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Shortly after former President Donald Trump took the stage at his campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, “popping noises” sounded off. Trump hit the ground, his agents rushed him off-stage. The crowd is dispersing.







01:25 GMT

The shooter was shot by a counter sniper, which indicates that the shooter was not in the crowd. It is possible that the shooter was using a rifle of some sort from afar.

Someone posted the video below showing a person lying down face up and motionless on a roof on the edge of the Trump rally area. It is not yet confirmed if this is the deceased shooter.

President Trump confirms on Truth Social that he was indeed shot…

The video below from an eyewitness as reported by the BBC – The shooter had his head blown off.

5 Methods Apps and Websites Use “Dark Patterns” to Manipulate Users


Silicon Valley websites, social media and apps are increasingly utilising an arsenal of manipulative and deceitful techniques called Dark Patterns to influence and force web users to part with their money easier, and in order to trap consumers into making purchases they would not normally make.

Dark Patterns

“Dark patterns” refer to deceitful design techniques employed by websites and apps to influence user behaviour in ways that benefit the service providers, often at the expense of the users. These design elements are intentionally subtle and misleading and are crafted to manipulate consumers into making decisions they might not otherwise make, such as signing up for subscriptions, making additional purchases, or staying subscribed to services longer than intended.

Prevalence and Study Findings

A comprehensive study conducted by the FTC in collaboration with international consumer protection networks analysed 642 websites and apps offering subscription services. The findings revealed that nearly 76 percent of these platforms employed at least one dark pattern, with 67 percent using multiple such techniques. These statistics highlight the widespread use of deceptive practices in the digital subscription industry, raising significant concerns about consumer protection.

Common Dark Patterns and Their Impact

1. Sneaking:

    • Trick: This technique involves concealing automatic subscription renewals during the sign-up process or making it difficult to disable them.
    • Prevalence: Used by 81 percent of the analysed platforms.
    • Impact: Consumers often find themselves unknowingly enrolled in recurring payments, leading to unexpected charges.

2. Obstruction:

    • Trick: This tactic makes certain actions, such as cancelling a subscription, unnecessarily complicated or tedious. It often includes hidden or hard-to-find options for opting out.
    • Prevalence: Employed by a significant number of services, with 70 percent not providing clear cancellation information and 67 percent not specifying cancellation deadlines.
    • Impact: Consumers face difficulties in cancelling services, resulting in continued charges for unwanted subscriptions.

3. Forced Action:

    • Trick: Platforms require users to provide payment details to access free trials, which can lead to automatic charges if users forget to cancel before the trial ends.
    • Prevalence: Observed in 66.4 percent of the studied platforms.
    • Impact: Users are often charged for services they intended to try for free, leading to potential financial losses.

4. Social Proof:

    • Trick: Leveraging crowd behaviour to influence individual decisions by displaying metrics about other users’ activities.
    • Prevalence: Used by 21.5 percent of the platforms.
    • Impact: Encourages users to sign up or upgrade based on perceived popularity, rather than individual need.

5. Interface Interference:

    • Trick: This broad category includes pre-selecting more expensive options, using visual hierarchies to promote certain choices, and employing emotionally manipulative language (“confirmshaming”).
    • Prevalence: Found in 22.5 percent (pre-selection) and 38.3 percent (visual hierarchy) of cases.
    • Impact: Users are nudged towards making more costly or beneficial-to-the-business decisions without fully realising it.

Consumer Protection

The study, conducted as part of the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network’s (ICPEN) annual review, underscores the need for increased consumer awareness and protection against dark patterns. With officials from 27 authorities across 26 countries participating, the research utilised dark pattern descriptions established by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to assess the impact of these practices.

