds that steadily pour from his wallet, only to
fuel his fix from the nearest ATM machine (he’s determined to win it all back); the
earnest player who jots down numbers meticulously on a pad, trying to outwit luck; the
“safe” player that plays opposing numbers so he never loses nor wins…until the ball
hits “00”, which it does three times whilst I am there; and the compulsive gambler, who
lurks inside most of us, bets with a lack of decorum, never knowing when it is
appropriate to stop. The real winners are usually the same players: the casino, the City
of Niagara and Revenue Canada.

Nevertheless, building and running a gambling facility doesn’t create wealth, it merely
transfers it. It is a bit like a wonderful quote I once read: “But look at Atlantic City. It
used to be a slum by the sea, and now, it’s a slum by the sea with casinos.” The
consequences in whether or not gambling benefits or hurts a community can be
addressed: The benefit for a region is if the transfers are from outside of the region.
This stimulus could occur two main ways: First, tourists from abroad spend more time
and money within the region. And second, local residents who used to travel outside of
the region to gamble now stay within the region.

There are also ways that building a casino could result in no increased benefits for the
region: Local residents who used to go to restaurants now spend their money in the
casino. Then the casino has no net economic benefit. Tourists who used to spend
money on other activities within the region now go to a gambling facility within the
region. Constructing a casino could be pejorative if either of the following occurred:
Local businesses go bankrupt because consumers have changed their expenditures to
casinos that happen to be owned by out-of-province interests. Casinos buy more
products from out of province than the businesses they replace. Finally, casinos result
in increased social costs including police and other public services as well as the costs
of pathological and problem gamblers. A correlation between convenient access to
gambling and high bankruptcy rates might also occur if distressed communities are
more receptive to the introduction of casinos than prosperous communities. This leads
me to question the proliferation of TV commercials (and Internet gambling games),
which pander to an audience to gamble. According to the American Psychological
Association, Internet gambling could be as addictive as alcohol or drugs. It remains to
be seen what kind of deal the future holds.

Check out Clive Branson’s illustrations here

Pathetic Weak Sunak is Certainly No Churchill


Limp is the word. Unelected Prime Minister Rishi Sunak today sidelined General Sir Patrick Sanders and Defence Minister Grant Shapps who have been warning that the augurs of war are closing in and Britain must be prepared for conflict. Sunak ruled out any form of conscription after the head of the Army warned that British civilians would need to fight Russia in a future war. In a global conflict, the PM would thus leave Britain defenceless and be the arbiter for complete defeat.

“He is certainly no Churchill or Boris that’s for sure. Sunak is an unelected pen-pushing wimp, a limp-wristed impotent wet fart who has destroyed the British military by denying it the necessary funding,” a disgusted member of the public revealed.

Many Britons would be ready to fight in a war, and to have someone who is supposed to lead the country bend over for the enemy is frankly disgusting.

The General’s remarks at the International Armoured Vehicles conference in Twickenham on Wednesday underscored the fact that the Army, which is expected to have just 72,500 fully-trained soldiers by 2025, is not capable of waging a full-scale conflict with Russia, even if it boasts 120,000.

Defence sources revealed that Gen Sir Patrick wants British men and women to think like soldiers and be mentally ready for a war with Russia.

Grant Shapps, the Defence Secretary, warned that the UK was “moving from a post-war to a pre-war world” with conflict expected internationally within five years.

Britain only spends 3% of GDP on defence, which is a pitiful amount, seeing as war is becoming more inevitable.

How to Make $5 Million in a Year Without a Single Day of Work


Making money comes easy for some, and for others, not so easy. I am going to tell you a story about a man who made $5 million in a single year and teach you how you too could do the same thing. In fact, this is so easy that you will be truly astounded.

Firstly, you do not need a business, you do not have to break your back in some routine soulless fucking job. You do not need to work in some garish office or slave away on a building site lugging bricks up and down a gnarly old ladder.

You do not have to collect mundane objects, chewing gum wrappers or matchboxes hoping that one day in a hundred years they may have some value.

