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Review of Civil War (2024)

Alex Garland’s work is peppered with masterpieces like The Beach, 28 Days Later, Ex Machina and of course Dredd. His latest interpretation of what would possibly be a Civil War scenario in America is somewhat of a dry and sparse minimalist interpretation of something that could have potentially been an epic film, but falls short in many ways.

If one considers that the USA has a population today in excess of 333 million people, one wonders where the hell they all went during the civil war? We get to see the odd skirmish between a few people, and the highly improbable ending is truly laughable. During any event of civil unrest or especially a war, the President of the United States would not be in the Oval Office, he would either be in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC), a bunker-like structure underneath the East Wing of the White House or a bunker very far away from the White House or up in the air in a Boeing E-4 Advanced Airborne Command Post (AACP), “Nightwatch” aircraft, which is a strategic command and control military aircraft for extreme doomsday scenarios. Furthermore, the president would not be left practically unguarded with four or five SS men with handguns in the White House, as is portrayed in the film.

There is some play with contrast during the film with times of quiet and calm suddenly contrasted with noisy gun play, but apart from a few moments of combat, be prepared for more focus on an ultimately boring team of photographic journalists making their way across the deserted country in an SUV.

Although Garland’s works are usually enjoyable pieces, Civil War is not only highly improbable, but it makes a US Civil War seem like a gentle stroll in the park. Throughout history, there has never been a pleasant civil war fought, but this one seems like a pleasant, peaceful affair where the only thing missing are the tea and scones. If every civil war was like this, nations should have them more often.

One area that is captured rather realistically is the cold nature of the Press, and their constant pursuit for that perfect story or photograph.

If there really was a civil war in America, one would have to consider that 32% of citizens has a firearm or multiple firearms.

According to Pew Research in 2021:

About four-in-ten U.S. adults say they live in a household with a gun, including 32% who say they personally own one, according to a report filed by Pew Research.

There are differences in gun ownership rates by political affiliation, gender, community type and other factors.

  • Republicans and Republican-leaning independents are more than twice as likely as Democrats and Democratic leaners to say they personally own a gun (45% vs. 20%).
  • 40% of men say they own a gun, compared with 25% of women.
  • 47% of adults living in rural areas report personally owning a firearm, as do smaller shares of those who live in suburbs (30%) or urban areas (20%).
  • 38% of White Americans own a gun, compared with smaller shares of Black (24%), Hispanic (20%) and Asian (10%) Americans.

32% of 333 million = 106,560,000 citizens with firearms, plus add the US military into the mix and a US Civil War would be able to be seen from the fucking I.S.S. up in orbit. Imagine the gangs, the militias, the factions, the US Army, the lone families, and everyone all shooting at each other — you would be able to see the fricking fireworks from the moon.

The power vacuum, the looting, the polarised nature of the population, and all the other variables would all melt into a single bucket of extreme violence and insane levels of gun play practically in every state.

As already mentioned before, Civil War the film does not in any way address any of these issues, and portrays the entire event as some kind of lazy pleasant road trip movie, albeit with a few interspersed moments of minimal war, one could describe it as mild skirmishes.

This is definitely not a Civil War — some people have probably witnessed more combat in a Waffle House at 3.30 AM.

vintage border 1

CIVIL WAR – A journey across a dystopian future America, following a team of military-embedded journalists as they race against time to reach DC before rebel factions descend upon the White House.

Director : Alex Garland
Writer : Alex Garland
Stars : Nick Offerman, Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura

Budget : $50 million

Rating : 28%

The Amazing Leap Forward of AI Generated Music

If you have not made an account with Suno.com you are missing out on some great fun. The quality or bit rate of the songs created still leaves a lot to be desired, however the quality of the AI generation of some of the genres is amazing. The AI generator can really create some catchy pop tunes and if heard on a radio would be indistinguishable from the songs put out by record companies today. AI generated music is now at the absolute forefront of the artificial intelligence creative spree.