The Deadly Perils of Being a Policeman In Modern America


Imagine waking up every day, not knowing whether you are going to be dragged along a motorway hanging onto a car door at high speed or end up shot in the back by some 10-year-old ghetto kid with an AK-47 machine gun? These are the perils of working in America as a policeman. These brave men and women of the police should be commended for the bravery they display in a wild jungle of insanity where each moment of life could be their very last. One moment everything is supposedly calm, the next requires quick thinking and agility of actions. If the policeman acts to save his life, or the lives of others, some States will even attempt to prosecute officers simply for doing their jobs. Being a policeman in America these days is a hazard only the few come away from unscathed.

Buffalo, New York — On July 10, 2024, at about 12:30 a.m., Buffalo Police Officers initiated a traffic stop in the area of Kensington Avenue at Poultney Avenue for an apparent speeding violation and tinted windows. During the stop, officers noticed a 6-year-old boy in the front passenger seat without a seat belt. When asked for his driving licence, 25-year-old Dae’von Roberts admitted he did not have it with him but provided another form of identification. Upon checking the ID, officers found no record of a valid driving licence for Roberts. When asked to step out of the vehicle, Roberts instead sped away, with one officer hanging onto the car door. As the vehicle accelerated to over 60 MPH, the officer drew his weapon and shot Roberts multiple times. Both the officer and Roberts fell out of the vehicle. The officer immediately ran to the car and safely pulled the 6-year-old boy from the front seat. The child was unharmed. Officers on the scene administered first aid to Roberts, who was then transported to Erie County Medical Center where he was pronounced dead. The officer involved was treated for minor injuries and released from the hospital. A subsequent search of the vehicle, which was not registered to Roberts, revealed a 9 mm Taurus handgun under the driver’s seat. Roberts was identified as the half-brother of Jaylen Griffin, a 12-year-old boy who went missing in 2020 and whose remains were discovered in April 2024. Records show that Roberts was recently indicted in June on charges of firing gunshots following a vigil for his brother on April 22. Although no one was injured in that incident, Roberts faced felony charges of attempted assault and weapons possession. He had pleaded not guilty and was released under supervision.

Joe Biden Fully Endorses Vice President Trump


This is getting very sad right now. Along with calling Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, “Putin” now Joe Biden is fully endorsing Vice President Trump. How sad and deluded can the Democrats be to let this charade continue any longer?

Sleepy Joe needs a holiday, he needs to be put to bed so he can stare at the bare walls for hours or whatever he does at home. Give the guy his daily ice cream, feed him his green mush, fuckin’ do something for fuck’s sake.

Where’s Vice President Trump?

The people who have been running this sham for the past four years must have some ideas about how to proceed next? The Obama Team who run America’s daily operations must now dump this guy from the Democrat ticket like a hot potato. They have fooled millions of people for so long, but now the game seems to be up. If they do not fix things soon, the situation will only worsen.

At least have the decency to think of the state of the American nation and its people, as well as the safety of the United States. Anything other than a full dump of this poor, sad and deluded individual is cowardice and a betrayal of the role of the US presidency.

Why Biden Should Not Be Allowed to Make Any Decisions


It would be highly irresponsible and very dangerous for Joe Biden to make any decisions concerning US policy, or anything that may affect government. Even though Biden is supposedly the President of the United States, it is hoped that for the past four years his handlers have been making all necessary decisions to run the government and implement policy domestic and abroad. There have been odd exceptions which have been visible as being unfortunately under the Biden hand, and the evacuation of troops from Afghanistan was a prime example — it was a disaster. After that ‘clusterfuck’ Biden’s handlers took a tighter rein on decision-making.

Who are Biden’s handlers? Well, the walking cadaver known as Joe Biden is just a mere precept to keep the Democrats in power. A US president can only legally serve for two terms in office, so they brought in the practically brain-dead, comatose Joe Biden in so that Obama and his team could have a third term.

If all goes to plan, the Obama team will have a fourth term when Democrat voters (a completely deranged and deluded bunch) vote Biden in for a second term in office. By that time, Joe Biden may have to be carted around in a chair and have strings attached to his lips to make them move as recordings of his voice are played through hidden speakers. Who knows how they will handle the charade? Holograms? Mirrors?

