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Why Democrats Must Keep Biden as Election Candidate


The Democrats must keep Biden as election candidate for the upcoming US Elections in November. It is crucial that Joe Biden is the primary candidate in the Democrat Party election ticket for a very important reason.

Yes, there are serious concerns to the mental state and decline of Biden, who is effectively a shuffling cadaver being led around on a leash by his pushy, cruel wife, but that is no reason to dump the mummified corpse of a man who brings vast comedic qualities to the election campaign.

We need more comedy and laughter in this insipid, boring humourless woke world, and Biden brings that in comedic fashion.

Gaslighting dumb deluded Democrat voters

It is also highly entertaining to watch the deluded Democrats defending Biden at every turn, which sort of reinforces the idea that a potato could do a better job than their erroneous pick. If a potato was on the electoral ticket, the Dems would vote for that as well, such is their level of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

The remnants of Sleepy Joe’s brain could squelch out of his left earhole and plop onto the floor on stage during one of the presidential debates, and the Democrat voters would still support and vote for him with no question.

America and the world needs another four years of Joe Biden mumbling incoherently, talking to the air and shuffling around not knowing where he is or what he is saying while unknown people run the actual show from behind the scenes, every day bringing us closer to WW3.

Securing Your Investments: The Unseen Perks of Forex Trading Robots


Deciding between manual vs automated trading elicits polarized opinions, arguing the virtues of human intuition over AI-powered bots. However, dismissing viable forex robots overlooks immense unseen benefits bolstering profitability, risk management and accessibility. Examining key perks in detail positions, robot-advisors appropriately as indispensable portfolio amplifiers rather than competitors.

In practice, prudent traders allocate capital across both modalities based on inherent strength. But navigating the expanding universe of automated solutions to shortlist fitting options proves daunting. By focusing on core perks including emotional detachment, diversification power, speed and transparency, traders filter choices best aligning trading style and goals.

forex robot 2

Emotionless Execution

Unnerved by market turbulence, human traders bend trading plans acting on impulse, sabotaging consistency essential for long haul compounding. Robots conversely, indifferent to volatility, stick steadfastly to coded logic for reliable marginal gains round the clock. This detached discipline remains the foremost advantage, eliminating self-defeating deviations, enlarging drawdowns.

Automated Risk Management

Forex robots offer pre-programmed risk management through automatic stop losses on each trade. By predefining acceptable risk/reward ratios per position, the bots restrict downsides if trades move negatively. This autonomous oversight provides safety nets lacking in manual trading. In effect, algorithms shield trading capital proactively so profits compound over time.

Expanded Opportunities

Top forex bots analyse substantially more data across various timeframes, currency pairs and technical indicators than human traders ever could manually. This broad scope surfaces trading opportunities easily missed by individuals, even experts. Accordingly, automated bots trade a wider diversity of signals and entry points than practical through human effort alone.

Added scalability, swift execution and continual operation establish cutting-edge forex robots as privileged trading assistants. Instead of viewing automation as threats, traders stand to gain tremendously by embracing well-constructed bots as portfolio enhancers. Alignment to personal risk preferences is key, but the upsides outweigh any perceived drawbacks exponentially.

Key Evaluation Criteria

Myriads of forex robots flood the market, making selections overwhelming. Avoiding scams starts by prioritizing transparent performance metrics for a secure forex robot:

1. Realistic Backtesting History

Lengthy audited backtesting spanning various market conditions establishes actual risk/reward ratios, informing expectations accurately pre-launch.

2. Customizable Elements
Adjusting key settings around trade volumes, leverage and loss tolerance etc customizes robots aligning individual risk appetites.

3. Creator Reputation
Look for well documented creators like data scientists or veteran traders, signalling credible solutions over marketing gimmicks.

Trying out trading bots initially through demo accounts verifies seamless integration with platform plus functionality before capital commitments. Allowing customization enables matching shorts and longs across automated/manual trades, leveraging both tactically.

Navigating Regulation Compliance

Regulatory compliance remains a fluid area as governing agencies debate appropriate legislation given automation’s disruption of financial markets. Currently, most jurisdictions classify forex robots under high frequency trading restrictions focused on institutional players rather than retail traders.

