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Britain to be Officially Designated as Global Charity Port


Adjudicators at the world’s global charity on freebies have proudly bestowed upon the country of Britain, the official award for being the first choice port of call for the globe’s poor.

“We are proud to present this award for global charity to the prime minister Rishi Sunak for opening Britain’s borders to millions of economic migrants. Britain is now a designated charity. It is the last destination for many poor people illegally trafficked, as well as criminals and terrorists who aspire to take advantage of Britain’s goodwill and gullible people.

“What other country is there with a national health service that is open to the entire globe? Pregnant women from countries like Nigeria can fly into the UK one day, receive expensive maternity care worth hundreds of thousands of pounds for free, then simply fly back to their homes afterwards without paying a penny. The same goes for any other expensive medical procedure, some costing hundreds of thousands of pounds, or millions in other countries, where anyone from abroad can fly in to Britain and receive immediate medical assistance.

“Housing is another wonderful factor in awarding Britain charity status. Recently, a family of Albanian gangsters crossed the Channel in a rubber dinghy and were all granted their own homes in places like Hampstead, London, and Notting Hill. From there they could successfully continue their racketeering and pimping businesses whilst sub-letting the properties out to British nationals for tens of thousands of pounds per week. They were also granted generous benefits by the Sunak government to siphon off back to Albania, where they built massive, gaudy mansions and purchased fleets of expensive cars for themselves and their expansive families. The British taxpayer has also generously furnished many Bulgarians with garish mansions in their hometowns, thanks to Britain’s charitable status as an easy rip-off nation.

migrants crossing english channel

“These are just some examples we cite for Britain’s charity status as a global partner in charity for all. No other country is that generous, and all to the detriment of its own indigenous population. In Britain, many people cannot even be seen by their local GP doctor, cannot receive medical care in hospitals or find a place for their children in schools. The overcrowded cities are cesspits of mayhem, and the potholed roads are narrow car parks where 20 MPH speeds are unachievable dreams.

“We are happy to see that things will get a lot better for unfettered migration in the UK with the incoming PM, Keir Starmer. He will make Sunak look like a minnow, and the mass migration into the country should increase at levels unprecedented since the Blair, Cameron, Sunak years.

“Even though these people travelled through multiple European safe countries where they could have chosen to stay, they instead chose Britain. The UK should thus be proud of its charitable status as a global partner in hospitable charity to millions and millions of economic migrants seeking to live a life of luxury on benefits with free housing, free health care and free schooling along with many other free things.”

Transformation of Ukraine’s Schools Begins, With Belgian Support

The transformation of Ukraine’s schools is starting, following official approval for the programme at the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin, which includes €4.8 million funding from the Belgian government. This is not simply rebuilding destroyed buildings. Instead, it is a complete rethinking of education, away from the Soviet-era schools based on totalitarian logic to modern, child-centric places that encourage learning and trust.

This is the first stage of a wider education programme, with Belgium providing total funding of over €21 million.

ukraine schools

The new schools, based on the values of the New Ukrainian School, will be child-centric modern places where children can learn different disciplines in classrooms, laboratories and workshops, create joint projects, and play. They will be safe and secure, and energy efficient. And they will provide the platform for children to learn to trust themselves and the world, preparing them to live and work in a prospering Ukraine, integrated into Europe.

Work has started on the first war-damaged school in an unoccupied village in the Kyiv region.

The schools’ transformation programme is being implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with the support of Rinat Akhmetov’s SCM businesses Metinvest and DTEK, based on the concepts developed by Mariupol Reborn in cooperation with the executive partner Big City Lab and Lithuanian architectural NGO Rebuild the Wonderful.

The initiative is being driven by Mykhailo Fedorov, Vice Prime Minister for Innovation, Development of Science and Technology Education at the Ministry of Digital Transformation. He said:

When we started working with the Ministry of Education and Science, we began to transform education. We quickly realised that we need to change everything: the content and meaning of education and also the school spaces. There is no question that space affects human thinking. Our vision is that schools should be like a small Google or Netflix office, where breakthrough ideas and dreams are born.

The school is in a typical O-shape, in the centre of the village. The transformation will create a public square in front of the entrance, which will become a focal point for the entire community. The area will be transparent and visible from different angles, providing a safe environment.