There are murmurs however that the Obama team are seriously tired of this game, and wish to come out of the shadows, but they have been warned by Democrat masterminds that this would compromise the entire operation.

Mass Exodus: Britain to Lose 17% of Millionaires Under Labour


Britain is set to lose 17% of its millionaires over the period of 2023 to 2028 in a mass exodus, according to the Swiss investment bank UBS, which published its annual Global Wealth Report recently. With all the wealth leaving the UK, there is a question — who is going to pay the vast Benefits, NHS, Social Care welfare bill?

Along with the mass exodus of millionaires, there will be a mass exodus of companies, businesses and professionals, adding to the brain drain and wealth deficit.

Britain under Labour will deter business and entrepreneurship and cause many wealthy people to leave these shores but will have an open door policy for poor unskilled migrants from outside the UK seeking UK benefits. This is a reversal of wealth in a country already teetering on the precipice of bankruptcy itself.

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

― Margaret Thatcher

By implementing punitive tax regimes, Labour is shooting itself in the foot because the people who usually pay for Britain’s enormous welfare and benefits system will disappear. The way that socialism works is that capitalist business people and workers have to pay for the welfare system which dominates most of Britain. Essentially, Labour’s idiotic actions will mean that Britain’s already stretched welfare system will not be funded, and as always the people who will suffer the most in this situation will be the people at the bottom of the rung.

UKRAINE WAR: Russians Enjoy Bombing Children’s Hospitals


To the Russians, when it comes to war, everything is fair game. They especially have a penchant for bombing hospitals, women, children, babies, whatever, the Russkies love to murder in cold blood. It is just the Russian way. Russians enjoy bombing children’s hospitals so much they cheer into their vodka glasses with joy. The recent horrific bombing in Ukraine where the Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital was deliberately targeted is an example of the brutal, psychotic actions that make up the Russian military forces, likely ordered by Putin himself. The same happened of course when Putin was helping out his fellow dictator mate Assad in Syria, where hospital bombings were a common occurrence. There is no indignity the Russians will not stoop to when it comes to getting what they want.

Where’s NATO?

However, are the Russians totally to blame here? It is in their engrained nature to commit horrific genocidal atrocities, the question is why does Ukraine not have an adequate missile defence system up and running? It looks like NATO have been dragging their feet in helping the Ukrainians with air defence systems, and are bogged down by European apathy towards the Ukraine war.

While Joe Biden does not know what is going on, or where he is at the moment, one could say the USA is currently out of the picture as well as Europe. Hopefully, one day NATO and its members realise that Ukraine really needs some proper, serious assistance or the hordes of Russian orcs really will envelop the entire country. Once Ukraine goes, the rest of Europe is next.