However, updated frameworks by 2025 will likely shift towards appropriate consumer protection laws governing forex robots use by casual traders instead. As adoption gains momentum, policy empathy understanding bots as accessibility tools rather than threats guides progressive regulation benefiting traders and innovators mutually. Still, traders must verify local legislative scopes by jurisdiction presently before committing funds as compliance continues evolving in line with automation trends reshaping finance futuristically.

Industry projections predict automated forex trading led by AI advancing at a compound annual growth rate of 8.7% through 2025. This implies mainstream dependence transcending early adopter niches. With personalization and blockchain integration tailoring solutions ever more responsive to shifting trader demands, the automated future shines brightly.

Rather than dread redundancy, traders worldwide increasingly embrace smart forex robots as potent portfolio partners commanding the best of both worlds. The future of hybrid high-touch high-tech models holds the most balanced promise, optimizing financial outcomes sustainably.


Forex Trading Robot: Definition, How It Works, and Costs (investopedia.com)

How to Build a Custom Trading Bot for Automated Trading (smarttek.solutions)

Benefits Of Using Forex Trading Robots – FasterCapital

Hunter: “Pops, I Gotta Plan to Save You!”


After the disastrous first Presidential Debate for the 2024 election season where Joe Biden mumbled and spouted unintelligible garbled gibberish for an hour or so, his son Hunter has come to the rescue of his poppa.

Cracked a Plan to Save Pops

Writing a heartfelt letter to the White House election team, Hunter Biden has a solid plan that can not only rescue Joe from further humiliation and ridicule, but actually show his dad that he can be useful.

hunter crack“When I saw that presidential debate, I was sad to see pops with such low energy, he looked barely alive and did not have that get-up-and-go attitude he needs to continue being president. We’re concerned because the drugs his team have been pumping into him ain’t working proper. Adderall and various vitamins along with some steroids just ain’t working for pops because he still looks like a goddamn zombie and can’t even stitch a fucking sentence together right.

“Well, y’all know I do crack, so when I smoke my crack pipe I get a real hit for at least 4 minutes. Like I have so much energy, I could punch holes through walls, run twenty marathons and fuck 50 Russian whores all at the same time. This is the cure for my pops, we’re gonna give him my crack pipe and dose him up every 4 minutes so he can have his energy back.”


Hunter’s plan involves having someone with a crack pipe ready and fired up underneath the podium during the CNN presidential debates. Every four minutes, a small electric shock will travel through a wire to Joe Biden’s testicles to alert him that it is time for another toke on the crack pipe. He will then do a fake sneeze and bend down to get his handkerchief, which will instead be Hunter’s fully loaded, fired up crack pipe.

Hunter also smokes meth (Methamphetamine), but he says that the high is not as controlled as crack cocaine.

“We could give pops meth as well, but I have to tell you it does get a little uncontrollable. The meth I smoke is so strong it comes straight from a lab in Mexico, right on the border. Thanks to my dad’s immigration policy, the supply is endless. I think for safety’s sake we should stick to crack. I’m gonna speak with the Democrat election campaign head tomorrow so we can finalise the plan.”

Another option that was discussed was to ‘booty bump’, shove a few large crack rocks up Joe’s butt hole, but he is incontinent and poops on himself constantly, so this would not work.

Looking forward to the next presidential debate.

Why Aren’t the Freemasons Addressing the Transgender Issue?


In an unprecedented move to dispel misconceptions of misogyny, English Freemasonry recently announced the creation of the Council for Freemasonry, including both female and male members in England and Wales. If the Freemasons in England are now a progressive, woke institution, why are they not addressing the transgender issue?

This new Council aims to enhance collaboration and promote the fundamental principles of Freemasonry, such as merit, tolerance, diversity, and inclusion, among the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), the Order of Women Freemasons (OWF), and the Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons (HFAF).

Grand Master Carol Cole

Despite these goals, the Council has not explicitly addressed the inclusion of transgender individuals within the organization. While Freemasonry emphasizes diversity, the lack of discussion around transgender members raises questions about its commitment to truly inclusive practices. This is effective woke suicide and if the Freemasons want to be truly woke they have to now create a charter for transgender Freemasons.

Since opening the progressive/inclusive door, if a transgender ‘woman’ with a penis wants to join an all-female chapter of the Freemasons, what will happen? What happens if this transgender woman then goes on to rape a few female Freemasons? These are some of the questions that the new Council of Freemasonry must address. If you are going to attempt to go woke — go proper woke, or don’t do it all.

