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Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Happy Bishop: “The Churches Have Never Been More Full”


Britain’s empty churches are suddenly brimming with activity and flocking with worshippers, the jubilant Bishop of Bath and Wells has revealed.

“For years we rarely had any worshippers attending our services, maybe one or two. For decades Christianity has been in serious decline, that is, until the last month. I have been rushed off my feet with baptisms and our services are now so full there are worshippers hanging from the rafters. Last Sunday service there was a near riot to enter the church and one man was trampled to death, bless his soul.”

All across Britain, churches are struggling to cope with the sudden influx. This applies to all nominations, Church of England and Catholic.

The Archbishop of Canterbury was seen dancing in the street when he heard the wonderful news, as he welcomed the flock to the love and care of Jesus Christ.

“It is a beautiful sight to behold. Praise the Lord, and the Holy Spirit. Last night alone, I walked past the cathedral and I saw over 40,000 asylum seekers lining up for immediate baptism. This phenomenon is happening across the entirety of the UK.”

Thanks to the asylum seekers for reinvigorating the dying churches and congregations across the nation.

One happy asylum seeker who was from Germany via Saudi Arabia revealed his joy at being baptised into Christianity.

“Good luck sending me back to Saudi Arabia. I am now a good Christian like you. Bismillah, Allahu Akbar! By Allah, if you try, I will behead you Infidel dog!”

Paedophilia Being Normalised by LGBTQ Paedophiles


The incessant march towards normalisation of paedophilia is all too evident in the clip below, with half-naked underage children being paraded in the streets wearing suspenders, make-up and waving LGBTQ rainbow flags.

The aim of normalising paedophilia is to add a ‘P’ to the end of LGBTQ (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, paedophile). For a long time the LGBTQ community have been promoting paedophilia and are now desperately trying to be inclusive of the paedophile community.

Within the LGBTQ movement, there are many homosexual men who desire young boys for sex, and they seem to be frustrated that they are not fully represented in the ‘inclusive’ nature of the LGBTQ group. This is why they are now making an issue about it with parades of young children in bondage and lingerie gear.

They have pretty much normalised transexuals, therefore the next logical step for this section of society is to normalise paedophilia.


Why Food Costs Increasing? ESG, EU, WEF Climate Agenda War on Farmers


Wonder why your food costs are getting higher and higher? You can blame the WEF, EU, ESG and Climate Change zealots who are conducting an economic war on farmers punishing them through increased regulation, taxation and costs making their operations more expensive. The EU and US Biden administration want people to eat maggots and insects, they do not want you to eat vegetables, meat or dairy which utilises traditional farming techniques which they deem as unsustainable and bad for the environment.

This is why French farmers are rioting right now, and food costs are increasing daily.

In America, the people who are running the Biden administration have committed to cutting America’s greenhouse gas emissions by 50–52 percent by 2030 and to reach economy-wide net-zero emissions by 2050.

Farmers are now deemed as the enemy and fundamental cause of climate change, specifically the farming of animals is an area that will have to be eradicated. This is being achieved by artificially increasing the prices of fertiliser, animal feed and punishing farmers with over regulation and other discriminatory high costs. The goal is to either put traditional farmers out of work or inhibit their operations to minimal functionality.

The people who are controlling the Biden administration have already started implementing stringent regulatory policies meant to cut carbon emissions from America’s energy industry, while a looming final rule on ESG reporting, due to enter into force in April 2024, threatens to push carbon compliance onto other industries.

Small insects – Big impact! EU authorises insects as food

The EU has already mandated plans for the general populace to eat insects and maggots for their protein, but this will of course not apply to EU officials and politicians, who will retain some select organic farms so they can dine on the finest filet mignon and organically produced vegetables and fruit.

“This is Net Zero, you will eat insects, bugs and maggots while we dine on the finest organic produce, which you will not be able to afford, or will not be allowed to consume. Remember, Net Zero means zero carbon, and you as a peasant or feudal slave are the major carbon producing problem. I will enjoy my steak and potatoes, and you will have a fucking few maggots. This is climate change and you are the cause. This is a War on Farmers! Now enjoy yourself, you fucking peasant scum!” an unelected EU Commission autocrat quipped from a 5-star Michelin restaurant in Brussels on Friday.

All of these issues of course stem from one single problem — overpopulation. If the globe was so needlessly overpopulated, then many would not be forced to eat fucking bugs and maggots in the future.

Insect propaganda is rife on TV now, and here is an example of the type of propaganda that is being pushed by the BBC:

Joe Biden Memory: “I Don’t Remember Pressing the Red Button”


Sure, it’s a sad sight to see an old man lose his memory, but to see a US President who is being exploited by the people controlling him and his memory loss is even sadder. The Democrat Party is sick and truly evil for using poor old Joe Biden, who can’t even remember when he was Vice President or when his son Beau died. It is highly irresponsible for the Democrat Party to put forward Biden for another term in office because he is not only a danger to himself but to the entire nation and world. What we have here is severe Joe Biden memory loss.