We tried a few experiments, creating songs about the Daily Squib. Some of the lyrics came out negative and some were positive. We told the AI to create the song and write the lyrics as well, with very basic prompts. Here are the AI generated music examples:

City Streets


Walking through the city streets
Feeling the heat
The asphalt burns beneath my weary feet
But it’s not the scorching pavement that makes me wince
It’s the words in the Daily Squib
They’ve got no sense

[Verse 2]
They say they’re the voice of the people
But it’s all a sham
Their headlines scream
Fill the streets with their scam
They think they’re clever
Tearing lives apart
But all they’re doing is piercing my fragile heart

Daily Squib
You’re nothing but a pain in my side
Your lies and deceit
I won’t let you hide
I’m gonna rise above your twisted stories
And reclaim my peace
Like a warrior

Daily Squib Blues


Walking down the streets of LA
Back in ’80
With the Daily Squib gripped tight in my hand
Headlines screaming
Making my brain hurt
Fake news
Playing its dirty game

[Verse 2]
Sipping whiskey at the Rainbow Bar and Grill
Reading the Squib
Trying to separate fact from fiction
But it’s all just a twisted
Distorted mess
Media circus
Spinning out of control

The Daily Squib
It’s a wild ride
Messing with my mind as the world collides
But I won’t surrender to its twisted ways
Gonna find the truth
Gonna break free someday

The Squib’s Fire

VERSION ONE https://suno.com/song/7287fb93-ac33-43c1-9aa5-d27fa8d839f8

VERSION TWO https://suno.com/song/a2e7dbbe-8495-4d9d-b671-b50dbbb2d3e9

The Squib’s got that fire
It’s burnin’ up my brain
Givin’ me the news in a way that makes me go insane
With their bold headlines
They grab me by the throat
Tellin’ stories that the big shots wouldn’t dare to promote

[Verse 2]
Every mornin’ I wake up
Craving their words
They cut through the BS
No sugar-coated turds
They expose the truth
Break down the facade
Keepin’ the masses informed
Fightin’ against the fraud

The Daily Squib
You light up my soul
With your fearless reporting
You make me feel whole
Through the chaos and lies
You’re my guiding light
The Squib’s fire burns bright
Day and night

Neon Chronicles


In the heart of the city
Where the neon glows
I found my voice
My sanctuary
Where the true story unfolds
The Daily Squib
My secret connection
The words that fuel my fire
My soul’s resurrection

[Verse 2]
From the headlines to the comments
It’s a never-ending ride
An electric current surging through
With nowhere left to hide
A fearless voice in the chaos
Cutting through the lies
Every word like thunder
Shaking me up inside

Daily Squib
You’re my guiding light
In this world of darkness
You ignite
With every breaking news
Every word in your frame
I find solace and purpose
In this beautiful game

Remainers Threaten Mutiny About ECHR


One thing that riles EU-centric remainers is the threat of their beloved ECHR, European Court of Human Rights ever being dumped by the UK. The current PM, Rishi Sunak who is desperate to stay in power is proposing to leave the unelected ECHR which has thwarted every opportunity to stop the illegal boats arriving in the UK every day. British National sovereignty is threatened by the foreign court, which rules over and supersedes all UK law.

“Even though we supposedly left the EU, we are still ruled by a foreign political court which ruins and subverts any form of sovereignty that Britain has,” a British citizen revealed on Thursday.

The current Cabinet which is awash with remainers have now threatened to mutiny if Sunak dares to even try to dump the ECHR.

“Even though we live in a supposedly sovereign nation, we do not want the ECHR to be dumped. We want to be ruled and dictated by that foreign court which is politically motivated to work against Britain’s interests,” Jeremy Hunt, a staunch remainer and the man credited with ruining the British economy, said on Thursday.

God forbid, Britain deciding upon its own destiny and controlling its own borders.

Biden: “Elect Me, I’m in the 20th Century”

Indeed, Joe Biden is certainly still in the 20th Century, and it does not particularly matter anyway what century he says we are in because there are people in America who will still vote for him in the upcoming election. “Elect Me, I’m in the 20th Century” he mutters.

“Biden could say he is in the 16th Century or whatever century. He could say he likes to hang from tree branches and ook like a monkey. It all don’t matter because the Dems will still vote for him,” one political commentator revealed at the event.

