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Britain Needs a Wartime Prime Minister


Forget about wishy-washy Sunak or flip flopper Starmer, Great Britain needs a wartime Prime Minister with some fucking balls.

Rishi Sunak may be good at bankrupting Britain with his tin pot socialist spending sprees, and Keir Starmer will no doubt be the same. None of these miscreants have an inkling of what is needed to actually save Britain from an outside aggressor like Russia or China.

What Britain needs is some kind of Churchillian creature that smokes Cubans by the dozen, drinks gallons of high grade champagne and dines on the finest gourmet food whilst plotting the next clandestine commando raid into enemy territory. Someone who shouts loudly, farts loudly and when he walks everyone can hear a clinking noise emanating from his M&S pyjama bottoms.

Okay, you have a name, someone who can fit the bill? Unfortunately, it is not Boris. For some reason, he turned out to be a metropolitan liberal eco nodding fool who just went along with things like Brexit purely to get the PM job. He had no true heart in Brexit, and when he became PM, he literally put it back to the bottom of the pile of things to do. It was truly a sad sight to see such a terrible betrayal as that, where he was more concerned about the wallpaper in the Number 10 flat than fucking Brexit. Instead of lifting Britain out of the mire and shadow of the EU, Boris had his chance, and he fucking blew it.

Someone else has to take up the mantle of leading Britain through the vagaries of war, someone who will not shirk from their duty, and someone who will champion the military by reinventing and funding it properly.

Who that person will be is anyone’s guess, and in fact, that person probably does not exist in this insipid maudlin world, let alone Britain?

8 Reasons Why Meghan Markle and Wallis Simpson Are the Same


There has been much debate about how Meghan Markle is very similar to Wallis Simpson in the media, but how similar were the two women, and how does that factor into the current state of the royal family?

Here are five reasons why Meghan Markle and Wallis Simpson have been compared:

1. American Roots: Both Meghan Markle and Wallis Simpson were American-born, which was unusual for royal spouses at their respective times.

2. Divorcees: They both entered the royal family as divorcees, which historically has been a point of contention within the traditional framework of the British monarchy.

3. Royal Crisis: Their relationships with British princes led to significant royal crises, with Edward VIII abdicating the throne to marry Simpson, and Prince Harry stepping back from his senior royal duties after marrying Markle.

4. Public Scrutiny: Both women faced intense media scrutiny and public pressure, often being portrayed in a negative light by the press.

5. Fashion Icons: They have both been recognised as fashion icons, with their style and choices often drawing public attention and comparison.

6. Narcissistic: Both women have shown extreme levels of narcissism. Displaying an unreasonably high sense of self-importance requiring constant, excessive admiration. Both women thought that they deserve privileges and special treatment and expected to be recognised as superior even without any achievements.

7. Domineering: Both women gravitated to weak men who allowed themselves to be dominated by a domineering woman.

8. Royal Status: Wallis Simpson was the Duchess of Windsor, but was not given the HRH title. Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex was forbidden from using the HRH title.

Hypocrisy of the West With China Threat


It is no news that for the last two decades, an aggressive and authoritarian communist Chinese regime has plundered Western industrial and military intellectual property; hacked and acquired tonnes of data, flooded the West with evil drugs like Fentanyl, used the West as a cash cow, and used their economic strength to push their CCP agenda.

Parliament, universities and industry are full of Chinese agents working day in day out extracting crucial data to Beijing, and no one bats a fucking eyelid despite these people given free rides to do as they please.

The most recent hoo-ha is about Chinese hackers who extracted data from 40 million British voters by hacking the Electoral Commission. Whoah! Well done, there is actual outrage about this hacking incident, or is there?

The worst part about this entire farce is that despite China and the CCP working to undermine the West any way they can, economically the West relies on China to create their products. Western companies are completely in tune with China, and deal with them with no conscience or disdain as the Chinese regime conducts genocide, hacking, and theft of intellectual property daily.

The UK and US, as well as EU governments, are complicit in the economic growth of China as they build up their coffers so they can eventually attack us militarily. We are essentially funding China’s military might so they can eventually destroy us at a later date.