The inner courtyard of the school will become an open space for learning and relaxing in the fresh air, with glass walls to bring the outside in. The entrance area will be alive and dynamic, a place where students, parents and residents of the village will gather to communicate and hold events. The corridors will be equipped with seating and working areas, and the assembly hall will be used for school and community events.

Natalia Yemchenko, member of the Supervisory Boards of Mariupol Reborn and the Heart of Azovstal, and Chief Corporate Affairs Officer of SCM, said:

One of the great transformations for the better that Ukrainian cities need is to become more people-centric, starting with schools because children are our future. We are not restoring our schools. We are transforming them into comfortable, favourable environments for learning and development. This war has been awful in so many ways, but the silver lining is that it gives us the opportunity to rethink and to start again. We sincerely hope this first school transformation will inspire others to make similar changes.

The partnership between the Ministry of Education and Science and the Belgian government includes a number of initiatives, covering continuity of education, development of public-private partnerships, the exchange of experiences between institutions in both countries, and retraining programmes.

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Розпочинається трансформація шкіл України за підтримки Бельгії

Трансформація шкіл в Україні розпочинається після офіційного затвердження програми на Конференції з питань відновлення України в Берліні, яка передбачає фінансування у розмірі 4,8 млн євро від уряду Бельгії. Це не просто відбудова зруйнованих будівель. Натомість, це повне переосмислення освіти, від шкіл радянських часів, заснованих на тоталітарній логіці, до сучасних, орієнтованих на дитину місць, які заохочують навчання та довіру. Це перший етап ширшої освітньої програми, загальна сума фінансування якої становить понад 21 мільйон євро.

Нові школи, засновані на цінностях Нової української школи, будуть дитиноцентричними сучасними місцями, де діти зможуть вивчати різні дисципліни в аудиторіях, лабораторіях та майстернях, створювати спільні проєкти та грати. Вони будуть безпечними та надійними, а також енергоефективними. І вони забезпечать платформу для того, щоб діти навчилися довіряти собі та світу, готуючи їх до життя та роботи в процвітаючій Україні, інтегрованій у Європу. Розпочато роботу над першою пошкодженою війною школою у неокупованому селі на Київщині. Програма трансформації шкіл реалізується Міністерством освіти і науки України за підтримки бізнесів SCM Ріната Ахметова «Метінвест» і ДТЕК на основі концепцій, розроблених Mariupol Reborn у співпраці з виконавчим партнером Big City Lab і литовською архітектурною громадською організацією Rebuild the Wonderful.

Ініціатором ініціативи є Віце-прем’єр-міністр з інновацій, розвитку науково-технічної освіти Міністерства цифрової трансформації Михайло Федоров. Він сказав:

«Коли ми почали працювати з Міністерством освіти і науки, ми почали трансформувати освіту. Ми швидко зрозуміли, що потрібно змінювати все: зміст і сенс освіти, а також шкільні простори. Немає сумніву, що простір впливає на мислення людини. Наше бачення полягає в тому, що школи мають бути схожими на маленький офіс Google або Netflix, де народжуються проривні ідеї та мрії».

Школа має типову О-подібну форму, в центрі села. Трансформація створить громадський сквер перед входом, який стане координаційним центром для всієї громади. Територія буде прозорою та видимою з різних ракурсів, забезпечуючи безпечне середовище.

Внутрішнє подвір’я школи стане відкритим простором для навчання та відпочинку на свіжому повітрі, зі скляними стінами, які виводять назовні. Вхідна зона буде живою та динамічною, місцем, де зберуться учні, батьки та мешканці села для спілкування та проведення заходів. Коридори будуть обладнані зонами відпочинку та робочими зонами, а актова зала використовуватиметься для проведення шкільних та громадських заходів. Наталія Ємченко, член наглядових рад ТРЦ «Маріупольське відродження» та «Серце Азовсталі», директор з корпоративних зв’язків СКМ, зазначила:

«Одна з великих трансформацій на краще, якої потребують українські міста, – це стати більш людиноцентричними, починаючи зі шкіл, адже діти – це наше майбутнє. Ми не відновлюємо наші школи. Ми перетворюємо їх на комфортне, сприятливе середовище для навчання та розвитку. Ця війна була жахливою в багатьох відношеннях, але позитивним моментом є те, що вона дає нам можливість переосмислити і почати все спочатку. Ми щиро сподіваємося, що ця перша трансформація школи надихне інших на подібні зміни».

