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What’s Mad Max Without Mad Max?

Well, in no uncertain terms, it’s a fucking flop. There were only three Mad Max films made, and they all starred Mel Gibson. Without either Mel Gibson, or someone similar to his stature and screen presence and starring role, there is no Mad Max. This is unfortunately lost to the fucking idiots who squandered hundreds of millions of dollars to make a loss of over $300 million. Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, including the marketing budget, needed to gross $450 million to turn a profit but has ended up losing $325 million for the studio and its co-funders. After release, Furiosa was immediately in trouble following its $26.3 million three-day domestic opening. To date, it has only earned $52.5 million in the US.

Australian taxpayers forked out

Screen NSW, a government agency supporting New South Wales’ role as a film production site, likely at minimum contributed 50 million Australian dollars ($33.2 million) toward the film’s AU$333.2 million budget. The film, directed by Australian George Miller, also likely received AU$133 million from the federal government’s producer offset program, which rebates 40% of qualifying expenditures.

A sad detriment to the current film industry, which has been wokified to death, churning out turd after turd that no one wants to watch.

PR Agents Upping Their Prices to Work With Sussexes


For any solid momentum in any campaign, one has to continue adding to the mix, and the same goes for PR. In other words, one needs very deep pockets and a seemingly unlimited amount of ready cash. In the case of the Sussexes, their massive efforts to undergo vast PR campaigns to supersede the Windsors is impoverishing them. Public Relations — at least quality PR — costs a lot, and if you add that cost onto high-end personal security officers, and things like private jet travel, money disappears at a rapid rate. Additionally, if a client is a known liability, like the Sussexes are, you can guess what happens there — the prices rise way above the premium level.

Feeling the pinch

It is a certainty that money is being sucked out of the bank accounts of Harry at a rapid rate and disproportional level to money coming in. One only mentions Harry in this respect because Meghan is holding on to her money as much as possible, and makes a point of never paying for anything in the marriage.

When the Sussexes do go under, she will thus have some money and power to manoeuvre around, especially during divorce proceedings. As every good narcissist and grifter, Meghan has an exit plan, and Harry running on empty is a definite trigger for her to commence divorcing the ginger. She has the title now, so that and the children is all she needs to finish off her master plan. The marriage will thus be one she billed by the hour from day one, handing over the bill to Harry, along with vast cash demands once the ‘irreconcilable differences’ settle. Meghan will also need reserves for a damn good lawyer or team to extract as much from the royal mark.

Luckily for Harry, that time of divorce and separation has not arrived yet, but it’s getting close, because the money is running out, and the seeming pariah status of the Sussexes is eating into their opportunities for lucrative deals in the media. Bashing Charles and the royal family is something that is financially rewarding, but because two prominent members have the Big C, the Sussexes are being urged to hold back by their PR agents causing monetary loss because attacking the royals was their primary source of income.

Whatever happens, Harry will turn out to be the ultimate loser in this one.

Why Americans Don’t Have the Guts For “Civil War” Any More


Every day one reads of Trump supporters, or certain sections of these supporters, threatening “civil war” if The Don loses the election. The truth is, these are just a small section of the Trump circus, and at the end of the day they would not have the guts or the military knowledge to start or conduct any form of “civil war”.

“It’s okay folks, nothing to see here”

Nothing will happen when Trump loses the election simply because Americans are more concerned with their mortgages, car payments, college fees, vacations, families, pensions, bills, and cable TV prescriptions than anything else. The population of the USA has been watered down and sedated by decades of fast food, entertainment and apathy. There is little or no vigour to truly change things in a society lobotomised by social media and other drugs, literal or figurative. Cowardice, in this case exemplifies the somnolence of an American population chained firmly to their material wealth, their generic row upon row McMansions all painted the same insipid grey colour, their perfectly cut front lawns, and those vast food warehouses they all drive to in their huge gas-guzzling SUVs where one can find ten thousand types of breakfast cereal or any other item you may ever care to imagine.

There is no appetite for a civil war let alone any war, and the onus now is to simply surrender to the status quo, to be content with what is given to you because the alternative choices are hell of a lot worse.