Instead of this faux outrage at the despicable hacking crimes of the Chinese, the real metre for action should be total economic closure between the West and China. All Western companies should be banned from engaging in commercial enterprises with China. In fact, Western governments should treat China like Iran and Russia, and introduce severe economic sanctions on the country.

Either Western governments completely cut off Beijing’s economic hold over the West, or they should simply shut the fuck up with their fake outrage over a few Chinese hackers.

Nothing is going to change because if the Chinese take away the use of their slave factories manufacturing cheap shit for Western companies to sell at a huge markup in Walmart or Asda, or wherever, then Western economies would almost certainly collapse.


The Russians Sure Don’t Mess Around With Terrorist Interrogations


You have to hand it to the Russians, when dealing with terrorist interrogations they sure don’t mess around. Cutting off one terrorist’s ear and feeding it to him made him sing like a canary, and another terrorist was brutally subjected to genital electrocution (EEK!) to make him talk. There’s certainly no Geneva Convention involved in those scenarios.

However, the brutality of the actions of the terrorists at a Moscow concert where approximately 150 Russian civilians were murdered in cold blood by these idiots certainly begs for a more brutal approach when it comes to information retrieval.

Western agencies usually resort to waterboarding, sleep deprivation, and loud heavy metal music blasted at terrorists, which may or may not work although, if moved to a clandestine ops site offshore where the Geneva Convention is not valid, it is almost a certainty that other more effective solutions are deployed at information retrieval sites like for example, torture, Sodium Pentothal or other drugs.

All in all, the augurs do not bode well, ISIS are back, as we revealed in one of our previous articles. Some of the blame should be on Putin’s and the FSB’s heads, simply because they were warned of such an ISIS terrorist attack by the Americans a month before, but chose to ignore the warnings.



Unconfirmed reports show that the Russian Naval HQ in Sevastopol has been destroyed by a massive Storm Shadow barrage launched by Ukraine, leaving the Russian Black Sea fleet with no command facilities. The Russian communications facility that directs the Black Sea Fleet was completely destroyed by three Storm Shadow missiles that were able to evade the Russian missile defence system.

Russia is naturally blaming Ukraine for the Crocus City Hall attack in Russia, and has claimed that the terrorists were fleeing towards Ukraine.

The Free Russian Army continues to shell the Belgorod City Area, and is still holding their ground in the area.

Regarding the Crocus City Hall, cui bono? Who benefits? The only people who benefit from this attack are the Russian mobilisation movement for the Russian government. They are going to use this to mobilise more troops for the Ukraine meat grinder.


Sevastopol is getting hit hard
byu/minibusrigmarole inUkraineWarVideoReport


Past attacks

On 13 September 2023, Storm Shadow missiles were used in a strike against the port of Sevastopol, seriously damaging the Kilo-class submarine Rostov na Donu and seriously damaging (according to some sources, beyond repair the Ropucha-class landing ship Minsk).

On 22 September 2023, at least three Storm Shadow missiles hit Black Sea Fleet headquarters in Sevastopol, reportedly killing Admiral Viktor Nikolayevich Sokolov, commander of the Black Sea Fleet. Russia later released videos purporting to show him alive, while Ukraine later said it was re-evaluating his claimed death.

On 25 September 2023, Russian authorities have announced that they would demolish the existing headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet.



Crossing Borders, Not Laws: Understanding Legalities Around Buying International Lottery Tickets Online


With the advent of the internet, betting on almost any lottery from abroad has never been easier. Today, lottery players can participate in lottery games from anywhere by placing lotto bets online, purchasing tickets in advance, or using lottery messenger services.

However, there are some things you need to understand before choosing any of these methods. In that case, this write-up will help you understand the legalities around buying international lottery tickets online so you can make an informed decision the next time you want to participate in international lottery games from abroad. Read on!


Lotto Betting Has Eliminated Geographical Barriers

Lotto betting involves predicting the outcome of a particular draw. Lotto betting sites like Lottoland are independent companies that offer lotto betting services.

These companies are not in any way affiliated with official lottery operators. Instead, they allow you to predict the outcome and then pay the same amount of winning as the official lottery jackpot directly to your account in case you win.

man-5574872_1280So, how do they settle huge lottery winnings in case you are lucky enough to predict the outcome correctly? Well, these companies have a special insurance policy, which helps them to cover huge jackpot winnings. Typically, the insurance policy is activated once there’s a big win on the lottery betting site in question.