‘Influencer’ Piece of Sh*t Living in the Lap of Luxury Travels the World in Five-Star Hotels and Boasts a 75-PIECE Wardrobe Worth $2,500

  • A three-year-old influencer piece of shit has been jetting off on trips to France and Mexico
  • He has built up a loyal social media following thanks to owner Pho King Quant
  • The Toronto native, 39, gave birth to the six-pound poop during the pandemic

The three-year-old piece of shit, who lives in Toronto, Canada, has been jetting off on lavish vacations with 37-year-old owner Pho King Quant.

The inseparable duo have built up a loyal social media following of more than 167,000 fans by documenting their five-star getaways to hotspots including France and Mexico.

Pho has also been showcasing the piece of shit’s extensive clothes collection, which includes Chanel silk scarves, turtleneck sweaters and statement sunglasses.

Pho gave birth through her anus to the six-pound poop during the coronavirus pandemic, but the duo didn’t set off on vacation together until 2022.

The piece of shit’s first trip was on a four-hour flight to Lake Louise, Alberta, but he has since gone much further afield.

His debut international trip was to Paris – where the pair stayed at the Hotel Louvre Saint-Merde, dined at the iconic Café de Dégueuler and visited the Eiffel Tower.

eiffel Paris shit

Next, the influencer piece of shit went to Mexico where he enjoyed poolside massages, luxurious meals and endless treats.

‘I never wanted to travel without him because he’s my baby boy,’ Pho King Quant told Fox.

But the piece of shit, who usually dines on a raw food diet including homemade diarrhoea broth, does not travel light.

poolside instagram influencer

‘Since he was a little nugget, I’ve liked to match his clothes to my neutral aesthetic with trench coats and denim, but my piece of shit is partial to a Hawaiian shirt when on holiday.’

His doting owner even created a poopy fashion brand called The Turd Collection with the website offering items that are adorably named, The Winnit Coat, Casually Cool Dingleberry Sweater and Tropical Turd Skidmark Shirt.

Pho King Quant admitted that although there were additional costs associated with travelling with her shitty friend, he was ‘more than worth it.’  Besides, being an influencer piece of shit brings in serious sponsorship money with companies paying up to $50,000 for a single post on Instagram, and like all influencers, it’s all tax-free revenue.

instagram influencer home

Best Decision 

She told the outlet: ‘Shitting out my piece of shit was the best decision, and he’s like my perfect match.’

Pho continues to showcase his ‘sassy personality’ online as his Instagram bio proclaims: ‘I like to dress up, travel and dine at blue bottle fly-friendly restaurants.’

Influencer Website

The turd’s personal website states: ‘I feel super comfortable in front of the camera. When I am not modelling, I love naps and walks.

‘I know the following tricks: sit, stay, down, come, boop, chin down, dance, pray, rollover, kiss kiss, and cuddle time.

‘I also love to hit up Shit Friendly Patios and go on Shit Friendly adventures with my Family.

‘I love giving mommy kisses. I have one shitty fold that likes to flop down most of the time!’

Discussing what could be next for the duo, Pho King Quant told Fox News: ‘We would also like to go back to Europe to visit Italy, and we will go back to Mexico because we loved it so much.’

She is also keen to take her piece of shit to Beverly Hills in order for him to experience a real-life version of the movie Beverly Hills Smelly Turd.

Expert Shares Ways to Save Money on Netflix, Disney+, Amazon and Apple TV+

As the warmer weather is almost here, and the constant rain hopefully subsides a little for a few months at least, you may have noticed that many household bills are increasing. Every year, providers up the prices of bills including TV, mobile phones and broadband inline with inflation. However, there is a way to save money on these things, so please read on.

Added to that, several streaming platforms like Netflix and Disney+ have also updated their membership rates and, as many of us now subscribe to several streamers at once, this means we end up paying more each month to watch all the stuff on these streaming platforms. Netflix now costs £10.99 for its Standard plan or £17.99 for Premium and has clamped down on members sharing their accounts, with Disney+ confirmed to be following suit later this year.

Over at Amazon, Prime Video members must now fork out an extra £2.99 a month for an ad-free subscription. Luckily, there are loads of ways to cut down costs, and I’m going to show you how.

Switch off the fucking telly and do something else

This simple method of switching off your TV will keep more money in your pocket, and is known as ‘switchingoffing’. Here, we explain what this means, how it works and most importantly how much you can save.