You do not have to invent the square wheel…again, or some sort of newfangled gadget that is then manufactured en masse in a Chinese communist slave factory.

You do not have to come up with the only vaccine for some deadly virus or disease, then sell it to governments for huge prices.

How about writing that one hit song that goes down in the annals of rock’n’roll as the greatest song ever written, making you millions? No, you don’t have to be some performing monkey and do tedious MTV interviews with some brain-dead lobotomised pop DJ or do any circus tricks.

Forget about writing that special app that is downloaded by gazillions of paying people, or starting the next Facebook or Twitter. Every angle has now been covered, and the market is completely oversaturated as well as shot.

Here’s the clincher, none of that crap is needed if you want to make a cool five million bucks per year, you see it’s all down to one single thing and that thing is a very special commodity that was first possibly conceptualised in Sumerian times approximately 7,500 years ago.

Now, the pièce de résistance! Yes, that little thing that you need, well … Forget about working for a living or doing any other useless nonsensical shit. The key to making $5 million per annum is really a very simple thing. It’s called already having shedloads of money in the first place, call it inheritance, or some lucky mega payoff, and of course, lest we forget, a teensy $71,428,571.43 in the bank at a special rate of 7%.

Money makes money, and that’s called interest. One does not need to undertake any action other than depositing the funds into an exclusive bank account for the privileged that is reserved for a select group of individuals, and one can generate a staggering $5 million dollars annually for doing absolutely nothing.

Disclaimer: This should not be considered as financial advice in any way, even though it is completely true that to make real money, you need shitloads of money in the first place and should be preferably born into it.

The Tyrants are Scared – Gun Regulation Coming to US


For tyranny to truly flourish in any nation, the civilian masses must be disarmed with gun regulation. Hitler and Stalin knew that, and now the socialist Americans who are in key step with China and the WEF know that. Socialists/communists are essentially control freaks on speed, they have to have every facet of your life under their control and if they don’t get that, well, there’s trouble.

Totalitarian Tiptoe

This is why the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School for Public Health is laying out a plan to disarm all Americans, first with little petty regulations, then with full force complete gun regulation.

“You can’t just ban guns just like that because all the kooks and right wing nut jobs will start shooting. You do it piecemeal slowly, a bit here, a bit there, until it’s too late, and they lost their gun rights,” an anti-gun lobbyist revealed about the plan.

The policy recommendations made by the study include regulating the public carry of firearms, prohibiting “paramilitary” activity, enacting unconstitutional red flag laws that remove due process, and finally repealing state-level pre-emption laws.

Gun control groups are so frustrated at not being able to pass laws through Congress that they have started looking to local jurisdictions to pass their legislative priorities banning firearms and limiting ammunition. This nefarious strategy mirrors the Soros district-attorney campaigns.

“Mr. and Mrs. America! We will have your guns one way or another. How else are we going to shepherd you and your families into the FEMA camps we prepared? Don’t worry, folks, we are stockpiling enough body bags for those undesirables to sleep in forever,” another anti-gun lobbyist commented, giggling his ass off.

When tyranny comes to town it will have a smiling face, and be ‘concerned for your safety’ by taking away your last rights to defend yourself — from tyranny.

Living Legends of Aviation Prince Harry Enjoys New Title

What’s it like to be part of the living legends of aviation, or just a leg end? Ask Prince Harry, who is now wallowing in his new title despite flying only for 20 weeks in the RAF as a gunner in a piloted Apache helicopter.

“I was effectively being chauffeured around by this amazing pilot for my 20-week tour of Afghanistan, and all I had to do was pull a trigger if I saw any rag heads. I personally don’t know the first thing about flying those bloody things, especially as the maths and stuff you have to learn is way over my simple brain. Well, I got the prize now — living legends of aviation — and the actual pilots in combat who deserved the prize did not get jack shit. You may ask yourself why?” the errant prince boasted after the magnificent ceremony.

Buzz Aldrin went to the fucking moon; Prince Harry was a gunner in Afghanistan for 20 weeks.

Praise undeserved, is satire in disguise.

