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Local Elections: Murder at the Polls For Rishi Sunak


Rishi Sunak thanked his grim, imbecilic Chancellor Jeremy Hunt for being the primary reason millions of people voted out the Conservatives yesterday at England’s local elections.  The Tories are now set to lose over 500 seats as the counting continues today and final results come in.

“When people are forced to pay £6.90 ($8.66) for a tiny block of cheddar cheese, and you are taxed to a point where working for a living is useless, this is what happens at the polls,” a former Conservative voter revealed after leaving his local polling station in Blackpool.

Blackpool’s gone to Labour with a massive 26% swing, and so have many other formerly staunch seats. In fact, this is the worst Tory performance at local elections since 1966. It’s not a disaster — it’s a fucking catastrophe.

Labour even won Rushmoor in Hampshire from the Conservatives, which was staunchly Tory for 50 years since its creation.

The sad part for the Tories is that it is now too late to dump Sunak and his team of failures before the delayed General Election in November.

The augurs do not bode well, and Labour is now guaranteed a major win when the General Election is finally announced.

Britain is a socialist country, and even a socialist Tory Party cannot hack it at the polls.


Russia, China and Iran Behind Pro-Palestine Pro-Hamas Protests


Sowing discord amongst your enemies is an old and tested form of clandestine warfare that has been practised since time immemorial. The current pro-Palestine pro-Hamas protests and riots happening in America and soon to come to Russell universities in the UK are conduits for fomenting civil disorder, chaos, demoralisation and fracturing Western society further through the technique of ideological subversion. It is to be expected that foreign players are watching with glee as the riots and chaos develop.

Ideological subversion – Key Stages – Demoralisation

Demoralisation is a constant experience of inability to cope, with feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, meaninglessness, a subjective sense of incompetence, and low self-esteem.

Demoralisation is the first stage of ideological subversion, and it involves the systematic undermining of a society’s moral and ethical foundations. In the demoralisation phase, individuals are conditioned to question their own cultural identity, history, and societal norms. The emphasis is on creating a sense of instability and disorientation within the target population.


Once demoralisation has taken root, the next stage is destabilisation. This phase is characterised by the weakening of essential institutions and structures within the society.

This process can be expedited if foreign influence successfully manipulates the political, economic, and defence systems. Key sectors such as law enforcement, military, and intelligence are targeted to compromise the nation’s ability to respond to external and internal threats.

In the UK, for example, the police have become ideologically subverted and confused through external and internal manipulation and this is why they simply stand by while terrorist sympathisers and active agents on the ground verbally and violently abuse Jewish people at pro-Hamas rallies. The exact same theme applies to institutions like US/UK universities, where Hamas terrorist rhetoric and active terrorist ideology are allowed and encouraged to flourish without any institutional or police questioning.


The crisis phase of ideological subversion is the third stage. At this point, the targeted society is in a state of chaos, with increased tension and a breakdown of trust in institutions.

This crisis phase has the potential to manifest in various forms, such as political turmoil, economic collapse, or social unrest. The ultimate goal is to push the targeted society to breaking point where people are desperate for solutions, paving the way for radical change.

During the crisis phase, external forces may exploit the vulnerabilities within the society, offering alternative ideologies or solutions. This creates an opportunity for a shift in power dynamics and the imposition of foreign ideologies on the now susceptible population.


The final stage is normalisation, where the previously subverted ideology becomes the new norm. We can see examples of this with imported woke soviet ideology becoming accepted ideologically within Western society and within all institutions. Regarding terror group Hamas who have effectively hijacked and adopted the Palestinian flag, Western education institutions are in the process of now adopting terrorist ideology and normalising it. This final phase is not about a return to stability, but rather the establishment of a new societal order based on the foreign imported ideology. The once-targeted society is now reshaped according to the infiltrating force’s vision, erasing its original cultural identity and values. Normalisation solidifies the control of the foreign ideology, and the population may no longer resist as the altered reality becomes accepted and internalised. Marxist Wokism, for example, is now almost fully integrated into former Western culture, and is seen everywhere, from education, advertising through to government. Society is therefore transformed, and the process of ideological subversion is complete.