The West Could Have Stopped Illegal Migrant Invasion But Did Not


For decades, the mass unfettered illegal migrant invasion has been ongoing into Western nations, particularly Europe and the USA. We should call it for what it is, a mass movement of foreign people into Western nations at a pace never witnessed before, akin to an invasion by a foreign army or power. The solid truth is, if the governments of these invaded nations wanted to stop an invasion they would have, but they did not. Why did they not stop the invasion of illegal migrants by the millions entering their open borders? The answer to that question is simple, the Western leaders signed up to an agenda of global integration which would involve the wholesale destruction of indigenous predominantly white populations and culture. What used to be an exclusive West populated mainly by whites had to be destroyed for a truly globalist New World Order. Within the single state of the global NWO there can be no delineation between sovereign states, nations or races. The plan of the NWO is essentially one single entity or state for global government and Western supremacy in culture, history and race was holding the globalist government back. This is why over decades, respective governments in the West have basically opened their borders whilst feigning immigration control. Some, under Obama and Biden, did not even pretend to control the USA border but opened the doors wide open in plain sight. Opening borders wide serves many purposes, for example for governments sympathetic to the globalist agenda, the new illegal migrant arrivals are fast tracked into the population and are now wholesale voters to support that agenda. With each flock of foreigners into a Western country, the primarily left-wing government in charge knows that they just gained millions of voters that the right-wing parties do not have, thus maintaining their hold on power within the so-called democratic system by constantly winning the elections. The primary reason for the influx en masse is the wholesale destruction of the culture and nation from the inside, to make the indigenous population obsolete and to speed up the process of globalisation. Once illegal migrants are domiciled they can bring over their large families and many who come from Third World countries breed at a greater rate than the indigenous white populations in the West. Many Western nations as they stand today are wholly unrecognisable to their previous forms many decades ago, and the destruction of their culture and race is working very well for the global kingpins who envisioned this tactic. Klaus Schwab of the WEF (World Economic Forum) may hate blacks and is currently being investigated for sexual harassment, but his overall agenda pushed onto the West was one of woke inclusivity and open borders. The globalist elite do not have to live amongst illegal migrant peasants from some of the poorest countries in the world, no! They just want you to live amongst them because not only are illegal migrants pawns in a much bigger game, but so are you, in the larger scheme of things. The globalist elite hate you equally as much they hate the illegal migrants, but these elements are mere variables within the global plan. Some countries within the NATO alliance like Japan seem to have circumnavigated mass illegal migration, but they are an exception simply because their society and culture is so tight and solid, it is almost impenetrable. They were given a special get out card by the globalist controllers that other, more pliant nations within the alliance did not receive. Eventually, all national borders and cultural differences will be erased when the NWO comes into overt rule. The EU is a model for this level of integration. The next stage in the process, which is currently underway, is the destruction of organised religions, including Christianity and Islam, and Judaism. The amalgamation of pariah nations like Russia, Iran, N. Korea, China and the Middle Eastern nations. If wholesale war is needed to accomplish this, the elite controllers will have no qualms in bringing forth a massive war, which will also solve some of the overpopulation problems that blight the globe. With finite resources being used up daily by countries like the USA, China and India, it is inevitable that at some point global war, not necessarily nuclear, will prevail and purge much of the population anyway. Governance of a depleted global population will also be easier for the elites, once they exit their bunkers. The essential point being made here is that individual nations and culture will be stamped out, everything will be streamlined as one solid state under the NWO, and to achieve this, the borders of Western nations had to be opened. We are now well into the next stage, which is the beginnings of an all encompassing global conflict that may last decades.

EU to Police Thoughtcrime by Deploying AI “Hate Speech” Scanners


The definition of ‘hate speech’ is anything the controlling body who creates the rules does not like. What can be construed as permissible one day, can be interpreted as ‘hate speech’ another day, simply on the whim of the controllers. What you say one day can be okay, the next day however, you find yourself criminalised. As Juvenal said quite astutely “Who controls the controllers?” or in Latin “Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes”.

AI Big Brother EU Newspeak

The European Union is not known for its ‘democracy’ and is evolving into more totalitarian territory, with frankly scary plans to use an Antwerp based company’s AI advanced Large Language Model (LLM) called CaLICO. At least in George Orwell’s 1984 he envisaged rows of humans altering and checking the news and all communication. The EU no doubt gave this company, funnily named ‘Textgain‘, a huge sum of money to develop their AI monstrosity to police human speech and opinion, further destroying the last vestiges of free speech remaining. Of course, AI ‘never’ makes mistakes, and no doubt people will be criminalised and detained all because of some fucking out-of-control software programmed by woke Marxists, but that’s the EU for you in a nutshell. As is usual in a totalitarian regime policed by AI machines, say the wrong thing, and you will no doubt be unpersoned and taken to Room 101, where you will have a choice of either accepting the evil Stasi regime or be liquidated, all at the behest of an AI software programmed by the controlling woke Marxist totalitarian regime.

Thinkpol EU Directive 35465-8S

CEO Guy De Pauw: “Large language models, especially commercial ones, refuse to process toxic language. This makes it almost impossible to use them to process hate speech. We are now building a language model from scratch that can process this type of content — but without generating it. That’s what makes us different.”