If one analyses much of the American population one will find huge cracks within their society, political fissures that may possibly never be healed, but this is no reason for civil unrest, especially when there are global conflicts edging towards American concerns daily.

Election fearmongering of course is rife on both sides of the political divide, but that is all it is, barking words of fear and constructed lies as election propaganda.

Simply put, no, there will be no second American Civil War. It would take too much effort and work, and the demoralised US population has no appetite for real change, they much prefer the superficial progressive agenda to all out civil war.

Rebuilding Ukraine: The Vital Role of the Private Sector in Ukraine’s Post-War Future


As the world focuses on Ukraine’s future during a pivotal week that includes the Ukraine Recovery Conference, the G7 meeting, and the Ukraine Peace Summit, the importance of Ukraine’s private sector in driving the country’s recovery is becoming increasingly evident. SCM, a major Ukrainian investment company, has emphasized the practical steps necessary to ensure Ukraine’s future as a part of Europe.

Rebuilding Ukraine

This week marks a significant shift in international focus, with Ukraine preparing to begin EU accession negotiations and developing business partnerships that will be crucial when the situation stabilizes. Natalya Yemchenko, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer of SCM, highlighted the importance of business at the Ukraine Recovery Conference, noting that this is a critical development in international thinking beyond the war.

Despite the ongoing conflict, Ukraine is laying the groundwork for post-war reconstruction by fostering partnerships with foreign businesses in various sectors such as energy, logistics, communications, agriculture, and military technology. Yemchenko explained, “Now is the time to implement development projects in Ukraine, which are necessary for our country to win.” Strengthening business-to-business relationships this week has been a key precursor to long-term partnerships.


SCM’s energy business, DTEK, has signed agreements with GE Vernova, Honeywell, and Schneider Electric to support the rebuilding of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. This follows DTEK’s partnership with Vestas, the Danish sustainable energy specialist, to develop the Tyligulska Wind Power Plant. These partnerships are crucial for providing energy security now and paving the way for deeper collaborations between Western and Ukrainian businesses.

Yemchenko emphasized SCM’s role as Ukraine’s largest investor, with extensive investments across the country, particularly in the energy sector. At the URC in Berlin, there has been significant focus on the energy sector, where SCM has invested billions in rebuilding through DTEK. This investment strategy is a two-way process, with SCM also investing in Europe, gaining valuable experience and building trust in Ukrainian business. This approach helps open foreign markets for Ukraine’s goods and services and facilitates the creation and implementation of innovative solutions that can benefit Ukraine.

Urban Revitalisation

Urban revitalisation was another key topic at the URC, with discussions on the Mariupol Reborn project. This initiative aims to revive the de-occupied city of Mariupol with SCM’s sponsorship and in partnership with the Mariupol City Council. Mayor Vadym Boichenko stressed the importance of preparing for the future, stating, “After the victory, we will have painstaking work on the reform of the country. This means developing projects and strategies now, including seeking partners and funding.”

SCM is also committed to a wide range of humanitarian projects, including providing housing for internally displaced Mariupol families and extensive support for the defenders of Mariupol and their families. Yemchenko concluded, “SCM is a business but we are nothing without people. That is why we have spent so much time and resources providing humanitarian support. Without Ukrainians, Ukraine can’t exist. I know the Russian aim is to destroy Ukrainians, but we are doing everything we can to make sure their plans fail.”

As Ukraine navigates this challenging period, the role of the private sector, international partnerships, and humanitarian efforts will be crucial in rebuilding the nation and securing a prosperous future as part of the European community.

Farage: “A Vote for the Tories is a Vote for Labour”


It’s a hell of a thing when you wake up, bleary-eyed and nursing the remnants of last night’s indiscretions, to find that Nigel Farage is at the helm of the fucking opposition in Britain. That’s right, chums, Reform UK has overtaken the Conservatives in an opinion poll for the first time ever. Imagine waking up in a bizarro world where up is down, minnows chase sharks, and Farage’s merry band of political partisans are the legitimate challengers to the establishment powers that be. And here I thought reality couldn’t get any stranger.