Demoralisation from within nations

Universities are the key to demoralisation of any nation because they are places where the so-called education of the next generation takes place. Students are utilised for indoctrination because they are extremely pliable to manipulation and propaganda. This is why they are a prime target for the purpose of demoralisation by enemies of the West.

Indoctrination through agents planted on campus, and the constant flood of anti-Western, anti-Israeli propaganda is endemic. The omnipresent spectre of tension is manipulated and coerced by pariah nations like Russia, Iran and China to cause discord and rioting that destabilises Western society from the core of its educational institutions.

The technique of indoctrination

The process of indoctrination occurs by clever placement and flooding of propaganda, as well as constant repetition. Through repetition of any slogan the protesters display their indoctrination levels, and within the protests, influencer agents will be working hard to build up the group’s emotional excitement levels regarding whatever subject they are indoctrinating the pliant crowd with. Many of the people who are indoctrinated will not know why they are chanting whatever they are told to chant by their controllers, but because they feel empowered by a group dynamic, they will continue on blind to the intricacies of actual global dynamics and who is manipulating them to protest.

Fracturing already severely damaged societies from within

By fracturing the society of your enemy through ideological subversion, the players involved are priming their target for instability and disunion. What better state than complete chaos and disharmony would you want your enemy to be before any planned war? The West is thus ripe for the picking when it comes to causing disarray and insurrection. If you can cause your enemy to crumble internally first before you walk in and clean up then you have achieved and completed the majority of your objective, and this is what China, Russia and Iran are counting on by inciting the pro-Hamas protests and riots.

Intelligence agencies within the West will now have a huge task on their hands in trying to counteract this form of external manipulation, as well as noting down the names and identities of each and every student/professor who has been manipulated by outside enemies for the purposes of ideological subversion demoralisation and agitation. The only bonus to this entire sordid process is that agencies will know the names and identities of more people within our borders who are anti-Western agitators and threats.

The Paradox of Socialists Championing Terrorist Group Hamas


Hard leftist radical socialists are rife with paradox. Here they are championing a group of hardline Islamic terrorists who gladly put newborn babies into ovens and switch them to high after murdering the infant’s entire family in their quaint Kibbutz, yet they claim to be benevolent, egalitarian and empathetic. Terrorist group Hamas have committed unspeakable atrocities on other humans that defy any form of logic or understanding, yet Western radical Marxists love them. Even LGBTQP groups are singing the praises of Hamas despite the fact that if the members of these groups ever landed on Palestinian or any Arab territory, they would be beaten viciously in public, paraded through the streets, then either stoned to death or thrown from a tall building head first. The paradox continues with drag queens singing the praises of Hamas to young children in socialist schools, where the children sing back the same chants the drag queen on stage blurts out. On the ground in Palestine or any Arab nation, a transexual or drag queen would be effectively ripped apart piece by piece by rabid mobs for being an abomination to Islam, and ultimately humanity.

Much like Holocaust denial, the majority of pro-Hamas protestors do not even acknowledge that the October 7th attack on Israel by Hamas occurred.

So why do the socialist leftists pander to terrorist groups? Why do they sing ‘From the river to the sea’ which effectively means an entire race of humans should be wiped off the face of the earth by genocidal means? The answer in part is that these people are easily indoctrinated, they are easily manipulated by the media and propaganda that terror group Hamas has very successfully incorporated into the Western media apparatus. Hamas is also backed up by Russia, China, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen and Syria who utilise Western creations like social media to flood these pliable Marxists with intense levels of propaganda. Their modus operandi is of course to sow the seeds of discord and chaos in the West, and each day is a fruitful one for doing exactly that.

Russia, China and Iran Behind Pro-Palestine Pro-Hamas Protests

The other paradox of course is that in the USA, particularly socialist groups, are full of Jewish people, so what happens now that there is a big question mark upon their name by the same group that Jews traditionally champion? Either they become ‘self-hating Jews’ and champion the Hamas terrorist group that wants them wiped off the face of the earth, or they get the fuck out of dodge. They are now ostracised amongst the same group of socialists that they previously championed.

Speaking of paradoxes, now the same radical socialists have been heard chanting “Fuck Joe Biden!” in their Marxist-breeding halls and universities. One wonders what Joe Biden thinks about that if he had a single thought in his empty head?

