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AI Software Engineers to Swarm the Market – Introducing Devin


Either things are going to get a lot easier for software engineers who will use AI agents like Devin from Congnition-labs to work for their clients or conversely many will lose their jobs. Unfortunately, the answer will probably be the latter. AI Software Agents are now popping out of the Noosphere like worms from a ripe apple, and it is going to get really interesting for many.

Employers will now have no need to spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on software engineers within their companies or search for freelancers, simply because of AI agents working around the clock for them. Maybe they will keep a few human software engineers around to oversee the work of the AI agents, but otherwise a lot of chaff is unfortunately going to have to go. Streamlining businesses and company operations is something that many board members salivate over, and one can imagine the board members collectively sighing with joy as the company’s productivity levels increase, along with new innovations and their running costs decrease.

AI has already come for artists with programs like Midjourney, Suno, Sora and Leonardo and is now also delving into video production, editing, creative film making. If you check out software like Suno, you can create hit songs in any genre or style in seconds. Midjourney is an amazing tool that effectively produces any work of art in any style, by any living or dead artist, and also produces videos of anything you want. Sora creates amazing AI creations from text to video.

The next software agent should be one that is a game developer, maybe something that can be integrated with or be a part of Unreal Engine or Unity, or Blender. Would it not be amazing for creatives to have the ability to visualise entire projects within one simple piece of AI developer agent, where you could chat to it in real time as it codes away in the background? No, maybe do this, or let’s try something slightly different there. If you have ever played one of those epic games on PC or console, once you finish it the credits start rolling, and rolling and rolling. That is how many people are involved in making games, but in the future, that entire list of thousands of staff could go down to single digits.

With AI agents, the onus will be in creating the perfect product, where the quality of the idea imputed will be the game changer. In all of this, quality must be the onus, and hopefully much of the mediocrity that is swimming around these days will disappear.

Let’s face it, swathes and cohorts of millions of people will be made redundant but at the end of the day, this is what is called progress.

OpenAI ‘Figure 01’ Robot Speech-to-Speech Reasoning


Slowly, we seem to be getting closer to robots everywhere. Actually, scratch that, the robots are here already and each day seems to bring forth further technological leaps that are altogether astounding yet a little terrifying. The OpenAI ‘Figure 01’ robot can now have full conversations with people exhibiting high-level visual and language intelligence (even stuttering words) and is operated via a neural network.

We are currently in the year 2024, and one can easily see the Kurzweil prophecy of the Singularity (computer-based intelligences significantly exceeding the sum total of human brainpower) coming true every day. Kurzweil predicted this phenomenal event occurring around the year 2045, and in some respects it could even happen earlier than his incredible predictions.

Robots will change the lives of humans in such a way that it will be akin to the introduction of the automobile. This will be a new epoch in human history, where AI assisted robots will be able to complete tasks better than humans and may eventually reach some form of sentience.

Not only are we witnessing a new robotic age, but we are in the midst of a transhumanist revolution, where Human 1.0 will possibly transition into Human 2.0.

The Elon Musk X brainchip is one strand of the evolutionary journey, as will be the introduction of nanobots into human bodies in the future. As artificial Intelligence expands its grip on all facets of business, industry, media and society, humans will have to also adapt.

Palace Denies There Was Any Royal Photoshop Disaster

Kensington Palace has today denied that there was a royal Photoshop disaster, despite many indications pointing towards a major photoshop disaster.

No Royal Photoshop Disaster

“We emphatically deny that there was any form of Photoshop tampering with the royal photograph,” a palace spokesman revealed on Wednesday.

Well, that’s settled then, absolutely nothing to see here folks, the official statement from the palace has confirmed that there is no problem with the royal photograph.

One royal fan who saw the photo seemed a little confused.

“When I look at the photo, something seems a little strange, but I can’t quite put my finger on it, hmmm, kind of odd.”

Can anyone tell what is wrong with the photograph above? Leave your comments if you can see any Photoshop anomalies.


