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Henry Kissinger’s WW3 Ghost: “Drums of War So Loud They Hurt My Ears”


Yes, the famous WW3 prophecy of 2011 is materialising at break neck speed. The Daily Squib office was visited once again by the esteemed statesman Henry Kissinger, but this time in the form of a ghost. Uh oh, It’s those drums of war again. His physical body left behind, his apparition floated around the Squib office’s well-used pool table and at one point even went up our secretary Julie’s dress to have a quick peek.

WW3 warning for Britain after US official gives stark reality check if Putin wages war

“Dear Squibbers, and all others who heeded my warnings from 2011, the time is finally arising I see. Even though it is a bit late, Europe and the USA are preparing for WW3 in a more serious manner. The drums of war are now so loud they hurt my ears. I can see the factories working overnight to manufacture ammunition and other arms. Good, this is prudent. Self-sufficiency in manufacture will be a key factor, as at times the USA may not be able to help others. Food will be another bone of contention, once again self-sufficiency will be of import.

How Europe and Britain are getting ready for ‘WW3’

“Undersea internet cables will be cut thus causing huge disruptions, satellites will be targeted especially concerning military and navigation so no more sat nav. Those Russian and Chinese hackers will be working overtime when the internet is still up to disrupt the infrastructure of the West. Russia and China have EMP devices they can deploy, and they will use them. All modern vehicles will be disabled, and all electronics fried, so start preparing those Faraday cages right now. Power stations and other utilities will all be affected, including solar and wind.

“My protégé Bibi has been working overtime in Gaza and Rafa, but Israel will need to extend their reach further to Iran, Lebanon and Syria. Iran is the key, as mentioned in the 2018 prophesy.

The supreme land of Eretz Ha’Avot, our motherland, our home will fight with all its might now to cleanse the Middle East of threats to Israel. This is the time to cut out the tumour that has haunted us for so long, and Bibi, my protégé, will take no prisoners. Rest assured…

“It is not a question of “if” but “when” WW3 occurs because as you see, Putin will not stop. His arms factories are working day and night, and his poorly equipped and trained soldiers are daily put through the Ukrainian meat grinder. Despite all of this and all the threats, nuclear weapons are still off the table, Putin wants Europe relatively intact and not to end the entirety of human civilisation through all out nuclear destruction. Yes, you may be surprised by this revelation, but Putin does have some sort of sense in his cancer-ridden body.

“To survive, the USA, Europe, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and other Western aligned nations must now instate full military conscription. This is the only way you will survive. It’s a no-brainer, because to prepare, you will need some time. You have already left it too late. This is the last bell.

“The EU always stated that the formation of their union preserved peace in Europe, but here in my ghost realm I chuckle at the thought that it was the EU’s expansionist aspirations in Ukraine in the first place that roused Russia to act. The EU created this war, and the EU will have to defend themselves from a Russian anger that has been brewing for decades of meddling on its borders. It is quite ironic, really, that the EU has brought through their greedy imperial ways a pestilence on Europe that will not only test its leaders but will eventually lead to its downfall.

“All this drums of war WW3 talk, sheesh, I am tired now. It is hard being a ghost. It’s back to hell for me, hell ain’t a bad place to be, as AC/DC once said. We got all the presidents here, all the despots, and any vice you desire, it’s just like those wonderful days in Bohemian Grove. I’m off to play poker with my old friend from the White House, Richard. Hot poker — not the card game. This is where we brand the new arrivals every day. So many come here, it’s getting crowded down here. Anyway, see you later folks, enjoy!”


Chinese Spy: “No! I was not spying for China!”


The brutal and aggressive Chinese Communist Party has had their hands firmly dipped into Britain’s intellectual property for decades due to politicians like David Cameron and John Osborne stupidly inviting the Chinese into the UK without compunction. Chinese spies have even infiltrated parliament, invited by Cameron and Osborne during their flaccid tenure. Lax security and negligent government officials have basically held an open door policy for Chinese agents spying for China. Today, you can’t throw a chopstick without hitting a Chinese spy, who are literally everywhere.


Because of the economic hold over the West, and billions in the economy tied to China, the government and UK businesses have turned a blind eye to the blatant espionage and the horrific genocide of the Uighur people in China.

Will things ever change? Will the UK ever wake up to being bent over a table and fucked up the arse by a laughing China? Probably not is the answer, because as mentioned before the Chinese have infiltrated the UK economy to such an extent much like a parasite, it would be terminal to expel or limit the spies who are firmly positioned in every UK institution, company and government.