When settling smaller winnings, such lottery betting operators use the revenue collected from sales. This is how sites like Lottoland eliminate geographical barriers, allowing interested individuals to participate in international lotteries from across the world.

Other Ways of Playing the Lottery from Abroad

If you want to participate in any official UK lottery draw, you must be physically in the UK or Isle of Man. So, what if you are a tourist visiting the UK for some time and want to participate in lottery games in the country?

In this scenario, you can still enter the UK Lottery draws as long as you are in a location within the UK. So, if you are going there for a short time, you can buy your tickets up to eight weeks in advance or use lottery messenger services.

Here’s how the two work:

  • 1. Buying Your Ticket Online in Advance

In this case, you can set up a Direct Debit to participate in lottery games on a continuous basis. That means you’ll be entered into lottery draws throughout your holiday period.

It eliminates the need for manual payment each time you want to purchase a ticket. The method is ideal if you plan on being outside the UK for over a month.

However, it’s worth noting that if you play online, you want to be able to access your account outside the UK, meaning you won’t get a notification in case you win. Also, players have 180 days to claim their winnings.

  • 2. Lottery Messenger Services

These are lottery service providers that purchase the tickets on your behalf if you are outside the UK. When using this method, you’ll be required to confirm your options online, including the numbers you want to pick, the game you want to play, and the number of draws you intend to enter.

Once you have confirmed your options, the messenger service’s agent will buy a ticket from a retailer on your behalf. The agent will then upload the details on your account so you can access the information anytime. And in case you win, you’ll be notified, and the money will be deposited into your account.

Note that you may be required to collect the price in person, which means you’ll need to travel to the UK to collect your money.

Because you can’t access the National Lottery website when you are outside the UK, the best option is to play lotto online, which is basically predicting the outcome of an official lottery on a regulated online betting platform.

While a lottery messenger service is another option, you may be required to travel to the UK to collect your winnings, which may inconvenience you. In that case, platforms like Lottoland have helped eliminate the geographical barriers that hinder people from participating in the UK lottery games from abroad.

Sites like Lottoland have eliminated the geographical barriers for people who want to participate in international lotteries from other countries. Read our latest post to understand the legalities around buying international lottery tickets online.

Why Cancer is So Common These Days


You may or may have conveniently not noticed why there has been a serious increase in excess deaths since the pandemic. Whatever the reason for these excess deaths is moot, simply because they are being completely ignored by the legacy conglomerate controlled media. What is however being publicised is the increase in cancer rate within the royal family, this cannot be covered up so easily. Notably King Charles, Princess Catherine and of course the lovable Fergie. That’s unfortunately how ‘the news’ works.

Dr Shivan Sivakumar, associate professor in oncology at the University of Birmingham, agreed with Prof Beggs: “There is an epidemic currently of young people getting cancer (under 50s).

“It is unknown the cause of this, but we are seeing more patients getting abdominal cancers.”

Models based on global data predict that the number of early-onset cancer cases will increase by around 30 per cent between 2019 and 2030, a markedly faster increase than the previous 30 years.

Pinpointing the exact cause of certain cancers is of course an arduous task, but there are always clues left on the crime scene. We are surrounded by chemicals, our food is wrapped in plastics, microplastics infiltrate even inside mother’s wombs, hormones in livestock, pesticides, excess alcohol, excess food, excess sugar, 5G radiation, transport pollution is everywhere etc., but what about the covid pandemic?

It has been hypothesised that SARS-CoV-2 employs various strategies to cause cancer in different organs. These include leveraging the renin angiotensin system, altering tumour suppressing pathways by means of its non-structural proteins, and triggering inflammatory cascades by enhancing cytokine production in the form of a “cytokine storm” paving the way for the emergence of cancer stem cells in target organs. Since infection with SARS-CoV-2 occurs in several organs, either directly or indirectly, it is expected that cancer stem cells may develop in multiple organs.

Millions of people caught covid during the pandemic and afterwards, and are still being infected today. It’s off the news, but still chugging away doing its thing. One must also of course mention the numerous vaccines that were pretty much forced on the population, but information regarding vaccines are a closely guarded secret, and may never be released to the public.