The imposition of wokification/metoo has also extended to London’s Garrick Club by forcing the men’s masonic lodges to accept women members and vice versa. The Garrick’s all-male membership recently voted to admit women for the first time in its 190-year history. England’s largest masonic lodges have however made it clear that they have no intention of trying to force the men’s and women’s lodges together.

Freemasonry continues to face criticisms rooted in misconceptions and deep-seated prejudices. Women’s Freemasonry has been part of the UK tradition for over a century, yet the organization still operates in single-sex lodges, similar to many sports and community groups. However, this structure may inadvertently exclude transgender individuals, leading to concerns about inclusivity.

The establishment of the Council provides an opportunity to formally address these concerns, yet there remains a noticeable silence on transgender issues. The Council’s mandate includes promoting community service, coordinating communication, and driving membership growth, particularly for women. However, the absence of a clear stance on transgender inclusion suggests that more work is needed to align Freemasonry with woke discussions on gender diversity.

The formation of this Council marks a pivotal step toward enhancing cooperation and addressing misconceptions, but the question remains: why has it not tackled the transgender issue? This silence may hinder progress towards wokification inclusivity ideologies Freemasonry seeks to uphold.

As the Council for Freemasonry moves into woke politics, it is now destined to address the transgender agenda as well in the near future.

America is in Serious Danger – Who Has Been Running the Country?


To think for one second that a sad old decrepit weak feeble man with seriously advanced dementia has been running the country for the past few years is a really scary thought. The 2024 Presidential Debate was a disgraceful, sad affair. Donald Trump could have dug in and ripped this man to shreds, but instead he looked over at Joe Biden with pity and sadness.

America is in Serious Danger

Joe Biden is being enabled by lying Democrat propaganda merchants, along with his disgraceful wife Jill Biden, and the game was truly up during the Presidential Debate. The Democrats have lied since the beginning of his false presidency in 2020, and have covered up Biden’s total mental decline. The Democrat Party has put not only the nation of America in serious peril and danger but the entire globe.

Joe Biden is meant to be running the fucking country, but he is clearly not because he does not know where he is half the time. When Joe Biden said that no troops have lost their lives during his so-called tenure, he seems to have forgotten the thirteen US troops who were killed in a bombing during his administration’s disastrous exit from Afghanistan. Can you imagine the fucking rage felt by the families of those soldiers who lost their lives whilst they were listening to Biden’s words during the debate?

Transderivational search

With a blank look, clearly unfit for office, Joe Biden is a disaster to not only the United States but the entire world.

There is a real reason why Russia, Iran, North Korea and China want Joe Biden to win a second term, because they know they will have carte blanche to do as they please again with no repercussions.

But, really, who has been running the country for the last four years? It certainly was not Joe Biden, and this brings us to the worrying question — who is making the decisions?

The fucking nuke button is in Joe Biden’s hands, apparently. We knew Biden was unfit from the beginning, but of course we were ignored as usual.

This is serious folks, the monopoly search control company is pushing Joe Biden heavily trying to skew the results. Shame on Jill Biden, shame on the MSNBC cunts who pushed this man.

It is most certain that this has been Obama’s third term, as his entire team has been working behind the scenes from the beginning. It’s just that the debates where Biden has been put in front of cameras on his own give everything away.

Despite all of this insanity, some deluded and biased Democrats still think Biden won during his catastrophic performance at the first 2024 debate. These scumbags will defend and enable Biden despite every disaster he presides over.


Desperate Democrats to Replace Biden With a Potato


Mumbling, incoherent, barely awake — poor old angry Joe Biden, you have to feel for the crooked vindictive grumpy guy, he just does not know where he is or what he is saying. They put words in front of him, but to him, they are random words with no meaning or context. He refuses to wear an adult diaper and clearly defecates on himself without realising. They pump him up with steroids, caffeine, Adderall, but it makes no difference. They put a piece in his ear trying to tell him what to say, but what they say goes in one ear and out the other. The Democrats are now looking to replace Biden. The Republicans on the other hand are praying that Biden is kept in the Democrat ticket.

Biden: “We have a thousand trillionaires in America.”

On the other side of the podium was someone who was quick on the mark, decisive, quick-witted and fast with his answers. President Trump basically cleaned the floor with this guy, and ran rings around him.