Alexander Pope

The Online Roulette High-Tech Gaming Revolution Is Here


Online gambling has come a long way since its inception, with various casino games captivating the hearts of players worldwide. Among these games, roulette stands as a timeless classic that has adapted seamlessly to the digital era. As technology continues to advance, the future of online roulette gaming is poised to deliver an even more immersive and exciting experience. In this article, with information provided by the online casino FruityKing, we will explore some key trends and innovations that are shaping the future of online roulette gaming.

1. Realistic Virtual Environments

The cornerstone of online roulette gaming has always been its ability to replicate the thrill of playing in a land-based casino. In the future, we can expect even more realistic virtual environments. Advanced graphics, 3D rendering, and augmented reality (AR) technologies will create an immersive gaming atmosphere, allowing players to feel as though they are sitting at a physical roulette table, surrounded by the sights and sounds of a bustling casino floor.

2. Live Dealer Roulette Evolution

Live dealer roulette has gained immense popularity in recent years, bridging the gap between online and land-based casino experiences. In the future, this trend is expected to continue evolving. High-definition streaming, multiple camera angles, and interactive features will enhance the live dealer roulette experience further. Players can engage with dealers and fellow players in real-time, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie.

3. Virtual Reality Integration

Virtual reality (VR) is poised to revolutionize the online roulette gaming experience. With VR headsets becoming more accessible and affordable, players can immerse themselves fully in a virtual casino environment. Imagine putting on a VR headset and stepping into a luxurious Monte Carlo casino, complete with a beautifully crafted roulette table and a charming dealer. This level of immersion will redefine the way players enjoy roulette, making it feel as though they are physically present at the casino.

4. Cryptocurrency Integration

The world of online gambling has been quick to adopt cryptocurrency as a payment method, and the trend is likely to continue. Cryptocurrencies offer advantages such as faster transactions, increased security, and greater privacy for players. Online roulette casinos may increasingly integrate cryptocurrencies into their platforms, allowing players to wager with Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other digital currencies. This integration will not only enhance convenience but also cater to a tech-savvy audience.

5. AI-Powered Gameplay

Artificial intelligence (AI) has already made significant strides in the online gambling industry. In the future, AI will play a more prominent role in online roulette gaming. AI algorithms can be used to analyse player behaviour and preferences, providing personalized recommendations and strategies. Moreover, AI-powered dealers could offer a more challenging and realistic gaming experience, adapting their strategies based on the player’s skill level.

6. Enhanced Security Measures

Online roulette gaming is not just about entertainment; it’s also about ensuring a safe and secure environment for players. In the future, online casinos will invest heavily in advanced security measures, including blockchain technology for transparent and tamper-proof gaming outcomes. Players can rest assured that their bets are fair, and their financial information is protected.

7. Mobile Optimization

The future of online roulette gaming is undoubtedly mobile. As smartphones and tablets become increasingly powerful, online casinos will prioritize optimizing their platforms for mobile devices. Players will have the flexibility to enjoy roulette on the go, whether waiting for a bus or relaxing at home. Mobile apps and responsive websites will offer seamless gameplay, ensuring that roulette enthusiasts can spin the wheel whenever and wherever they desire.

8. Gamification Elements

To keep players engaged, online roulette gaming platforms will incorporate gamification elements. These may include loyalty programs, challenges, tournaments, and social features that encourage competition and interaction among players. Gamification will add a layer of excitement and motivation, making online roulette more than just a game of chance.

The future of online roulette gaming is a promising blend of tradition and technology. With realistic virtual environments, live dealer experiences, VR integration, cryptocurrency adoption, AI-powered gameplay, enhanced security measures, mobile optimization, and gamification elements, players can look forward to a more immersive, convenient, and enjoyable gaming experience. While the core of roulette remains the same – the thrill of watching the ball spin and the anticipation of where it will land – the way we experience this classic game is evolving, ensuring that it continues to captivate players for generations to come.

Online Dating Catfishing: Is It Prevalent?


Before going into the world of online romance, people often want to know one thing — how prevalent is catfishing on online dating sites? While no one can tell you the exact percentage of it on online dating, there are still some factors you should remember about to understand whether the service you use is reliable or not.