State Security Ministry

IPA: is the principal civilian intelligence, security and secret police agency of the People’s Republic of China, responsible for foreign intelligence, counter-intelligence, and the political security of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The Chinese spy network is an all encompassing network invited into the UK by Tony Blair, David Cameron and George Osborne.

Within the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), intelligence organizations fall under the General Staff Department (the Second and Third Departments, or, respectively, China’s MI5 and MI6 equivalents); the General Political Department for intelligence and covert influence operations; the PLA Navy, Air Force, and Second Artillery headquarters; and technical reconnaissance bureaus in the military regions. Much of the military intelligence infrastructure is based in China, but defence attachés and clandestine collectors do operate abroad, including from the service intelligence elements.

Chinese tourism has skyrocketed since the 1980s, as well as foreign students shipped to UK universities to collect important data to send to Beijing. Tourists are a great way of gathering data as they are given free rein in the West, as well as students who target scientific research facilities. For the collection of technology, spies working under the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC) infiltrate the West for the collection and cataloguing of foreign scientific publications and other sensitive information. Chinese researchers are able to gather crucial research materials and briefing packets on the state of the field as they please. ISTIC was instrumental in developing graduate programs with top universities in informatics, convening professional associations, and relinquishing professional literature — the hallmarks of an insidious network dedicated to stealing data with impunity. The ISTIC system credits the acquisition of foreign technological information with reducing research costs in China by 40 to 50 percent and research time by 60 to 70 percent, thanks to the plundering of foreign intellectual data.

How Parents Can Manage the Stress of Bringing Up Mentally Challenged Children


Raising a child comes with its share of joys and challenges, but for parents of mentally challenged children, the journey can be particularly daunting. From navigating complex medical and educational systems to coping with the emotional toll of caregiving, these parents face unique stressors that can take a toll on their well-being. However, with support, coping strategies, and resilience, many parents find ways to manage the stress of bringing up mentally challenged children.

One of the most significant sources of stress for parents is the uncertainty of the future. The challenges associated with raising a mentally challenged child can be overwhelming, from financial concerns to worries about their child’s long-term independence and quality of life. To manage this stress, parents often seek out support groups, therapy, or counselling to share their experiences and find reassurance from others who understand their struggles.

Another common source of stress is the constant need for advocacy and navigation of complex systems. From accessing appropriate medical care and therapies to securing educational accommodations, parents of mentally challenged children often find themselves fighting tirelessly to ensure their child receives the support they need. To cope with this stress, parents may enlist the help of professionals, such as special education advocates or case managers, who can provide guidance and support in navigating these systems.

Additionally, the day-to-day demands of caregiving can be physically and emotionally exhausting. Many parents of mentally challenged children find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, from managing medications and doctor’s appointments to providing round-the-clock care and support. To alleviate some of this stress, parents often prioritize self-care, carving out time for relaxation, hobbies, and social activities to recharge and replenish their energy reserves.

Despite the challenges they face, parents of mentally challenged children often demonstrate remarkable resilience and strength. They learn to celebrate small victories, find joy in the moments of connection and progress, and cultivate a deep sense of gratitude for the unique gifts their children bring into their lives. Through their love, dedication, and unwavering commitment to their children’s well-being, these parents inspire hope and admiration in others and remind us of the transformative power of unconditional love.

While the stress of bringing up mentally challenged children can be immense, parents find ways to cope through support, advocacy, self-care, and resilience. By sharing their experiences, seeking help when needed, and focusing on the moments of joy and connection, these parents navigate the challenges of caregiving with grace and strength, demonstrating the profound depth of parental love and devotion.

Eurovision Gay Olympics Contest Spectacle Finale


This year’s Eurovision Gay Olympics Contest has finally ended. This year’s competition was possibly the gayest event ever seen on live television, and was celebrated by Europeans everywhere for its gayness.

“Europe is now officially a completely homosexual continent thanks to the Eurovision Gay Olympics Contest where feminised pansies pranced around the stage and gays licked each other’s butt holes in fake shower scenes onstage all before 9pm so that Europe’s children could be indoctrinated into gayness as well. I am so proud of the EU and Europe for becoming a completely gay place where heterosexuality has been completely purged from sight,” Ursula von der Leyen, the 13th unelected president of the European Commission, commented on the gay night.