F*ck Net Zero We Are in a WAR


All you blind indoctrinated overly emotional hysterical Net Zero lemmings need to fucking listen up. This is serious. The world is in a state of war, and this state of war is accelerating every day. You may not feel it now, that is apart from the cost of living rising at an exponential rate, but it is going to get worse.

Your cotton wool utopian world of egalitarianism does not exist, and it never has existed. You may look through your eyes and perceive a life of veganism or zero carbon emissions, but that does not exist either. Try to tell the Chinese or Indians about sustainable living while they are daily pumping millions of tonnes of poisonous shit into the fucking atmosphere, rivers and sea every fucking second of the day. Try telling the Chinese about Net Zero when they are building hundreds of coal power stations every fucking day.

You are deluded to think that the world can achieve Net Zero without vast population drops in numbers, and that includes you jumping off a fucking cliff to save the planet. But here’s the good news — yes, Net Zero will most probably be achieved but only after the war which you might or might not survive. It all depends on if the war escalates to nuclear levels, which there is always a chance of happening. Let us call this event Nuke Zero.

The war in Ukraine is just the beginning, it is escalating and will continue to do so as it is Putin’s Sudetenland. The war in Gaza is escalating, with Yemen and the Lebanon, as well as the dark nemesis Iran behind all of the nastiness. There will come a time when Iran will be forced to actively join the fray instead of pulling the strings from the shadows like a simpering yellow coward.

We have been in a proxy war for some time, but at some point the proxy war will melt into a war where the players will outwardly show themselves on the battlefields of Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia.

More good news — like a turd that refuses to be flushed down the toilet, ISIS are back as well. No doubt, they will add some spice to the mix. Thanks to Biden’s disgraceful exit of Afghanistan, which left hundreds of billions of dollars worth of high end US weaponry, ISIS are now rising again. They lost their territory in Iraq and Syria, so Afghanistan was the next logical step. They will now either takeover from the Taliban or bring them under their wing so that Afghanistan can become the new ISIS Caliphate.

Much like Putin, Xi Jinping of China is awaiting assurance to the efficacy of a Taiwan ‘special military operation’. But it won’t stop there, of course, because the ultimate target is Australia and New Zealand. Remember, through China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the Chinese have already colonised half of Africa in order to rape African nations of their natural resources, but still their hunger is not sated. The monstrous Chinese behemoth needs more and more of earth’s finite resources to continue manufacturing their cheap, low-quality plastic trinkets and be the factory for Western conglomerates.

In war, there will not be much talk about carbon emissions or Net Zero, simply because it won’t fucking matter. You can take your Net Zero aspirations to the front lines as shells pound the earth and suicide drones drop out of nowhere to obliterate the carbon emissions emitted from your deluded fucking mouth.

After the nihilists, religious zealots, and jingoistic nationalists have had their fill, if some of the population of the globe has survived, then eventually over many decades they can talk about Net Zero. Not before the war, though, because that is way too premature. You see Net Zero requires a reduced global population, and this can only be achieved by strenuous actions like wars, famine and disease. You want Net Zero so fucking bad, first you’re going to have to be a piece of fucking cannon fodder on the battlefield or be eviscerated in the killing fields of the overcrowded cities around the world.

One day you will achieve Net Zero, don’t worry, it is assured…as much as self-assured destruction is assured. You wanted Net Zero, you protested for it, you will get it, and it will also mean your own erasure from the planet.

Henry Kissinger: “If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf”

Henry Kissinger: “The Delightful Drums of War Beat Louder Every Day”


Exclusive 100 Free Tickets to All-Inclusive Haiti Holiday

Are you tired of the same old beach resorts? Bored of sipping piña coladas by the pool while the world burns? Well, pack your sunscreen and your sense of adventure, because we’ve got the ultimate 100 Free Tickets Holiday destination giveaway for you: Haiti! Yes, you’ve just hit the jackpot by reading this free all-inclusive Haiti holiday giveaway.

100 Free Tickets

That’s right, folks! Haiti, the Caribbean’s hottest (literally) vacation spot, is offering an all-inclusive experience like no other. Forget about those mundane luxury resorts with their infinity pools and spa treatments. In Haiti, we’ve got something better: adrenaline-pumping chaos, dismemberment, decapitation, lovely necklaces, heart-pounding danger, and a dash of political intrigue to keep you on your toes!