One could easily postulate that the same socialists in the West have now somehow morphed into a form of nihilism, and are undergoing a fundamental existential shift in their political and moral state of ideological madness. It is hard to effectively tell, however, because the far-left socialists do not generally follow any logic.

One thing is for sure is that these pliant virtue signalling socialists are always looking for a cause to follow blindly and are so easily manipulated by various external entities that they are puppets in an altogether larger geopolitical game they will never understand or even want to ever understand.

The most absurd part of this entire imbroglio is that watching all of this nonsense are the Palestinian people in Gaza who have essentially been hijacked not only by the terrorist group Hamas but now by Western radical socialist groups, LGBTQP, and external intelligence agency propaganda operations sowing the seeds of discontent in the already fractured West.

“Biological Sex is a Fact” – NHS SHOCKER!


Who would have thought it, the NHS has finally acknowledged that biological sex is a fact? Apparently, the Pope is rather partial to Catholicism, and bears like to take big steaming shits in the woods.

In other news, water is wet, rocks are hard and if you stub your toe on the edge of your bed it’s fucking painful.

Next week, the NHS will acknowledge that blood is red, people are dead when their hearts stop, diversity inclusion officers are a waste of money, brains are crucial for thinking and hospitals are places where people are treated for illness.


Who Gave the EU the Right to Dictate its Totalitarian Rules on the Internet?


In the ever-shifting landscape of the digital realm, the concept of freedom has become a relic of a bygone era. Once a bastion of unrestricted expression, the internet now finds itself ensnared in the web of bureaucratic regulation and political machination orchestrated by an unelected body of faceless autocrats in Brussels spewing out a constant stream of totalitarian rules. To put it lightly — the EU fucked up the internet real good.

Think about it, what happened when the Berlin Wall fell, and East Germany joined with the West? All high ranking Stasi officers, Marxists, communists were filtered into top positions within the EU.

We decide on something, leave it lying around, and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don’t understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back. Jean-Claude Juncker

Long gone are the days of unbridled creativity and unfiltered content, where smaller sites with quality material had an even footing with the established media empires. The pestilent dawn of a new age has ushered in a Draconian era of EU Soviet control and censorship, where the whims of supranational entities dictate the flow of information and the boundaries of discourse.

In this brave new world, the European Union bullied its way into position as the arbiter of all truth, wielding its regulatory and economic might to shape the very fabric of cyberspace. Through a labyrinthine maze of communistic directives and acts, it seeks to impose its political will upon the digital landscape, bending it to conform to its vision of a sanitised and homogenised mind prison where every facet of thought is controlled.

Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market

At the heart of this Orwellian nightmare lies the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, a sinister and evil edict that casts a shadow over the once-vibrant realm of online expression. Article 17 of this directive serves as the iron fist of censorship, holding online platforms accountable for the dissemination of copyrighted content. The pounding fist of copyright is utilised by the EU to shut people up. The EU does not for one second care about the rights of creators, and is only manipulating and subverting copyright law as a way to silence any form of dissent, free thought or free expression. To this end, the internet has now become a miserable minefield of legal word salad and useless, unnecessary regulations that taint every part of its very fabric.

When it becomes serious, you have to lie.
Jean-Claude Juncker

Under the watchful evil totalitarian rules of Big Brother Brussels, platforms such as YouTube and Facebook are forced to toe the line or face the wrath of overzealous predatory regulatory retribution. The spectre of financial ruin looms large, as the threat of liability hangs over their heads like the sword of Damocles.

Digital Services Act

But the tyrannical dystopian nightmare does not end there. Enter the Digital Services Act, a chilling Stalinist manifesto of control and coercion that seeks to tighten the stranglehold of regulation even further. Through a series of Orwellian measures, it seeks to impose a regime of thought control and information manipulation that would make Hitler or Stalin salivate at the mouth.

hostile eu undemocratic eu totalitarian rulesUnder the guise of combating hate speech and disinformation, the unelected body of the EU Commission assumes the role of thought police, dictating the totalitarian rules of acceptable discourse with an iron Soviet fist. Terms such as “hate speech” and “disinformation” become weapons in the hands of the oppressor, wielded with impunity to silence dissent and stifle debate. These open catch-all terms can be construed and manipulated by the EU any way they want so that only their point of view is prominent. Politically, the EU can manipulate elections as it wishes, simply by labelling the opposing parties as purveyors of “hate speech” and “disinformation”. The Marxist EU has power over the recommendation algorithms of all the search engines, enabling the Soviet power to control what information most people see when they want to learn something from the internet. This immense power is the key to controlling entire populations globally through manipulation, coercion, extortion and political bias.