What people have concerns with now, the Daily Squib had in 2021. Welcome to the party late, folks.

I don’t remember if I pressed the red button. I don’t remember ordering the nuclear strike,” a trembling Joe Biden would say from the White House bunker. No one would know he said those words because 99% of the population would be killed with a nuclear retaliation, either disintegrating in the initial fireball strikes or through radiation sickness and starvation.

Joe Biden, is a barely functioning individual who is supposedly in charge of the most powerful country in the fucking world. That is scary. Think about that for a second, if it was not for the people behind him making the decisions and controlling him he would do nothing, or do something very, very bad. Who is controlling Biden? That is another concern, we do not know who it is, or who they are and what their fucking agenda is? What if some malicious evil woke people with an authoritarian agenda take over control — oh shit, they already have, haven’t they?

The worst part of this entire tragedy is that people actually voted for this guy simply because he was not Donald Trump. They could have put a pork chop up there as president, and it would have won, simply because it was not the orange bogey man.

If Joe Biden somehow finds himself with another term, he won’t know about it because every day for him is completely new, and he won’t even remember his first term, or anything else or that matter.

It is the evil Democrat Party who are using this old man so they can manipulate the vote, manipulate US policy and conduct a possible Neocon agenda to foment a war with Iran or China, or escalate the war with Russia. Joe Biden is innocent in all of this because he is being exploited and has no memory of any of it or knowledge of anything any more. He actually thinks he is US President and is making policy — that’s the saddest part.


Doh! Even Royalty Gets Cancer


Who would have thought it, even members of the royal family get cancer. From the multitude of surprised press reports about King Charles getting the Big C, you would think that the royal family are viewed as superhuman beings, or in David Icke’s case — reptilians from the Draco constellation.

There is a fundamental difference of course in the treatment a prominent member of the royal family receives to that of the general public. They recieve the highest level of medical care and the best doctors who are on hand at all times to serve the royal cancer patient. This is in stark contrast to someone who is probably on the NHS, where an appointment for treatment can be over 6 months ahead, and by that time the patient will have deteriorated drastically. Britain has one of the lowest cancer survival rates in the world, but if you are a royal it’s okay, you are in good hands.

It has not been revealed what type of cancer the monarch has, but it is almost a certainty that he will be cured soon enough, and all this hoo-ha will be gone.

The release of the information about King Charles’ illness is somewhat suspect, however it could be a way of normalising cancer as it becomes way more prevalent in these times. Microplastics, chemicals, food wrapped in plastic, and high amounts of sugar and hormones pumped into everything all play a part in the modern lifestyle of millions of people. Normalising something like cancer, when it used to be quite a rare occurrence, is also a way of surreptitiously covering up the epidemic.

reptilian royalty

It is however with a sigh of relief to know that the members of the royal family are not reptilians, and are just normal human beings who are from a certain protected lineage.

David Icke claims in his books that the royal family are part of the blood-drinking, shape-shifting reptilian race from the Alpha Draconis star system, now hiding in underground bases, and are the force behind a worldwide conspiracy against humanity. He contends that most of the world’s ancient and modern leaders are related to these reptilians, including the Merovingian dynasty, the Rothschilds, the Bush family and the British Royal family.

Trump Election Fears That Biden Cadaver Controllers May Have Trick Up Sleeve


No one quite knows who is running the White House or the walking remote controlled cadaver people call ‘Joe Biden’. This scary reality could have terrible implications for the incoming president — Donald. J. Trump, if he is not careful, his election campaign consultants have advised.

“What we know about Joe Biden is that he is a walking and talking cadaver, a puppet remotely controlled by some very clever people, and this could have very serious implications for our campaign,” Niles Kominsky, Trump’s lead election campaigner revealed on Thursday.

Some of the theories are that the Biden robot is fully controlled by Barack Hussein Obama, and his wife Michael. This is now officially Obama’s third term. One other theory is that Biden was at one point implanted with a Neuralink device in his dead brain tissue, which allowed him to look as if he was alive sometimes.

“It’s like a ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ scenario, because Biden is technically not alive, but here he is conducting news conferences and election campaigning. In addition to AI, we think he has an entire team of technicians in a huge data control centre which relays real-time instructions to his carcass. We are still baffled as to how he moves around if the body is not alive. One of our scientists suggested that electrical impulses in his muscles are stimulated by electric shocks that make the muscle move and Biden is able to look relatively normal,” Kominsky added.

Whatever happens during the election campaign season, questions must be asked how a deceased body could be manipulated to such an extent. All of this suits the Democrats just fine though because they do not like or want a president with his own mind and thoughts. It is better to have a blank canvas to input anything the political party wants at the touch of a button.

“It could be anything up there at the podium giving mumbling incoherent speeches that make America a laughingstock to the rest of the world, Hell, you could have a pork chop or a stuffed animal as a Democrat president as long as we make it look like it’s alive and making its own decisions. Joe Biden died some time before his fake election,” ex-CIA analyst Jebb Torkfers commented in a recent New York Times article.

Russians Preparing For Nuclear War Survival – What’s the West Doing?