Farage’s Carnival of Chaos: A Vote for the Tories is a Vote for Labour

YouGov, that revered soothsayer of political fortunes, has Mr. Farage’s crew on a solid 19 percent, nipping at the heels of the Tories who’ve slumped to a miserable 18 percent. Labour, still riding high on the wings of banal mediocrity, sits pretty at 37 percent, while the Liberal Democrats are plodding along in fourth with 14 percent. This, my friends, is the first poll where Reform has outstripped the Tories, a development that exemplifies the true fucking depth of the anger in this country towards the Conservative socialist miscreants. Brexiteers included, the disenfranchised are truly angry and are now chanting the Farage mantra “A Vote for the Tories is a Vote for Labour!”

Since Mr. Farage burst back onto the scene last week, succeeding the rather mild Richard Tice as the grand poobah of Reform, Conservative MPs have been sweating bullets out of their clenched arseholes, fearing this exact “crossover moment.” And now, post-manifesto launch, their nightmares have come true. It’s like watching a slow-motion car crash in a circus tent filled with transgender clowns.

On Thursday night, during a seven-way election debate on ITV, Farage gleefully announced, “We are now the opposition to Labour,” while visions of a chaotic Westminster danced in his eyes along with Tory MPs pulling off their own hair and wigs off in their bloody hands. What will happen to that ridiculous-looking cunt Michael Fabricunt, whose fabricated plastic wig makes him look even more preposterous than a cheap plastic shop mannequin at Topman?

“We have now overtaken the Conservatives, we’re in second position in the country.”


In the grand theatre of political adversity, Farage took to Twitter, exclaiming, “We have now overtaken the Conservatives, we’re in second position in the country.” It’s a surreal moment in British politics as the entrenched system of Tory and Labour politics is put through a meat grinder by Reform.

Every region except Scotland, he proclaimed, has seen the light. “The only wasted vote now is a Conservative vote,” he declared, as the ghost of Maggie Thatcher looked on in abject awe at the proceedings. After all, it was the treacherous Remainers in her own party who ousted her so horribly back in those fateful days because of her anti-EU stance.

Tory Carnage

During the ITV debate, Penny Mordaunt, the beleaguered Tory House of Commons leader, accused Farage of being a “Labour enabler.” Farage, ever the showman, flipped the script: “A vote for you is actually now a vote for Labour.” It was political jujitsu at its finest, a masterclass in turning the tables while standing on your head. To see the look of complete defeat on Mordaunt’s face was priceless in itself, a picture worth a thousand cream pies stuffed and splattered in her face all at the same time.

Mr. Tice, the perennial chairman of Reform, triumphantly declared to the establishment media about their victory: “We’re absolutely delighted and YouGov is the gold standard of pollsters.” It’s a strange world where the rebels are singing praises of the establishment pollsters, but then again, nothing makes sense any more. The people’s revolt, as Tice put it, is gaining momentum, a runaway train hurtling toward a destination unknown.

Farage’s manifesto launch in the Welsh valleys promises to be a barn burner, taking the fight to Labour in a region that voted vehemently to leave the EU. It’s a bold strategy, like trying to sell snow to Eskimos, but in the topsy-turvy world of British politics, who’s to say it won’t work?

Tory Chaos as Armageddon Looms


The Conservatives, meanwhile, are in a shambles. Rishi Sunak’s recent blunders, including a D-Day gaffe and a betting scandal, have only added to the chaos. As the Tory campaign continues to falter, Reform is surging ahead, buoyed by Farage’s return and his knack for stirring the shit pot. Much of the Cabinet and MPs stand to lose their seats after the dust has settled and the election counting at the polls has stopped.

Andrew Wells of YouGov sounded a cautious note, reminding us that all polls have margins of error. But even so, the fact that Farage’s party is neck and neck with the Tories is a seismic shift. The invariably deluded David Davis, the former Conservative Brexit secretary, urged voters to distrust the polls, claiming they’re always off by a significant margin. Yet, with each passing day, it seems the political landscape is being redrawn in the most unexpected ways.

As the election looms, the only certainty is uncertainty. Sincerely, the Tories had this coming but the fuckers are so blind, they could not see it. Strap in, folks, it’s going to be a wild ride. Remember, A vote for the Tories is a vote for Labour.