Партнерство між Міністерством освіти і науки та урядом Бельгії включає низку ініціатив, що охоплюють безперервність освіти, розвиток державно-приватного партнерства, обмін досвідом між установами обох країн, а також програми перепідготовки.

Related: https://www.dailysquib.co.uk/world/45046-ukraine-appeal-100000-orphaned-children-stuck-in-war-zone-please-help.html

London Mayor Bans England Flag But Hamas Flag Okay


The London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who hates England and the English, has banned London cabbies from displaying the English flag, but Palestinian, ISIS or Hamas flags are perfectly okay to fly. London black cabbies are outraged as the mayor bans England flag.

During football tournaments like the current Euro 2024 London cabbies traditionally like to display their patriotism and support for the England team but because Sadiq Khan is now the totalitarian mayor of London for the third fucking time, he has ordered London black cabbies to hide their England flags.

“I am the Mayor of London, which is the capital city of a country that I detest and hate with a vengeance. Fuck the English people. Fuck England! This is why, when I was installed as London Mayor, I made it my job to create an environment of hate against anything English and to introduce as much crime as possible. The idea is to subvert and destroy London so it will be a place that is a living hell for many. I think I have succeeded in my mission. As for the silly English scum London black cabbies, London black cab taxi drivers cannot fly the England flag, or they will have their licences revoked. If however they want to wave a Hamas flag, a zombie knife or AK-47, that’s fine in my book.”


Comrade Starmer Announces Increase of 5 Grams of Chocolate Rations


The joyless puritanical reign of Comrade Starmer and his Stasi Labour regime is almost upon us. Let us pray at the altar of puritan hardship in Britain, where heavy bureaucracy and red tape will rule over every facet of your useless meaningless fucking life. The Labour Nanny State and its daily diktats will make your lives truly unliveable, so much so that when Labour introduces voluntary euthanasia, the queues will snake around the block. Enjoy your 5 gram increase in chocolate rations.

Order 41842-D-43 Increase of Chocolate Rations by 5 Grams

As a taster of what is to come, on Monday, Comrade Starmer pledged a 5 gram increase in chocolate rations for every citizen.

“Comrades, workers, commissars, kulaks, Bolshevik guardians of the state. As your incoming supreme soviet comrade in arms, I pledge that under the Labour government we will introduce a 5 gram increase in chocolate rations for each citizen.

“As supreme comrade of the joyless woke humourless puritan Labour communist soviet state, I want to introduce the life you will live under our totalitarian regime of misery of equality in poverty for all.


“We will bring in insane regulations and rules that will rule over every facet of your useless fucking lives. Thank you for voting for Labour, you pathetic moronic cunts. We will now take over the reins of complete control over your lives with the Labour Nanny State.

“I will now outline a few of the diktats the joyless woke puritan Labour agenda will espouse and that you as a Labour voter can look forward to. Diktat order: 497732-A4 will criminalise the usage of any vehicle that is fuelled by petrol. Diktat order:734409-344H will criminalise anyone holding an opinion and voicing an opinion they have individually determined. Diktat order:839900-L6743 All humour, joy and jokes will be criminalised. Diktat order:1752290-A6 All private property ownership will be collectively distributed to the state. Diktat order:0371194-9J6 No singing in the shower or bath will be permitted.

“As you can see, you will have a lot to look forward to under the puritan joyless, miserable rule of my soviet Labour government. After the first ten years of Labour rule, you will look upon the incompetent years of the past Tory scum government with some form of nostalgia. Don’t worry, Diktat order:7834472-XU will make it a criminal act to think back to the past in a nostalgic fashion.

“I recall my father and his toolbox in the garden shed. He made every tool himself out of match sticks and was a very self-sufficient man who dedicated his life to tool making (audience member laughs). Who just laughed? Take him away. You over there, you will be sent to a Labour re-education Gulag in Salford. There will be no chocolate rations for you.” (a man is brutally manhandled, injected with a sedative from a large needle, and escorted out of the BBC studio by the scruff of his neck)

Concert News: Pop Mime Artiste is a Big Hit With British Audiences

Imagine paying upwards of £700 for a “live” concert ticket to see a pop mime artiste lip sync to a backing track onstage? Well, it seems standards do not matter to the little girlies getting their mummies and daddies to pay through the nose to furnish the already brimming bank account of pop starlet Taylor Swift jetting around the world in private jets to hold fake concerts.