If it’s a Yes, we will say ‘on we go’, and if it’s a No we will say ‘we continue’.
Jean-Claude Juncker on the 2005 French referendum on the Lisbon Treaty

In this dystopian hellscape, the very essence of freedom hangs in the balance. Little minnows like the Daily Squib are sidelined, free speech and the right to express artistic/political/theoretic freedom are lost by over-regulation, useless diktats and cancellation. The power to shape reality and control the narrative lies in the hands of a select few, while the masses are left to languish in a state of perpetual ignorance and subjugation.

We are already in the future, no one is free, because we have already lost our fundamental freedoms by allowing the totalitarian rules of the oppressive Soviet EU to supersede everything and to dictate whatever narrative they want to control us. What difference does Brexit make for the UK when we are still imprisoned on the internet by the EU and their ridiculous over-done Marxist regulations upon regulations? By building a toxic web of bureaucratic regulations and laws within laws and even more regulations, the EU has cast a horrible spell over an internet that once used to be a free place for expression. It is now a sad, dark suppurating fuck-hole of inequity, a pallid parasite infested intolerant Stasi EU prison where the guards beat the innocent inmates with huge batons and electrocute their genitals until they submit to the Orwellian 1984 nightmare of the unelected oppressors in the EU Commission.

Mobility Aids: The Key to Maintaining Independence as We Age


As we journey through life, ageing gracefully is a goal we all aspire to. However, as our bodies change with time, maintaining independence can become challenging, especially for elderly individuals facing mobility issues. Fortunately, advancements in mobility aids offer a path forward, enabling those with mobility issues to reclaim their autonomy and embrace life to the fullest.

Understanding the Need for Mobility Aids

Ageing brings with it a myriad of physical changes, from decreased muscle strength and joint flexibility to impaired balance and coordination. These changes can significantly impact mobility, making simple tasks like walking or climbing stairs difficult and sometimes dangerous. For elderly individuals, maintaining independence in their daily activities becomes increasingly challenging, leading to a loss of confidence and a diminished quality of life.

Grandmother with walker playing with two kids

The Impact on Independence

Independence is a cornerstone of well-being, allowing individuals to make their own choices and live life on their terms. However, when mobility becomes limited, independence often takes a hit. Many elderly individuals find themselves relying on others for assistance with basic tasks, which can be frustrating and demoralising. This loss of independence can also lead to social isolation as individuals may feel reluctant to venture out or participate in activities outside the home.

Empowering Independence with Mobility Aids

  • The Role of Mobility Aids

Mobility aids play a crucial role in bridging the gap between limited mobility and independence. These aids are designed to assist individuals in moving around safely and comfortably, both indoors and outdoors. From canes and walkers to wheelchairs and scooters, there is a wide range of options available to suit different needs and preferences.

  • Wheelchairs

Wheelchairs are perhaps the most well-known mobility aid, providing invaluable support to individuals with mobility impairments. Modern wheelchairs come in various designs, from manual to electric, foldable to rigid, catering to a wide range of needs. For elderly individuals who struggle with walking long distances or standing for extended periods, a wheelchair can be a game-changer, allowing them to conserve energy and navigate their surroundings with ease.

  • Combined walker and transit chair for elderly and disabledRollators with Seats: Mobility and Comfort Combined

A rollator with seat offers a unique blend of mobility and comfort, making it an excellent choice for elderly individuals who require occasional rest breaks while walking. These aids feature a lightweight frame with wheels, handlebars for stability, and a built-in seat for resting when needed. Rollators provide the support and confidence to venture out independently, knowing that a comfortable seat is always within reach.

