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Saturday, October 19, 2024
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Labour: “Ever closer union with the EU means ditching the pound”


Trilateral Commission member Keir Starmer is someone who has his orders from upon high. The pyramid of power extends over the entirety of the European Union and encompasses the United States and China. Sir Keir Starmer is a Marxist who still utilises capitalistic economic techniques to enrich the coffers of the Marxist Communist ideology. This technique is not frowned upon, and has been successfully utilised by the Maoist/Marxist construct of the Chinese Communist Party for decades now. By embracing capitalism yet keeping this within a communist political ideology, the Chinese have successfully been able to build up and modernise their military. The European Soviet Union utilises the same method to build up its wealth, with the German economy as its workhorse, but its modus operandi is to collectivise all the nations imprisoned within its walls to strip these nations of their sovereignty and economic individualism. Starmer’s orders are very clear, and he will begin by bringing ever closer union to the European Soviet Union. Britain never had a proper Brexit anyway, so his job will be made much easier. Naturally, maybe within the second Labour term the EU will demand that if the UK wants ever closer union, one of the prerequisites for this will be that the pound sterling currency should be ditched for the euro. Starmer and his Marxist economists have already okayed this, and will push it through a capitulated one party British parliament, where the Labour Party has a massive majority of seats and literally owns the House of Lords with planted Marxist peers. Ditching the pound sterling will lock and imprison the UK into the European Soviet Union, much like the other nations have been imprisoned and subjugated. Once this process of collectivism has been completed, Britain’s last remaining wealth will be siphoned off into the EU, propping up debt-ridden southern and eastern EU nations who are hungry for cash reserves and an injection of stolen wealth. Many Europeans are so poverty-stricken that they can only rent their properties. In Germany, 90% of the population can only rent, whilst in the UK homeownership is more common. Thanks to the Thatcher years, people were able to embrace homeownership in the UK, although in more recent decades, due to the rise in house prices, homeownership has declined amongst the young. Starmer and his Marxist minions will utilise this malaise of the youth to justify ditching the pound sterling which will destroy the property wealth of the UK, aligning it with the EU. This will be communist collectivism at work, and the redistribution of wealth under the European Soviet Union will be a profound change for the UK, plunging its inherent wealth into the abyss. Britain was always the cash cow for the EU, and nothing will change under Keir Starmer’s Labour, selling off the last remnants of the country to the EU for a pittance. Gordon Brown sold off Britain’s gold reserves at the bottom of the market, so this will be just another Labourite kick in the gangoolies for the former country of Britain. The gloating unelected EU Commission members will be laughing into their unlimited expense accounts.

Channel Crossings: There Were Cheers in France When Labour Won the Election


The doors were open under the socialist wimp Tories, now under Labour, there are no doors. Starmer has a house building plan to wreck the British countryside to accommodate the millions of economic migrants coming to the UK illegally. The celebratory cheers from hundreds of thousands of migrants and their rich traffickers embarking across the Channel could be heard in Dover when the election result was announced. You thought Britain was already overcrowded, give it a few years of Labour no door policy, and you will see what overcrowded really means. The Channel crossings will now increase at an exponential rate.

SovietLabour plans to build over 1.5 million homes over the British countryside, and the bulldozers will soon begin their wrecking as they destroy the streams, the trees and the green fields so that garish grey soviet style blocks of flats and horrible square communist homes with tiny windows are built over the landscape.

Britain’s cities are already overcrowded shitholes where migrants who do not belong in the UK do not care for the country or its laws or culture are decimating entire swathes of the nation. In places like London, it is nigh on impossible to hear an English-speaking voice any more, and the streets are filled with phlegm spitting peasants from some far-flung land who are only here to make as much money as possible to send home. You see, the massive migrant influx does not benefit the economy in any way, all the money these people scrounge is sent back to their own countries. So-called ‘asylum seekers‘ on benefits even take regular expensive holidays back home to the country they supposedly fled from danger, and the gangs of criminals have found ways of claiming benefits from thousands of fake claims to make millions, which they also send back to places like Bulgaria, Romania, and Asian countries.

The moronic idiot Rwanda plan of Rishi Sunak which wasted over half a billion of taxpayer pounds was shelved by Labour on the first day of office. It won’t make much difference though because the amount of taxpayer money under Labour that will be flushed down the toilet will be in the trillions.

Come on over, free healthcare, free housing, free 4-star hotels, free schools, free transport and tonnes of money that Britain does not have.