Celebrity Gamblers and AI Innovations in the Crypto Casino World

In a realm where technology and entertainment intersect, the crypto casino industry is making headlines. Celebrity gamblers are now diving into the digital gambling scene, bringing their high stakes and high profiles. Meanwhile, AI innovations are redefining how these casinos operate, offering players a futuristic gaming experience.

The convergence of celebrity culture and cutting-edge technology has always been a recipe for intrigue. Nowhere is this more evident than in the domain of crypto casinos. As a reader with an interest in both tech and celebrity news, you will find the current trends in this industry both fascinating and relevant. This article examines how celebrity gamblers are influencing the scene and how AI is transforming your gaming experience.

Celebrity Gamblers Making Waves

Celebrity gamblers have always had a knack for capturing public attention, but their recent foray into crypto casinos takes this to a whole new level. Imagine high-profile figures like Ben Affleck or Floyd Mayweather placing bets not with traditional currency but with Bitcoin or Ethereum. Betpanda UK adds an extra layer of excitement and intrigue to the mix. These celebrities are not just casual players; their involvement often comes with substantial stakes that can significantly impact fortunes overnight.

But why are these celebrities drawn to crypto casinos? The reasons are multifaceted. Firstly, cryptocurrencies offer a level of anonymity that traditional currencies simply cannot match. This privacy is a significant draw for celebrities who prefer to keep their gambling activities private. Secondly, the transparency and security offered by blockchain technology provide an added layer of trust that is often missing in traditional casinos.

Moreover, the integration of smart contracts ensures that transactions are swift and free from human error or manipulation. This technological edge makes crypto casinos particularly appealing to tech-savvy celebrities who appreciate the combination of entertainment and innovation. The allure of potentially massive returns on their investments only makes the deal more enticing.

The Role of AI in Enhancing User Experience

btc-6272689_1280 pixabayArtificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming many industries, and crypto casinos are no exception. AI algorithms are being used to create personalized gaming experiences tailored to individual player preferences. This means that your favourite games can be customized to suit your skill level, betting habits, and even your risk tolerance.

One of the most significant advancements brought about by AI is its ability to detect fraudulent activities in real-time. Traditional casinos have always struggled with issues related to cheating and fraud, but AI’s sophisticated algorithms can identify suspicious patterns far more effectively than any human could. This ensures a fair gaming environment where you can focus on enjoying your favourite games without worrying about foul play.

Furthermore, AI-powered chatbots are revolutionizing customer service in crypto casinos. These chatbots provide instant assistance, guiding you through everything from setting up your account to understanding complex betting rules. The seamless integration of AI ensures that your gaming experience is smooth, efficient, and highly enjoyable.

The Future of Crypto Casinos

The future looks incredibly promising for the crypto casino industry as it continues to attract celebrity gamblers and integrate advanced technologies like AI. As blockchain technology evolves, we can expect even more secure and transparent transactions, making these platforms increasingly reliable. For you as a player, this translates to a safer and more enjoyable gaming environment.

Additionally, the rise of decentralized finance (DeFi) is likely to impact the way crypto casinos operate. DeFi protocols can offer innovative financial products such as decentralized loans or insurance policies specifically designed for gambling purposes. This could open up new avenues for players looking to diversify their gambling strategies.

Lastly, as virtual reality (VR) technology becomes more accessible, it is only a matter of time before VR-based crypto casinos become mainstream. Imagine stepping into a virtual casino from the comfort of your home, complete with realistic graphics and interactive features. The combination of VR and blockchain could redefine what it means to gamble online.

Why You Should Care

The intersection of celebrity culture and advanced technology in crypto casinos offers you a unique glimpse into the future of entertainment and finance. Understanding these trends can provide valuable insights into where both industries are headed. Whether you’re an avid gambler or just someone intrigued by technological advancements, this evolving landscape has something exciting to offer.

Moreover, staying informed about these developments allows you to make more educated decisions should you decide to explore the world of crypto gambling. With celebrity endorsements adding credibility and AI innovations enhancing user experiences, there has never been a better time to explore what crypto casinos have to offer.