Choosing the Right Mobility Aid

  • Assessing Individual Needs

When selecting a mobility aid for yourself or a loved one, it’s essential to consider your specific needs and preferences. Factors such as the level of mobility impairment, lifestyle, and environment should all be taken into account. Consulting with a healthcare professional or mobility specialist can help determine the most suitable option and ensure a proper fit.

  • Ensuring Safety and Comfort

Safety should always be a top priority when using mobility aids. Proper training on how to use the aid safely, including techniques for getting in and out of wheelchairs or navigating obstacles with a rollator, is essential. Additionally, ensuring that the aid is comfortable and properly adjusted to the user’s height and weight can prevent discomfort and minimise the risk of injury.

Overcoming Stigma and Resistance

  • Addressing Stigma

Despite the many benefits of mobility aids, there can still be a stigma attached to using them, with some individuals viewing them as a sign of weakness or dependency. However, it’s crucial to challenge these perceptions and recognise that mobility aids are tools for empowerment, not symbols of limitations. By reframing the narrative around mobility aids, we can encourage more individuals to embrace them as valuable resources for maintaining independence and enhancing quality of life.

  • Encouraging Acceptance

Encouraging a loved one to use a mobility aid can be met with resistance, as they may fear losing their independence or admitting to their limitations. However, approaching the conversation with empathy and understanding can help alleviate these concerns. Emphasising the benefits of increased mobility, safety, and freedom can empower individuals to see mobility aids as tools for enhancing their lives, rather than limitations.

Embracing Independence

As we navigate the journey of ageing, maintaining independence becomes increasingly important for preserving dignity and quality of life. Mobility aids are invaluable at offering support, comfort, and freedom to elderly individuals or others facing mobility challenges. From wheelchairs to rollators with seats, these devices can empower individuals to move forward with confidence, reclaiming their independence and embracing life’s adventures with dignity. By embracing mobility aids and encouraging our loved ones to do the same, we can help them live life on their terms, navigating the world with independence.

Beyond Satire: Home Office Can’t Find Rwanda Migrants


The flights are ready on the runway, the Rwanda Bill has been passed in parliament, and the luxury hotel staff are waiting in Rwanda for the illegal immigrant deportations. There’s only one problem — the people who are meant to be deported to Rwanda have gone missing. Has anyone seen the Rwanda migrants?


Home Office spokesman, Martha Blunder, refused to take the blame for the fiasco.

“If we can find a migrant to deport we will try to deport them to Rwanda, but until that time occurs we shall be looking for the illegal migrants so we can prove that the Rwanda flights are a deterrent to the Channel crossings.”

Meanwhile, the illegal boat crossings continue to land on British shores from France, all escorted across the Channel by the French Navy.

“Les Rosbifs are having fun, non? We deliver the migrants to them, they then lose them, and the whole process begins again with the next batch. Quelle farce!” French Navy captain, Gilles de Merde, told Euronews.

Rishi Sunak’s government have pledged that empty flights will still go to Rwanda.

“We have already paid 560 billion to the Rwanda scheme, so we will send empty flights to Rwanda. I sincerely believe this will deter the traffickers and illegal migrants. Don’t forget to vote for me at the next election.”


Experts: General AI Will Soon be Integrated Into Everything


The first AI wave (ChatGPT etc.) was a basic introduction into the machinations of artificial intelligence, and showcased its basic abilities to integrate and amalgamate enormous amounts of data to create curated material. The second general AI phase which will come soon will be a more consolidated bespoke integration into pretty much all facets of human interaction and business. This tailor-made process will essentially take out many sectors of the corporate structures in place today. Many millions of people will not be able to compete with the vast power of AI integrative and creative abilities, purely because of its enormous data banks and abilities to learn, create and understand totally any action or process, or concept within the human framework

If we look further into the future, AI machines will be autonomous, sentient to a point, and be able to design and create their own tools to function as well as adapt to any instance or situation in the future. AI integrated into robotics will also see a huge leap forward, especially when these machines will create and design their own robots. One can speculate to the reasoning for birthing their own troop of robots, but AI will have a valid reason that will be okayed by their human bystanders.

