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Meghan Markle Joins Islam


Meghan Markle has apparently converted to Islam in a final defiant move to distance herself from the Windsor royal family. According to reports from Montecito, Markle will announce her conversion on a special Oprah show televised in April.

Speaking to ABC News, Meghan revealed that she had “finally found peace within herself and with Allah” and was ready to explore this new chapter of her life.

“I want to instil love and peace into the world. From now on I will be known as Mehbooba, and Archie will be Abdullah, and Lilibet as Illiyeen. As for Harry, I will persuade him to convert to Islam as well. His new name I have already chosen for him will be Ekanag.”

Meghan Markle’s spokesman Omid Scobie, who is an Iranian Muslim, suggested the couple convert to Islam as a remembrance for the late Lady Diana, who was about to convert to Islam shortly before she tragically lost her life in a Paris car accident. Her boyfriend Dodi Fayed, the Egyptian-born film magnate, had introduced Lady Diana to the Islamic religion.

Meghan Markle fans all over the social networks went wild at the news and reacted positively.

On Twitter X many of the Sussex fans celebrated the news and congratulated Meghan on her spiritual awakening. One Twitter X user, Jolen34 said “Gosh dayum! This is the best news I heard in ages. I am now going to join Islam and move to Saudi Arabia!” The user received 350,000 likes for her comment.

On Facebook, user Kiwi45 said: “OMG! Meghan really did it. I can’t wait till I see Harry wearing a towel on his head and carrying around a prayer mat”. The comment received 450,000 likes in less than an hour.


Story developing

This Daily Squib Plan Would Empty the UK in a Month


Worried about the mass unfettered migration? Can’t get an appointment with a GP? Can’t go more than 10 MPH on the overcrowded roads? The Daily Squib presents a plan that would solve the UK’s overcrowding problem in a jiffy.

Let’s face it, the cities and towns of the tiny British Isles are now so overcrowded with legal and illegal migrants that the entire system of government is crumbling. The NHS cannot cope; the schools are overcrowded, the roads are parking lots and English is now a dying language.

Well, never fear, the Daily Squib has a cunning plan that would not only stop the fucking rubber dinghies crossing the Channel daily, but all of the migrants would leave the UK for good in less than a month.

You may ask yourself what sort of dastardly plan is this, and is it even possible? Well, our plan is not only safe, legal and kosher, but it will weed out the wheat from the chaff. You see not all migrants are a detriment to the UK, there will be some who will stay and be of actual use to the country even after our plan is implemented — but they will be very few in number.

Let’s cut to the chase. Our plan is very simple and can be implemented in less than a month, ensuring a huge exodus of millions of unwanted people from the overcrowded shores of Britain. It’s quite simple — bring in a compulsory military draft for every man and woman.

Illegal and legal economic migrants trying to leave the UK at an airport

The airports and ports would be overcrowded within hours as millions of economic migrants make their escape. The Channel would be full of little dinghies overcrowded with illegal migrants doing a bit of reverse osmosis paddling back to France, where they will be greeted by a baffled French Navy who would urge them to go back to the UK, but it would be too late.

Within hours of the announcement, NHS hospital appointments delayed for over 2 years would be suddenly available. GPs would suddenly be able to see you. Hospital wards would have empty beds for the first time since the 1950s. Benefits offices would be nearly empty, as the prams full of kids pushed by Eastern Europeans and Sub Saharans disappear.  School class sizes would suddenly drop to normal teachable levels. The roads would empty, reducing pollution. You would be able to walk down the street without being stabbed or robbed because the gangs would leave as well. Crucial funds for Britain’s services would suddenly be available. The prisons would empty. You may even start to hear English being spoken on public transport and the streets. The Labour Party would lose 80% of their voters overnight. Sadiq Khan would be one of the first people to leave, which would bring back London as the true capital city of Britain.

These would be some of the benefits for the UK, as there are too many to list here. This is a bona fide plan that would work. The key thing is, does anyone have the balls to implement such a plan, as simple as it is it would be bloody effective?

Series II of ‘Plugged in, and Tuned Out’ by Clive Branson


Here we have the Series II showcase of the thoughtful illustrative work of Clive Branson. Do check out Series I here.