In summary, the involvement of celebrity gamblers coupled with groundbreaking AI technologies is transforming the crypto casino world in ways previously unimaginable. As these trends continue to evolve, they promise not only enhanced gaming experiences but also new opportunities for financial gains.

End of 50-Year Petrodollar: Saudis Will Now Use Chinese Yuan and Euro


The end of the era of the petrodollar is a very serious turning point for the USA. Saudi Arabia is to trade futures with Beijing in the Chinese yuan, with almost all oil exports handled in the dollar since 1974 this will indicate a major change in oil trading. This bold move will be a huge boost for the struggling Chinese currency and also a message from Riyadh to Washington that it is unhappy with a lack of security support from the US.


The announcement has sparked a flurry of reports that Saudi Arabia is poised to adopt the yuan for its oil exports, which would be a remarkable economic and political win for Beijing.

The Nixon/Kissinger 1974 agreement between Washington and Riyadh has now expired, with Saudi Arabia preparing to sell its oil in multiple currencies. The term petrodollar was coined in the early 1970s during the oil crisis, and the first major petrodollar surge (1974–1981) resulted in more financial complications than the second (2005–2014).

end of petrodollar saudi deal 2

What does this mean for the USA?

Well, it’s game over because the petrodollar basically is the basis for the entire US economy. Because of the petrodollar, Americans can have cheap petrol prices, and cheap food and utilities prices. Without the petrodollar, stability in the economy disappears, and prices for every commodity will rise in the USA. This is something that no one in the media is daring to address or discuss, simply because if people realise what is going to happen, they will start shitting BRICS.

Sticker shock

Imagine Americans being forced to pay European level prices for everything. There would be riots in the streets. The current official US debt level is over 36 Trillion dollars, and the US economy relies on the petrodollar, as well as other nations buying US debt. Currently, Chinese levels of US Treasury bonds are at the lowest level ever, as other nations are also dumping the dollar at greater levels than ever before seen.

Massive levels of Quantitive Easing (money printing) by the Federal Reserve to prop up the U.S. economy will also contribute to hyperinflationary pressures, and the depreciation of the U.S. Dollar. As China and other nations dump the dollar, the Fed is forced to print more dollars, thus compounding its doom.

In other words, this is a shit storm that will decimate the US dollar-based economy, and other global economies as well because of globalist economic interconnectivity. If the USA sneezes, the world catches a cold.

One currency that is certain to benefit from the death of the petrodollar is Bitcoin. The increase in Bitcoin’s price is only at the beginning of its trajectory. So, if you have not invested yet — fill yer boots.

Kick in the Nads: Reform Party Moves Ahead of Tories in Polls


How’s that for a solid kick in the nads, a good punt in the gangoolies for the Tories, this time from the up-and-coming Reform Party. The Reform Party moves ahead of Tories and is now the second-largest political party in the UK.

Crossover moment – Reform Party moves ahead of Tories

Nigel Farage’s Reform party won a poll over the Conservatives for the first time. This is important because it hurts Rishi Sunak’s chances of winning the election.

This is an absolutely monumental fucking moment in the election, as Reform is now effectively the second-largest party in the UK. The flailing Tories who severely squandered their electoral mandate have shot themselves in the foot by adopting hard-left policies and increasing the tax burden in the UK to the worst it has been in 70 years.

The YouGov survey found that support for Reform had increased by two points to 19 percent, while the Tories were unchanged on 18 percent.

Second-largest party in UK

It is the first time any poll has shown Reform ahead of the Tories, a so-called crossover moment. It will particularly concern Tory strategists as it was carried out after the party released its manifesto on Tuesday.

Politics of Envy: No Point in Working in Labour’s Britain


It’s bad enough as it is in Britain under the current high tax socialist Tory regime, but things will be a lot worse under Labour. In fact, so worse that working for a living will be a thing of the past for many. What’s the point in working when nearly every penny you make is lifted by the government from your bank account as soon as you make it? Labour is a party of envy, and wants to kill off any modicum of aspiration you may have. Under Labour, you have no future, you will have no reason to work, you will have no reason to fucking live and even after you fucking die the vile vultures will strip the wealth you built up in your life leaving nothing but a stripped barren carcass.