What is touted as live music these days for the pop crowd is not actually live but intricately designed concert shows where previously recorded autotune and AI material is mimed to onstage, fooling their dedicated fans. Of course, the backing tracks are shut off and the microphone feed enabled when the pop mime artiste says a few words to the audience between songs to keep up the pretence.

Just about “the look”

Record companies deploy backing tracks for pop acts because the gay dance moves involved in pop concerts are quite arduous for their acts, and many have no vocal talent without studio trickery.

“Female pop mime artiste Taylor Swift for example has many costume changes and dance moves. She changes her costumes as often as she changes her men. This is more of a visual event, and the music is an afterthought, not our primary concern. The backing tracks are studio quality recordings that enhance the experience for the dumbed down audiences. The fucking idiots who follow this particular act are not conversant on what constitutes real music or live music, therefore they can easily be fooled. They’re just happy to pay hundreds of dollars or pounds to see their squeaking pop idol miming along and fooling thousands of screaming little girlies,” one of the recording executives involved with numerous pop mime acts revealed before driving off in his Maserati.

Death of Democracy: Threat Farage Denied Electoral Voice


The supposed impartial BBC has banned Reform Party leader Nigel Farage from electoral debates, and many other legacy media outlets have actively attacked and cancelled the Reform Party and its leader. The UK is meant to be a democratic country, so why is it now acting like an undemocratic country?

Fear is the obvious reason. The initial fear involved by any establishment system that has a complete hold over any form of narrative is that their all-encompassing hold over the public is undermined, and this is why they will go to extreme lengths to destroy/cancel/undermine any voice that is an opposing force to their control system.

The majority of the public are a threat to the establishment simply because of their numbers. The controlling system is a minority in numbers, and they witnessed the vitriol of the public when a sizeable number voted for Brexit during the fateful EU Referendum in 2016. We witnessed almost seven years of a dirty war by establishment forces trying desperately to deny that democratic vote, and even today Brexit is under severe threat of being reversed.

It is only natural now, as the Reform Party is neck and neck in the polls with the establishment Conservative Party, that the exact same threat against democracy is being enacted by the controlling forces, who greatly fear the result of the upcoming election. Thankfully for them, Britain’s First-Past-the-Post system will ensure that the Reform Party is denied any real active role in parliament, despite possibly receiving over 20% of the vote.

Do we actually live in a democracy? No, is the basic answer, simply because there is no electoral even playing field. Year after year, decade after decade, the same status quo is presented as the supposed electoral results come through. You either get Labour or Conservative, and not only that, whichever party is voted in to office, you as the voter receive pretty much the same policies and governance, with tiny negligible differences.

Nigel Farage is thus a great threat to the establishment parties because he speaks an element of truth which resonates with millions of voters, and this is why democracy is put aside in an attempt to stop him.


Chavs Getting Ready For Comeback Under Labour Government


The word on the street is that Chavs from the Tony Blair Labour era are readying themselves for a comeback when Labour wins the election. This event would be another cultural shift backwards for British society, but would be embraced by the Labour government in no uncertain terms.

Class War

It is inevitable that under the new Labour regime, class war will once again rear its ugly head in the UK. Of course, it will be interspersed with race war and the usual LGBTQP agenda. The underclass subculture of the chavs will reassert its hold on the psyche of the British people once again.

What defined the torrid Blair years; things like the introduction of speedy mass unfettered immigration from some of the poorest EU countries, the Iraq war, debt, youth knife crime, happy slapping, bad fake tans, Burberry, ASBOS and chavs, will no doubt be mirrored by Keir Starmer’s upcoming reign of terror.

Sadly, the Blair era ASBO is now a mere forgotten memory but may instead be replaced with another acronym, maybe something like ASDA.

“Education, education, education!”

What will be the Keir ‘Storming’ Starmer mantra of the new era? Repeating the word ‘education’ three times sort of gave away Blair’s penchant for ‘indoctrination’ more than anything else. His Labour government did not want the citizen to think for themselves, but merely to follow without question.

Latin for Chavs

There will be no Borisian amo, amas, amat but under Labour, it will be chavo, chavas, chavat.