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Clive Branson was an advertising creative director/copywriter for the past 25 years with agencies in Toronto, Bermuda and Ottawa. After retirement in 2015, he focused on being a freelance writer/photographer for several magazines – as a monthly contributor – concentrating on automotive, travel and lifestyle issues. He also assists a British agency as a proofreader and editor for any Canadian content for apps, websites, brochures, online advertising, print, and directing on-air talent for radio and TV commercials. Since 2012, Clive has been fortunate enough to have three books professionally published, including Focus on Close-Up and Macro Photography; Long Shadow of Yesterday (as the editor for a memoir based on his father’s experience as a young British officer in Palestine, India, Egypt, Trans-Jordan and Greece between 1945–1949); and Ford Mustang: The First Generation detailing the surreptitious account of how the Mustang was conceived, designed, marketed (the greatest sales numbers in its debut year in automotive history), saved the Ford Motor Company and became, not only their flagship car, but an American icon to this day. Clive has written and produced an 8-part TV series for Rogers on existing and emerging artists in Ottawa, and a retrospect of his marketing and photography in promoting Ottawa was accepted by Ottawa Library and Archives. Clive is married and lives in Ottawa, Ontario.

Why Are Short-Sighted NIMBY Republicans Against Funding Ukraine Defence?


The idiotic ramblings of NIMBY short-sighted and ignorant Republican politicians who are against funding Ukraine defence is a sure sign of insularity that pervades the current Republican Party. Why are they against the funding of Ukraine’s defence from aggressor Russia? Well, to put it lightly, it’s because some Republicans do not think globally, like most Americans they are completely ignorant to the fact that there is an entire world outside their American bubble. Furthermore, if there is nothing affecting the direct borders of the United States, then it does not matter to these ignorant idiots. Of course, if the Russians were invading a country like Mexico directly on the US border, things would be different for the insular NIMBY Republicans.

Blinkered ignorance and arrogance

What these short-sighted ignorant lunatics like Marjorie Taylor Greene do not realise is that if Ukraine is lost, Putin will not stop there, he will be bolstered by his victory and continue onwards to take the entirety of Europe. Once Europe is lost, it’s the USA’s turn.

Appeasers to Putin/Hitler

It took Pearl Harbour to wake up the fucking insular Americans before they bothered to join WW2, even though poor old Churchill was literally begging for America’s help for ages. It may take another Pearl Harbour event for the Republicans to be convinced that the invasion of Ukraine by Russia is a threat to global and American peace. At least wanting to fund the Ukraine defence is something the Democrats are doing correctly.

Reform Party Sweeps the Decks in By-elections as Tories Lose


Rishi Sunak’s wasteful high-tax socialist Party is set for a visit to the glue factory as the amazing Reform Party secured double-digit wins at the two by-elections yesterday. Richard Tice, the Reform Party’s leader, is well on the way to making Reform a serious force to be reckoned with in British politics, leaving the Green Party and Lib Dems way behind.

The Reform Party performed strongly in Wellingborough, a Northamptonshire town which backed Brexit, winning 13 per cent of the electorate. Whilst near Bristol in Kingswood, Reform secured over 10 per cent of the vote to come in third place.

Biggest tax burden in 70 years

As the General Election looms, Rishi Sunak, the current unelected autocrat PM and the Conservative’s are getting ready to not only lose most of their seats but see a further exodus of members when they are thrown into the political wilderness for decades. This is all thanks to completely ignoring the benefits of Brexit and running the country’s economy into the ground with 14 interest rate rises in less than a year, record high taxes, record high wasteful government spending, nanny state regulations, mass low skilled immigration and the multi-trillion cost of net-zero.

Tory waste

Under the Tories the bloated Big State is a fumbling mess wasting billions of taxpayers cash on committees within committees and useless initiatives that go nowhere including the idiotic attempts to curb the mass unfettered immigration that happened under their watch.

Britain’s economy is now officially in recession, which was announced yesterday. The Tory government is now set to lose the election to Labour who are led by the flip flopper Keir Starmer and his troupe of Marxist monkeys. God help us all, but will this be an apt punishment for the socialist Tories? Probably not. Reform is great, but sometimes the only thing left is a fucking big fat juicy Revolution. Yes, someone needs to bring forth the Revolution Party …

The Sussexes Rebrand by Harry and Meghan a Genius Move


The Windsors are now viewed as weak, cancer ridden and from a bygone era; the Sussexes on the other hand are now viewed as strong, defiant and youthful.