According to the news overlords, “No evidence that DNA sequence used in Pfizer shot leads to cancer and other health issues”. They are of course the authority of all truth and morality, and must be believed always. The beautiful thing about cancer is that it can be blamed on anything you want, and the real causes can also be covered up if they are ever discovered. What are they going to do, say sorry that the ‘cure’ was worse than the ‘virus’? Definitely not, in a million years. You got cancer, that’s it.

We may never know why everyone is contracting cancer after the pandemic, so all you can do is enjoy your lives the best that you can and watch everyone get cancer around you before the inevitable happens.

On that happy note, we end.

Think Tank: We Must Bring Back British National Pride


Let’s face it, Britain, or shall we say Great Britain, has too often been beaten down in sentiment as of late. The last few decades have seen a serious destructive quality thrown at Britain’s national pride, and this is all too evident in our economy, in our high streets, and in the national psyche. This is why we must bring back British national pride.

We, as a nation, should pull together and be proud of our astounding achievements, not only with our innovative industries and intellectual property, but in our past as innovators who effectively educated and trained the entire globe in Britishness.

Too many people have been allowed to denigrate Britain, to put British history down, and to actively attack the values of being British. This is wrong, and not conducive to good morale as a nation.

Yes, the UK is a tiny island surrounded by the sea, but so what? Our tiny land mass is surpassed by the extraordinary will to exceed expectations, to power through whatever dire situations stand in our path, and to never give up despite everything sometimes working against us.


Britons, be proud of your nation and do not capitulate or pander to the people who have somehow been put into certain positions of power or given a voice to denigrate our country from within. The woke communists, or the multiple nefarious elements within our institutions intent on the destruction of Britain from within. These people do not work for Britain’s best interests and are here only as agents to sow seeds of discord and doubt.

No! Do not doubt. Do not give up. Never stop moving forward. Always stand for your beliefs and your values.


Being proud of your nation also does not mean you should be some kind of jingoistic nationalistic racist zealot, on the contrary, being proud of your country and your history should be a human right, for it is your free right to acknowledge and enrich the soil you and your ancestors have stood upon for thousands of years. It is thus not a crime for you to be a white indigenous British person, as much as it is to be a person of any other race who has integrated into British society and culture fully.

In times of war, in times of hardship, we must pull together and fight as one. It is unfortunate that these times are nearing every day, as the likes of Russia, and China threaten the NATO alliance daily.

If you find value in fighting for our very survival, you must consider helping Britain in any capacity you can. This may involve joining the army, navy or air force. This may involve training for first aid, or building local initiatives within your community to help in any capacity.


As it stands today, our armed forces have suffered from decades of neglect, decommissioning and dire levels of funding. Successive governments have ignored Britain’s defence forces, underfunded crucial military research departments, and left Britain vulnerable to attack. We must change this now, just like our history is peppered with military prowess, Britain must reclaim its mantle as the fighting powerhouse it once used to be.

To bring forth national change, national equilibrium and national pride once again, we must consider re-introducing National Service for all. This would not only fix low recruitment levels in the armed forces, but lower NHS costs dealing with conditions like obesity. It would lower the epidemic of crime and lower unemployment levels, thus creating less of a burden on the welfare system. It would mobilise and empower the youth, many who are living lives of apathy and dysfunction. It would unite the people and bring back a sense of national pride once again.

Now is the time to think of these things, as time waits for no one or no nation. Before it is too late, before there is a final scramble that may end in chaos, Britain must prepare for the future, and the path of military preparedness and skills is the way forward. If you do not heed these words, and you are a policymaker presently or in the future, it will be upon your head if immediate action is not taken NOW!

Join the army

Join the navy

Join the air force

Global Mental Wellbeing Index: UK Second-Most Miserable Nation


Hi, I’m Dr Gonzo and I’m here to conduct a psychiatric analysis on why the UK is a miserable fuck-hole where the residents have come up as the second-most miserable inhabitants of a nation in the world Mental Wellbeing Index for 2024. What ever happened to David Cameron’s much-touted ‘happiness index’, or that levelling up, bollocks?