Catfishing refers to when a person takes information and images, typically from other people, and uses them to create a new identity for themselves. In some cases, a catfisher steals another individual’s complete identity—including their image, date of birth, and geographical location—and pretends that it is their own.

Varied Degrees of Prevalence

Catfishing exists, but its prevalence varies across platforms. While some dating sites implement robust verification measures, others may not be as stringent. Understanding the diversity in security measures aids users in navigating platforms with a heightened awareness, even without knowing the statistics of catfishing in online dating.

Targeted Nature of Catfishing

Catfishing tends to be more targeted than widespread. Perpetrators often select specific individuals based on various factors, such as vulnerability, financial status, or personal information. Recognizing the targeted nature allows users to be vigilant without succumbing to undue paranoia.

Educated Vigilance is Key

Rather than succumbing to fear, an educated form of vigilance is crucial. Users can familiarize themselves with common catfishing tactics, such as reverse image searches and video verification, to identify potential red flags. This proactive approach empowers users to navigate the online dating realm with greater confidence.

Platform-Specific Trends

Catfishing trends can vary between platforms. Some sites may attract a higher number of catfishers due to their user demographics or lax security measures. Acknowledging these platform-specific trends allows users to tailor their cautionary measures accordingly.

Continuous Evolution of Tactics

Catfishing tactics evolve in response to countermeasures implemented by dating platforms. Understanding this continuous evolution prompts users to stay informed about emerging trends and adapt their strategies for detecting potential catfishing scenarios.



Role of User Verification Features

Platforms offering robust user verification features play a pivotal role in mitigating catfishing risks. Users can prioritize platforms that implement stringent verification processes, enhancing the overall safety and authenticity of the online dating experience.

Community Vigilance and Reporting

Online communities play a crucial role in identifying and reporting potential catfishing incidents. Encouraging a culture of vigilance and reporting within dating communities contributes to the collective effort to thwart deceptive practices.

Balance Trust with Caution

While building connections, users should balance trust with caution. Establishing trust gradually and validating information over time reduces the risk of falling prey to catfishing schemes. This measured approach safeguards users without stifling genuine connections.

Ongoing Education Initiatives

Dating platforms can contribute to the fight against identity theft by implementing ongoing education initiatives. Providing users with resources and information about common tactics fosters a community that is informed and resilient against deceptive practices.

The Intersection of Privacy and Security

Recognizing the delicate balance between privacy and security is crucial. While dating platforms aim to protect user information, users should remain mindful of the information they share. This synergy between platform safeguards and user discretion reinforces a resilient defence against potential catfishing.

Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity

Catfishing tactics may differ across cultures, and users benefit from cultural awareness. Understanding nuanced approaches to online interactions ensures a more discerning eye, allowing users to differentiate between cultural variations and potential deceptive behaviour.

What is the Only G20 Nation That Does Not Make Its Own Virgin Steel?


If a nation cannot make its own steel, what kind of a country is it? Steel is crucial not only for all manufacturing as well as military use. Without steel, a country is almost useless if any global or regional conflict rears its ugly head. What are you going to make ships and tanks out of — fucking balsa wood?

Well, today is a historical day in British history because Britain will not be able to make crucial high quality virgin steel anymore because they’re closing the last plant that makes the stuff.

Tata Steel, an Indian company probably working with the Russians, is at the bottom of the debacle. The Indian company confirms it is cutting 2,800 jobs across the UK and closing both blast furnaces in Port Talbot, south Wales.

While every other developed nation in the world can produce their own virgin steel, Britain will only be able to create inferior steel which will be of low quality and useless in military terms, or for most manufacturing processes.

Bankrupt Britain is now below the status of many African nations regarding manufacturing, and will be left behind in global capabilities.

Naturally, there was not a single word from the unelected British Indian PM on the horrid news. Britain will have to now import its steel from China which is of poor quality, and if there is war will not be available.

Britain is now the laughingstock of the world, a place which engineered and designed the entire industrial steel-making process in the first place.