100 lucky winners will be put up in the all-inclusive minus 4-star hotel of Port-au-Prince called Le Guillotine. Enjoy the smoke filled views of marauding mobs burning people alive in the rubbish filled streets, and listen at night to the wonderful cacophony of bullets ricocheting off the hotel walls as well as the sounds of pure despair.

Why not saunter onto the balcony in the evening to witness the sun setting over the piles of bodies left to rot as the stray dogs sup on the corpses. Maybe you or your lucky partner may catch a bullet straight through the forehead. Well, count yourself lucky, you just checked out of the hotel, and life itself.

Your all-inclusive holiday will include no food or clean water, and you can forget about clean bedsheets or even a fucking mattress. Instead, revel in the authentic Haitian experience of sleeping on a blood and faeces splattered floor amongst other dead bodies whilst bullets whizz by your head all night.


Here’s what’s included in the Daily Squib once-in-a-lifetime all-inclusive Haitian getaway:

Escape Room Extravaganza: Ever wanted to break out of prison? Well, now’s your chance! Our armed groups have meticulously designed a series of thrilling escape rooms inside actual Haitian prisons. Dodge bullets, navigate crumbling walls, and outwit your fellow inmates. The adrenaline rush is free, but the bruises are extra. The reality of the experience will be that you will actually be arrested by corrupt Haitian police officers and held in a rioting prison until you each pay a ransom of $50,000 otherwise you will all be brutally raped and dismembered.

Midnight Curfew Crawl: Haiti’s government has graciously extended the state of emergency until April 3. But fear not! We’ve turned this inconvenience into a party. Join our nightly curfew crawl through the charming, brutal streets of Port-au-Prince. Dance to the rhythm of gunshots, and if you’re lucky, you might even witness a police station going up in flames or someone getting necklaced. Some great photos are to be taken for your Instagram page.

Gangster Spa Day: Unwind at our exclusive Gangster Spa. Enjoy a soothing massage while Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier himself serenades you with tales of his horrific butchery and genocidal crimes that will make you weep with agonised joy. Don’t worry, the massage oil is made from locally sourced tear gas or petrol. It’s invigorating!

VIP Political Instability Tour: Hop on our bulletproof bus and explore the scenic power vacuum left behind by the late President Jovenel Moise. Prime Minister Ariel Henry will personally guide you through the crisis of legitimacy. Ask him tough questions like, “Why haven’t you resigned yet?” and “Can I get a selfie with your resignation letter?”

Bas-Peu-de-Chose Bonfire Night: Witness the grand finale—a real police station set ablaze! Gather round as the flames lick the sky, and the aroma of burning bureaucracy fills the air. It’s like Coachella, but with more tear gas and less flower crowns.

To experience your once-in-a-lifetime FREE Holiday to Haiti with a one way ticket, just send a self-addressed-postcard to : DS Haiti Holiday Giveaway, P.O. Box 4831, Piccadilly Square, London, W1D 3QA, United Kingdom. Limited offer to 100 lucky people. 


Offer Employees Benefits with Pluxee


Providing benefits that add value to your employees can come at a high cost to you as an employer. You want to ensure that, given the amount of money involved, your staff completely appreciates, understands and uses these incentives. Employee benefits networks like Pluxee are ideal for encouraging your staff to take charge of their wellness.

A robust employee benefits platform can benefit more than just your workforce. It enhances your company’s overall operations. With such a competitive advantage, companies can adopt technology’s innovative aspects into their employee benefits plans or risk falling behind.

In this article, we will delve deeper into why investing in a top-notch employee benefits platform will pay off for your company in 2024 and beyond.

Benefits of Using an Employee Benefits Platform

A Rise in Production

teamwork-3213924_1280By eliminating conventional data obstacles with employee benefits technology, companies can transfer information far more easily across various corporate divisions. As a result, your payroll and HR teams will be able to work together and merge much more easily. This will improve overall productivity by streamlining your operations and lowering administrative workload.

Additionally, there is just one system for end users in payroll and HR, which cuts down on expenses and training time.