Dare to try and get an appointment with a GP in a few months time, it’s hard enough as it is. You need a dentist? Better keep your rotten British teeth rotten. Oh, you need urgent medical care — tough fucking luck. Little Jimmy can’t find a place in a school any more, oops! Drive on the traffic filled potholed roads where there are no road rules any more, get hit by an erratic driving heavily armed Eastern European gangster who never indicates when turning with no insurance, tough fucking luck. Eat it up!

Trilateral Commission Member and Bilderberger Keir Starmer Has Solid Plan


Sir Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party and new PM, is a member of the Trilateral Commission, a very powerful globalist group. The Trilateral Commission was created by David Rockefeller, who was also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Starmer’s right-hand man Lord Peter Mandelson is a prominent member of the Bilderberg Group, along with war criminal and financier Tony Blair.

A Return to Stable Foreign Policy?

Sir Keir Starmer attended the secretive Bilderberg Group meeting in 2022. Prospective British Prime Ministers generally always attend Bilderberg before they eventually take power.

Joined Without Telling Corbyn

Membership records show Starmer joined the Trilateral Commission at some point between March 2017 and October 2018.

James Schneider, who was Corbyn’s spokesman while he was leader, revealed that: “Starmer didn’t inform us that he was joining the Trilateral Commission while serving in the shadow cabinet. If he had, we would have put a stop to it, like we did when he tried to take an inappropriate outside job with city law firm Mischon de Reya while shadow Brexit secretary.”

Staunch communist and Marxist Schneider added: “Membership of the Trilateral Commission, a body dedicated to promoting corporate power, was plainly incompatible with Labour’s then-stated policies of redistributing wealth and power from the few to the many.”

Schneider was asked if he was surprised to discover that Starmer had joined the group without informing Corbyn’s team: “No. Dishonesty is Keir Starmer’s hallmark.”

Despite putting on a “man of the people” front, it is clear that Keir Starmer is just another corporate lackey and monetary gain will be his sole priority within the globalist capitalist framework. The British people have been fooled once again, but this is a normal practice that is ongoing, and will continue onwards until time immemorial.

So, what’s the plan then, Mr. Starmer?

“Whatever they tell me to do, I will do.”

The Tories were too overt with their agenda, so sometimes you have to go undercover with the exact same agenda.



Yawn, the inevitable has happened and the Labour Party has won the UK General Election 2024 they were set to win many, many months ago as we knew already. If the entire system of government is socialist, it is nigh on impossible to have a true conservative government in a far-left leaning country. Since the late 19th Century, Britain has embraced socialism. Post World War II, the Labour government created the NHS and Britain’s vast welfare system, which has been the basis for socialist Britain ever since. If the entire system is socialist, it is common sense that it is impossible to have a real Conservative Party within that very socialist framework. This is why Britain is inherently a socialist country down to the bone, and the de facto party to rule will always be Labour.

It’s Impossible to Have a True Conservative Government in a Socialist System

The Tory bloodbath at the UK General Election 2024 is a vast change from the 2019 Brexit election win for Boris Johnson with a massive majority. Jacob Rees-Mogg is out, Fabricunt will be tossed from his cheap-looking fake tan parapet, his ridiculous wig torn apart by rabid XL Bully dogs, Mourdant is out, Grant Shapps fucked, Liz Truss loses her former huge majority seat, and Rishi Sunak the socialist bindi boy whose socialist policies killed off the last remnants of the Tory Party keeps his seat but will no longer be the leader of a now desecrated Tory Party.

We already know that Brexit will now be a forgotten memory, however we also know that Brexit never happened anyway.

As the final election results roll in, even more carnage at the polls is evident, as the Tories receive the biggest battering ever witnessed in political history. It is safe to say that the Conservative Party will not recover from this kicking for decades, and even if they eventually win another election, as stated in the first paragraph, because the entire infrastructure of Britain is socialist, it will be impossible for the Tories to ever truly rule with proper right wing policies, simply because the entire machinery of government inherently holds a deep entrenched socialist structure.

Human compassion existed before any political party or ideology, however the socialists found a way to hijack the ideal of ‘compassion’ creating a welfare system that is also a method of ultimate control, keeping generations of people in a cycle of oppression and poverty. The same sort of technique the Christian religion has employed for Millennia as a method of control.

The only real vote yesterday was to spoil the ballot, and the low vote share to acquire Labour’s win exemplifies the profound disgust felt by many disenfranchised voters across the UK.

Say Goodbye to a Brexit That Never Happened Anyway


As the turd of Labour looms out of the puckered gonorrhoea ridden anus of inequity, we must now accommodate the Remoaners gloating over their final pyrrhic victory, however the deluded Remoaners are morons because Brexit never happened anyway. When our borders are still ruled by the ECHR, our road laws still dictated by the EU and all the other EU regulations, there was no Brexit. Besides, the dumbfuck Tories squandered every chance of a negligible Brexit by completely ignoring it.