Apart from countries like Finland and Switzerland who have many nuclear shelters, most Western countries are not prepared for nuclear war. In the United Kingdom, all the Cold War nuclear shelters have been abandoned and left to rot. This is in stark contrast to the Russians, who have introduced an education program on how to protect themselves in a possible nuclear war as part of the national curriculum. Nuclear war survival is the key to any nation in the modern world and the threats facing the global population.

Russian ministers and television personalities have not shied away from threatening Western nations with complete nuclear obliteration.

Nuclear War Survival

The Ministry of Education approved amendments to the educational standards of basic and secondary education (FSES). They finally set out the requirements for mastering the discipline “Fundamentals of Security and Defence of the Motherland” (BSD), which from September 1, 2024 will replace “Fundamentals of Safe Living” (FS). As part of the basic course, schoolchildren will master the elements of basic military training, the rules of first aid in combat conditions and methods of protection against weapons of mass destruction.

In addition to mastering basic military training and first aid during combat operations, schoolchildren will study at OZR a number of familiar topics from the former life safety: traffic rules and safe behaviour in transport, the basics of fire safety, procedures for action in emergency situations and in the natural environment.

Schoolchildren will also be taught the basics of constructive communication, instilled with the skills to distinguish dangerous phenomena in social interaction and ways to counter extremist and terrorist activities. One of the points assumes “developed intolerance towards manifestations of violence in social interaction” and the ability to counteract danger in the digital environment.


Illegal Economic Migrant: “Now I am Christian I can Stay in Your Country”


As the sex attacker Abdul Shokoor Ezedi, who left mother and child disfigured with a vicious acid attack, is on the roam evading the police, it has now been revealed he was twice denied residence, but succeeded after conversion to Christianity. Now over 40 economic migrant asylum seekers who crossed into the country illegally are doing the same and claiming they have converted to Christianity.

“It is easy to fool the stupid Christian priests who are desperate to reclaim their dying clergy. I just went up to the reverend and said I wanted to be Christian. He immediately took me to the church, and I was baptised as a Christian. Now they cannot deport me. Abdul, Zaid, Muhammad and Jamal my friends are all now converting as well. In reality, we hate Christians and know nothing about the religion apart from they eat pigs,” an asylum seeker who recently converted to Christianity revealed.

Now as many as 40 asylum seekers on the Bibby Stockholm barge are said to be converting to Christianity, sparking fears that migrants are claiming to have changed their religion in order to be granted asylum.

“By claiming to be Christian, they cannot send me back to Afghanistan, where I will be persecuted. This is the best and easiest way to obtain a life of benefits and luxurious lifestyle in your country. Thank you, English idiots in your church, in the name of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad, praise be upon him, we have tricked you. I pray towards Mecca every day and spit on your filthy cross,” another jubilant asylum seeker revealed, laughing hysterically.

Why 2013 Was Great Year For the Spread of Syphilis and Super Gonorrhoea


In the year 2000, according to CDC records and a recent study, syphilis was on the way out and nearly eradicated, then along came the dating apps like Tinder and gay app Grindr in 2012. Sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis, gonorrhoea and HIV were suddenly back in vogue and began to rise again thanks to the dating apps capitalising on the ease of casual hook-ups and 2013 was a bumper year for a massive increase in STI spreading far and wide.

Today in 2022, syphilis is at the same level as it was in the 1950s thanks to the success of casual dating apps.

With an added drop in condom use especially with promiscuous gay men, HIV and AIDS are also increasing at an exponential level, but modern drugs halt certain death amongst this group of society.

Syphilis if not treated can cause multiple health problems and can lead to death.

All of this data points towards a fundamentally sick, masochistic society that even creates apps to increase its own level of sickness. The only positive is that nature finds a way to reduce the population level in a natural controlled manner and utilises human stupidity and greed to its advantage.

Overpopulation is a very serious problem, and thankfully, dating apps created by greedy exploitative developers are a wonderful cure to the Malthusian Nightmare scenario plaguing the globe currently.

Apple Vision Pro: How much Technology is Enough?


It is a common sight in America now to see people wearing Apple Vision Pro goggles driving their cars in auto mode down the freeway at 80 MPH. These people are essentially driving blind whilst they play around wearing their Apple Vision Pro glasses.

The Apple goggles offer two innovations in one: a virtual-reality (VR) headset with a higher resolution than most others on the market, and an array of augmented-reality (AR) cameras that allow a wearer to see ordinary computer applications floating in space, and to interact with them via hand gestures.

To Apple’s credit, they do warn their users not to use the goggles while driving any road vehicles:”Never use Apple Vision Pro while operating a moving vehicle, bicycle, heavy machinery, or in any other situations requiring attention to safety. Using the device in low light conditions may increase the risk of collision with objects in your environment.”

“I saw one guy sitting in the back seat of his car while it was going down the i-405 at 120 MPH. He was obviously immersed heavily in some VR program as the Tesla veered around traffic at high speed. What the oblivious guy did not realise is that there were a line of cop cars chasing him for miles,” one witness revealed.