The Democrats were literally cringing at how bad Biden performed. The Democrat Party is now scrambling to find a new thing to replace Joe Biden, and have come up with a potato.

“We’re gonna put a potato with Fusarium on the podium, and it will do better than Joe Biden,” Budd Dwyer, the chief Democrat election campaign manager, told CNN on Friday.

Just imagine Robert De Niro at home literally pulling his hair out, and you will get an idea about what is actually going on.

Election Interference: Don’t Bother Searching For Trump or Farage on the Internet


As per usual, the election interference and bias is at epidemic levels during the campaign season.

A Media Research investigation has found that when searching for a candidate’s name with “presidential race 2024,” Joe Biden’s campaign website is the top result, while Donald Trump’s campaign website doesn’t even appear on the first page. It is as if Trump does not exist. The same goes for the UK’s election, with Nigel Farage not even appearing on the third page of the biased monopoly’s search result.

Of course, the exact same thing happened in the 2020 elections, and this insidious evil monopoly is simply repeating its disgraceful cowardly actions during the 2024 election period.

Biased technology monopolies have a key role in shaping public opinion and access to information. A democratic election should have a level playing field for voters to choose their candidates and receive information about them, but under the biased and skewed results of this monopoly’s search, not only is democracy being subverted, but the entire election process is being destroyed.

Election interference

Search result rankings are very important in the digital age. The only internet search monopoly commands a global market share of over 96 percent in the search engine space, and its deliberate manipulation of search results directly influences public perception and elections. This overbearing octopus-grip over all information could thus be called a near monopoly in its operation of its search bias.

No more democracy – elections cannot function properly

Is there any point in having elections any more when only one single political side or candidate is allowed to be seen and heard? Isn’t democracy meant to be a fair discussion between many political parties and ideologies? We are now witnessing the wholesale destruction and perversion of our electoral process by an entity that has an octopus grip over the globe’s information. This is why we now limit our electoral articles because there is absolutely no point in writing them because no one will see them.

Even if a voter may not agree, or agree, with another party’s or candidate’s beliefs or opinions, they should still be given the right to hear what they say in an election.

We can safely state that there is no democracy any more, not in the USA or in the UK. There has not been any democracy in the EU for decades so that area is discounted from the discussion. When any organisation with such a monopoly and responsibility acts with this level of cowardice and malice, it is a disgrace to any form of democratic integrity.

As the Bell Tolls – The Death of Britain is Upon Us


Cherish the final days of Britain and its sovereignty, as the augurs of doom and Armageddon loom upon this once great land. The leftist Marxists will pull the very fabric of this hallowed land to pieces bit by bit, the equally Marxist eco-zealots will forcibly dismantle this once industrious nation and throw it into a ditch of economic destruction.

Britain is now nearing the necropurulent point of becoming a destitute nation, an Empire already lost, and now the fabric of its union eviscerated for the vultures of doom to feast on with voracity.

Gone are the days of British ingenuity and exploration, of scientific discovery and of economic milestones enriching the nation with treasures and conquered lands. We will soon not even have the Pound Sterling as the bedlamite Labour Marxists adopt the euro for full integration with the Soviet EU.

Britain will not be a country any more, it will be a zone in the EU, it will be a number just like all the other capitulated and defeated former nations eaten up by the Belphegor EU monstrosity who have completely lost their sovereignty and rights to determine their future.

All is now lost, the dark satanic mills of the Industrial Revolution were a milestone in Britain’s projection into the future, but now they will be supplanted by even darker satanic mills from the European Union who will take over Britain, selling off our assets and wealth to the industrial autocrats of the collectivist EU.

In England’s green and pleasant land, the gentle winding brooks and rolling clouded hills will be concreted over so that the illegal migrants who will flock to these shores can live in garish soviet grey blocks stretching for mile after mile.

Enjoy your last days here on this land, for soon it will be mired by horror, destruction and an insipid dripping illutible evil that will taint every fabric of your being.

Secret Labour Plan to Join the Euro Currency Revealed


Incoming Labour PM Keir Starmer is a slippery and slimy individual, more-so than even Rishi Sunak of the Conservatives. Brussels demands to restore the free movement of people in exchange for closer ties with the EU, and include a secret Labour plan to join the euro currency, ditching the pound sterling.

Reopen Britain’s Brexit deal

Sir Keir said he wants to reopen Britain’s Brexit deal with the European Union within a year of his premiership and begin negotiations to dump the Great British Pound for the Euro currency.