Compiling Reports

Your employees’ actions are providing you with important information that you should utilise to enhance your workplace benefits plan. All your reports will be centrally located on the Pluxee employee benefits platform, allowing you to address critical inquiries. These include the most well-liked benefits or those you could be overpaying for.

You can develop a customized system that prioritizes their requirements by tailoring your business’s benefits approach to your employees’ behaviours. As a result, it encourages them to connect with and benefit from your employee benefits.

Your structure can also showcase total compensation, demonstrating how much worth the staff members receive and their income. If your employees grasp the company’s purpose, it will help to create a more engaged workforce.

Safety and Adherence

We understand how important it is to safeguard your business’s data. Innovation for employee benefits is valuable because it can be integrated with your dedication to maintaining data security. The lower the number of suppliers your data must go through, the lesser the danger to your company.

Also, employee benefits platforms like Pluxee enforce policies that can provide you with total peace of mind. These include protecting any confidential information, using encryption, and making multifactor authentication (MFA) a default feature.


Participation and Ease of Access

Making your benefits simple will motivate your employees to interact with them more. Also, it provides them with the tools they need to make the most of the fantastic items at their disposal. So, ensuring that your workplace perks are well-known can help you differentiate yourself from the competition and keep top talent. This will establish your business as one that provides exceptionally good employee benefits.

Providing mobile connectivity for your company’s benefit is a wonderful approach to further improving your staff’s experience. This is possible since smartphones have surpassed computers as the most popular device for internet access. Each worker in your company will enjoy the same great experience no matter any location they are in the world.

Pluxee: a perfect tool to ease management?

Regarding the benefits of technology, your workers should expect it to be easy to use, flexible and accessible in their daily lives. By choosing a framework built on these three essential areas, you can help your company efficiently reduce the time and resources required for managing your benefits. With Pluxee, you can automate the running of crucial reports and expedite the process of examining and approving benefit options. Additionally, the platform ensures you are constantly informed and sent helpful alerts and notifications.

Developing a sense of responsibility and trust for the platform will motivate staff members to use it. So, you and your staff can rest easily knowing that data is secure. Is your organisation considering benefit options? Contact Pluxee today to help you create a benefits plan that will optimise the well-being of your staff.

Fear and Loathing in Westminster: The Gonzo Chronicles of Lee Anderson


The sun was setting over the smog-choked Thames, casting a sickly orange hue on the decaying carcass of British politics. I stood there, cigarette dangling from my lips, squinting through the haze at the latest political spectacle. Lee Anderson, the former vice-chairman of the Conservative Party, had just defected to Reform UK. The air crackled with tension, like a cheap transistor radio tuned to a gangster trap music pirate station from Deptford.

Nigel Farage, that grizzled maverick of British politics, emerged from the shadows. His eyes were bloodshot, his tie askew, and his liver probably pickled beyond recognition. He leaned in, his whiskey-soaked breath enveloping me like a toxic cloud from Grimsby.

“Listen, Doc,” he slurred, “this is bigger than a herd of rabid wildebeests stampeding through the Elephant and fucking Castle shopping centre. Bigger than the rise of Ukip, for crying out loud!”

I adjusted my aviator shades and took a long drag on my cigarette. “Go on, Nigel,” I said. “Hit me with the raw truth. I can handle it.”

He leaned even closer, his jowls quivering. “Anderson defecting to Reform? It’s like the goddamn Rapture, Doc. Bigger than Douglas Carswell and Mark Reckless doing the tango with Ukip back in ’14. Hell, it’s bigger than Elvis riding a UFO into Area 51!”

I raised an eyebrow. “Elvis? Really?”

“Metaphorically speaking, Doc,” Farage muttered. “We’re talking seismic shifts here. The tectonic plates of British politics grinding against each other like two drunken sumo wrestlers wearing those weird ass nappies they wear. Anderson’s defection—it’s like the Loch Ness Monster rising from the Thames, flipping off Big Ben, and moonwalking into oblivion.”

I scribbled feverishly in my notebook. “And why, pray tell, is this so monumental?”