What is switchingoffing?

Even with all the time in the world, we wouldn’t be able to watch the endless amount of shit and utter crap on streaming platforms. So rather than have subscriptions to these money-grabbing parasite streaming services – Netflix, Disney+, Prime Video and Apple TV+ – simultaneously, cancel all the fucking subscriptions and switch all the mind-numbing shite off.

Even before you take advantage of other ways to cut down costs, at its most basic this could save the average household hundreds of pounds a year on streaming costs that you and your family really do not need in any shape or form. Along with dumping all of the parasite paid streaming subscriptions, the most important thing to dump is the fucking TV licence tax. Don’t worry, you can still watch free streaming services if you really must, but you will not be able to watch anything from the current state of the BBC, which is no loss at all.

Not only does this save money, but by the time you have ‘switchoffed’ all the paid services over the year you’ll find much more new activities to enjoy and get loads more value from doing other things with your life that are way more productive. Don’t forget to also limit your smartphone usage by buying a very basic package just for calls and a little surfing. This could save you literally thousands of pounds of money that would otherwise be wasted on utter shite.

Remember, by switching off all this unnecessary crap that is being pushed on you daily, you not only save some money, but you also preserve your frame of mind and are not polluted by substandard banal crap that literally rots away your mind. Read a fucking book instead. Enjoy your life, and don’t fill your mind up with useless junk and woke bullshit that hinders every part of your being.

There Will Be an Eventual Backlash to Illegal and Legal Immigration Mass Influx


Forget about the morals and ethics about mass unfettered immigration of millions, and millions of people flooding into a country in a short period of time. None of the ethics, or morals count any more when the original inhabitants of any area of land in the world are now marginalised and deemed irrelevant.

Consider that nations developed over thousands of years with terrible wars and power play and civil wars; kingdoms, tribes, unrest, peace, shaping nation states into a single cohesive entity. All of this history is now under review, it is an irrelevancy when there is a mass deluge of hordes of migrants from countries who have no care for the history or the people they have effectively invaded. Of course, the word ‘invasion’ is far too strong a word to say, but what else can it be described as? It is not an invasion à la D-Day, but it is an undercover immigration invasion where it is not evident at first, but over time there is no ignoring it.

To have cultures around the globe is a beautiful thing, and should be cherished, but what happens when there is an imposition of a completely different culture on an existing culture, and it is so pervasive and insidious that it poses an existential threat to your very own well-being, your very own existence? Would Saudi Arabians tolerate millions of pork eating, alcohol drinking, European Christians on a mass immigration push into their country suddenly, all demanding their right to do as they please?

unrest uk2

Integration used to be the word used, but now it is a forgotten concept, as the mass influx is so great that it has been lost under the deluge. None of these people want to integrate or care to even envision such a concept. Their main focus is one of smash and grab immigration culture. Many are here for the benefits, they want housing, money, food and free health care, as well as free schooling for their many children. They do not give one squirt of piss for the King or the castles, or scones, or fucking strawberries and cream at Wimbledon.

The profligate, floundering current Sunak Government wants to fly a few token illegal immigrants to Rwanda at a cost to the taxpayer of £1.8 million each. Only an insane person would think this was a good idea.

unrest uk3

Cities and towns are now creating ghettos. White English flight happens almost immediately, even if there are attempts to stop it. Entire swathes of the country are ghettoised no-go urban nightmare zones where the migrants are placed, and the indigenous population moves away. Crime soars, rapes, burglaries, violence, mugging and all sorts of nasty enterprises develop like a big fat tumour, growing daily with no bounds or treatment.

unrest uk4

Eventually, there will be a breaking point, and when this moment erupts, no governmental or military intervention will be able to stop what occurs. The truth is that the cat is already out of the bag, and things are getting a lot worse for the indigenous population of this country, who can trace their ancestors back thousands of years. It is almost impossible now to get an appointment with your local GP, or an ambulance if you are in dire need. The schools are so oversubscribed that 60 or 70 pupils are sardined within each crumbling, underfunded class. The roads of Britain are pot holed car parks where some foreign drivers do not even know what side of the road to drive on when going at 75 MPH past a primary school. Housing is shot to shit, where councils are now considering building over formerly protected forests, rivers and green pastures.