Fans of gay British pop artiste Olly Alexander were left ‘sobbing’ as he was seen in tears following his performance in the Eurovision Gay Olympics Contest grand final.

“We all love being gay and want to push that fact into everyone’s face. The Eurovision Gay Olympics Contest was a beautiful event and next year we want to make it even gayer with live public gay toilet scenes and even gayer costumes for the gay singers and gay audience,” the organiser of the event, Monsieur Felcheur told Euronews.

Everyone’s looking forward to an even gayer event next year.

I’m a Cruise Ship Worker…These are the SIX Things Smart Passengers Always do Onboard

  • Cruise ship worker Janice Munklehouse, 21, has been working on cruise ships for 38 years

A cruise ship worker has shared the six things that ‘smart’ passengers always do when they come aboard for their holiday.

Janice Munklehouse, 21, from Grimisbury on Thames, Lincolnshire worked on cruise ships for 38 years, and regularly shares advice for passengers and crew on her Cruising Da Seas Innit YouTube channel.

Now, she has shared how passengers can make the most of their voyage with her own expert tips.

Read on below for the six top tips she had for cruise passengers.

Don’t fall overboard whilst boarding the ship

Kicking off with the first piece of advice to get ahead of the game while travelling on a cruise, Janice said people should always avoid falling overboard whilst boarding the cruise ship.

She said that, it is best to arrive at the destination of your cruise embarkation point “as early as possible”, suggesting a late arrival may mean you rush to board the ship loaded with luggage and fall into the sea.

While the cruise ship worker said that many people avoid drowning or being crushed by other boats in the harbour, she has seen many passengers falling off the boarding ramp in a rush to board the ship.

“One fella comically tried to jump over 17 feet because he was late for the cruise. He was summarily chewed up in the propellers, but his cruise ticket and hairbrush were thankfully recovered by a fisherman 6 months later in the stomach of a Mako shark.”

sea view from deck of cruise ship
“Oh no! Another one just fell off the cruise ship! Oops!”

Don’t jump off the ship when it’s cruising

Moving on to her next tip, Janice encouraged passengers to not jump off the ship when it was cruising in the ocean.

Janice said jumping off the cruise ship whilst moving would not be very nice for the passenger. She said that: “Jumping into the ocean from your ultra-luxury cruise line would mean that you miss a lot of activities on board like karaoke, disco night and various themed buffets”.

She said that, while it may be tempting to jump from the deck of your cruise ship to avoid all the old codgers and nouveau riche arseholes, bad things could happen to you in the open ocean hundreds of miles from shore.

Don’t fall off the ship

The cruise worker highlighted the potential dangers of falling off the ship. If passengers wear inadequate footwear or lean over the edge of the ship, they could slip and fall into the ocean, which would not be such a good cruise ship experience.

passenger overboard 2

Don’t get pushed off the ship

Janice’s fourth piece of advice for how to be a smart passenger when going on a cruise concerned not being pushed off the ship.

She urged anyone looking to enjoy their holiday cruise to avoid being pushed over the side of the ship into the ocean by some nutter on board or an angry crew member.

During her 38 years working on cruise ships, Janice says she has witnessed a number of crew members who have had to push annoying passengers overboard for being arseholes.

She warned that many passengers end up in the ocean because the crew have simply had enough. There’s only so much a crew member can take, so don’t be an arse and get on everyone’s tits.

Don’t fall out of your cabin window

The cruiser worker’s penultimate tip of six urged holidaymakers not to open the cabin window and hang over the edge, especially when drunk out of their minds on cheap watered-down booze.

Elaborating on this point, she suggested it would always be best to simply use the cabin window to look at the ocean and not to jump into the water from it.

Janice remarked: “You may run the risk of getting eaten by sharks, or simply drowning”.

Don’t fall off the ramp whilst disembarking

Her final piece of advice for how to be a smart passenger when disembarking a cruise ship concerned not falling off the ramp into the polluted, dangerous waters at port.

Janice suggested this could be potentially very dangerous for the passenger.

She said: “The reason you want to decide on these things before you disembark is because if you fall overboard, things could get rather messy. I once saw an elderly passenger ingest an entire humungous turd in one gulp when she fell in the water near a sewage outflow pipe”.