Interestingly enough, the humans who brought in AI chose to first conquer the creative industry as the initial introduction to its technique. Now many graphic designers, illustrators, songwriters, and musicians, as well as programmers, writers are pretty much redundant especially when it comes to the corporate structure. Companies will no longer need to outsource or have large design departments when they can simply use AI, a tool that does not need to rest, sleep, eat or ask for pay rises. With a high degree of specificity and complexity, even understanding context, AI will make itself a crucial part of the entire infrastructure created by humans previously. Humans will still of course create their art, because as a species our unique sense and particular style of creativity is very hard to completely replicate, however it is hoped that only the truly examplary artists will survive the purge and the dross will not. Music companies can conjure up hit songs in seconds, and blockbuster film scripts or books can be created in the blink of an eye.

Once general AI integration is rolled out globally, this will mean multiple other sectors within business will be incorporated into the AI structure with dedicated AI specialist adaptive software for each industry, and job within that industry. Looking from the macro to the micro, every facet of any industry and its components will be able to be integrated within the AI framework.

AI of course will not just be integrated wholly into civilian life, but also within the ‘military industrial complex’ as weapons systems will become much more automated and autonomous. Making life or death decisions as well as designing and creating new weapons systems will boost the power of any military organisation.

Governmental integration will also be a crucial role for AI systems and could completely revolutionise how governments operate. Cutting down civil service numbers, and institutional staff will further streamline the running of governments, local and central.

The exponential rise of AI is to be feared, but its awesome power is too much for the corporate world to ignore, and in the future the artificial side of AI will no longer be artificial — it will be real.

ANALYSIS: Was Prince Harry Making a Statement in Latest Address?

Yes, Prince Harry was a gunner on an Apache helicopter in Afghanistan for 6 weeks, and he served his country briefly, but royal fans have been questioning his ‘ludicrous’ display of medals for his brief stint in the military in his latest video address.


Royal fans were up in arms when they saw a blurred, wonky amateur video of the prince on his porch in Montecito wearing medals all over a cheap looking civilian suit.

One Twitter X user commented: “What a moron! Prince Harry looks like he is going to fall over from the weight of all the medals he never earned”

Another X user revealed: “He looks like a prize ninny! Who’s he trying to fool?”

However, others defended the duke, with one user Laquisha46 commenting: “Harry is wearing his medals proudly, which our African princess Meghan probably purchased for him in a flea market in Santa Monica. Leave them alone, you bunch of bullies. Love you Meghan.”

The consensus was of ridicule for the wayward prince who has admitted to heavy use of class-A drugs like cocaine, mushrooms, meth and marijuana, allegedly including when he served.

Expert analysis

Royal expert and body language expert Arbuthnot Bollsaque commented on the BBC that “Harry is showing defiance for being stripped of his right to wear a military uniform by displaying the plethora of medals all over his cheap looking suit”.

Harry was stripped of his honorary military titles by late Queen Elizabeth II after he stepped down from royal life in 2020 and moved to California with Meghan Markle.

Triggered Woke People and Eco Zealots Encouraged to Choose Euthanasia


Life is simply unliveable for many woke people and eco zealots, therefore these people should be encouraged to choose euthanasia as a cure to their mental illness, a Labour think tank has proposed to be adopted by Keir Starmer when he wins the election.

In Canada, depressed poor people are give the go-ahead for assisted-death at the drop of a hat. In fact, it is so prevalent in Canada. There have been 44,958 Medical Assistance in Dying MAID deaths reported in Canada since the introduction of legislation in 2016. There have even been multiple instances in which people have sought to be killed because they weren’t getting adequate government support to live.

In the Netherlands, a perfectly healthy beautiful 28-year-old woman is choosing to die in May because she is slightly depressed, and has been encouraged to euthanise by her psychiatrist: “there’s nothing more we can do for you. It’s never gonna get any better.”

UK Euthanasia Bill

When implemented in the UK, the hospitals may be inundated with cases of woke people and eco zealots who cannot live in the world due to their various mental illnesses brought on by those who control them.

The coming Labour government should welcome the proposed euthanasia bill and implement it post-haste soon after coming into power.

The benefits to taxpayers are immense as there will be less burden on welfare as many of these people who choose assisted dying will also serve the Net Zero agenda they have been brainwashed to follow.