As I sit here in my dimly lit office, surrounded by the stench of stale coffee and the incessant buzz of fluorescent lights, I can’t help but ponder the state of mental wellbeing in this godforsaken nation we call the United Kingdom. It’s official, my fellow Britons, we’ve earned ourselves the illustrious title of the second-most miserable nation in the world. Congratulations are in order, I suppose, although I can’t say I’m particularly thrilled about it as I snort another line off my cluttered desk full of certain paraphernalia.

According to the latest Mental State of the World report from the US non-profit Sapien Labs, we’re more down in the dumps than Skippy with a XXXX hangover in the Australian outback. Yes, that’s right, we’re even out-miserabling Moldova. Who would’ve thought?

The 4th Annual Mental State of the World Report, a global study which looks at trends and insights in the mental wellbeing of 419,175 Internet-enabled participants across 71 countries. The key trend from this year’s data is that the dramatic decline in mental wellbeing that occurred between 2019 and 2020, and continued into 2021 through the COVID-19 pandemic, continues to persist with no sign of recovery.

Now, measuring mental wellbeing is about as precise as trying to hit a moving target while riding a unicycle on a tightrope, but hey, these researchers have given it their best shot. And what do they find? Despite living through what feels like a never-ending episode of EastEnders, the Yemenis are apparently coping better than us Brits. Talk about a kick in the knackers.

But why, oh why, are we in such a sorry state? Is it Brexit? Putin? The wokerati? Covid? The Tories? Labour? Potholes? Mass immigration? Inflation? Boris Johnson’s hair? Take your pick, my friends, because the possibilities are as endless as the long and winding miserable queue at a bus stop in the pouring freezing rain.

Of course, we can’t discount the role of modern technology in our collective descent into madness. According to Sapien Labs, there’s a direct correlation between poor mental wellbeing and the incessant glow of smartphone screens. Ah, the wonders of the digital age. Who needs serotonin when you’ve got social media likes? Funnily enough, the equally insane Daily Squib editor recently made a podcast about the very subject of social media and smartphones. You can watch it here right now if you are insane enough.

As a psychiatrist, I’m supposed to have all the answers. But let me tell you, my dear readers, I’m just as baffled as the next bloke. Perhaps it’s time we took a leaf out of Yemen’s book and unplugged from the matrix, traded our smartphones for scones, and embraced the simple joys of life.

But who am I to preach? I’m just a drugged-up shrink with a penchant for Gonzo journalism and a growing sense of existential dread. So, as I bid you adieu and retreat back into the depths of my caffeine-fuelled delirium, remember this: in a world gone mad, sometimes the only sane response is to embrace the madness.

Until next time, stay weird, my friends. And for the love of all things holy, put down your damn smartphones.

This is Dr Gonzo, signing off.

New Gov. Department ‘Ministry of Awkward Eye Gestures’ Opens to Blinking Praise


Apparently it is now a racist crime to roll your eyes, especially in the newly formed government department, the Ministry of Awkward Eye Gestures.

Colin Wurzeraque, the Head of the new department, revealed to the BBC why the Ministry of Awkward Eye Gestures is an integral and important part of the governmental apparatus.

“I am very proud of our new department (looks left, then up for 5 seconds, before opening eyes wide at a 45-degree angle) we innovate and adapt creative ways we can convey our emotions through the art of eye gestures (blinking really fast then rolling eyes up, so only the whites show). Our awkward eye gesture academy is another crucial part of civil service training, where we decipher complex eye gestures and interpret them for ministerial departments in parliament. Say if you roll your eyes in a particular way, that microaggression conveys a rather nasty message of racism (looks down with one eye whilst simultaneously looking up with another). Just yesterday, a Conservative MP came into my office and wanted to know why his assistant constantly looks away when speaking to him. We analysed the situation, and came to the conclusion that the assistant thinks that the MP in question is a total wanker and a cunt of the highest order. Problem solved, and since then the assistant was replaced by someone more suitable, an assistant whose eyes light up with joy and admiration every time the MP walks into his office.”

So, what will the primary role for the £450 million Ministry of Awkward Eye Gestures be? Well, we’ve already fucking explained that, so please go back and read it all again (rolling eyes in abject disgust and disdain).