The veteran cruise worker also said that avoiding falling or jumping off a cruise ship should be a priority for most passengers, but naturally some were just born to do it. Once passengers disembarked, Janice admitted she and the crew were glad all the whinging fuckers had gone and hoped they would never be seen again — that is, until the next batch boarded the cruise ship for a trip they would surely regret for a lifetime.

Duke and Duchess of Sussex Royal Trip to Nigeria Success


As proclaimed representatives of the British royal family, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are conducting an official royal visit to the African nation of Nigeria. To great praise and applause from the Nigerian crowds, the royal couple were greeted. The royal trip to Nigeria has been a great success.

Representing the British Royal Family

Royal expert Simon Fortington-Smythe revealed some of the intricacies of the royal trip to Nigeria.

“Thanks to King Charles III not relinquishing these two of their royal titles, they can profit from them as they wish, as well as visit any place they want using their royal titles claiming they represent the British royal family. It is the Windsor clan’s intransigence and wish not to confront the problem head on which is causing these two people to do as they wish using the titles bestowed upon them by the late Queen Elizabeth II without any form of consequence of their actions.

Cashing in on royal ties

“King Charles does not like confrontation in any way, and thus the Windsor family is effectively a laughingstock as this couple gallivant around the globe doing exactly what the late queen forbade. The poor former queen is probably spinning in her grave.”

Despite hypocritical Prince Harry being supposedly concerned about security in the UK, he has chosen to visit a country full of Islamic terrorist groups like Al-Shabab and ISIS, to name a few. Nigeria is the twelfth most dangerous country in the world, and the Home Office has issued alerts to citizens not to visit the country. Amongst the baying, wild Nigerian crowds, an assassination attempt would be easy. Yet Harry has no qualms about the security in the region, especially when they are receiving the much-needed adulation they crave from the people of Nigeria who rarely receive such visits.

As every narcissist would love, Meghan mania continued in Nigeria as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended a sitting volleyball match and were mobbed by fans. One fan even carried a placard proclaiming “43% Nigerin” referring to Markle’s heritage, and other fans proudly carried Harry’s book ‘Spare’ where he denounces and insults the British royal family.

The visit – which has become a royal tour – is part of Harry and Meghan’s renewed public relations campaign to supersede the British royal family in the media. It seems their ploy is working, as they are all over the press, whilst the Windsors are but a forgotten memory. Prince William meanwhile was visiting the Scilly Isles, which received little or no attention from the press.

Personal Computers and Smartphones Were Introduced For Benefit of AI

You may think there were some benevolent reasons for rolling out and introducing the personal computer and smartphone to the civilian population, and yes there were some, but the majority of reasons were far from that. One has to understand that the controllers work in 50 and 100 year increments and their primary modus operandi is one that may either surprise you or deep down your sub-conscious probably already knows what is going on.

What is the last bastion of control over the human population? The inside of your mind, of course, this has eluded the controllers for centuries. Even the Spanish Inquisition could not get close to that level of knowledge or control, or the Nazis, or the Soviet communist dictators or the religious organisations.

As a control system, religion has wavered and is not as powerful a tool for complete control any more, and this is why the controllers needed access to your most intimate thoughts, your thought cycles, as well as your very methods of thought. This process would need machines that replicate human thought to some extent, and what better way than a personal computer touted as a way to enhance human activity.

computerEven programming languages effectively replicate human thought processes to some extent with variables, strings and multiple processing architectural archetypes that are the basic structure of 1010101, the universal on-off switch for every permutation of every possible combination of mathematical and human existence. Who’s programming who, the human on the computer, or the computer on the human?

Essentially speaking, the personal computer introduced to the public was a first major step into delving into the minds of the population, giving the controllers a basic map of the internal minds of humans.

The next step was connectivity, and this is when the DARPA project of an internet was introduced to the general public. All of this trained internal data had to move around, it had to evolve and of course it had to be collected and filed by the controllers in their massive database banks. The internet allowed the controllers to see what people liked/disliked, it allowed them to delve into the darkest secrets of human activity as well as the thought processes and decisions people made in their lives. Every single facet of human behaviour was intricately analysed, logged and filed and in the present time it still is right now.