Labour HQ denizens have revealed that the Brexit deal in its current state is not functioning properly because there is no free movement of EU citizens into the UK. Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson in conjunction with the SNP were the masterminds of the original plan, which Keir Starmer will implement into action.

Complicated EU treaties

Going one step further to full integration will be suddenly foisted on the UK and is planned to be carried out in small steps so that the public will not realise what is happening, and it will be too late to object. The plan is to shroud the process in a series of complicated EU treaties that are very hard to understand for the layman, and this is how they will reverse the little part of Brexit that exists.

“Labour’s majority in parliament, as well as 95% of peers in the House of Lords being affiliated to Labour, means that they have full control of any policy going through parliament and can okay anything they want. Essentially, Labour will have carte blanche to do whatever they want. Dump the Great British Pound, okay EU free movement into the UK, whatever,” a parliamentary observer revealed on Thursday.

The complete destruction of Britain and its sovereignty begins in earnest…

Why Disney Needs to Continue Making Projects Like “The Acolyte”


Star Wars fans, and film critics, have recently been raging about the latest preachy woke presentation full of shit production called “The Acolyte”. Yes, it was produced, written and directed by the usual suspects who have been ruining Star Wars for decades and are impoverishing Disney year after year with failure after failure. They spent $200 million, not including the marketing budget of an estimated $180 million, fashioning this turd over a four-year period. Disney needs to continue making woke turds like “The Acolyte” so that it eventually goes bankrupt. Continue spewing out preachy vomit chunks series after series until nothing is left. Let them do it. Cheer them on.

The problem here is, all power to Disney. If they want to ruin Star Wars and bankrupt their woke Marxist infiltrated company, let them do it. They are obviously completely blind to what they are doing, do not care about Star Wars fans or viewers, do not care about making a profit and are completely indoctrinated by identity politics pushing a Negroid LGBTQP+ agenda that is frankly disturbing.

Don’t react to them, they love your negative reaction

Don’t be outraged by The Acolyte, because this is what they want. Disney and the vile Marxists who have infiltrated the company are actually empowered by the reaction of Star Wars fans, who are predominantly male. This is affirmation to them. Kathleen Kennedy and her acolytes probably congregate in a cave somewhere wearing cloaks and sing lesbian witch songs about the “power of the many” in true collectivist style to celebrate killing off the franchise.

The key to all of this dear Star Wars fans is that you have to ignore it all. You must acknowledge the fact the original force of Star Wars is now long forgotten, it went to sleep when the idiot George Lucas stupidly sold the rights to Disney and gave Bob Iger/Kathleen Kennedy the reins.

Rotten Tomatoes gives The Acolyte a 14% audience score. This is a good thing, it shows that many people are ignoring it and actually waking up to the nonsense. This is a step in the right direction. If you want to sate your Star Wars appetite, you must now only look backwards to the pre-Disney days. Yes, this will limit you somewhat, but at least it will be Star Wars and not something else.


The putrid criminals who have violated and vandalised the franchise have forgotten about Star Wars, their sole agenda is to push a narrative of extreme feminist supremacy, LGBTQP, communism, racial hatred towards what they see as toxic white males. Plot lines, acting, yadda yadda yadda are all non concerns for the invading parasites who took over Star Wars.

You see, wokism is not able to create anything new, it is like a parasite that burrows into a previously established thing and eventually kills it. They tried it with Cleopatra, they have been succeeding with Star Wars. They successfully killed off Indiana Jones.

Boycott is the only way — ignore it

Just forget anything new with the Star Wars name on it, because it is not Star Wars any more, it is something completely subverted, perverted and turned into a slithering smelly shit stain on the arse crack of the universe.

Boycott all new Disney productions, including Star Wars. Do not watch them, do not react to them, and do not even acknowledge their existence, because the producers of these serials and films certainly do not acknowledge your existence. In fact, they hate you, and yet you give them your money. No, do not pay a cent or a penny to them. No more…and it has to stick. It is a great hope that one day the blind wokists in Disney will lose all their money and purchasing power.

Remember, the Force is real, and it’s in the original Star Wars films and fans — not in any of the preachy toxic woke Disney gonorrhoea-ridden puss being ejected from Kathleen Kennedy’s puckered anus of inequity.