Farage’s eyes gleamed with madness. “Because, Doc, this ain’t about party politics. It’s about the very fabric of reality unravelling. Lee Anderson is like a glitch in the fucking Matrix, a rogue pixel in the grand algorithm. He’s seen the David Icke lizard people pulling the strings, Doc. He knows Camilla’s a hologram, and Bigfoot’s her secret lover…er, or is that the other way round?”

I blinked. “Bigfoot?”

“Metaphorically speaking!” Farage bellowed. “Look around, Doc. Britain’s a broken jukebox playing the wrong tune. Our political class? They’re like malfunctioning androids, spouting gibberish while the real world burns. And the media? They’re the house band, fiddling away as Rome crumbles.”

I took another drag. “So, what’s the solution, Nige?”

He grinned, revealing a row of nicotine-stained teeth. “We ride this adrenochrome soaked wave, Doc. We surf the chaos. Reform UK’s our psychedelic surfboard, and Lee Anderson’s our shamanic guide. We’ll crash the entire stinking system, Doc. Burn it down and dance naked in the ashes.”

I glanced at the moon, wondering if it was made of cheese or government secrets. “And the New Conservatives?”

Farage spat on the ground. “They’re like a bunch of accountants at a rave, Doc. Clutching their spreadsheets, begging Rishi Sunak to change course. But responsibility? It sits with the Tories, Doc. They birthed Anderson, fed him their stale ideology, and now he’s gone rogue. Like a demented unicorn galloping through the corridors of power.”

As the neon lights flickered, I knew one thing: Lee Anderson’s defection was a psychedelic trip into the heart of Kurtz darkness. The bats were circling, the ether was thick, and the truth? Well, the truth was somewhere out there, riding shotgun with Elvis and Bigfoot.

I stubbed out my cigarette, adjusted my lizard-skin boots, and followed Farage into the abyss. The Lee Anderson Gonzo Chronicles awaited, and I was ready to ride the wave.

Beyond Satire: Met Police Arrest Man For Holding “Hamas Is Terrorist” Sign


Who would have thought we would be living through a mal du siècle time when holding a protest sign stating the fact that a designated terrorist group like Hamas are actually ‘terrorists’ would get you fucking arrested. Hamas are terrorists, they have committed atrocities against humans that even the Nazis would find overkill. Truth be told, Hamas and Nazis are on different levels of atrocity creation, each group a disgusting reminder of the horrors humans can do to other humans. The war in Gaza is a direct creation of Hamas, who have been the cause of plunging immeasurable suffering upon Israeli Jews who they want to completely erase from the earth and the misguided Palestinian people, following them to the gates of hell itself.

Hamas is Terrorist

London, on the other hand used to be the capital city of the island of Britain, but somehow it has been hijacked, it has been subverted into a state of criminal cleptobiosis and now even the Metropolitan Police are somehow siding with terror itself, all conducted of course by the muciferous Jihadist Mayor of London — Sadiq Khan, a divisive character who has plunged the once great capital city into a sick morose den of religious war, terror, crime and most of all despair.

There is now an element of true fear seen in the faces of Londoners, because they know that the Met. Police are ineffective observers of crime — they don’t fight crime, they observe it. Okay, they might make a report here or there about the crime they just witnessed on some scratchy CCTV screen, or heard of occurring maybe months later after the fact, but filling in another report is always good because it’s another report that no one will ever read or fucking care about. The only people they arrest are those who dare to misgender the elevated and immune trans population, those who make an anti-woke comment on a social media site, or people protesting against terrorism.

When rampallian public officials like Sadiq Khan are not held accountable for their actions, then we are on dangerous ground as a supposed democratic nation. Here is a cockroach mini-Stalin or mini-Hitler who is running the once great capital city of a once great nation into the fucking ground. He has turned London into a dangerous eigengrau cesspit where terror is revered, and hard-working Londoners are daily trodden on under the maelstrom of rabid crime, evil and unjust taxation upon taxation. Khan should be arrested immediately and tried for gross misconduct as well as the promotion of terror upon the citizens of London. He should then be paraded through the streets in a fucking cage and pelted with rotten tomatoes, shit and rotten eggs, taken to the stocks and left there for the jeering crowds for a few weeks until taken to the Tower, dragged under the waters through Traitor’s Gate to await the inevitable axe man.