Britain’s subclasses are a very important part of Labour’s growth plan because they are the only section of the population who are breeding. This mass breeding by the Untermensch subclasses coupled with mass migration are the only things propping up the country according to Labour masterminds who will run Britain further into the ground.




Why Instagram Whores Are Cheap, Vulgar and Uncool

The very essence and creation of Instagram was predicated on the exploitation of the narcissist, the banal, and vulgar. Its primary function is to cheapen and subvert humans to present reality as fiction and to change their fundamental nature to the utmost base mediocrity, debasing them with material, shallow narcissism. At the heart of this diabolical concoction of horror is the Instagram whore, who lives for selfies, who craves constant attention and has cheapened themselves to the lowest common denominator. You think you’re cool — well, you’re not.

As is the case in all of these evil social media platforms, validation comes in the form of ‘views’, ‘fans’ and ‘likes’ which can all be bought by the million from one of the multiple online shops selling social media ‘popularity’. What the Instagram whores who inhabit the horrible site do not realise is that the more ‘popular’ they are, the deeper they have dug a hole for themselves in the swamp of uncoolness and grotesqueness.

You are an Instagram whore, in other words, you are a despicable human being. Your tiny brain only functions for ‘likes’, a constant poisonous drip of affirmation and saccharin serotonin hit. You have to post what you had for lunch, and how you look in different locations/scenarios. Your pathetic life is so shallow it has been denigrated to the level of a number amongst millions of like-minded lemmings all doing the same thing every day, every month, every year of your useless lifespan.

As a vulgar Instagram whore, you have zero dignity and zero credibility within the human species. You have zero purpose apart from being just another lemming doing something millions of other lemmings have been conditioned and brainwashed to do at the same time. You are not unique in any way, and when you finally shuffle off this mortal coil, that fucking Instagram account you created will be your final epitaph of mediocrity and soulless plastic narcissistic death.

Comrade Starmer: “You Must be Prepared to Give Up Your Wealth”


Comrades, for the greater good and Labour’s 20-year-plan of collectivism and wealth redistribution, you, the British taxpayer who may have worked hard all your life, paid your taxes, and saved some of your wealth — must relinquish this wealth to people who have never worked and have shunned work. The bourgeoisie must prepare themselves to be stripped of their wealth, assets and power over those who do not have the ability to create wealth. Now is the time to prepare yourself to give up all your wealth and assets to the state.

Eradicating all aspiration

keir starmer soviet communist bannerThere are millions of people in the UK who are not capable of creating wealth, these are people who have never bothered to pass exams or receive an education, instead opting for a life of poverty, crime and insolence. These are our people, and we will re-direct the wealth you and your family have worked for generations into their pockets so they can fritter it away just as they have done all their lives on booze, alcohol, cigarettes, gambling and having a good time.

The despicable British royal family and last remaining aristocrats, or ancestors of aristocrats feverishly holding onto their land, are parasites to the communist ideals we uphold. We will target these parasitical scum until they are eradicated and impoverished. No longer shall the state furnish their disgusting lifestyles. The private schools of these scum will also cease to exist after our purge. Most of all, Britain’s royal family are a symbol that is anathema to our communist ideals, and we will make their palaces and gardens accessible to all.

Equality through poverty

After the first ten years of our program of communist collectivism, there will not be any wealthy or aspiring people in Britain. This will be our success as a Labour government to bring equality to everyone in the UK — equality in poverty.

Britain’s primary wealth is held in property prices — we will ensure this is reversed and through heavy taxation and regulation we will crash the entire system so no one can profit from property ownership. We will abolish and criminalise all landlords. Your pensions will be taxed by over 70%. Your income will be taxed by over 90%. Your business will be taxed by 80%. Fuel duty may be already high at 70% of the cost of petrol, but we will increase it to 95% which will make it not possible to drive any petrol fuelled vehicle in the UK. We will increase inheritance tax to 95% and lower the threshold to £40,000 property value, seizing homes, and closing all loopholes. These are just some of the changes we will implement to rob you completely of your wealth and redirect it to the state.

keir starmer soviet 20-year-plan - communism

Wealth and assets stripped by the state

Comrades, Commissars and Bolshevik warriors of the left, our socialist dream is coming true, and you will be happy you voted us in to impoverish you for the next few decades. This will all be disguised as the Great Reset, Net Zero, New Green Deal, Build Back Better which is simply Marxist ideology under different names. All it means is that the majority of the population will have their wealth and assets stripped by the state, and the only ones who will benefit will be Labour Party higher ups, QUANGOS and fat cat Labour council chiefs.