Labour is essentially a communist regime with heavy-duty Marxist plans for Britain, and the taxes it will spew will be incomprehensible for many living through the shit they’re living in already. Think it’s hard staying afloat now, well you’re truly going fucking under after the cunts in Labour get into power.

Marxism and communism has hijacked the Green Movement, and the eco movement. Net Zero will impoverish millions of people. Collectivism essentially means poverty for all, especially when those who have worked hard all their lives will have their assets and riches annihilated and collectively distributed to those who have never worked in their lives.

The only people who ever vote for Labour are communists, and those who have got nothing to lose. If you have nothing, there is no fear in voting for some construct that will strip those who have worked for something and deliver their wealth to you on a silver fucking platter. The politics of envy at work once again.

Of course, there is another variable in play to Labour voters, and that is masochism, a profound British tradition of voting in the largest punishment possible so that your life can be as shitty and unliveable as before, or even fucking worse. Brits love their electoral punishment, every election season they adore the whips coming out whipping them into voting for the same fucking losers as before who will inflict horrid punishments on them for another fourteen fucking years or however much time it takes. Absolutely delighted they are. Look at Labour’s Sadiq Khan, for example, a pestilent rodent who has been voted in as London Mayor three fucking times. The daily murders, the knifing, the burglaries, mobile phone snatchers, gangs everywhere, unfettered immigration, insane diktats, ULEZ, are only some of the abominations this evil slug has infested the capital city with.

Labour is the epitome of the politics of envy. If you have something — they want it. No ifs or buts, they will take it from you, and then they will fritter your hard-earned wares on some tin-pot fuckery idea that may enrich one or two high-ranking Marxist Labour Party crooks at the top of the communist hierarchy but impoverish everyone else.

There will be no point in working or doing business in Britain after Labour wins. Do yourself a favour and sell up now before it’s too late. Already there has been a huge exodus of the wealthy from Britain, but it’s going to get a lot worse with the Marxist thieves of Labour.

If you vote for a political party like Labour then you are yourself a worthless glutton for punishment, but that’s exactly what you want to hear isn’t it, you love it.


Rachel Maddow Concerned Trump Will Put Her in ‘FEMA Camp’ During Second Term: ‘Yes, I’m Worried’

Clinically insane MSNBC host Rachel Maddow has expressed serious fearmongering concerns that she and millions of other clinically insane American woke socialist liberals would be interned in a “camp” when former President Donald Trump wins a second term in the White House this November.

During an interview with Maddow in Monday’s Unreliable Sources newsletter, CNN Democrat propagandist Benson Burner asked the MSNBC host about her concerns about being targeted during a second Trump administration.

“Trump and his allies are openly talking about doing the same thing the Democrats have unjustly done to him. Weaponising the government to seek revenge against critics in media and politics, with some of his extremist allies even talking about jailing the ‘treacherous and treasonous scum’,” noted Burner. “You’re one of his most notable critics on television. Are you worried that you could be a target?”


Rachel Maddow replied:

“I’m worried, but I’m actually ready for being in a camp because I’m a bleeding heart liberal propagandist for the Democrat Party. I don’t read the news in an objective fashion or without obvious bias in any way. When Trump invokes the Insurrection Act to deploy the U.S. military against civilians on his first day in office, I will be cheering like a cheer leader because it plays into my perpetual liberal victim state of mind. Also, when Trump imprisons me in a FEMA concentration camp, I will be able to play the part of martyr, and virtue signal to my fellow liberal socialist Americans of my suffering for the cause of socialism and communism in America.

“When Trump puts millions of blacks, criminals, Mexicans, gays, and migrants into the concentration camps, I will be happy because it would have proved my point that my scaremongering before the election actually did not work and millions of Americans voted for Donald J. Trump anyway.

“In the camps of the future it won’t be so bad either, there will be plenty of women for me to become friends with. I hope Trump puts me in one of those all female camp buildings. I’ll be up to my eyeballs in pussy. Really, there’s nothing to fear folks, everything I say on MSNBC is absolute bullshit, and I am essentially an actor. Anyone who takes me seriously must be as mad as I am.”

The ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ seems to be in full force before the coming U.S.elections.