Funded by the EU

Textgain recently received a strong boost as one of the four winners of the Large AI Grand Challenge, a prestigious competition for European AI developers in which 94 international companies participated. It won not only €250,000, but also two million hours of development time on a European supercomputer allowing for much faster new AI model training.

COO Redouan el Hamouchi: “In our digitalized world, there is a growing need for advanced tools to moderate content. Multilingualism is essential in this respect. We are pleased that we can train our application faster, so that it can handle different languages and cultures within the European Union.”

EU globalist International expansion plans

Textgain has great ambitions. The coming year will focus on the development of the AI ‘Hate Speech’ model, with a nominal value of several million euros. With a view towards international expansion, the company will then focus – from a vantage point as market leader – on the further development of SaaS applications.

“We have a unique position in the saturated market of AI providers,” says De Pauw: “Firstly, because we are developing our own language model, instead of building on existing AI models. This immediately positions us alongside major players such as OpenAI, Google, and Meta. We also distinguish ourselves through our academic approach. We work together with policymakers, security services, social organizations and scientists. Reliability and precision are important rather than generic solutions and unrealistic promises.”

Responsible and ethical Doublethink

Textgain remains committed to mapping social problems using AI technology. “The European Union has set strict standards,” says De Pauw.

Biden: “Nice to meet you, my memory resets every five minutes”


Cowardice manifests itself in many ways, the inability to recognise or remedy one’s shortcomings is one element, and in Joe Biden’s limited world, this is interspersed with avarice and greed for power, the irascible unwarranted megalomaniacal arrogance of a frail little man who is blinded by stolen power despite not being able to mentally cope due to his serious deterioration of cognitive function. Forget about putting the safety of the United States or the globe first, these are all secondary issues to a corrupt and deluded Biden family. Of course, Joe Biden is being enabled and led by his equally power-hungry and evil Sicilian Mafiosi wife Jill ‘Giacoppo’ Biden, along with his drug-ridden corrupt son as well as the equally diabolical Democrat Party apparatus including its media propaganda branch. The fact that Biden’s Swiss cheese memory resets every five minutes is not of any consequence, these repugnant cunts are dug in deep with delusion and power hungry madness that pervades over the entire machinery within the halls of Capitol Hill.

If a person’s memory resets every five minutes or so, you can literally be in a room with that person for an hour and meet them for the first time 12 times.

We are literally being led by mad men

Joe Biden’s neural connections in his brain are damaged beyond repair, his entorhinal cortex and hippocampus are shrinking, the cerebral cortex responsible for linguistics, reasoning and social behaviour are all shot to shit. Once these areas are damaged, the other areas of the brain are compromised and the neurons stop functioning normally. Biden’s brain is full of the beta-amyloid protein, a product of the amyloid precursor protein. These elements cluster amongst the neurons, disrupting their function, the beta-amyloid 42 protein is extremely toxic, and Joe Biden’s fucking brain is dripping with this shit. The protein clumps build up over time, forming plaques that disrupt cell function in the brain.

When Joe Biden freezes, he is trying to make a connection that does not exist any more, he then semi-consciously tries again, but when he still cannot make a connection he moves on to another mumbling subject or blurts out nonsense because his brain is a scrambled mess. The abnormal chemical changes occurring in Joe Biden’s brain cause tau to detach from microtubules and stick to other tau molecules much like weeds in a garden lawn or creeping toxic vines they form threads that block the brain’s neuron transport system harming the synaptic communication from neuron to neuron.

Joe Biden’s brain is thus shrinking every day, because as the neurons continue to deteriorate and stop functioning normally, entire clusters of dendrites and synapses connecting neurons die off. This permanent damage causes the brain to shrink as it effectively dies from the inside, it becomes atrophied. One would normally feel sad for a person who is suffering from such a degenerative condition, but because Joe Biden who has been in this state for over four years now is still holding onto the US Presidency, there cannot be any compassion for such reckless greed, avarice and delusion. The same goes for the scum that are enabling this charade to continue. The world is in its terrible state right now because these people enabled a man like Joe Biden in the first place.