Britain will finally embrace its communist ideals which we have yearned for since the late 19th century, and early 20th century when Marxism and communism were birthed in this very country. Karl Marx, in fact, wrote most of his communist manifestos in Highgate, London, where he is buried.

Soaking the rich

Why is wealth concentrated in the South of the UK? We do not care why, but all we know is we will bring equilibrium to Britain by soaking the rich in the South and redistributing their wealth equally up North.

The only people who will vote for our party are those who have nothing to lose, but everything to gain, when the bourgeoisie are robbed of their last remaining wealth. Yes, some will vote because they are communists, and socialists, and some will vote for us because they are low-information superficial and stupid people, but this is the crux of our great victory in making the UK a full communist country which will be reintegrated into the EU fully.

We will see you there comrades, we will be with you at the polling stations as you tick the Labour vote and reap the punishments of your stupidity for the next two or three decades.

Positive Poverty Inclusivity Training

In preparation for a Labour election win Harwood College in Manchester is enrolling students in a new four-year-vocational accredited degree course called: Positivity in Negative Wealth, Transgenderism and Poverty Inclusivity Training. The course will be rolled out across all UK educational establishments in November.

The Pestilent Silent Peril of Looming War – Act I


Act I, Scene I: The Pestilent Silent Peril of Looming War


In the land where choices loom, mere three weeks hence,
Where candidates do clamour, with ardent sense,
A threat, unseen, lies coiled in shadows dark,
Most vital for our future’s hallowed mark.

[Enter CHORUS]

What systemic bull’s-pizzle peril dost the people face,
Under democracy’s fragile grace?
An axis new of states totalitarian,
Like ghosts of tyrants past, barbarian.


Lo, China, North Korea, Russia, and Iran,
Lead this fearful, dark and dreadful clan.
Yet with them march others of ilk severe,
Syria, Myanmar, and states most drear.

Russia’s crimes in tomes of infamy be writ,
Putin’s ambition knows no limit.
From Georgia’s war to Crimea’s stolen shore,
And Ukraine’s bloodied fields of war.

His fist doth crush dissent within his land,
Cyber shadows reach the West’s fair strand.
With Beijing’s froward and unable worms’ aid,
His war machine they stoke,
North Korea’s arms in darkness cloak.


In Xinjiang’s fields, a genocide unfolds,
Uyghurs’ cries in iron grip hold.
Hong Kong’s treaty by their hand is torn,
Freedom’s champions jailed, forlorn.

Slave labour doth their Empire’s wealth amass,
Forced organs taken, as prisoners pass.
Their eyes on Taiwan’s freedom cast,
In South China Sea, their shadows vast.


Iran, with Russia’s and China’s hand,
Supports terror, sows fear across the land.
Hamas’s shadow darkens Israel’s skies,
Distracting West from Ukraine’s cries.

The West, though in this war unaware,
Pigeon-liver’d loses ground in freedom’s lair.
Since Cold War’s end, democracy doth wane,
Autocracies rise, their power plain.


On China’s goods, the West doth feed,
Batteries, wind turbines, all their need.
In Net-Zero’s rush, they turn a blind eye,
To Xinjiang’s slaves under darkened sky.

Universities, with gold from East, do swell,
Dependence grows, a silent knell.
China’s police in foreign lands do creep,
Yet G7’s voice is muted, fast asleep.


Here in the UK, TikTok’s government devices banned,
Yet, election campaigns in its grip stand.
Berlin Wall’s fall brought triumph’s cheer,
Yet now EU appeasement’s echoes near.

[Enter WISDOM]

The end of history, they once declared,
Yet history repeats, its lessons bared.
Rudyard Kipling’s words do ring so clear,
The fool returns, his path austere.

“That the dog returns to its vomit and the sow returns to her mire,
And the burnt fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the fire.”


Thus, heed the call to stand and fight,
Against the creeping catastrophe tickling,
Shadows of the villainous night.
For in this peril, we must find our might,
To safeguard democracy’s beacon bright.