As for those of foreign birth, or non-English people born in Britain who have tried to integrate, and have done their best, the sad part is that when things do kick off, there will probably be little distinction between them and the ones who came here just to plunder and use this place up. That is the sad fact of the entire sorry story.

Until that moment occurs, put on another brew and sit there watching everything deteriorate slowly. Mass immigration? Nah, it never happened or is any concern…


Greta Thunberg: “If You Don’t Arrest Me I Don’t Make Money”


Greta Thunberg was arrested again to cheers and jubilation from the adoring crowds. As she was carried away by two policemen, there was a wry smile on her face. She was going to get some good bonus payments this month, and increase her already overflowing bank balance.

This is a legit business like any other business, and today, the eco business is booming. Shareholders for ‘ethical green’ advertising companies and businesses cheer every time they see Greta being carted off by some bored looking policemen. Their share price just increased, and they all stand to make more money.

Concern for the environment is always a secondary concern, it is a tool utilised by many of these companies who only give less than 1% of their vast profits to green causes.

Greta Thunberg is an all too eager workhorse and has made millions, assisted by her PR mastermind, Ingmar Rentzhog.

“Oh, there she goes again. She just made thousands for a day’s work, and so did we,” a jubilant shareholder squealed, punching the air excitedly.

Forget about the environment, nature and the earth, the real winners here are the ‘eco warriors’ and ultimately, the banks.

“The Rack” Makes a Comeback Thanks to the Snap-Happy Instagram Generation

Once considered a relic of medieval brutality, the infamous torture device known as “The Rack” is experiencing a revival among the Instagram generation, sparking a macabre fascination with historical torment and extracting confessions from people.

Perceived as a bygone quirk of old-fashioned British quaintness, “The Rack” was a formidable instrument of torture employed for hundreds of years in the castles and dungeons of Britain and Europe.


Restaurants, cafés, and even some hotels are witnessing a surge in interest, with bookings for “Rack experiences” on the rise. Sales of themed torture hampers, complete with implements of agony, are skyrocketing.

A recent survey conducted by the historical torture equipment emporium Torture-Masters Ltd. revealed that out of 2,000 individuals aged 25-34, a staggering 43 percent had commemorated special occasions with a session on “The Rack.”

Supermarkets have reported a 600 percent increase in searches for information about “The Rack,” while sales of torture-themed hampers have seen an 80 percent year-on-year increase.

Experts in medieval torture techniques attribute this resurgence to the allure of capturing such experiences for social media, with themes such as “Medieval Madness” and “Torture Time Travel” proving particularly photogenic.

Sarah Smith, head of product development at TortureCo, remarked, “Customers view ‘The Rack’ not merely as a historical artifact but as an opportunity to share a unique moment of suffering posted for the Instagram generation.”

the rack instagram selfie

Instagram influencer, Rupert Nymans, 23, took numerous selfies whilst being stretched on ‘The Rack’ and as a result he racked up 50,000 likes and 20,000 subs.

“Not only that, but I used to be 4″8, and now I’m 6″4. I actually managed to get a date with a girl after many years of trying. Although extremely painful, the overall experience has been great. Can’t wait to try out the “Iron Maiden” for my next Instagram shoot.”

Ben Barnes, founder of Torture Treats, which operates torture-themed cafés at historical sites, added, “The sight of stretched limbs, agonised expressions, and a celebratory toast to pain make for compelling Instagram content that gets some serious likes.”

The Royal Family has also played a role in bringing this ancient tradition back into the spotlight. Following a televised event in June 2022 where the late Queen participated in a demonstration of “The Rack” with a historical reenactor, interest surged.

Barnes noted, “We observed a significant increase in inquiries for ‘Rack experiences’ during and after the Queen’s demonstration in 2022, as well as during King Charles’s coronation in 2023, attracting not only foreign tourists but also locals.”

As interest in “The Rack” resurges, there is a spirited debate about whether the torture implements need updating or if traditional methods should be preserved.