Once Again the Rising Price of Bitcoin – Why it is Happening FAQ?

Bitcoin (BTC) has once again captured the financial world’s attention by reaching an all-time intraday trading high. The cryptocurrency soared past the elusive $69,000 level for the first time, igniting both excitement and caution among investors. But what’s driving this remarkable ascent, and what lies ahead for the world’s oldest digital currency? Will the rising price of Bitcoin affect the overall cryptocurrency market?

ETF Bonanza

The current bullish sentiment surrounding Bitcoin can be traced back to a pivotal event: the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) approval of 11 spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in mid-January. These ETFs allow institutional investors to trade Bitcoin at its spot price, rather than dealing with complex futures contracts. The significance of this regulatory green light cannot be overstated. It opens the floodgates for institutional capital, injecting fresh liquidity into the market. The current rising price of Bitcoin is now assuredly on an exponential trajectory.

Among the 11 newly approved spot bitcoin ETFs, BlackRock’s iShares Bitcoin ETF (IBIT) stands out. On Tuesday morning, IBIT purchased over $778 million worth of BTC, effectively reducing the circulating supply. As demand rises alongside institutional interest, Bitcoin’s overall value surges. The impact is evident: BTC has skyrocketed from under $50,000 at the time of approval to its current level above $69,000, marking a remarkable 51% year-to-date gain.

Is this a Bitcoin blip?

While the price surge is exhilarating, questions linger about sustainability. Can Bitcoin maintain this trajectory? Sustainability hinges on several factors like market sentiment, wherein positive sentiment fuels the rally, but investor psychology can be fickle. External shocks or shifts in sentiment may alter the course. Energy consumption is another outlying factor that may affect its overall valuation. Bitcoin mining’s environmental footprint remains a concern. As the network grows, addressing energy efficiency becomes paramount. Innovations like proof-of-stake aim to mitigate this impact.

Institutional players are reshaping the crypto landscape, with major players like Blackrock delving into the coin. This signals a final mainstream acceptance where institutional inflows stabilise prices and enhance market maturity. Bridging the gap between crypto and traditional finance is essential. Custody solutions, risk management, and regulatory compliance are critical areas for the establishment of a stable tradeable crypto environment.

Bitcoin’s resurgence is multifaceted, driven by regulatory shifts, institutional participation, and investor optimism. As we navigate this dynamic landscape, understanding the interplay of these factors is key. Whether Bitcoin’s ascent continues or a correction looms, informed analysis will guide investors through the twists and turns of this evolving market.

Bitcoin and schedule changes course


    • What Are the Factors Behind SEC Approval of Spot Bitcoin ETFs?

The recent surge in Bitcoin’s value is closely tied to the approval of 11 spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

These ETFs allow investors to gain exposure to Bitcoin without directly owning the cryptocurrency. Instead, they can invest in the ETFs, which are easily traded on stock exchanges. This simplifies the process for new investors who previously had to use digital wallets or crypto trading platforms like Coinbase or Binance.

Notable fund managers such as BlackRock, Fidelity Investments, and Invesco will manage these funds, and some products are expected to begin trading soon.

Despite approving the new ETFs, the SEC remains cautious about cryptocurrencies. Chairman Gary Gensler emphasised that investors should exercise caution due to the numerous risks associated with Bitcoin and crypto-related products. Other SEC commissioners also expressed concern, emphasising that approval does not imply endorsement of Bitcoin.

    • What Will be the Impact of SEC Approval on Market Liquidity and Stability?

The SEC’s approval provides a level of legitimacy and oversight that can help mitigate some risks associated with investing in digital assets. By allowing ETFs to track Bitcoin, the market gains increased liquidity as more investors participate. This liquidity can enhance price discovery and reduce volatility.

However, the impact on market stability remains a topic of debate. While ETFs provide accessibility, they also introduce complexities related to regulation, transparency, and potential market manipulation. As these ETFs begin trading, we’ll witness fierce competition for market share, potentially influencing overall market dynamics.