The reason that Harry immediately rushed to see King Charles when he announced he had cancer was one example of how the Sussexes utilise their PR power. Immediately, the focus was on Harry returning to the UK by the press, it was not on poor old Charles who has a horrid illness. It is this shift in press attention the new Sussexes crave and utilise to great effect to damage their enemies further.

Most royal lineages would have immediately taken away the titles of non-working grifters like Harry and Meghan but in the case of King Charles, a very weak individual who does not like to confront problems head on, instead choosing to be the target of a barrage of constant attack by the Sussexes, the Windsors have now suffered another bitter blow.

The attacks on the weak Windsors will continue from now on, simply because with every attack, there is little or no response and they are easy targets. Furthermore, each PR attack or theft of limelight action is a victory for the Sussexes. Royal houses must act when attacked, even when the attacks are from within, and if they do not act swiftly, and decisively they are doomed.

The pallid impotence of King Charles III is an obvious hindrance to the monarchy, and if this were 400 years ago, it is most certain his reign would have been very short-lived. It is lucky for him that we live in times of relative peace.

The late Queen Elizabeth II knew towards the end that Harry and Meghan were no friends, and consequently their actions sped her to the grave. It is now possible that the same will happen to poor old King Charles — unless he acts NOW.

Thank You Jeremy Hunt: UK Officially Enters Recession


Congratulations must go out to the Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt, who has put the UK into an official recession. UK Dec GDP 0.0% on Year, UK Dec 3-month GDP -0.3% on previous 3 months; 0.3% on year. As the UK officially enters recession, what is to happen about the coming General Election, and will the Tories benefit in the election by touting the failing economy?

The Slow Murder of the UK Economy – 14 INTEREST RATE RISES

Britain has the highest tax burden since WW2, and the cost of living is unliveable for millions of struggling families across the UK. Food costs, mortgage interest rate rises, insurance costs, vehicle tax, energy costs, fuel tax and business tax, council tax have all increased thanks to the insane policies of Jeremy Hunt and incompetent Bank of England.

The painful death of the economy

Instead of invigorating business by lowering taxes, the Chancellor has effectively killed off the ability for business to flourish, and people to make a decent living. As the UK officially enters recession, he can only sit there grinning like a bantling balatron overseeing a rotting maggotorium.

“What’s the point in working hard for your business if HMRC takes 80% of your profits?” a distraught business owner quipped as the bailiffs took away his manufacturing machinery in a van.

If you cut taxes, more people spend money and put it into the economy. Businesses can grow and thus put more money into the economy. Green shoots of the economy only occur with more money pouring into it, with people putting money into the economy. By invigorating an economy and increasing growth, policymakers who want prices to fall will see that cutting taxes is the natural policy response, not raising them.

The Tories must not bother with such trivialities, of course, especially as a General Election is looming over the horizon and a few crucial by-elections will happen today. Since the beginning of the year, over 70 Tory MPs have left the Conservative Party. If the morons in Labour cannot capitalise on this mess, they really are incompetent morons of the lowest order.

How Russia Went From Communism to Fascism


Fascism needs symbols; the Nazis had the swastika, and the Russians under Putin have the Z. The similarities with the Nazis and the current Russian military establishment is uncanny, and rather ironic that Putin claims other nations are following the ideology of fascism when his country is the one upholding the ultimate mantle of Nazism.

You become what you hate the most, and this has happened to the Russians, who dare not look at what they have become. Deluded Russians are living in a lie as they eat up Putin’s totalitarian propaganda pumped into Russian homes 24/7. The Kremlin’s Goebbels propaganda machinery is an intricate network that indoctrinates the nationalistic jingoism that seems to be the overall makeup of every day Russians living their bleak vodka lives.

What would the Soviets of the past think of such a betrayal of values and political doctrine? The great Soviet generals who fought off the German army and Luftwaffe and the millions of soldiers and civilians who died at the hands of the German Nazi behemoth sent to Russia by the Führer Adolf Hitler must be spinning in their graves.