Purists argue for authenticity, citing historical accounts of agonising torture sessions. However, proponents of modernisation advocate for the inclusion of contemporary elements such as cocktails, cold cuts, and even hummus to enhance the overall torture experience, all consumed to the soundtrack of Agadoo by 80s pop band Black Lace.

The Advantages of Industrial Shelving To Help Organise and Optimise

In the bustling world of manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics, efficient storage solutions are more important than ever. Industrial shelving stands as a cornerstone in this domain, offering an array of benefits that streamline operations and enhance productivity. From maximising space to facilitating seamless inventory management, industrial shelving systems play an important role in various sectors. Let’s delve into the advantages of these versatile storage solutions.

Maximising Space

Flexible Configurations

Industrial shelving systems come in diverse configurations, enabling businesses to tailor storage solutions to their specific requirements. Whether it’s narrow-aisle, wide-span, or multi-tier shelving, these systems offer adaptability to fit various spaces and accommodate different types of inventory. By utilising vertical space effectively, businesses can optimise floor space, enhancing overall storage capacity without the need to expand.

Customisation Options

One size does not fit all when it comes to storage needs. Industrial shelving allows for customisation, with options for adjustable shelves, modular designs, and specialised accessories. This flexibility enables businesses to organise inventory efficiently, whether storing small components, bulky items, or materials of varying dimensions. Moreover, customisable shelving can evolve with changing storage requirements, ensuring long-term adaptability and cost-effectiveness.

Warehouse  shelving storage metal pallet racking system

Enhanced Accessibility and Organisation

Improved Inventory Visibility

Clear visibility and easy access to inventory are essential for efficient warehouse operations. Industrial shelving facilitates organised storage, making it easier for staff to find and pick items quickly. With proper labelling and categorisation, businesses can minimise search times, reduce errors, and enhance overall workflow efficiency. This enhanced accessibility translates to faster order fulfilment and improved customer satisfaction.

First In First Out and Last In First Out Implementation

For businesses managing perishable goods or materials with expiry dates, implementing FIFO (First-In, First-Out) or LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) inventory management methods is crucial. Industrial shelving systems support these practices by providing clear separation and easy rotation of goods. By ensuring that older stock is used first, businesses can minimise waste, mitigate the risk of product obsolescence, and maintain product quality standards.

Safety and Durability

Robust Construction

pexels-endura-tiles-14554082Industrial environments demand sturdy and durable storage solutions capable of withstanding heavy loads and harsh conditions. Industrial shelving systems are engineered with robust materials such as steel or aluminium, ensuring structural integrity and longevity. These shelves are designed to withstand the rigours of industrial settings, including forklift traffic, vibration, and temperature variations, providing reliable support for valuable inventory and equipment.

Compliance with Safety Standards

Safety is paramount in industrial settings, and industrial shelving systems adhere to strict safety standards to mitigate risks associated with storage operations. From load-bearing capacities to stability requirements, these shelving solutions are designed and tested to ensure compliance with industry regulations. By investing in certified shelving systems, businesses can create a safer work environment, reducing the likelihood of accidents and injuries.

Cost-Effectiveness and Sustainability

Long-Term Investment

pexels-tiger-lily-4483608While the initial investment in industrial shelving may seem significant, the long-term benefits far outweigh the costs. By maximising space utilisation, improving efficiency, and reducing waste, industrial shelving systems deliver a strong return on investment over time. Moreover, their durability and adaptability ensure prolonged use, minimising the need for frequent replacements and associated expenses.

Environmental Considerations

In an era of increasing environmental awareness, sustainability has become a key consideration for businesses. Industrial shelving systems support sustainability initiatives by optimising space utilisation, reducing the need for additional storage facilities and their associated environmental footprint. Furthermore, durable materials and modular designs promote reusability and recyclability, aligning with circular economy principles and minimising waste generation.

Strong Industrial Shelving – Effective Space Saving

Industrial shelving stands as one of the most effective storage solutions, offering a range of benefits that drive efficiency, safety, and sustainability. From maximising space utilisation to enhancing accessibility and organisation, these versatile storage solutions empower businesses to optimise their operations and adapt to evolving storage needs. By investing in industrial shelving systems, businesses can lay a robust foundation for streamlined warehouse management and sustained growth in an increasingly competitive market.