Guy Verhofstadt the maggot farmer from Brussels no doubt will gloat as Keir Starmer agrees to free movement over our borders, but is there any difference to the free movement over our borders currently under way, and has been ongoing for decades? Free fucking movement? They’re coming over in dinghy after dinghy, escorted by the French fucking Navy? Pajeet Sunak has let in over 10 million Indians into the UK on student visas. The borders are so open, you can fit a fucking Death Star through the fucking hole.

We never left the EU any way, so knock yourselves out Remoaners, however here’s the rub, what will Remoaners moan about after we officially rejoin the EU we never left again thanks to Labour? Imagine the horror of not being able to blame every single outrage on Brexit. Hopefully, the fuckers will top themselves, maybe go to a jungle somewhere and take copious amounts of Kool-Aid laced with some horrific poison so they all croak in each other’s arms.

A drink to rejoining the EU! Thank you, Labour, thank you Tories for squandering your mandate and ignoring your voters, and ignoring Brexit. Let us rejoin the Soviet EU, a prison which we never left because the UK is so institutionalised. This time, though, the EU will demand we lose the Pound Sterling, and naturally the suppurating genital wart Keir Starmer will take the knee.

Masochist Britons About to Vote in 15 Years of Labour Punishment and They Love It


Britain is a nation of masochists who love to be victimised, punished and denigrated. You can see it in their sports; in their defilement of their own glorious history, in their penchant to vote in a Labour government that will punish each and every citizen with extreme oblivial prejudice. With the obligatory mug of tea in hand, it is with joyous fervour that masochist Britons eagerly await their master’s whip with keen anticipation. As for voting in another socialist Tory government, well, it’s the same thing, isn’t it?

Whip me! Ooh, that feels so good! These are the perpetual victims of a British culture that is one profoundly rooted in its own galumptious masochistic joy. Imagine voting in a Labour government with glee knowing that they will decimate your pension fund to throw your money into an endless pit of useless socialist utopian schemes that are not sustainable in any way and will cease to exist when the money is siphoned out by the jackal Labourati hyenas running these parasitic schemes.

There is pure lachrymose exhilaration as Britain’s illustrious history is desecrated by Marxist educationalists and woke media controllers. They call it decolonisation, when in fact, it is a form of book burning utilised by the likes of Hitler and Stalin. The cancelling and re-writing of British history in the interests of woke politics is an evil pestilence that brings many socialist Britons to the point of orgasm.

Brits love to pay tax, and the more tax they pay, the better they feel. Who wants to work hard for their entire lifespan only to have 90% of their wealth siphoned off into some black hole government account to be pissed against a wall? Well, it’s a British person, a born masochist where the infliction of extreme pain and poverty on one’s self is greeted with joyous epithymetic abandon and merriment.

To be whipped in dungeons, stretched on elongating torture devices, hanged, drawn and quartered or simply put in the stocks is a British tradition in sadistic abandon that sates the British masochistic national temperament.

British weather, of course, may be the ideal state of being for masochist Britons, where it pisses down with rain for 85% of the year. Add in the biting cold and freezing wind, and that’s when you see Brits going on their camping trips soaked to the bone and loving every moment of their experience.

It could be the stiff upper lip, another British trait, where when every indignity is thrown upon the British perpetual victim, one only bites the lip and carries on without a chunter, although some may argue this is a virtue, and sign of Stoic strength, others may just call it stupidity.

Anyway, enjoy the next 15 fucking years of soviet Labour misery gloriously satisfying your inherent British masochism as the politics of envy massacre any form of wealth you may own; have another cup of tea, and put on the telly to watch yet another re-run on the official Labour Party propaganda channel — the BBC. It’s pissing down with rain outside, although it’s meant to be summer and some yobs just stole your car from the drive. Smile with joyous abandon and revel in your masochism, you’re British.

Labour Pay-Per-Mile Plans For Entire UK


It does not matter if you have a zero emissions vehicle, you will be charged for every mile you drive down to the centimetre. All motorists including motorcycle/scooter owners will be fitted with specialist trackers by law and your journeys will be charged. The Labour pay-per-mile scheme is just another one of their punishments to motorists and road users that will cause many to either give up their vehicles or move out of Britain altogether. Pay-per-mile is actually an EU scheme that is being slowly introduced into European Union countries, and as always, Labour plans to do exactly the same.