Regulatory clarity regarding taxation, reporting obligations, and anti-money laundering measures affects investor behaviour and as always, the big hand of the government extends itself looking for taxable revenue. Many governments across the globe are now scrambling to tax and regulate cryptocurrencies, some with a heavier hand than others.

    • The Whales – What is the Scale of Involvement by Institutions in Bitcoin?

The scale of institutional involvement in the cryptocurrency market has grown significantly over the past few years. Institutions, including hedge funds, asset managers, and investment firms, are increasingly participating in the crypto space.

Many institutional investors have allocated a portion of their portfolios to cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin and Ethereum. This allocation has contributed to the surge in crypto prices.

Many institutions view Bitcoin as a store of value similar to gold. They see it as a hedge against inflation and currency devaluation. High-profile companies like MicroStrategy and Tesla have publicly disclosed significant Bitcoin holdings.

Institutional involvement extends to crypto investment funds. These funds manage capital from institutional clients and invest in various cryptocurrencies. Examples include Grayscale, CoinShares, and Pantera Capital.

As regulatory clarity improves, institutions feel more confident entering the crypto market. Clearer guidelines reduce legal uncertainties and encourage institutional participation.

Institutions rely on specialised crypto custodial services to securely store their digital assets. These services provide robust security measures and insurance coverage.

Institutional involvement also includes trading derivatives and futures contracts tied to cryptocurrencies. These financial instruments allow institutions to hedge risk or speculate on price movements. At the moment, institutional involvement in the crypto market is expanding, driven by increased adoption, regulatory developments, and the recognition of cryptocurrencies as legitimate investment assets.

    • Is it Too Late to Buy Bitcoin Now?

Bitcoin is just getting started, and it is definitely not too late to invest. Over the past year, Bitcoin has surged by 118%, including an impressive 82% increase in just the last four months. Its history has shown a pattern of dramatic price peaks followed by sustained growth over roughly four-year cycles.

Bitcoin operates on a unique schedule. Approximately every 201,000 blocks, the rewards issued to miners are halved. This event, known as the “halving,” is designed to limit inflation and incentivize higher coin prices. Historically, each halving has led to significant price increases. The next halving is expected around April 29, 2024, and another bull run seems highly likely.

Bitcoin is often referred to as “digital gold.” Its potential for significant returns and its role as a store of value make it an attractive investment. While prices can be volatile, the long-term upward trend has been consistent and this is why if you invest, you should look at the long-term approach. It’s not too late to buy Bitcoin. If you’re looking to add it to your portfolio, consider holding it for the long term. As with any investment, do your research and make informed decisions based on your individual circumstances.

    • I am a HODLER. Should I Keep HODLING?

Yes, is the simple answer. You have held your Bitcoin through the multiple market fluctuations, and you know about the potential exponential rise in the coin’s price. Of course, every individual should do their own research and weigh the risks involved in investing in crypto — but you’re a HODLER, so you already know all of that.

Non-Dom Ban Means Mass Exodus of Foreign Rich From UK


Ready, steady, get the fuck out of here! Rich foreign business people and generally rich people are scrambling to leave the UK today, as the non-Dom status ban will soon come into force.

With the highest taxes in 70 years, the Tory socialist government have increased taxes 25 times within the last two years, non-Doms are leaving the sinking ship UK and taking their wealth with them.

Private jets, and executive first class lounges on all flights, were overloaded with the rich as they fled the smelly toilet that used to be the UK.

Under the new rules, individuals will be taxed on their worldwide income and gains in accordance with the normal tax rules for UK residents.

Without the money and enterprise of the global rich, Britain will invariably become poorer than it already is. Many factories, businesses and property will now be abandoned to rot away and the money that would have otherwise trickled down into the economy will be lost.

“Goodbye Britain! It was nice while it lasted, but I have been forced to take my fortune elsewhere,” said one businessman before boarding his private jet.

Poverty Britain, a large leaking bucket of shit, where the socialist Tories have even resorted to stealing Labour policies is doomed to self-destruct soon enough before it sinks into the sea forever.