“We are now the Nazis. This is what the Z means, it is the Z in Nazi. Ukraine is our Stalingrad. The German army was abandoned, their supplies cut off, neglected by a deluded Hitler who sent men forward without the right equipment, clothing or resources to freeze to death in the Russian winter. This time, it is the Russians sent forward with junk status hardware, tanks that are barbecues for their crew, and conscripts with rusty weapons that do not shoot.

The fields and trenches of Ukraine are a meat grinder daily chewing up Russian conscripts and regulars. Such is the hunger for fresh meat that Putin obliges with ridiculous press ganging efforts. The newest order from the dictator is that all civilians up to the age of 70 will be conscripted, to be sent to the Ukraine to die a certain horrid death in the name of Russki fascism.

There is madness in extreme power, as much as there was with Hitler, we now see Putin who answers to no one. At least in Soviet times things were held in check by the Politburo, but today there is no such check on unbridled unlimited levels of power to the supreme dictator running Russia. With unfettered power, there are only ‘yes men’ and this creates delusion, with no barriers or grounding for the totalitarian Putin.

If Putin is not stopped, and Russia stripped of its ability to be the aggressor, there will be escalation  — Estonia, Moldova, Poland, Finland and the rest of Europe. There is a fine line between madness and genius, and Putin exemplifies this dictum with a ferocity that could easily lead to a full-on nuclear war if he is not stopped soon.

Prosecutors Charged Trump Because He is an “elderly man WITHOUT a poor memory.”


You may wonder why one elderly man got off Scott free for the exact same offence another elderly man was tarred, feathered and severely prosecuted for? Apparently, the American justice system thinks it’s all down to memory. In other words, you can commit the most heinous crime in the world and the US justice system will let you off if you can’t remember it, but woe be tied if you have a sparkly clear mind, because then you’re in the shit.

Not only does it help if you are a senile old fucker, but it helps to parrot off entire baskets of lies written by the people who control your every word and move via tele-prompters and headphones.

The people controlling the Joe Biden cadaver have not only weaponised the Special Prosecutor’s office but many other governmental departments and judicial offices specifically to persecute and punish Donald J. Trump. This sort of subversion of governmental departments purely for electioneering purposes surely is a perversion of the entire system of government yet everyone seems to be turning a blind eye to it all.

But everything’s fine though, Joe Biden’s memory is actually okay, because he himself testified in front of the entire American nation that it’s okay. Who do we believe? Either Biden is a con man of genius proportions getting away with murder by pretending to have lost his mind, or he actually has lost his mind and the entire governmental apparatus is defending his cognitive decline by lying for the president.

The question is, if Biden has severe memory loss as the Special Prosecutor revealed, and he is a danger to everyone, why the fuck is he still president right now, let alone going for a second term?

UKRAINE WAR: Some of the Best FPV Combat Footage You Will See


The horrors of war and the sheer exhilaration of being in a state of life and death are only too apparent in this combat footage. This is some of the best FPV combat footage we have seen, and the best part is it is on YouTube.

The war is currently contained in Ukraine, however it will no doubt leak Westwards towards the rest of the European continent, and a recent interview by Tucker Carlson with Vladimir Putin confirmed this.

The deranged rantings of Putin in the interview showed his true colours, where he claimed he will not attack Poland and Latvia next, but he of course claimed the same thing about Ukraine before attacking the country.

Best FPV Combat Footage

Watch this amazing combat footage, because it could be any European on the battlefield of the future, and Ukraine is just the beginning of something way bigger.

Many NATO countries are now thinking of bringing back compulsory conscription for all citizens, and even this may be a highly controversial subject it still has to be addressed simply because of the threats coming from countries like Russia and China.

The incredible bravery of the men and women fighting in the Ukrainian frontlines cannot be commended enough. This combat footage displays that very bravery and indomitable resistance against an enemy hell-bent on wiping the country of Ukraine off the map completely.

If the pampered Western civilians are to survive the next waves of war that will no doubt flow over them, they will have to toughen up and prepare for combat. There is no way of getting around this fact because the tyrants and dictators that seek more power and territory do not deem the West as a capable adversary, especially as they train their civilians for combat from birth. This kind of military thinking even amongst civilians is in deficit in the West.