The smartphone was then introduced as an additional form of ultimate human control. This technique was a goldmine of information for the benefit of AI systems because it formed a much more intimate picture of human activity and behaviour simply because of its small size. A mobile phone is easy to carry and is with humans pretty much all the time, whereas a bulky personal computer is generally not with a person at all times. The vast amount of data collected through this method is too vast to even comprehend for most people, but smartphones along with things like apps are a vast treasure trove of data helping the controllers map out the human brain and its collective methods. People cannot do without their smartphones now, they are totally addicted and attached to them. Studies have now shown that by taking smartphones away from some people who are then put into a room alone, results in them self-harming themselves, such is the level of control over their entire being and mind.

Human data to benefit of AI systems

AI will fully understand and replicate the human mind. It does not need to sleep, it does not need wage rises or maternity leave or holidays. There are no industrial disputes with AI, there are no sick days or loss of productivity. This is why AI was fed the entirety of human data because humans will be replaced by these systems soon enough as is the plan by the controllers.

To fully control something, first you must completely understand every facet of it. Mapping out every single dendrite, synapse and connection of the human brain is another major project currently underway.

What do you do with the entire data set of the human mind; the books, the literature, the behaviour analytics, the thought processes, the creativity, the emotions, the biases, the infinite variables and combinations of discourse etc.?

You feed it all into AI machine learning projects, and this is the key factor in all the control processes envisioned by the controllers. This is all set up for the benefit of AI systems. For thousands of years they have dreamed of this very moment because they have been the few and the population has been the many, they have feared greatly of losing their grip on humanity, of losing their position of control.

This is why companies like Apple recently produced an advert for their new iPad Pro with an M-chip that depicts the entire breadth and width of human culture, creativity, and art being crushed by a rubbish disposal machine. This depiction signals the final rallying call that machines have ultimately superseded the human experience and this is just the beginning of the end for the traditional biological state of humanity. In the future, when the brain chip is introduced to the entire population, it will be the final step of ultimate control. By then they will have mapped out the human brain in its entirety, and the controllers will gain direct access into every single thought and memory of each human. As is today, humans cannot function in business or anything without a smartphone, and this will be the method used for the brain chip as well. Elon Musk, a sinister deviant character, is tasked with the initial rollout of this technology, but there are others in the pipeline right now as well if he fails.

Ultimately, humanity is on the cusp of a major epoch regarding the benefit of AI systems, a time of change so extreme that may bring back a state of feudalism once again but this time it will be an all encompassing form of technological feudalism and slavery incorporating complete control of the last bastion of human control — the brain.

UPDATE – May 24

Looks like others are realising what the Daily Squib has been talking about for years.


Alien From Outer Space Starts New UK Political Party to Replace Tories


The alien from outer space, who landed in his spacecraft at Barnard Castle on Thursday, travelled from the Gamma Draconis constellation 465 million years from earth. Immediately on landing, the alien unveiled plans for a new “Start-Up Party” which he claims could replace the Conservatives.

Speaking to the BBC in his first interview since leaving the Gamma Draconis constellation in 2020, the alien from outer space known as Mekon Cummings said the new party could capitalise on the expected collapse in the Tory vote at the next general election.

The alien political mastermind claimed a majority of the electorate would succumb to his mind control techniques and vote for a party that is “completely different” to Labour and the Tories.

“The Tories bzzzt brrrt beep beep blup represent nothing except a continuation of the bzzzt bleet bloop shit show; higher taxes bzzzt, worse violent crime bloop, more debt bizzup, anti-entrepreneurs bing, public services failing bizzop zoop, immigration out of control bong,” said Mekon Cummings.

“You will vote for my party, zzzzbleet ding ding. Look into my eyes, hear my voice in your head, jveeep blit blot! You will follow the “Start-Up Party” completely without doubt. You are calm, there is nothing to fear, zweep beep bellop (a misty haze appears as the alien’s eyes open further).

“So, to change that you have to have two fundamental things: you have to have an entity which is ruthlessly focused on total control over the voters, total control over Westminster and total control over the media. Total control over all humans on earth! Muahahahahahaha! (EVIL ALIEN LAUGHTER).”

Oh Dear! 5 Reasons Why British Women Are Miserable


Modern women have never had it so good, yet research indicates that one in three British women experiences sadness, indicating a significant decline in emotional well-being over the past few years. This trend is alarming and suggests a pervasive sense of unhappiness among women in the UK.

sad woman

1. Working Life and career women: Research indicates that since women have started working life as well as juggling childcare and home life, they are more miserable. Trying to replicate men and supersede them in every facet of life only brings misery to modern women, and many women are now finding out what it’s like being like a man — miserable. The Metoo woke movement has also contributed to the misery of women in the workplace as many find out that men do not talk to them any more, or do not want to be alone in a room with them any more for fear of unjustly being accused of sexual harassment or rape. Some companies are so fearful of the Metoo movement that they try their best not to employ women, despite forced ‘equality’ quotas, at all costs due to the infinite risks involved as well as dealing with maternity leave.