Increased demand for electric vehicles is set to cost the Treasury £13billion a year in lost fuel duty fees by the end of the decade. However, specialists claim that the planned pay-per-mile charge on EVs could generate a whopping £815million in the first year alone.

Additionally, because every vehicle will be tracked, speeding fines will be automatically generated, thus generating even more revenue to the government and local councils. It is estimated that speeding fines could generate over £2.3 billion per annum, in England and Wales alone.

During peak hours and rush hour, the cost of travelling will increase, and road users could be paying as much as £6.50 per mile in some areas. High congestion zones will also see exponential rises in charges for motorists with no limits for the Pay-per-mile scheme.

electric car zero emissions pay-per-mile
Zero Emissions vehicles will not be exempt from pay-per-mile charges.

Sadiq Khan’s London Pay-Per-Mile – Project Detroit

A report published in February 2022, commissioned by Sadiq Khan, set out actions that would move London towards Net Zero carbon emissions by 2030. The report stated that one of the key measures would have to be a road user charging scheme, such as “a simple and fair scheme where drivers pay per mile”.

Sadiq Khan has also spoken about Pay-Per-Mile himself. In his book, Breathe, Sadiq Khan says that “we need to go further – and we intend to. We have plans to introduce a new, more comprehensive, road user charging system.” He has said that the ‘nearest comparator’ for his plans is Singapore, which currently uses sensors on gantries above roads to track and charge cars that drive underneath.

Former Member of the London Assembly Peter Fortune questioned Sadiq Khan on a secret project – dubbed Project Detroit. The project has 157 staff members dedicated to it, and a final estimated cost between £130 million to £150 million. In response to a Freedom of Information request, TfL said “we will be looking to build the system flexibly so that other forms of charging based on distance, vehicle type, etc could be catered for.”

Labour Directive

The new Labour directive is a step towards a modern pay-per-mile road pricing system, serving to finance and maintain good quality infrastructure while reflecting “the polluter pays principle” better. Road charging is an element in Labour’s strategy to increase the cost of transport so that motorists are deterred from driving. Depending on a vehicle’s COoutput the pay-per-mile scheme will increase charges to road users who own large polluting vehicles. Zero emissions vehicles will still have to pay the pay-per-mile charge but at a slightly less cost basis.

Pricing motorists off the road

Along with road tax increases, insurance price hikes and fuel duty increases as well as petrol price increases due to the various wars occurring in Ukraine and the Middle East, the Labour pay-per-mile directive will most certainly push many struggling families off the roads. Some people in rural areas depend on motor vehicles for their survival, but tough luck for them, as Labour gives them the ultimate squeeze of death.

Motorcyclists and scooter owners will also be charged with the mandatory pay-per-mile charges, and their journeys tracked. Labour masterminds want to charge every road user, and motorcyclists have been getting away with murder for far too long in their eyes.

How long before they start charging people for walking or breathing? It’s only a matter of time…

Wealthy are Leaving Labour Britain: Is it Too Late to Move Assets Out of UK?


Thousands of wealthy Britons and savers are moving their assets and wealth to other countries as the election of the Labour government is imminent. The wealthy are leaving Labour Britain. The election on the 4th of July will be a moment many will want to forget, as they sell their businesses and properties, fleeing abroad. There is also set to be a massive brain drain as thousands of professionals, doctors, surgeons, financial workers all move out of the UK to countries that will not rob them blind with inhibitive taxes. As the election looms, is it too late now to make a move out of the UK, and where to go?

Is it too late?

Labour, once in power, will kill off all forms of aspiration with their punitive taxation policies and will utilise stealth taxes to strip wealth from many families who have been diligent in saving and working hard to earn their money. For many Britons, the Labour tax will punish many families needlessly, and this can be seen in their private school fees tax as a prime example of how things for many families will become untenable. It is not too late to move, so start preparing right now. The only people who vote for Labour are communists and people who have nothing to lose.

New Zealand
New Zealand

What to do? It is not too late to make a move right now, because the punitive Labour tax schemes will need at least a few months to get started punishing people.

Sell up, sell everything you have. Sell your business, sell your home, your belongings, your cars. It is easier to make a major move out of the UK if you are light on belongings. There is a very good reason that the wealthy are leaving Labour Britain, they see what is coming. You must also begin to research many key points about the place you wish to move to.

Gold Coast, Australia
Gold Coast, Australia

How to Move Abroad

1. Ensure Legal Permission:
– Verify that you are legally allowed to work in your new country.
– Secure a job before moving if possible, though job offers may be contingent on obtaining a work visa.

2. Work Visa Requirements:
– Some countries issue work visas only for certain in-demand skills or industries (e.g., engineers in Australia).
– Visa eligibility may also depend on your financial status or age.

3. Prepare Your CV:
– Tailor your CV for the international market, emphasizing language skills if applicable.
– Be ready for your UK qualifications to be scrutinized.

4. Move Your Finances:
– Open an overseas bank account before you move, if possible.
– Consult your current bank for assistance in setting up an account in your destination country.

5. Find Accommodation:
– Decide whether to rent or buy. Most expats rent initially.
– Research the property market in your new country.

6. Address Your UK Property:
– If renting, notify your landlord and adhere to lease conditions.
– If owning, decide whether to sell or rent out your property. Ensure your home insurance covers an unoccupied property if needed.

7. Transfer Money Efficiently:
– Avoid expensive and slow bank transfers. Use specialist money transfer services.

8. Apply for a Stop-Gap Card:
– Get an overseas credit or prepaid card without foreign transaction fees for immediate expenses.

9. Consider Tax Obligations:
– You may still owe UK taxes on income generated there. It is better to sell everything in the UK because under Labour you will lose a large portion of your wealth.
– Research the tax system in your new country and register with local tax authorities.

10. Sort Out Your Pension:
– Arrange for state and private pensions to be paid to your new account.
– Note that state pension increases may not apply overseas.

11. Investigate Healthcare Costs:
– EU residents can access local healthcare with an EHIC.
– Outside the EU, consider private health insurance to cover medical costs.

12. Seek Financial Assistance:
– Check if you qualify for local government assistance, especially if you have a family or work in the public sector.

13. Rebuild Your Credit History:
– Start building credit from scratch in your new country.
– Save emergency funds to cover expenses, as you may not have immediate access to credit.

14. Meet Entry Requirements:
– Understand and comply with immigration and visa requirements for your destination country.

15. Popular Expat Destinations:
– Australia: Secure a work visa and job before moving.
– Canada: Plan for immigration processes and local culture.
– European Union: Easier move, but still requires planning.
– New Zealand: Visa depends on employment and skills.
– USA: Obtain necessary paperwork and plan carefully.

By following these steps, you can streamline your transition to working and living abroad, leaving the hell of a Britain under the iron grip of a punitive profligate, Labour government.

Macron F*cked! Le Pen Wins First Round French Election


The French people are sending a serious message to Emmanuel Macron, the current President of France — Fuck You Macron! Turnout for the election has been extremely high for the first round. Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (NR), according to exit polls, has surged ahead in the first round with over 30% of the vote at the snap French legislative election. Le Pen wins a convincing majority of the vote.

The second round of the French election will naturally see some tactical voting to somehow stop the right wing Le Pen party from winning. The second round of voting will take place on July 7 which will confirm the result.

Le Pen called on voters to give the National Rally an “absolute majority” at parliament.

The leftists are of course in a state of panic as Le Pen wins and will have to pull out every trick from their handbags to stop the National Rally party from winning.

Le Pen’s National Rally has been labelled as “extreme far right” but can a political party be “far right” if Le Pen supports Israel and the Jews? If a party is receiving over 30% of the vote, they should not also be labelled as extreme or fringe, but the hard leftists utilise this technique as a form of propaganda. Anything that is edgy these days is labelled as “anti-establishment” and is attacked fiercely by the leftists who control all media.

Why Democrats Must Keep Biden as Election Candidate


The Democrats must keep Biden as election candidate for the upcoming US Elections in November. It is crucial that Joe Biden is the primary candidate in the Democrat Party election ticket for a very important reason.

Yes, there are serious concerns to the mental state and decline of Biden, who is effectively a shuffling cadaver being led around on a leash by his pushy, cruel wife, but that is no reason to dump the mummified corpse of a man who brings vast comedic qualities to the election campaign.

We need more comedy and laughter in this insipid, boring humourless woke world, and Biden brings that in comedic fashion.

Gaslighting dumb deluded Democrat voters

It is also highly entertaining to watch the deluded Democrats defending Biden at every turn, which sort of reinforces the idea that a potato could do a better job than their erroneous pick. If a potato was on the electoral ticket, the Dems would vote for that as well, such is their level of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

The remnants of Sleepy Joe’s brain could squelch out of his left earhole and plop onto the floor on stage during one of the presidential debates, and the Democrat voters would still support and vote for him with no question.

America and the world needs another four years of Joe Biden mumbling incoherently, talking to the air and shuffling around not knowing where he is or what he is saying while unknown people run the actual show from behind the scenes, every day bringing us closer to WW3.