2. Stress factors: Due to women attempting to take on the role of men in society, women are feeling stressed. This heightened state of anxiety suggests a growing burden on women, likely stemming from various societal pressures and challenges. Stress can manifest in many ways like hair loss, obesity, anorexia, eating disorders, suicide, cancer and clinical depression. Despite gains in freedom and employment opportunities, research indicates women are experiencing higher levels of anxiety, depression, and sleep issues than before.

3. Anger on the Rise: Another concerning finding is the rise in reported anger among British women, with many expressing feelings of rage. This trend reflects underlying issues of frustration and dissatisfaction because many modern men are going their own way and staying single. The decline of marriage and birthrate is attributed to there not being anything positive for men in marriage or child-rearing.

Men are consistently punished in divorce courts, and are denigrated at every level of modern woke society. Men are increasingly finding it financially rewarding and less stressful to stay single and keep their money. This creates further frustration and anger with women who cannot get a decent date or find a life partner, especially after the age of 25.

feminism killallmen metoo woman gillette 5th wave feminist
5th Wave feminism is an ideology that wants all men to be killed.

Woke Metoo society has alienated men for so long that men are finding other avenues to marriage, and using other methods to gain sex with women without the hassle of dealing with hardline anti-male feminists. In the 30 years previously, 1989 to 2019, numbers of marriages decreased by 36.6%. However in 2020, there were 82,959 opposite-sex marriages, a decrease of 61.1% from 2019 (213,122). Western feminist rhetoric like from Gloria Steinem in the 1960s feminist movement: “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle” is still alive today, whether it’s Jennifer Aniston talking about how women “don’t have to fiddle with a man to have that child” or Emma Watson talking about “self-partnering.” Modern 5th wave feminism goes even further by shouting the slogan “kill all men“.

4. The biological clock may be politically inconvenient, yet that does not diminish its authenticity. The ideal age for a woman to get pregnant is 25. Because of this, it stands to reason that men can postpone marriage longer than women can. But we don’t tell women this. Feminists get what they want—for women to reject maternal desire and to instead produce in the marketplace—but everyday women do not. Women can often no longer find husbands after decades of following the cultural script. Or they can’t have babies. Or if they do get married and have babies, they can’t stay home with them because they mapped out a life blindly following the feminist agenda that indoctrinated them.

5. Safety Concerns: The study highlights safety concerns among British women, particularly regarding their safety when walking at night. Unfortunately, due to gross negligence by the government, and London Mayor violent crime is increasing in the UK at an exponential rate. These safety concerns contribute to feelings of vulnerability and anxiety, further impacting women’s emotional well-being.

Is Russell Brand Trying to Dodge His Karma by Converting to Christianity?


Hindu guru Aishvarya Swami has postulated that Russell Brand dumping Hinduism for Christianity is just a ploy to somehow dodge his bad karma owed to him after years of being rather nasty and allegedly causing harm to others.

Dodge his karma

“Russell Brand has dumped Hinduism for his so-called newly found dedication to Christianity. This is just a cynical ploy to try and dodge the large amounts of bad karma owed to him through the universal power. The Puranas state that the lord of karma is represented by the planet Saturn, known as Shani.

“Brand will not be able to dodge Shani, who will come for him for his past harmful actions. Christianity is a religion where people can commit the most heinous of crimes yet be absolved of their sins by confessing to a priest. This is simply a ticket to do as you please, confess to a priest, then continue doing what you did without any consequence of your harmful acts.

“In this respect, Russell Brand has stored up vast reserves of harmful sanchita karma which may not even be resolved in this lifetime, and carried on after. This is why he is desperate, and he thinks by dumping Hinduism he will be somehow absolved. Wrong my friend, very wrong. Brand’s kriyamana is the blackest I have ever witnessed in someone, and I fear that his running from it will pose even further damage to his already tainted atman. I repeat, the damage cannot be resolved in this lifetime. Everything has a consequence, you cannot run, you cannot hide, and changing religions means nothing in the universal mind.”